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User name Pitt

Log entry time 04:37:15 on August 06, 2006

Entry number 120017

This entry is a followup to: 119784


keyword=Results for new shielding configuration of Herbert's test phototubes (better formatting)

I took some data yesterday on Herbert's test phototube array (after the
lead shielding was added to the two beam right tubes on Thursdya). The
data were taken during the beam current scan run 30221. I was able to
take beam off data and data at several different currents. The numbers
below represent the average of normalized yields at several different
beam currents. The error is the standard deviation of those values.

5 inch left tube: 5.4 +/- .1 kHz/uA
5 inch right tube: 2.27 +/- .06 kHz/uA
2 inch lime-glass tube: 645 +/- 8 Hz/uA
2 inch quartz tube: 136 +/- 11 Hz/uA

I wasn't quite sure which of the numbers in Herbert's earlier log entry
to compare to, so I hope Herbert will post a followup entry showing the
comparison and what the effect of the lead was.

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