Jefferson Lab Hall C Logbook for January 07 - Target

  • Main INDEX


  • 132286 01/31/07 21:09 Louis-tgt Target: Snapshots of the Swing shift
  • 132269 01/31/07 16:02 Louis-tgt Target: Target snapshots for reference
  • Tuesday

  • 132203 01/30/07 23:04 Louis-tgt Target: Snapshots for Checklist
  • 132197 01/30/07 21:38 Williamson Target: Some more instructions for rebooting the "optilogic box"
  • 132186 01/30/07 18:38 Louis Target: Scan of Checklist
  • Monday

  • 132150 01/29/07 22:52 pate Target: rebooted the IOC
  • 132122 01/29/07 15:03 amicherd Target: more info about rebooting IOC
  • Sunday

  • 132054 01/28/07 16:48 pate Target: closed JT valve a touch, to reduce total heat load
  • 132048 01/28/07 15:38 Carissa Target: Shift Checklist...
  • Saturday

  • 131993 01/27/07 15:41 Carissa Target: Shift checklist screenshots
  • Friday



  • 131749 01/25/07 09:12 jschaub Target: Screen Snapshots
  • 131708 01/25/07 00:09 voutier Target: Target IOC reboot
  • Wednesday

  • 131661 01/24/07 15:50 jschaub Target: Screen Snapshots
  • Tuesday

  • 131546 01/23/07 15:47 smithg Target: D2 gas analysis
  • 131519 01/23/07 10:43 jschaub Target: Screen Snapshots and Shift Checklist Scan
  • Monday

  • 131463 01/22/07 17:53 smithg Target: ghtot alarms
  • 131456 01/22/07 15:50 jschaub Target: Beam Trip ghtot Alarm
  • 131453 01/22/07 15:34 jschaub Target: Shift Checklist Screen Snapshots
  • 131452 01/22/07 15:01 jschaub Target: Beam Trip ghtot Alarm
  • 131449 01/22/07 14:49 smithg Target: Tuning heater pid
  • 131447 01/22/07 14:46 jschaub Target: Beam Trip ghtot Alarm
  • 131424 01/22/07 11:58 jschaub Target: Beam Trip ghtot Alarm
  • 131420 01/22/07 10:21 jschaub Target: Beam Trip ghtot Alarms
  • Sunday

  • 131389 01/21/07 23:56 voutier Target: Total heat alram
  • 131365 01/21/07 15:55 Carissa Target: Shift Checklist -- no beam.
  • Saturday

  • 131322 01/20/07 16:35 Anna/Carissa Target: Shift check list
  • 131313 01/20/07 14:55 Carissa Target: ghtot yellow alarm....
  • 131308 01/20/07 12:30 Carissa Target: red alarm this time...
  • 131305 01/20/07 11:55 Carissa Target: second yellow alarm....
  • 131304 01/20/07 11:46 Carissa Target: ghtot yellow alarm
  • 131301 01/20/07 10:46 Carissa Target: Another ghtot alarm....
  • 131255 01/20/07 00:50 muether Target: some information about ghtot alarms
  • Friday

  • 131232 01/19/07 16:08 jschaub Target: Screen Snapshots
  • 131227 01/19/07 15:13 jschaub Target: Another Beam Trip Transient ghtot Alarm
  • 131226 01/19/07 15:02 jschaub Target: Another Beam Trip Transient ghtot Alarm
  • 131199 01/19/07 10:05 jschaub Target: Another Transient ghtot Alarm
  • 131193 01/19/07 08:20 jschaub Target: Alarm
  • Thursday

  • 131133 01/18/07 14:30 jschaub Target: Screen Snapshots and Shift Checklist Scan
  • Wednesday

  • 131064 01/17/07 22:02 voutier Target: gpt8 sensor
  • 131048 01/17/07 19:33 voutier Target: gpt3 and gpt5 alarms
  • 131045 01/17/07 19:11 voutier Target: pt3, pt5 alarms
  • 131039 01/17/07 16:16 jschaub Target: Shift Summary and Beam Screen Captures
  • Tuesday

  • 130905 01/16/07 10:24 pate Target: rebooted target IOC in order to recover correct motor frequency readout
  • Monday



  • 130754 01/14/07 04:16 real Target: had to reboot IOC again.
  • Saturday

  • 130716 01/13/07 11:39 pate Target: had to reboot target IOC
  • Friday

  • 130666 01/12/07 23:50 Carissa Target: Shift Checklist screenshots...
  • 130592 01/12/07 00:04 Carissa Target: Checklist scan -- not done
  • Thursday

  • 130587 01/11/07 23:58 Carissa Target: Shift Checklist...
  • 130522 01/11/07 11:56 jschaub Target: Weird (Hopefully) Transient Alarm
  • 130518 01/11/07 11:39 jschaub Target: Moving Target Out of Beamline
  • 130479 01/11/07 00:20 Carissa Target: shift checklist
  • Wednesday

  • 130444 01/10/07 16:22 jschaub Target: Screen Captures
  • 130443 01/10/07 16:21 jschaub Target: Screen Captures
  • 130424 01/10/07 12:06 jschaub Target: Low Magnet Current Alarm
  • 130421 01/10/07 10:49 jschaub Target: Target and Magnet Alarms
  • 130391 01/10/07 05:17 muether Target: Close JT valve 2 click
  • 130361 01/10/07 00:58 muether Target: Downstream (CAV2) indicator blinking red during >45 uA running
  • 130353 01/10/07 00:13 Carissa Target: Shift checklist/summary...
  • Tuesday

  • 130348 01/09/07 23:47 Carissa Target: Alarms: heat load and temperature.
  • 130329 01/09/07 20:12 Carissa Target: LD2 target now in
  • 130328 01/09/07 20:03 Carissa Target: Moving target into beam: LD2
  • 130307 01/09/07 10:24 jschaub Target: Moved Target Out of Beamline
  • Monday

  • 130269 01/08/07 23:35 Carissa Target: Shift Checklist
  • 130254 01/08/07 21:21 Carissa Target: LD2 target in...
  • 130248 01/08/07 20:41 suleiman Target: Halo and beam position
  • 130226 01/08/07 16:53 smithg & mse Target: LD2 condensed- cooldown completed
  • 130219 01/08/07 14:46 smithg Target: starting transition to cold return
  • 130217 01/08/07 14:22 smithg Target: cool down in progress
  • 130207 01/08/07 11:22 smithg Target: Cooldown delayed till noonish
  • Saturday



  • 130199 01/05/07 16:16 smithg Target: Changed target helium bottles
  • 130185 01/05/07 12:55 smithg Target: Moved target to out-of-beam position
  • Thursday

  • 130149 01/04/07 08:50 kenyon/caruc Target: Pumped out target VJs
  • Wednesday



