Make New Entry, Make Followup Entry

User name Breuer

Log entry time 20:28:34 on February 07, 2007

Entry number 132839

This entry is a followup to: 132838

keyword=Analysis: Program to extract M2/M3 electron efficiencies and rate ratios between runs

I wrote a fortran program, primarily for extracting Cerenkov electron
detection efficiencies from a multiplicity=2 with m=3 comparison; but
the program also outputs the background-subtracted ratios of the
two electron matrices in the two runs.

The program is available for general use (logged in as gzero) in /home/gzero/scratch/scripts/breuer The fortran code is in read_s_exp.for, compiled with f77 read_s_exp.for and to be run with ./a.out (when in the directory indicated)

It will ask for the two run numbers you want to use.

Before running the program you have to create slightly modified summary files using the command: $G0SCRATCH/scripts/run_summary_online_hb 1 ##### G0Pass1 instead of $G0SCRATCH/scripts/run_summary_online 1 ##### G0Pass1 This changes the formatting (number of digits) a bit which is important for low-current runs.

The multiplicity output will be in fort.38, fort.37, and fort.36. The ratios of the matrices, bin-by-bin and as a function of FPD, will be in fort.26 . A combined table for all octants as a function of FPD number with the rate ratios is in fort.25 [this is the table used in the referenced log entry 132838]