Jefferson Lab G0 Logbook for March 07 - Beam

  • Main INDEX






  • 136412 03/28/07 05:59 jmammei Beam: QWEAK: harp scans at 5uA, 1uA
  • Tuesday

  • 136289 03/27/07 12:05 kamyers Beam: QWEAK: Beam down for a while
  • 136236 03/27/07 06:05 jmammei Beam: QWEAK: target boiling test status update
  • 136203 03/27/07 01:54 B. Stokes Beam: RE: FSD malfunction
  • 136202 03/27/07 01:41 B. Stokes Beam: Beam Down due to FSD
  • Monday

  • 136149 03/26/07 11:46 jschaub Beam: Charge Asymmetry and Position Differences from run 34851 - OUT
  • 136148 03/26/07 11:42 jschaub Beam: G0 Cavity Monitor Signals from Run 34851
  • 136147 03/26/07 11:37 jschaub Beam: Coil Modulation Cycle from Run 34851
  • Sunday



  • 136047 03/24/07 22:58 Armstrong Beam: Leakage measurement
  • 136019 03/24/07 12:39 Alex Beam: checklist snapshots
  • Friday

  • 135946 03/23/07 13:36 Alex Beam: shift checklist snapshots (bad conditions)
  • 135938 03/23/07 09:06 jschaub Beam: Charge Asymmtery and Position Differences from Run 34779 - OUT
  • 135937 03/23/07 09:04 jschaub Beam: G0 Cavity Signals from Run 34779
  • 135936 03/23/07 09:03 jschaub Beam: Coil Modulation Cycle from Run 34779
  • Thursday

  • 135885 03/22/07 17:34 Alex Beam: Back to longitudinal with random matrix mode
  • 135883 03/22/07 16:53 Alex Beam: RHWP state in OUT now
  • 135867 03/22/07 10:11 Beise Beam: Mott pol'n completed around 9:30 AM
  • Wednesday

  • 135787 03/21/07 16:31 jschaub Beam: Charge Asymmtery and Position Differences from Run 34714 - OUT
  • 135785 03/21/07 16:29 jschaub Beam: G0 Cavity Signals from Run 34714
  • 135784 03/21/07 16:05 jschaub Beam: Coil Modulation Cycle from Run 34707
  • 135761 03/21/07 12:19 Beise Beam: Update on no beam situation
  • Tuesday

  • 135681 03/20/07 14:38 suleiman Beam: New Pockels Cell x-stage & y-stage values for OUT
  • Monday

  • 135613 03/19/07 14:46 jschaub Beam: Charge Asymmtery and Position Differences from Run 34686 - IN
  • 135612 03/19/07 14:41 jschaub Beam: G0 Cavity Signals from Run 34686
  • 135611 03/19/07 14:40 jschaub Beam: Coil Modulation Cycle from Run 34680
  • 135602 03/19/07 10:19 suleiman Beam: New Pockels Cell x-stage & y-stage values for IN
  • 135595 03/19/07 08:52 suleiman Beam: The Parity Quality of G0 Beam at 687 MeV and LD2
  • Sunday



  • 135450 03/17/07 11:31 jschaub/sule Beam: Wells Plot Runs Summary
  • Friday

  • 135391 03/16/07 15:26 Franklin Beam: LUMI 8 HV found OFF
  • 135388 03/16/07 14:40 jschaub Beam: Charge Asymmtery and Position Differences from Run 34620 - OUT
  • 135387 03/16/07 14:39 jschaub Beam: G0 Cavity Signals from Run 34620
  • 135382 03/16/07 13:14 jschaub Beam: Coil Modulation Cycle from Run 34620
  • 135358 03/16/07 06:29 B. Quinn Beam: It got better
  • 135355 03/16/07 05:51 B. Quinn Beam: Increase in charge asymmetry width
  • Thursday

  • 135332 03/15/07 21:02 Alex Beam: more on beam stability
  • 135327 03/15/07 19:43 Alex Beam: fixing figure
  • 135326 03/15/07 19:41 Alex Beam: the beam is unstable again
  • 135321 03/15/07 17:45 Alex Beam: beam seems to be stable now
  • 135318 03/15/07 16:23 Alex Beam: The beam is off
  • 135316 03/15/07 16:17 Alex Beam: many trips since the beam is back
  • 135307 03/15/07 14:44 jmammei Beam: G0 Cavity monitors
  • 135304 03/15/07 13:51 Franklin Beam: Beam back
  • 135293 03/15/07 08:31 Franklin Beam: Beam off for Mott mesurement
  • 135287 03/15/07 07:34 B. Quinn Beam: Try restarting CODA during access
  • 135282 03/15/07 07:04 B. Quinn Beam: Charge feedback problem
  • Wednesday

  • 135206 03/14/07 14:55 M Jones Beam: Hall C Beam Energy measurement
  • 135193 03/14/07 11:36 jschaub Beam: Charge Asymmtery and Position Differences from Run 34568 - OUT
  • 135192 03/14/07 11:33 jschaub Beam: G0 Cavity Signals from Run 34568
  • 135191 03/14/07 11:31 jschaub Beam: Coil Modulation Cycle from Run 34566
  • Tuesday

  • 135144 03/13/07 20:40 Franklin Beam: LUMI snapshot
  • 135142 03/13/07 20:37 Franklin Beam: Beam Parity Quality Snapshots
  • 135140 03/13/07 20:21 Franklin Beam: unstable beam for brief period
  • 135136 03/13/07 19:18 Franklin Beam: Reset target raster setting
  • 135135 03/13/07 18:58 suleiman Beam: Study of the New HV Switch and the 250 Hz Helicity Flip
  • Monday

  • 135008 03/12/07 13:31 Armstrong Beam:shift checklist snapshots
  • 135007 03/12/07 13:19 jmammei Beam: G0 Cavity signals from 34501
  • 135004 03/12/07 11:48 Armstrong Beam: removed IHWP
  • 135003 03/12/07 11:42 jschaub Beam: Charge Asymmtery and Position Differences from Run 34509 - IN
  • 135002 03/12/07 11:41 jschaub Beam: G0 Cavity Signals from Run 34509
  • 135000 03/12/07 11:37 jschaub Beam: Coil Modulation Cycle from Run 34509
  • 134996 03/12/07 09:53 Franklin Beam: Beam off
  • Sunday

  • 134955 03/11/07 19:24 Alex Beam: shift checklist snapshots
  • Saturday

  • 134895 03/10/07 20:59 Alex Beam: shift checklist snapshots
  • 134848 03/10/07 06:22 muether Beam: Beam off for Hall B tuning
  • 134833 03/10/07 00:18 jroche Beam: still nothing
  • Friday

  • 134829 03/09/07 21:54 jroche Beam: good? bad? tough to say
  • 134827 03/09/07 18:56 jroche Beam: update
  • 134821 03/09/07 16:06 jschaub Beam: G0 Cavity Signals from Run 34454
  • 134816 03/09/07 15:57 jschaub Beam: Charge Asymmtery and Position Differences from Run 34454 - OUT
  • 134806 03/09/07 13:37 jschaub Beam: Coil Modulation Cycle for Run 34452
  • 134793 03/09/07 11:40 jmammei Beam: cavity X values saturating
  • 134789 03/09/07 10:41 jschaub Beam: Changed Good-For Status for Runs 34328-34330
  • Thursday

  • 134743 03/08/07 21:26 jschaub Beam: Charge Asymmtery and Position Differences from Run 34442 - OUT
  • 134742 03/08/07 21:22 jschaub Beam: G0 Cavity Signals from Run 34442
  • 134741 03/08/07 21:18 jroche Beam: no beam for injector work
  • 134730 03/08/07 17:03 jschaub & su Beam: PITA Scan, Run 34441, OUT
  • 134720 03/08/07 14:45 suleiman Beam: Adjusted CAV1 (Up stream) Y Pre-Gain from 11 to 7
  • 134716 03/08/07 14:35 jmammei Beam: cavity monitor plots
  • 134690 03/08/07 11:34 jmammei Beam: G0 Cavity monitor calibration
  • Wednesday

  • 134664 03/07/07 23:51 jroche Beam: tuning hall A first
  • 134661 03/07/07 22:27 jroche Beam: MCC going to pan "B"?
  • 134653 03/07/07 18:16 jroche Beam: no beam...
  • 134652 03/07/07 18:02 jschaub Beam: Charge Asymmtery and Position Differences from Run 34416
  • 134651 03/07/07 18:00 jschaub Beam: G0 Cavity Signals from Run 34416
  • 134650 03/07/07 17:24 jschaub Beam: Coil Modulation Cycle from Run 34416
  • 134649 03/07/07 17:24 jschaub Beam: Coil Modulation Cycle from Run
  • 134642 03/07/07 11:30 jschaub Beam: Restarted Beam Feedback and Realtime Analyzers
  • 134641 03/07/07 11:19 jmamme Beam: monitor calibration added to DB
  • 134637 03/07/07 09:22 suleiman Beam: How to setup IOCSE14 for BCM/BPM Calibration
  • Tuesday

  • 134585 03/06/07 21:40 jroche Beam: halo versus hall A current
  • 134578 03/06/07 19:44 jroche Beam: retracted IHWP between run 34400 and 34401
  • 134571 03/06/07 18:18 jroche Beam: MCC backs out of today's work
  • 134563 03/06/07 16:06 jschaub Beam: Coil Modulation Cycle from Run 34395
  • 134554 03/06/07 13:18 jmammei Beam: IOC14 BPMs during calib run
  • 134550 03/06/07 11:47 Armstrong Beam: IOC 14 misbehaviour
  • 134545 03/06/07 10:56 jmammei Beam: monitor calibration scripts moved
  • 134541 03/06/07 09:52 suleiman Beam: Increased the limits on Coil Modualtion
  • 134539 03/06/07 09:09 jschaub Beam: Charge Asymmtery and Position Differences from Run 34389 - IN
  • 134538 03/06/07 08:59 jschaub Beam: G0 Cavity Signals from Run 34389
  • 134535 03/06/07 08:31 jschaub Beam: Coil Modulation Cycle from Run 34383
  • 134512 03/06/07 00:15 jroche Beam: charge asymmetry quita noisy
  • Monday

  • 134465 03/05/07 10:29 suleiman Beam: G0 Cavity Signals from run 34340
  • 134464 03/05/07 10:28 suleiman Beam: Charge Asymmetry and Position Differences from run 34340 - IN
  • Sunday

  • 134419 03/04/07 22:50 jroche Beam: parity quality/ focus
  • 134415 03/04/07 22:22 jroche Beam: ramping hall A up drives our halo and positions crazy
  • 134412 03/04/07 20:30 jroche Beam: some beam picture: trajectory through the hall + feedbacks
  • 134408 03/04/07 19:39 jroche Beam: starting to receive good beam quality
  • 134405 03/04/07 17:59 jroche Beam: CW=large halo => tuning in progress
  • Saturday

  • 134345 03/03/07 19:18 jroche Beam: online replays afetr Riad's calibration
  • 134344 03/03/07 18:39 suleiman Beam: New IA Slopes
  • 134343 03/03/07 18:32 suleiman Beam: PITA Scan, Hall A IA Scan, and Hall C IA Scan: New IA slopes and new PITA Voltage
  • 134309 03/03/07 12:17 horn Beam: x-position RMS - resolved
  • 134305 03/03/07 09:20 horn Beam: Charge RMS and satellite peaks - resolved
  • 134297 03/03/07 08:22 suleiman Beam: Changed the cable coming from Hall A counting house from BCM2X10 to BCM2X3
  • 134290 03/03/07 07:27 horn Beam: Parity quality from realtime
  • Friday

  • 134264 03/02/07 16:19 pking | sule Beam: Check the 30 Hz Helicity Flip Timing
  • Thursday

  • 134250 03/01/07 18:28 jmammei Beam: monitor calibrations
  • 134239 03/01/07 16:09 suleiman Beam: Fixing the problem with helicity pick-up