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User name Solvignon/M. Jones

Log entry time 11:06:36 on April 30, 2007

Entry number 136505

keyword=Hcal: more test. Please don't stop run in progress.

The calorimeter ADCs (hA1+, hA2+, hA3+, hA4+, hA5+, hA6+, hA7+, hA8+, hA9+) are still unstable. Mark realized that the gate we changed on Friday was the TDC gate for the calorimeters. He also found out that the Fan In/Fan Out output which goes to the calorimeter TDC gate shows a reflection. So he switched to another output. No such problem was seen with the calorimeter ADC gate. Therefore we are reiterating our test with the pulser: now the trigger is on h2Y10+ and h2Y10-, the calorimeter ADCs being tested are: ha9-,hb12-,hA08+,hA09+,hB11+,hB12+,hC05+,hC06+,hD04+,hD05+,hD06+.

All HMS HVs are off (except for h2Y10+ and h2Y10-). The prescale factor ps1 is now 500 in order to take a long run. The number of the run in progress is 63545.