Jefferson Lab Hall C Logbook for April 07 - Full Listing

  • Main INDEX


  • 136511 04/30/07 17:09 saw DC fastbus bypassed
  • 136510 04/30/07 11:59 saw Target: G0 Target archiver stopped
  • 136509 04/30/07 11:55 hcf HMS drifts hot/dead channels
  • 136508 04/30/07 11:53 hcf HMS TDC Fastbus Crate off -- fans are not running
  • 136507 04/30/07 11:51 saw Run stopped - Possible Fastbus airflow issue in hut
  • 136506 04/30/07 11:16 hcf SOS Drift Threshold issue resolved..
  • 136505 04/30/07 11:06 Solvignon/M. Hcal: more test. Please don't stop run in progress.
  • 136504 04/30/07 11:05
  • 136503 04/30/07 10:50 Solvignon Cerenkov: increase HV
  • Sunday

  • 136502 04/29/07 12:57 solvignon Cosmics run with all HMS detectors on.
  • 136501 04/29/07 07:28 hcf changed argon bottle
  • Saturday

  • 136500 04/28/07 00:06 saw HMS DC readout enabled
  • Friday

  • 136499 04/27/07 17:53 Solvignon Changed HMS calorimeter gate --> now ADCs seem stable
  • 136498 04/27/07 17:29 johna Calorimeter stability tests
  • 136497 04/27/07 16:52 beaufait hms drift low voltage fixed
  • 136496 04/27/07 16:47 hcf SOS Drift Chamber HV came up OK.
  • 136495 04/27/07 16:32 hcf Drift Chamber HV *ON*
  • 136494 04/27/07 15:32 hcf HMS Drift Chamber HV -- as found
  • Thursday

  • 136493 04/26/07 16:30 horn HMS slits ok
  • 136492 04/26/07 16:11 hcf HMS Drift Chamber Low Voltage status
  • 136491 04/26/07 15:01 Solvignon Hcal stability test. Please don't stop run in progress (#62522)
  • 136490 04/26/07 11:20 hcf Drift Chamber gas flow now at nominal rate
  • 136489 04/26/07 10:22 Solvignon Hcal stability test. Please don't stop the run in progress (#62521)
  • 136488 04/26/07 09:58 Solvignon Cerenkov:
  • Wednesday

  • 136487 04/25/07 16:56 M Jones Reset and redownloaded the HMS config in coda
  • 136486 04/25/07 16:51 M Jones Hcal stability test. Please don't stop the run in progress (#62518)
  • 136485 04/25/07 16:50 M Jones Stopped run 62516
  • 136484 04/25/07 16:22 saw HMS Chamber readout
  • 136483 04/25/07 12:50 M. Jones/Sol Hcal stability test. Please don't stop the run in progress (#62516)
  • 136482 04/25/07 11:39 hcf Problem with HMS Drift Chamber low voltage
  • 136481 04/25/07 10:55 hcf ARGON/ETHANE NOW FLOWING TO DRIFT CHAMBERS
  • 136480 04/25/07 08:58 saw Reenabled HMS Drift Chamber readout
  • Tuesday

  • 136479 04/24/07 16:34 hcf Drift Chamber gas system status
  • 136478 04/24/07 16:20 gaskell test entry
  • 136477 04/24/07 15:59 gaskell Cerenkov PMTs
  • 136476 04/24/07 15:50 M JOnes Replaced power supply for NIM bin
  • Monday

  • 136475 04/23/07 17:02 saw SOS Scalers worknig
  • Friday

  • 136474 04/20/07 18:22 Jones/Solvig
  • 136473 04/20/07 11:46 Solvignon ADC S1Y10+ OK now (wrong map)
  • Thursday

  • 136472 04/19/07 19:40 solvignon Missing ADC channel: S1Y10+
  • 136471 04/19/07 19:40 solvignon Missing ADC channel: S1Y10+
  • 136470 04/19/07 17:40 M Jones Replaced Phillips 7106 16chan disc camac module
  • 136469 04/19/07 11:08 gaskell Moller target and collimators retracted and locked out
  • Wednesday

  • 136468 04/18/07 18:55 horn Raster readback - resolved
  • 136467 04/18/07 18:49 jamesj HMS Hodoscope scaler mislabelling
  • 136466 04/18/07 16:25 hcf Gas System status
  • 136465 04/18/07 15:25 hcf Gasmaster Interlock now ACTIVE
  • 136464 04/18/07 14:28 M Jones Set HMS Scintillator threshold to 50mV
  • 136463 04/18/07 14:06 hcf HMS/SOS Drift Chamber Threshold Voltages now ON
  • 136462 04/18/07 12:17 M JOnes HMS HS1x+
  • 136461 04/18/07 11:53 saw Stoped and restarted CODA
  • 136460 04/18/07 11:43 saw Raster looks odd
  • Tuesday

  • 136459 04/17/07 11:26 hcf
  • Monday

  • 136458 04/16/07 13:51 saw/solvigno HMS Drift Chamber fastbus working
  • 136457 04/16/07 12:01 hcf ACOPIAN -5V supply for HMS Drift Chambers is dead.
  • 136456 04/16/07 11:59 hcf Drift Gas Gasmaster Detector power restored`
  • Friday

  • 136455 04/13/07 16:44 saw HMS Fastbus slot 19 bad
  • 136454 04/13/07 16:10 hcf HMS/SOS gas status
  • 136453 04/13/07 14:38 Gzero TEst
  • 136452 04/13/07 14:38 saw G0 Logbook
  • Thursday

  • 136451 04/12/07 15:33 hcf HMS/SOS Gas Flow on: Pure Argon for now
  • 136450 04/12/07 14:18 saw TDC stop for Drift Chamber TDC's connected. Possible bad module
  • Wednesday

  • 136449 04/11/07 14:34 solvignon Hodoscope HV: back to nominal HVs
  • Tuesday

  • 136448 04/10/07 11:03 mack check spe response
  • Monday

  • 136447 04/09/07 17:09 Solvignon Some HMS Hodoscope HV increased
  • 136446 04/09/07 13:18
  • Friday

  • 136445 04/06/07 11:40 kenyon SMS: Warmup slowed
  • Thursday

  • 136444 04/05/07 12:36 hcf Drift Chamber gas is OFF.
  • 136443 04/05/07 10:09 hcf drift chamber gas 100% argon -- purging
  • Wednesday

  • 136442 04/04/07 13:07 smithg Target: least count noise
  • 136441 04/04/07 09:18 kenyon SMS: Stopped LN2 flow to g0
  • Tuesday

  • 136440 04/03/07 14:04 kenyon SMS: Started CDHXR warmup of g0
  • 136439 04/03/07 09:22 Fowler HMS Q cold transition complete
  • Monday

  • 136438 04/02/07 09:23 Fowler HMS Q1 cooldown Started
  • 136437 04/02/07 09:22 fowler HMS Q2 cold transition complete
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    If you have any comments or problems, please contact:
    Stephen A. Wood
    (757) 269-7367