Jefferson Lab Hall C Logbook for September 07 - runstarts omitted

  • Main INDEX


  • 142636 09/28/07 16:17 saw Hanging DAQ
  • 142622 09/28/07 11:46 A. Puckett Runs 62506 and 62507: HMS ADC gate test
  • Thursday

  • 142619 09/27/07 17:52 M Jones Run 62505 good bigcal cosmic run
  • 142617 09/27/07 17:33 M. Meziane FPP drift chambers: low voltages
  • 142616 09/27/07 17:32 M. Meziane FPP drift chambers: low voltages
  • 142614 09/27/07 15:03 M. Meziane FPP drift chambers: stop signal delay
  • 142613 09/27/07 14:42 M. Meziane FPP drift chambers: low voltage
  • 142612 09/27/07 14:42 M. Meziane FPP drift chambers: low voltage
  • 142611 09/27/07 14:29 M Jones test run to look at HMS adc gate
  • 142609 09/27/07 11:46 A. Puckett helicity signals
  • Wednesday

  • 142608 09/26/07 16:33 M. Meziane FPP drift chambers tests
  • 142607 09/26/07 15:56 A. Puckett BigCal database updated with new cable map
  • 142606 09/26/07 15:37 romaniip Thresholds for 16-channels discriminators
  • 142605 09/26/07 13:26 A. Puckett helicity signals cabled up in CH
  • 142604 09/26/07 12:18 M Jones Fanned out the quartet signal
  • 142603 09/26/07 09:49 hcf Gas Mixer Status
  • 142602 09/26/07 09:28 M Jones Return trigger cables back to position
  • 142601 09/26/07 09:11 M Jones Ended cosmic run 62501, short pedestal run 62502
  • Tuesday

  • 142599 09/25/07 18:53 M Jones replaced camac crate
  • 142596 09/25/07 14:28 kenyon HMS entrance window and bore vacuum
  • 142595 09/25/07 12:39 A. Puckett Results before/after turning off BigCal (row,col) = (25,11)
  • 142594 09/25/07 12:27 A. Puckett run 62499
  • 142592 09/25/07 11:06 saw DAQ testing done
  • 142591 09/25/07 10:18 saw DAQs down for trigger supervisor tests
  • 142590 09/25/07 09:37 A. Puckett Data from ROC11, 'Max exceeded' error
  • Monday

  • 142584 09/24/07 17:58 M Jones Bigcal pedestal runs
  • 142578 09/24/07 12:32 M Jones Test of pedestals run 62487 with cables swapped
  • 142565 09/24/07 10:26 M Jones Survey group doing an "As found" survey of the BigCal
  • 142564 09/24/07 10:07 M Jones Pulser in HMS for trigger
  • Sunday





  • 142559 09/21/07 18:31 frw FPP: all chambers now on external gas supply
  • 142558 09/21/07 16:53 saw sfigep1 plugged into terminal server port 5 now
  • 142557 09/21/07 16:42 saw tsgep3 scaler server back on
  • 142525 09/21/07 09:10
  • Thursday

  • 142524 09/20/07 18:42 frw FPP: chamber A now on external gas supply
  • 142523 09/20/07 17:50 M Jones run with Roc12 only, took out 100ns delay from cosmic trigger
  • 142518 09/20/07 12:28 M Jones Do run 62428 with roc12 only
  • Wednesday

  • 142509 09/19/07 19:51 A. Puckett Max Exceeded Error follow-up
  • 142508 09/19/07 19:43 A. Puckett 'Max Exceeded' problem in decoding data
  • 142506 09/19/07 16:59 M Jones Run 62413 is bad
  • 142503 09/19/07 16:21 A. Puckett ENGINE responds to run 62413 with profanity...
  • 142502 09/19/07 15:45 M Jones Run 62413 good for peds
  • 142497 09/19/07 14:27 M Jones ROC11 ADCs
  • 142496 09/19/07 12:35 A. Puckett BC peds.
  • 142495 09/19/07 12:34 A. Puckett BigCal pedestals
  • 142494 09/19/07 12:32 A. Puckett BigCal pedestals, continued
  • 142493 09/19/07 12:31 A. Puckett BigCal pedestals, continued
  • 142492 09/19/07 12:31 A. Puckett BigCal pedestals, continued
  • 142490 09/19/07 12:09 A. Puckett BigCal pedestals, continued
  • 142489 09/19/07 12:07 A. Puckett BigCal pedestals, row 29
  • Tuesday

  • 142485 09/18/07 18:14 M Jones replaced adc module in roc11 in slot 20
  • 142484 09/18/07 16:59 Mezianem FPP Drift Chambers
  • 142483 09/18/07 14:09 hcf NOTICE: FLAMMABLE GAS NOW FLOWING TO HALL-C HMS
  • Monday

  • 142480 09/17/07 17:59 M Jones Doing overnight cosmic run
  • Friday

  • 142469 09/14/07 18:00 M jones DAQ status
  • 142461 09/14/07 15:06 M jones Running DAQ at the electronics platform
  • Thursday

  • 142458 09/13/07 11:11
  • 142457 09/13/07 09:34 M Jones Fuse bad in camac crate on electronic platform
  • Wednesday

  • 142456 09/12/07 18:20 L.Pentchev BigCal status
  • 142455 09/12/07 17:49 M Jones DAQ progress
  • 142454 09/12/07 14:21 romanip Slow Control updates for GEP
  • 142453 09/12/07 10:35 M Jones 40 MVA Power Outage for VEPCO Maintenance
  • Tuesday



  • 142451 09/10/07 16:11 M Jones Gep3 electronic platfrom has power
  • Friday

  • 142450 09/07/07 17:05 saw CPU's upgraded for HMS daq
  • 142448 09/07/07 10:29 Lassiter Q3 on Heat exchanger cool down
  • Thursday

  • 142446 09/06/07 17:22 saw Moller DAQ VME crate dead
  • 142442 09/06/07 13:42 saw More CPU's removed for firmware upgrades
  • Wednesday

  • 142440 09/05/07 13:47 saw CODA version 2.6, firmware upgrades
  • Tuesday