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Log entry time 13:24:05 on January 04, 2008

Entry number 148132

keyword=HMS Hall Probe EPICS

The HMS Hall Probe EPICS signals (Q1HallP, Q2HallP, and Q3HallP) are working again.

I was confused about which VME crate in the HMS hut is vmec18. It is the VME crate in the same rack that holds the fastbus crate. There is another vme crate on the floor nearby, which is vmec2, a crate we no longer use. Vmec18 was fixed by replacing the network cable with the one that vmec2 used to use. I didn't track down what was wrong with the original vmec18 ethernet cable. It could have been unplugged at the patch or switch.

The hall probe signals are now being logged. The HMS controls GUI may need to be kicked to start getting them again and the run start/end scripts may need tweaking.