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User name YaLi

Log entry time 00:00:46 on January 8,2008

Entry number 148382

keyword=01/07/08 Evening shift summary

1/7/2008 Evening shift 4:00pm Ya Li, Emil Frlez and Georgie Mbianda.

16:16 After Target IOC reboot, we requested the beam. MCC had problem to reinstall the beam for about 10 minutes. Then we got the beam back and started a production run 67847.
19:11 Noticed constant warnings from ROC14, stopped run 67850. Rebooted ROC 13 and 14, but then ROC11, later EB stopped respondings. Wei Luo came to help. Reboot all ROCs. CODA recovered after reboot. Part of the run 67850 was fine.
19:50 Started production run 67852.
21:38 ROC 14 Error again. Stopped run 67854 with only 114k events (the first part of data is good), reboot Roc13 & Roc14. Recovered.
21:44 Started run 67856.
22:19 Roc11 Error, Stopped run 67856 with 2.3M events, reboot Roc11.
22:22 Roc14 Error, stopped run 67857, first 50K events OK. Reboot Roc13 & Roc14.
22:31 Started run67859
22:51 found 4 edge wires got hot after replay. power cycled Roc14.
22:55 Started production run 67860.

Run list:
run# start end events comments
67847 16:16 17:14 4M Good
67848 17:15 18:03 4M Good
67849 18:03 18:56 4M Good
67850 18:57 19:11 ~1M ROC14 Error, Stopped the run, first part of the run was good
67852 19:50 20:43 4M Good
67853 20:43 21:35 4M Good
67854 21:36 21:38 114K Roc14 Error, stopped the run, first part ot the run was good
67856 21:44 22:19 2.3M Roc11 Error. Reboot.
67857 22:21 22:22 76K Roc14 Error. Reboot Roc13 & Roc14. First 50K OK.
67859 22:31 22:51 1.6M 4 wires at the edge of FPP got hot, power cycled Roc14
67860 22:55 23:44 4M Good