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User name YaLi

Log entry time 15:52:55 on January 9,2008

Entry number 148518

keyword=Day shift summary

1/9/08 Day shift 8:00am Ya Li, Emil Frlez and Hovhannes Baghdasaryan

8:00 Shift started with HMS Magnets Control System. Program fault. Mike Fowler fixed it around 8:40
8:15 Dave Gaskell and Tanja Horn started Moller test
9:38 Started production run 67907
10:30 NMR communication error, stopped run 67907
11:10 NMR problem fixed. Started run 67908
12:10 Roc13 was rebooted
12:33 Roc13 was power cycled
13:15 Roc13 problem again. Roc13 & Roc 14 were rebooted.
13:24 No beam. Beam line vaccum problem.
14:40 NMR lost communication, fixed.

Run list:
run# start end events comments
67907 09:38 10:30 3.9M MNR Communication Error, stopped run
67908 11:10 11:58 4M Good
67909 11:59 12:09 Junk, Roc13 Error, rebooted
67910 12:13 12:33 1.5M Roc13 problem again, stopped run, power cycled Roc13
67912 12:39 13:15 2.9M Roc13 problem again, stopped run, power cycled Roc13 & Roc14.
67913 13:21 13:24 144K beam line vaccum problem, no beam, stopped the run.