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User name puckett

Log entry time 18:00:16 on January 10, 2008

Entry number 148619

This entry is a followup to: 148617

keyword=explanation for BigCal pedestal/ADC hits shift

It looks like in the run in question, the beam tripped off during the pedestal events. There are several parameters in the engine that go into determining the pedestal suppression at the software level:

1) bigcal_prot(rcs)_nsparse (=20 presently): this tells the pedestal determination procedure how many ADC channels to use in the hardware pedestal suppression.

2) bigcal_prot(rcs)_min_thresh (=10 presently): this tells the engine the lowest software threshold to use when analyzing the data. 3) bigcal_prot(rcs)_max_thresh (=25 presently): this tells the engine the highest software threshold to use when analyzing the data.

The ped. width is determined for each run using the ped. events. If 2.5*ped width lies between the limits described above, then that number will be used as a software threshold. If 2.5*sigma is greater than the max, then the max of 25 channels is used, or if it is less than 10, then the min of 10 channels is used. These parameters are user-adjustable and do not affect the data. On the other hand, the "nsparse" parameters determine what thresholds to program into the ADCs. A file is generated for each run, but the hardware thresholds are NOT updated automatically. If you want to update them, then you have to manually copy one of the files generated by the engine and copy it into the file that is used to load the thresholds into the ADCs.

In this instance, the beam current was off, so the engine determined artificially low ped. widths, setting some of the thresholds lower than usual, which is why you get more hits than usual. This is not a problem.

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