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User name Donal

Log entry time 00:01:37 on January 18, 2008

Entry number 148808

keyword=Shift Summary

Swing Shift January 17, 2008 Donal Day Shift Leader Ramesh Subedi (3rd) Georgi Mbianda (TO)

Shift starts with beam off but returns shortly

16:15 Run 67993 "Calibration Data"

16:46 Run 67994, short run

Beam off 16:40

Report from MMC is that the beam got ratty in one of the arcs. Pulsed beam is coming into the hall

16:55 Beam back; setup for Moller

17:09 Stop 67994

17:15 Just beginning setup for Moller

See entries by Gaskell/Horn

20:15 Moller done (backed out)

20:30 HMS dipole lost communication;

Cycle power.

20:45 back up

20:45 Run 68004 Production run stopped for high deadtime

21:00 Run 68005 Production run stopped for high deadtime

Thresholds changed, see log book entry

21:05 Run 68006 Production run stopped normally

22:00 Request access to hall to open up the analyzer

22:30 We have beam permit; waiting for beam

22:35 Run 68007

23:00 Requset an acess to move analyzer back in

23:30 Waiting to go to beam permit (poor communication I guess)

23:37 Run 68009, stopped after 1 minute to set the HV

23:47 Run 68010

Shift ends with Run 68010 in progress

Good shift!!!