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User name puckett

Log entry time 07:59:33 on January 18,2008

Entry number 148842

keyword=Owl shift summary

On owl shift tonight, we have had mostly smooth data taking and stable beam. There have been a few DAQ crashes, several involving ROC14 and one involving ROCs 1 and/or 2 (it isn't clear what happened during this one, at the end of run 68019, but CODA froze up and stopped recording events.

Run Recap:

Run #, Start Time, Nevent, Comment
68011, 00:27, 80k, Beam trips, RF problems
68012, 00:53, ??, Good run, started taking beam without Hall C fast feedback for energy locking, used "regular" energy lock, this helps MCC deliver beam
68013, 01:18, 4M, Good at beginning, not sure about end
68014, 02:18, 1M , Bad the whole time, not sure why CODA let me keep taking data
68015, NA, NA, JUNK run, DAQ problems
68016, 02:49, 4M, Good run
68017, 03:39, 4M, Good run
68018, 04:32, ~2M, ended with ROC14 crash
68019, 05:03, ~200K, ended with strange crash apparently related to ROC1 and/or 2, CODA froze, stopped recording events
68020, 05:12, >3M, ended with same strange crash as 68019, rebooted ROCS 1 and 2
68021, 05:56, 6:20, 1.7M, clean start and stop, MCC takes beam away to do QE test
68022, 06:29, 7:20, 4.0M, clean start and stop, good run
68023, 07:21, , , will run into day shift--No problems yet