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User name Danagoulian

Log entry time 17:17:37 on January 19,2008

Entry number 148969

keyword=Shift summary

All shift was devoted to fix the problem of beam tripping.
1. We replaced the faulty gauge (Dave Meekins)
2. Despite of that we had beam trip when we asked for the beam at noon
3. It was discovered that there was a water accumulation in the Moller
polarimeter region due to meltingice from the Moller target cryo module
4.Target instabilities due to Hall A target cool down
5. MCC decreased beam current to decreased the FSD rate, until the
pumps pump up the vacuum. MCC believed that during the gauge
replacemen there was some air leak (which was true, see 148960,
Gregs report). This leak caused gauge 3H00B trip the interlock, and
would sesse after a few hour.
6. HMS dipole did not trip at all !