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User name hamlet

Log entry time 15:59:07 on January 20, 2008

Entry number 149031

keyword=Day Shift Summary, 20 January 2008

Shift Leader: H. Mkrtchyan; Target: A. Shahinyan; Worker: E. Jenson; Experts: Mike Fowler, Greg Smith, Andrew Kenyon

08:00 Shift started with no beam and problems. There seems to be, according to MCC, problems with vacuum in the beam pipe inside the hall, VCG3H00B.

In addition we have some problem with the HMS Dipole JT5 valve. We must keep watch over the situation on LHe temperature and level. All experts have been informed about status, and they will come soon.

10:00 Mike Fowler, Greg Smith and Andrew Kenyon wnet down in Hall C. Mike will try to fix HMS dipole JT valve problem. Greg and Andrew will exam vacuum problem in beam line and scattering chamber.

10:40 Set Dipole current to 0, dipole power is OFF. Mike working on HMS JT5 valve problem.

10:55 Mike was able to fix HMS JT5 valve problem within 15 min. The valve was stuck at 31.1%. Mike in manual mode was able to reset valve. All now is working fine. Set HMS current back to nominal for 2.0676 GeV.

11:30 Greg turned OFF the Traget high power heater power supply.

11:30 Traget high power heater power now is ON. Greg and Andrew are sure that vacuum problem not connected with the heater power supply. Now they will change controller.

12:45 HMS Dipole tripped OFF again. He level dropped down to 16%. Call Mike, He will come again to find out problem. JT5 valve now stuck at 24.3%.

13:15 HMS Dipole is OFF. He level dropped down to 5%. Mike and Andrew down in Hall, they will try to fix or change JT5 valve.

14:15 HMS Dipole is ON. He level is OK. Mike and Andrew changed JT5 valve.We are going to Beam permit.

14:45 Have 80 uA beam. All looks OK. Take test run for DAQ, all fine.

14:50 Ask MCC for beam off. Will put LH2 target in, and will start data taking.

15:15 After all when we was ready to start data taking MCC again not happy with Scattering Chamber vacuum. They think controller what was replased by Greg and Andrew not good one and wont put back old one. The scattering chamber now show 3.68 x 10^-2 !

15:40 MCC replaced controller, the scattering chamber vacuum show 3.68 x 10^-1 micro. Going back to Beam permit.

16:00 Shift ends without any data taking. All shift only problems, problems...

Runs completed in the day shift