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User name smithg

Log entry time 20:36:44 on January 24, 2008

Entry number 149595

keyword=Target: disabled hcHe_Supply_1_R alarm

I noticed that for some reason this alarm does not remember its limits after a reboot. This thermometer went bad days ago but after each reboot the alarm limits always seem to return to normal values instead of the junk values we want there while the thermometer is on the blitz. So I tried disabling the alarm in the alarm handler this time. Ought to work at least until the alarm handler is restarted.

AM also getting a lot of transient alarms, as has been noted earlier by some of the target operators. Pressure alarms may be due to the colder temps outside and correspondingly lower pressure in the system. I lowered the pressure alarms a little. But still get occasional heater and temp alarms, despite tweaking them somewhat as well.