Make New Entry, Make Followup Entry

User name R. Lindgren

Log entry time 10:06:36 on January 27,2008

Entry number 149972


keyword=Reminder of Shift Worker Duties

During shifts please pay attention to the following and be sure to pass this information on to the next shift.

1. Watch the HMS helium level and maintain fill rate at the JT1 valve in between 4 and 6 % in order to keep helium level in the range 80 - 90 %. This is necessary because the JT5 valve is stuck closed.

2. Watch computer dead time. If it rises abruptly during a run, it is an indication that
one of the ROCs is printing out lots of messages and is about to crash. Check the ROC window and look for which ROC may crash.

3. It is the responsibility of the shift worker (SL) to submit the Shift Summary at the end of the day. Please submit a shift summary.

4. It is the responsibility of the shift worker (SL) to submit ABU, BANU, etc at the end of shift. Also ABU and BANU have to be checked and corrected because the built-in program is not computing BANU correctly.

5. The SL should watch data acquisition closely because of likely ROC crashes. Hall C switch is unshielded and may be causing the problem.

6. The shift worker (3rd person) replays data at the beginning of each run to make sure there are no problems.

Beam current increased to 30 ua. ROC 12 crashed shorty into the run. Reboot and start again. Now ROC 13 and 14 died.