Make New Entry, Make Followup Entry

User name M Jones

Log entry time 14:37:53 on January 28, 2008

Entry number 150122


keyword=Before run 69529 modified ROC12 crl code

After discussion with Peter and Steve, realized the readout of the tdc
must be causing the problem roc12 crashing at the beginning run.
During the pedestal events, the high rates on the TDC must given enough
extra data to make the data buffer for the ROC too large for what was set
in the sfigep2_seq.crl . This caused memory errors which caused ROC12 to
auto reboot. I modified sfigep2_seq.crl so the the buffer size per event
is twice as large and I decreased the time window to 512ns ( from 2048)
and decreased the number of hits in the FIFO buffer per channel from
8 to 4. These changes are consistent with Gep experiment and can
be kept for that experiment.