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Log entry time 09:31:47 on January 29, 2008

Entry number 150208

keyword=Ozone in Hall

With the radiator for E07-002, the beam is producing higher levels of ozone than normal, with levels approaching 0.12 ppm. The OSHA limit for 8 hours of light work is 0.10 ppm. I discussed this with Jennifer Williams of ES&H who told me that this limit applies at JLab. So above 0.10 ppm, access to the hall is only allowed with SCBA gear, below 0.10 access is unrestricted (unless the Hall were to set a lower limit.)

Therefore, when making an access, please observe the Ozone levels on the target GUI. (These are show in ppb, so 0.100 will read as 100 ppb). No one (including Radcon) may enter the hall until the ozone is below ppb. Looking at the last few days, this should take only about half an hour.

If an access is planned, it would be good to arrange lower current running before the access.