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User name hamlet

Log entry time 00:01:37 on February 10,2008

Entry number 150691

keyword=Swing Shift Summary, 09 Febr 08

SL: H. Mkrtchyan;
TO: A. Kelleher/J. Miller
3rd: C. Perdrisat

16:00 Start shift. Continuing data taking on LH2+radiator. Experiment :WACS

16:02 Start run 68693

16:30 Have DAQ problem at the end of run 68693. Need to kill all and restart RunControll. Due to this have two junk runs (68694 and 68695). When I started new run the run numbers shifted to 68696.

16:35 Start run 68696

17:04 Have DAQ problem after run 68696 ended. Need again kill all and restart RunControl, run 68697 is junk.

17:09 Start run 68698

17:37 Start run 68699

18:05 Start run 68700

18:32 Start run 68701

18:59 Start run 68702

19:28 Start run 68703

19:56 Start run 68704

20:23 Start run 68705

20:51 Start run 68706

21:18 Start run 68707

21:46 Start run 68708

22:14 Start run 68709

22:43 Start run 68710

23:12 Start run 68711

23:40 Start run 68712


List of runs:

68693:Production, 15 cm LH2; beam current 40 uA. Events: 2.5 M, dead time 0.24

68694-68695 are junk,

68696: Production, 15 cm LH2; beam current 40 uA. Events: 2.5 M, dead time 0.24

68697: Junk

68698: Production, 15 cm LH2; beam current 40 uA. Events: 2.5 M, dead time 0.22

68699: Production, 15 cm LH2; beam current 40 uA. Events: 2.5 M, dead time 0.23

68700: Production, 15 cm LH2; beam current 40 uA. Events: 2.5 M, dead time 0.22

68701: Production, 15 cm LH2; beam current 40 uA. Events: 2.5 M, dead time 0.22

68702: Production, 15 cm LH2; beam current 40 uA. Events: 2.5 M, dead time 0.23

68703: Production, 15 cm LH2; beam current 40 uA. Events: 2.5 M, dead time 0.23

68704: Production, 15 cm LH2; beam current 40 uA. Events: 2.5 M, dead time 0.22

68705: Production, 15 cm LH2; beam current 40 uA. Events: 2.5 M, dead time 0.22

68706: Production, 15 cm LH2; beam current 40 uA. Events: 2.5 M, dead time 0.23

68707: Production, 15 cm LH2; beam current 40 uA. Events: 2.5 M, dead time 0.22

68708: Production, 15 cm LH2; beam current 40 uA. Events: 2.5 M, dead time 0.21

68709: Production, 15 cm LH2; beam current 40 uA. Events: 2.5 M, dead time 0.22

68710: Production, 15 cm LH2; beam current 40 uA. Events: 2.5 M, dead time 0.22

68711: Production, 15 cm LH2; beam current 40 uA. Events: 2.5 M, dead time 0.21

68712: Production, 15 cm LH2; beam current 40 uA. Events: (continuing)