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User name smithg

Log entry time 08:58:56 on February 10, 2008

Entry number 150716

keyword=Target: bullshit

Got paged at 2 AM because of the esr crash. Walked the operator thru the warmup procedure. Turned off the HPH PS and the fan. Finished around 3 AM.

At 5:30 AM got paged again because the esr was recovered and they wanted to cool down again in order to get another 2 hours of data on LH2. I said I think that is nuts, but that in any case no cooldown can start before all the magnets in all three halls are recovered. SO I asked to be left alone until all magnets were recovered.

At 6:30 AM I was paged again that all magnets in all halls had been recovered. I said I needed to hear from Steve that 2 hours of data really warranted a 5 hour cooldown effort on a SUnday after no sleep, especially since I am signed up for a class today on marine diesel engines given once a year that I was planning on attending with my wife.

At 6:45 I am paged and told yes we need to do it and MCC says they are ready for us to start the cooldown.

At 7 I am paged by Steve that yes we do need to do it.

I come in at 8. I am told we cannot start the cooldown because the Hall B magnet is still being recovered. I also learn that the Hall A magnets have not been fully recovered. In other words I cannot start the cooldown.