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User name Armstrong

Log entry time 19:46:47 on October 17, 2010

Entry number 201232

This entry is a followup to: 201179

keyword=Pockels cell voltages - clarification

Just to clarify what Greg mentioned in his hclog entry....

While we were worrying about other things (DAQ dropping events, Raster turning off, trying to parse more out from boiling studies results from Juliette), I noted that the Online GUI said our beam charge asymmetry was about -60 ppm during runs this AM. If things are not too hectic, it would be nice to "chase" this a bit and try to zero it out (again). I was not, however, asking for a PITA scan, which Mark Dalton has already done recently, just suggesting another tweak to the voltages, using the slope from the recent scan.

Juan Carlos made a nice entry that explains how to figure out what PC voltages to go to:

However, if we are running with the realtime analysis off, then we should first check the results from the most recent offline analysis to see what the present central charge asymmetry value is...

This is not, IMHO, a high priority, but if the swing/owl shifts are not burdened with other issues, they could give this a try.