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Log entry time 09:58:13 on November 24, 2010

Entry number 208389


keyword=General Plan for Thanksgiving weekend, starting today

For the next few days:

1. We will have our usual RC meeting in the counting house "bull pen" today at 3:30. No meeting on Thursday. Meet again Friday at 3:30 as usual.

2. With the machine going into "hot standby" mode by this afternoon at 2 pm, we will transition to having only one shift worker on shift - the Target Operator - commencing as of swing shift today. This will continue through Thursday and the Friday owl shift. We are back on at full strength Friday 8 am, when the beam will be restored. The intent is to leave the hall in Controlled Access during the standby period. There will be a minimal operations team, and we should not plan to enter the hall unless there is an emergency, e.g. target fan trip, until Friday morning.

3. We will run in parity mode at high current through the weekend on LH2. The aim is for a solid 3 days of LH2 data. Straightforward program. Detailed instructions to follow - for discussion this afternoon.

4. Starting sometime overnight during the Monday owl shift, we will reduce the current for Compton studies. Detailed plan to be discussed this afternoon.

5. Monday morning, the hall will be opened up to begin installation of lead preradiators on the remaining 4 main detectors. This may take up to 2 days.

6. Tuesday, there are beam studies scheduled during the day, and operations will be working at getting Hall B up and running, hopefully beginning around 10 am. Under discussion for Qweak is a test program to characterize the fast FB and FF systems in the Hall C line and to optimize their software gain settings. Benesh, Suleiman and Page will draft a plan for discussion. This would nominally be a few-hour program. It might or might not be executable during Tuesday beam studies, depending on the status of the preradiator installation.

Watch this space for further developments !!!

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