Jefferson Lab Hall C Logbook for November 10 - Beam

  • Main INDEX


  • 209264 11/30/10 23:08 W. Deconinck Beam: 140 uA on LH2, 3x3
  • 209257 11/30/10 21:40 W. Deconinck Beam: Tune beam for BCM studies
  • 209249 11/30/10 20:10 W. Deconinck Beam: Setting up beam through the chicane at 10 uA
  • 209196 11/30/10 16:31 W. Deconinck Beam: 1 uA, 12x12 (more W plug hits this way)
  • 209193 11/30/10 16:27 W. Deconinck Beam: 1 uA, 3x3 for raster map
  • 209170 11/30/10 12:11 Page Beam: Update - beam can be available after 2 pm
  • 209160 11/30/10 08:33 Pitt Beam: More on the relation between MD asymmetry widths and BCM noise
  • Monday

  • 209094 11/29/10 22:02 Page Beam: RF problems - negotiated compromise for tonight
  • 209043 11/29/10 14:46 Page / Birch Beam: Beam Positions for 7C and 9B locks
  • 209024 11/29/10 10:36 Pitt Beam: Oops: incorrect double difference plots
  • 209017 11/29/10 07:16 Pitt Beam: Comments on BCM double differences
  • Sunday

  • 208969 11/28/10 20:57 benesch Beam: hcrate14 is STILL changing even though beam is out of Compton
  • 208968 11/28/10 20:47 Pitt Beam: Revised test plan for halo target centering/calibration
  • 208962 11/28/10 19:51 benesch Beam: tiny beam at Compton interaction point
  • 208947 11/28/10 17:46 benesch Beam: SL phase is unstable
  • 208946 11/28/10 17:43 Page Beam: Halo etc
  • 208900 11/28/10 13:17 dalton Beam: Correlated and anti-correlated
  • 208883 11/28/10 12:07 Pitt Beam: Halo 4 correlated with Compon photon detector trip
  • Saturday

  • 208793 11/27/10 21:03 benesch Beam: transmission oscillating with fifteen minute period
  • Friday

  • 208541 11/26/10 11:38 Page Beam: Injector transmission is really good
  • 208513 11/26/10 09:39 Page Beam: Beam is back at 140 uA CW
  • Thursday



  • 208390 11/24/10 10:06 kamyers Beam: BPM plots for Run 7508: FFB ON, FF OFF
  • 208376 11/24/10 08:25 Pitt Beam: Test plan for halo target centering/calibration
  • 208363 11/24/10 06:39 Pitt Beam: Halo 4 rates back to their "good" values
  • Tuesday



  • 208072 11/22/10 18:36 W. Deconinck Beam: Back to quartets at 960 Hz (late entry)
  • 208057 11/22/10 17:42 W. Deconinck Beam: Switched helicity board to octoquads
  • 208042 11/22/10 13:43 suleiman Beam: Hall C FFB was not responding during at this time
  • 208033 11/22/10 11:59 W. Deconinck Beam: Dave Mack messing with BCM signals as of 11:59am
  • 207968 11/22/10 01:14 narayan Beam: all HV (MD , Lumi) turned off
  • Sunday

  • 207841 11/21/10 07:21 benesch Beam: peak at 240 Hz
  • Saturday

  • 207787 11/20/10 20:40 benesch Beam: elog entry with harp scans for big spot
  • 207767 11/20/10 18:13 W. Deconinck Beam: Current restriction during Carbon tests
  • 207762 11/20/10 17:43 W. Deconinck Beam: Carbon target run plan
  • 207756 11/20/10 16:05 benesch Beam: FFB gain
  • 207691 11/20/10 08:41 benesch Beam: Accelerator modulation frequencies
  • 207684 11/20/10 08:13 benesch Beam: angle scan plots and spreadsheet
  • 207679 11/20/10 07:35 saw Beam: Variables to look at instead of qw:exitwindow
  • Friday

  • 207467 11/19/10 10:57 benesch Beam: two changes by Ops: YSOFs and slow lock
  • 207423 11/19/10 06:32 benesch Beam: forwarded BPM questions to controls group
  • 207422 11/19/10 06:24 benesch Beam: SOF values from allsaves since 11/10/10
  • Thursday

  • 207318 11/18/10 19:00 Benesch Beam: ion pump on/off test
  • 207249 11/18/10 10:03 Benesch Beam: 3H04 is DOWNSTREAM of fast raster
  • 207244 11/18/10 08:55 W. Deconinck Beam: Triple beam spot in 3H04 on FastSEE (?)
  • 207243 11/18/10 08:50 W. Deconinck Beam: Realtime FastSEE FFTs on Hall BPMs
  • Wednesday



  • 206920 11/16/10 21:47 A. Micherdzi Beam: ELectron detector studies are finished, beam is down -- problem with e- gun.
  • 206910 11/16/10 19:08 A. Micherdzi Beam: Beam is back -- electron detector study continues
  • 206907 11/16/10 18:41 A. Micherdzi Beam: no beam: MCC is doing slow orbit corrections
  • 206876 11/16/10 15:20 Benesch Beam: another 9.5 kHz suspect - pre-buncher
  • 206874 11/16/10 15:11 benesch Beam: it's not clear the 9.5 kHz source was found
  • 206870 11/16/10 14:59 rob Beam: Wien angle changed; vertical noise source identified and removed
  • 206840 11/16/10 10:33 saw Beam: Buddhini Beam Projection script ported to EPICS
  • Monday

  • 206769 11/15/10 23:59 A. Micherdzi Beam: Matching it time Parity and Injector runs (formatted 206765 entry)
  • 206765 11/15/10 23:36 A. Micherdzi Beam: Matching it time Parity and Injector runs
  • 206662 11/15/10 11:12 saw Beam: BPMs added to Hall C EPICS archiver
  • Sunday

  • 206539 11/14/10 23:06 W. Deconinck Beam: QTOR FSD works as intended
  • 206527 11/14/10 21:26 W. Deconinck Beam: Increased beam current ramp rate to 1.5 uA / s
  • 206522 11/14/10 20:50 W. Deconinck Beam: BCM gain settings at 2 for both BCM1 and BCM2
  • 206481 11/14/10 17:42 benesch Beam: Moller tune changes the last two quads in the line
  • 206454 11/14/10 16:01 saw Beam: Beam ramp up rate
  • 206312 11/14/10 05:51 covrig Beam: exit window simulation
  • Saturday

  • 206046 11/13/10 11:58 benesch Beam: better lines with IPM3H07A reduced by 1 too
  • 206037 11/13/10 11:33 benesch Beam: if the beam is a straight line, 3H08.Y is 1.4mm high
  • 205959 11/13/10 06:50 benesch Beam: IPM3H08 vertical offset is wrong by about 1.4mm
  • Friday

  • 205685 11/12/10 18:48 Micherdzinsk Beam: We started BPM pedestal calibration
  • 205640 11/12/10 16:12 saw Beam: Added calculated beam position variables to EPICS archiver
  • 205632 11/12/10 15:01 benesch Beam: survey offsets input for last six BPMs
  • 205618 11/12/10 13:03 rob Beam: observations during inspection of the hall
  • 205568 11/12/10 06:53 jdiefen Beam: MCC moved harp 3h07a
  • 205567 11/12/10 06:44 jdiefen Beam: MCC asks to send 5 muA beam into hall
  • Thursday

  • 205485 11/11/10 22:58 benesch Beam: It's not pretty
  • 205438 11/11/10 18:44 benesch Beam: DAQ problem for IPM3C20?
  • 205402 11/11/10 11:41 benesch Beam: beamline between 3H07 and 3H09 went up to air
  • 205400 11/11/10 11:36 benesch Beam: four back-up modulation MAT correctors disconnected; harp 3H09B has carbon wire
  • 205398 11/11/10 10:32 saw Beam: Exit window EPICS value not a reflection of reality
  • 205390 11/11/10 09:22 rob Beam: bpm replacement status: bleeding the beamline
  • Wednesday

  • 205280 11/10/10 19:16 benesch Beam: hall C optics exploration mostly moot
  • 205271 11/10/10 17:50 saw Beam: Historical Exit window temperatures
  • 205268 11/10/10 17:34 Micherdzinsk Beam: We have beam back, Jay takes over to do beam optics study.
  • 205266 11/10/10 17:28 Micherdzinsk Beam: MCC sends tune beam now
  • 205251 11/10/10 13:42 gaskell Beam: inserted 30 db attenuator for BCM17
  • Tuesday

  • 205026 11/09/10 16:55 saw Beam: ibcm5 and ibcm6 added to vmec15 EPICS server
  • Monday

  • 204822 11/08/10 18:58 dalton Beam: RHWP changed to 1850
  • 204760 11/08/10 13:20 benesch Beam: 3H09 girder stuff
  • 204731 11/08/10 09:08 benesch Beam: harp and IPM3H09B exploration
  • Sunday

  • 204649 11/07/10 20:23 benesch Beam: impose only partial correction?
  • 204645 11/07/10 20:18 W. Deconinck Beam: 50 uA, LH2, continued QTOR off data taking
  • 204638 11/07/10 19:35 W. Deconinck Beam: Still no resolution ion beam dump IOC, expert is coming in
  • 204610 11/07/10 17:41 W. Deconinck Beam: 50 uA, LH2, continued production running
  • 204507 11/07/10 08:35 Gericke Beam: Feedback
  • 204506 11/07/10 08:35 Gericke Beam: Feedback
  • 204489 11/07/10 06:39 benesch Beam: Pockel Cell +HV Alarm
  • Saturday

  • 204290 11/06/10 21:34 W. Deconinck Beam: FFB on, FF on again
  • 204204 11/06/10 16:39 W. Deconinck Beam: Requested beam permit again
  • 204198 11/06/10 16:16 W. Deconinck Beam: Controlled access for rad con badge removal (Mack)
  • 204118 11/06/10 12:15 Gericke Beam: BPM positions, once again
  • 204097 11/06/10 11:34 Gericke Beam: Wrong figure for miss-alligned beam on W plug
  • 204096 11/06/10 11:29 Gericke Beam: Beam centering on tungsten plug
  • 204093 11/06/10 11:24 Gericke Beam: Centering on tungsten plug not even close
  • Friday

  • 203870 11/05/10 14:50 saw Beam: Reboot vmec15 for BCM gain change
  • 203861 11/05/10 14:37 gaskell Beam: BCM gains set to 2
  • 203849 11/05/10 13:32 saw Beam: Beam modulation variables in EPICS archiver
  • Thursday





  • 203551 11/02/10 13:18 benesch Beam: IPM3H09B offset changed again, along with hardware
  • Monday