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User name Ramesh

Log entry time 18:39:25 on February 08, 2011

Entry number 219129

keyword=Analysis: cavity bcm asymmetry double difference after Feb 03 electronics change

The following table shows a double difference in asymmetry for different bcm combinations for runs before and after the electronics change in cavity BCMs in Feb 03, 2011. There seems to be improvement in BCM1-6 and BCM2-6 combinations only.

Run    BCM1-2  BCM1-5  BCM1-6  BCM2-5  BCM2-6 BCM 5-6 Currnt [uA]

After the cavity electroincs change in Feb 03, 2011

9803   118     195     159     197     160    88      150
9802   115     196     159     197     160    90      150
9798   118     198     162     199     163    91      150
9795   119     197     162     198     163    91      150

Before the cavity electroincs change in Feb 03, 2011

9605   115     205     218     205     218    83      150  	      
9601   115     201     216     202     216    80      150   
9597   118     202     216     203     216    78      150
9596   119     205     217     206     218    80      150