Jefferson Lab Hall C Logbook for February 11 - Full Listing

  • Main INDEX


  • 222107 02/28/11 19:52 leacock dslumi current mode bases bnc connectors replaced
  • 222106 02/28/11 18:51 jhlee check 20MHz clock signals
  • 222105 02/28/11 17:31 jhlee reboot
  • 222104 02/28/11 16:59 cdaq Run 10270: MD fake signal run
  • 222103 02/28/11 16:46 cdaq End of Run 10269:
  • 222102 02/28/11 16:44 cdaq Run 10269: MD fake signal run
  • 222101 02/28/11 16:43 cdaq End of Run 10268:
  • 222100 02/28/11 16:07 rakithab cdaqlX: QwPromptSummary is updated to the revision 2584
  • 222099 02/28/11 12:42 cdaq Run 10268: MD fake signal run
  • 222098 02/28/11 12:41 cdaq End of Run 10267:
  • 222097 02/28/11 11:06 rob md5+ problem was cabling error after Friday's gain measurements.
  • 222096 02/28/11 11:04 cdaq Run 10267: MD fake signal run
  • 222095 02/28/11 11:03 cdaq End of Run 10266:
  • 222094 02/28/11 10:42 cdaq Run 10266: MD fake signal run
  • 222093 02/28/11 10:37 cdaq End of Run 10265:
  • 222092 02/28/11 10:35 cdaq Run 10265: MD fake signal run
  • 222091 02/28/11 10:25 rob screenshots for shift checklist. HV problem
  • 222089 02/28/11 09:32 cdaq Run 10264: MD fake signal run
  • 222088 02/28/11 09:31 cdaq End of Run 10263:
  • Sunday

  • 222087 02/27/11 21:04 rajotte slug history plots updated
  • 222086 02/27/11 12:54 cdaq Run 10263: MD fake signal run
  • 222085 02/27/11 12:53 cdaq End of Run 10262:
  • 222084 02/27/11 12:39 cdaq Run 10262: MD fake signal run
  • 222083 02/27/11 12:36 cdaq End of Run 10261:
  • Friday

  • 222082 02/25/11 23:16 V. Tvaskis Compton: Beam Polarization
  • 222081 02/25/11 23:00 cdaq Run 10261: MD fake signal run
  • 222080 02/25/11 22:59 cdaq End of Run 10260:
  • 222079 02/25/11 20:21 buddhini Updated the QwGUI to revision 2576 (latest)
  • 222078 02/25/11 19:36 rob Late entry: Measured gain curves for four MD PMTs
  • 222077 02/25/11 19:26 rob beam-off DAQ running: md fake signal asymmetries
  • 222076 02/25/11 18:55 cdaq Run 10260: MD fake signal run
  • 222075 02/25/11 18:52 cdaq Run 10259: MD fake signal run
  • 222074 02/25/11 18:51 cdaq End of Run 10258:
  • 222073 02/25/11 18:06 cdaq Run 10254: MD fake signal run
  • 222072 02/25/11 18:05 cdaq End of Run 10253:
  • 222071 02/25/11 18:01 benesch Beam: yes to new slug #
  • 222070 02/25/11 17:59 brads "~cdaq/bin/everything" and "~cdaq/bin/generaltools" point at cdaql6 now
  • 222069 02/25/11 17:50 brads cdaql3 data are back online at cdaql2:/cdaql3_backup/
  • 222068 02/25/11 17:08 beaufait Qtor update
  • 222067 02/25/11 17:05 smithg Target: powered off heater power supplies & pump controller
  • 222066 02/25/11 16:59 smithg All shifts cancelled through Monday day shift
  • 222065 02/25/11 16:58 cdaq Run 10253: MD fake signal run
  • 222064 02/25/11 16:57 cdaq Beam Time Accounting
  • 222063 02/25/11 16:32 Ramesh hall A beam history
  • 222062 02/25/11 16:28 cdaq End of Run 10252:
  • 222061 02/25/11 16:25 beaufait Qtor
  • 222060 02/25/11 15:29 rob cordless phones x5273 in the hall are dead or dying
  • 222059 02/25/11 15:26 Kowalski Shift Summary: Day Shift Summary
  • 222058 02/25/11 14:45 jmammei updated slug numbers in DB
  • 222057 02/25/11 14:31 cdaq Run 10252: Pedestal Run
  • 222056 02/25/11 14:30 cdaq End of Run 10251:
  • 222055 02/25/11 14:14 cdaq Run 10251: MD CM LED checkout
  • 222054 02/25/11 12:30 covrig Target: moved HOME, cool-down postponed to next week
  • 222053 02/25/11 11:24 smithg Target: picture showing no ice
  • 222052 02/25/11 11:23 smithg qtor update: looking extremely bad
  • 222051 02/25/11 11:10 Ramesh bcm6 coming back: problem traced to a bad relay box
  • 222050 02/25/11 11:07 jmammei Hall A charge asym and pos. diff.
  • 222049 02/25/11 11:04 smithg Target: No ice observed on target cell. Cooldown prospects dim cuz of qtor.
  • 222048 02/25/11 11:03 saw Hall C iocs have been rebooted
  • 222047 02/25/11 10:14 Kowalski
  • 222046 02/25/11 10:07 saw vmec15 archiving problems
  • 222045 02/25/11 10:00 M Jones Target: Closed target 15K warm return, then opened 15K return
  • 222044 02/25/11 09:32 dalton Beam: Hall A IA back
  • 222043 02/25/11 09:32 smithg recovery status
  • 222042 02/25/11 08:50 saw Clue on archiving of vmec15 EPICS
  • 222041 02/25/11 08:14 korkmaz owl Shift summary
  • 222040 02/25/11 08:08 kenyon Hall pump status after power failure
  • 222039 02/25/11 07:56 cdaq Beam Time Accounting
  • 222038 02/25/11 07:45 korkmaz pumps restarted and vacuum read out reinstated
  • 222037 02/25/11 07:17 narayan Compton: Compton ROC0, ROC1, ROC2 and NIM crate has been powered down
  • 222036 02/25/11 07:11 korkmaz Another power glitch!
  • 222035 02/25/11 07:07 narayan Target: e-detector parked again
  • 222034 02/25/11 07:05 korkmaz HV and Gen. Tools
  • 222033 02/25/11 07:03 narayan Target: Andy on his way to check the vacuum pump status
  • 222032 02/25/11 06:46 korkmaz update
  • 222031 02/25/11 06:46 neven Target: Screeshot showing JT valves closed
  • 222030 02/25/11 06:23 narayan frozen readout boxes
  • 222029 02/25/11 06:22 neven Latest information from ESR
  • 222028 02/25/11 06:16 narayan Target: attempt to isolate Target still in progress
  • 222027 02/25/11 06:10 neven Target: Related screen snapshot (last hour)
  • 222026 02/25/11 05:53 narayan Target: 15k JT closed completely, 4k JT closed to 9%, pump turned OFF
  • 222025 02/25/11 05:51 smithg Target: dangerous 15K supply temps
  • 222024 02/25/11 05:18 korkmaz plots for run 10250
  • 222023 02/25/11 05:13 narayan Target: both Heater turned OFF
  • 222022 02/25/11 05:05 neven Target: An other screen snapshot after power failure
  • 222021 02/25/11 04:51 korkmaz major power failure
  • 222020 02/25/11 04:45 neven Target:
  • 222019 02/25/11 04:27 cdaq End of Run 10250:
  • 222018 02/25/11 04:17 cdaq Compton Run 21019: 150 uA, HV=1700 V IHWP=IN
  • 222017 02/25/11 04:16 cdaq Compton End of Run 21018:
  • 222016 02/25/11 04:16 Neven Target: Tungsten plug temperature
  • 222015 02/25/11 04:16 cdaq Run 10250: LH2 Production 150 uA, IHWP IN
  • 222014 02/25/11 04:15 cdaq End of Run 10249:
  • 222013 02/25/11 03:51 cdaq Compton Run 21018: 150 uA, HV=1700 V IHWP=IN
  • 222012 02/25/11 03:38 korkmaz plots for run 10249
  • 222011 02/25/11 03:26 narayan Compton: e-detector lowered
  • 222010 02/25/11 03:11 cdaq Run 10249: LH2 Production 150 uA, IHWP IN
  • 222009 02/25/11 03:09 cdaq End of Run 10248:
  • 222008 02/25/11 02:52 korkmaz plots for run 10248
  • 222007 02/25/11 02:36 rajotte End of injector run 2231
  • 222006 02/25/11 02:33 rajotte real time GUI injector run 2232 (PC ON)
  • 222005 02/25/11 02:24 rajotte first100k of run 10247 (PC off)
  • 222004 02/25/11 02:07 korkmaz back to normal production running with pockets cell ON
  • 222003 02/25/11 02:05 cdaq Run 10248: LH2 Production 150 uA, IHWP IN
  • 222002 02/25/11 02:03 buddhini Turned on the hall A IA again
  • 222001 02/25/11 02:00 cdaq End of Run 10247:
  • 222000 02/25/11 02:00 rajotte injector run 2231 real time GUI
  • 221999 02/25/11 01:57 korkmaz injector run 2231 with pockets cell off started at 1:40 am
  • 221998 02/25/11 01:56 buddhini Turned off Hall A IA to retake PC off test
  • 221997 02/25/11 01:48 korkmaz another pockets cell off run
  • 221996 02/25/11 01:41 cdaq Run 10247: Pockets cell off run - Hall A IA OFF
  • 221995 02/25/11 01:35 paschke Huge asymmetries with pockels cell off - Explained!
  • 221994 02/25/11 01:35 cdaq End of Run 10246:
  • 221993 02/25/11 01:23 cdaq Run 10246: LH2 Production 150 uA, IHWP IN
  • 221992 02/25/11 01:22 cdaq Compton End of Run 21017:
  • 221991 02/25/11 01:21 cdaq End of Run 10245:
  • 221990 02/25/11 01:15 Korkmaz BCM calibration beam current strip chart
  • 221989 02/25/11 00:36 buddhini Y position differences in last plot is in micro meters and not in nano meters.
  • 221988 02/25/11 00:33 jhlee 150 uA is the maximum current that MCC can send to us tonight
  • 221987 02/25/11 00:29 cdaq Beam Time Accounting
  • 221986 02/25/11 00:27 buddhini Analysis plots for PC off run 10244
  • 221985 02/25/11 00:08 neven Target: Screen shots at the begining of the shift
  • 221984 02/25/11 00:07 jhlee Swing Shift summary
  • 221983 02/25/11 00:03 buddhini Target screen shots at the end of the swing shift
  • Thursday

  • 221982 02/24/11 23:39 jhlee injector run 2230 is started during bcm calibration
  • 221981 02/24/11 23:37 buddhini Injector real time plots taken during the PC off run
  • 221980 02/24/11 23:36 cdaq Compton Run 21017: BCM calibration
  • 221979 02/24/11 23:36 cdaq Run 10245: BCM calibration
  • 221978 02/24/11 23:30 jhlee start to analyze injector run 2229 on ou-qweak4
  • 221977 02/24/11 23:25 jhlee charge asymmetry during pockels off
  • 221976 02/24/11 23:25 saw Beam current flat lining in Hall C archiver
  • 221975 02/24/11 23:25 buddhini injector run 2229 during PC off
  • 221974 02/24/11 23:22 buddhini Reloaded the alarm handler limits
  • 221973 02/24/11 23:10 jhlee HV and General tools during pockels cell truned off
  • 221972 02/24/11 22:58 cdaq End of Run 10244:
  • 221971 02/24/11 22:41 buddhini BPM positions
  • 221970 02/24/11 22:37 cdaq Run 10244: Pockels cell turned off
  • 221969 02/24/11 22:27 buddhini Moved to LH2 target
  • 221968 02/24/11 22:05 cdaq End of Run 10243:
  • 221967 02/24/11 21:24 cdaq Run 10243: Harp scan, and beam tuning DS-0.5-C
  • 221966 02/24/11 21:04 jhlee Moeller GUI screenshot
  • 221965 02/24/11 20:40 buddhini Moved to DS-0.5% Carbon target
  • 221964 02/24/11 20:38 cdaq Run 10242: Harp scan, and beam tuning DS-0.5-C
  • 221963 02/24/11 20:23 Ramesh Non-functional heat tape: the cause for bcm6 current loss, no reliability of bcm6 starting run 10120
  • 221962 02/24/11 20:23 jhlee I move the scanner to 0,0 position
  • 221961 02/24/11 20:23 buddhini Target screens at middle of swing shift
  • 221960 02/24/11 20:03 jhlee Beam modulation was off during Moeller runs
  • 221959 02/24/11 19:59 magee Moller collimator 1 reset
  • 221958 02/24/11 19:36 rakithab cdaqlX: devel/Extensions/GUI/RealTimeGUIView is updated to the revision 2570.
  • 221957 02/24/11 19:32 magee/hoskin Moller study preliminary results
  • 221956 02/24/11 19:24 smithg Run plan for tonight & tomorrow
  • 221955 02/24/11 19:19 magee/hoskin Moller backing out
  • 221954 02/24/11 19:03 cdaq Moller Run 874: Moller IHWP=OUT
  • 221953 02/24/11 18:56 cdaq Moller Run 873: Moller IHWP=OUT
  • 221952 02/24/11 18:54 buddhini Weird behaviour of the ionchamber rates
  • 221951 02/24/11 18:50 cdaq Moller Run 872: Moller IHWP=OUT
  • 221950 02/24/11 18:41 cdaq Moller Run 871: Moller IHWP=IN
  • 221949 02/24/11 18:27 cdaq Moller Run 870: Moller IHWP=OUT
  • 221948 02/24/11 18:19 cdaq Moller Run 869: Moller IHWP=OUT
  • 221947 02/24/11 18:11 cdaq Moller Run 868: Moller IHWP=OUT
  • 221946 02/24/11 18:09 cdaq Moller Run 867: Tune check
  • 221945 02/24/11 18:04 cdaq Moller Run 866: Moller IHWP=out
  • 221944 02/24/11 18:02 cdaq Moller Run 865: Moller IHWP=out
  • 221943 02/24/11 18:01 cdaq End of Run 10241:
  • 221942 02/24/11 16:51 jhoskins Cyro & BCM settings for Moller
  • 221941 02/24/11 16:48 jhlee Start Moeller measurement.
  • 221940 02/24/11 16:47 cdaq Run 10241: Feedback TEST
  • 221939 02/24/11 16:44 cdaq End of Run 10240:
  • 221938 02/24/11 16:38 cdaq Run 10240: Run with tune beam after Qtor was fixed
  • 221937 02/24/11 16:35 buddhini QTOR current difference yellow alarm during QTOR warm up.
  • 221936 02/24/11 16:33 jhoskins moller epics output
  • 221935 02/24/11 16:30 jhlee QTor is raming up, power permit, and halo off
  • 221934 02/24/11 16:02 cdaq Beam Time Accounting
  • 221933 02/24/11 16:02 gaskell Moller DAQ in action - please don't use cdaql6
  • 221932 02/24/11 15:59 cdaq End of Run 10239:
  • 221931 02/24/11 15:56 cdaq Moller Run 864: DAQ
  • 221930 02/24/11 15:53 cdaq Moller Run 863: testing
  • 221929 02/24/11 15:47 Jiawei screenshots of General Tools and HV GUIs
  • 221928 02/24/11 15:41 Armstrong [Late entry] position differences can't be got with significance from first 100K
  • 221927 02/24/11 15:40 Kowalski Shift Summary: Day Shift Summary
  • 221926 02/24/11 15:15 rob backed out of LED linearity measurements for today
  • 221925 02/24/11 14:51 cdaq Run 10239: Pedestal Run
  • 221924 02/24/11 14:50 cdaq End of Run 10238:
  • 221923 02/24/11 14:33 brads Moved 2GHz signal generator stored behind cdaqlX computer racks to behind patch cable racks
  • 221922 02/24/11 14:16 cdaq Run 10238: MD7 linearity test
  • 221921 02/24/11 14:15 cdaq End of Run 10237:
  • 221920 02/24/11 13:58 gaskell Compton: updated cavity power EPICS calibration
  • 221919 02/24/11 13:45 buddhini Updated the qweak_hallc_pedestal.*.maps in QwAnalysis/devel to revision 2568
  • 221918 02/24/11 13:42 rob switching to MD7 during this run
  • 221917 02/24/11 13:34 cdaq Run 10237: MD LED tests
  • 221916 02/24/11 13:33 cdaq End of Run 10236:
  • 221915 02/24/11 13:31 cdaq Run 10236: All MD LED tests
  • 221914 02/24/11 13:30 cdaq End of Run 10235:
  • 221913 02/24/11 13:08 brads cdaqfs/home/ directory can use some clean-out
  • 221912 02/24/11 12:55 Ramesh Re: Please (remotely) position the Hall camera so that it is useful
  • 221911 02/24/11 12:54 cdaq Run 10235: Detector test
  • 221910 02/24/11 12:53 cdaq End of Run 10234:
  • 221909 02/24/11 12:40 buddhini Finished checking bpm signal levels at the S/H outputs
  • 221908 02/24/11 12:30 brads Please (remotely) position the Hall camera so that it is useful
  • 221907 02/24/11 12:14 gaskell Moller cooldown complete
  • 221906 02/24/11 11:49 buddhini Finished checking beam off bpm signal levels at the cage.
  • 221905 02/24/11 11:48 spraggin Hall C full survey
  • 221904 02/24/11 11:39 gaskell Hall in Controlled Access
  • 221903 02/24/11 11:38 smithg QTOR update
  • 221902 02/24/11 11:32 cdaq Run 10234: Detector Test
  • 221901 02/24/11 11:31 cdaq End of Run 10233:
  • 221900 02/24/11 10:46 buddhini BPM signal check at the cage during beam studies
  • 221899 02/24/11 10:44 rob run 10233 is MD9 test. pink window apparently doesn't work
  • 221898 02/24/11 10:42 rob mucking with MD9 resumed during run 10233
  • 221897 02/24/11 10:37 cdaq Run 10233: main detector 9 test
  • 221896 02/24/11 10:06 Jiawei Target: late entry: moved to out of beam
  • 221895 02/24/11 09:52 rajotte huge charge asymmetry jump for run 10222 and 10223
  • 221894 02/24/11 09:26 dalton Compton: Cavity power signal strength halved
  • 221893 02/24/11 08:30 kamyers Analysis: bpm diffs, maybe not as great as first100k suggest
  • 221892 02/24/11 08:25 cdaq Beam Time Accounting
  • 221891 02/24/11 08:25 Korkmaz Owl Shift summary
  • 221890 02/24/11 08:08 Jiawei Target: Screen shot of target at beginning of the shift
  • 221889 02/24/11 07:49 kamyers Analysis: bpm diffs bad again in run 10232
  • 221888 02/24/11 07:42 kamyers Target: end of shift screenshoot/report
  • 221887 02/24/11 07:38 gaskell Moller: starting Moller cooldown
  • 221886 02/24/11 07:23 korkmaz QTOR PS water shut off
  • 221885 02/24/11 07:02 cdaq Compton End of Run 21016:
  • 221884 02/24/11 06:59 kamyers LCW leak
  • 221883 02/24/11 06:57 korkmaz plots for run 10232
  • 221882 02/24/11 06:39 kamyers QTOR trip - Q fuse, DCCT noK
  • 221881 02/24/11 06:29 cdaq End of Run 10232:
  • 221880 02/24/11 06:20 korkmaz plots for run 10232
  • 221879 02/24/11 06:07 kamyers Analysis: pedestal plots for 10229
  • 221878 02/24/11 05:50 cdaq Compton Run 21016: 150 uA, HV=1700 V IHWP=OUT
  • 221877 02/24/11 05:50 cdaq Compton End of Run 21015:
  • 221876 02/24/11 05:49 cdaq Run 10232: LH2 Production 150 uA, IHWP OUT
  • 221875 02/24/11 05:48 cdaq End of Run 10231:
  • 221874 02/24/11 05:19 korkmaz BPM X diffs comparison
  • 221873 02/24/11 05:04 korkmaz plots for run 10231
  • 221872 02/24/11 05:00 kamyers Analysis: bpm diffs better after HWP flip
  • 221871 02/24/11 04:54 korkmaz HV and Gen. Tools snapshots
  • 221870 02/24/11 04:45 cdaq Compton Run 21015: 150 uA, HV=1700 V IHWP=OUT
  • 221869 02/24/11 04:44 cdaq Compton End of Run 21014:
  • 221868 02/24/11 04:43 cdaq Run 10231: LH2 Production 150 uA, IHWP OUT
  • 221867 02/24/11 04:42 cdaq End of Run 10230:
  • 221866 02/24/11 04:37 korkmaz Quick bpm x diffs comparison between run 10228 (IHWP in) and 10230 (IHWP out)
  • 221865 02/24/11 04:27 kamyers Target: opened 4K JT by 1%
  • 221864 02/24/11 04:25 korkmaz injector run 2223 ended
  • 221863 02/24/11 04:05 korkmaz plots for run 10230 - notice (much) improved BPM differences!
  • 221862 02/24/11 03:59 korkmaz injector run 2223 started
  • 221861 02/24/11 03:51 korkmaz transition run 10230 is good production run
  • 221860 02/24/11 03:40 korkmaz IHWP OUT
  • 221859 02/24/11 03:40 cdaq Compton Run 21014: 150 uA, HV=1700 V IHWP=OUT
  • 221858 02/24/11 03:39 cdaq Run 10230: transition run IHWP OUT
  • 221857 02/24/11 03:39 cdaq Compton End of Run 21013:
  • 221856 02/24/11 03:37 cdaq End of Run 10229:
  • 221855 02/24/11 03:32 cdaq Run 10229: pedestal run - beam off
  • 221854 02/24/11 03:28 cdaq End of Run 10228:
  • 221853 02/24/11 03:11 kamyers Target: HPH drops after beam trip/recovery
  • 221852 02/24/11 02:44 korkmaz plots for run 10228
  • 221851 02/24/11 02:38 korkmaz injector run 2222 ended
  • 221850 02/24/11 02:28 cdaq Compton Run 21013: 150 uA, HV=1700 V IHWP=IN
  • 221849 02/24/11 02:28 cdaq Compton End of Run 21012:
  • 221848 02/24/11 02:25 korkmaz charge feedback system off at the start of run 10227
  • 221847 02/24/11 02:22 cdaq Run 10228: LH2 Production 150 uA, IHWP IN
  • 221846 02/24/11 02:21 cdaq End of Run 10227:
  • 221845 02/24/11 02:12 korkmaz injector run 2222 started
  • 221844 02/24/11 02:09 cdaq Compton Run 21012: 150 uA, HV=1700 V IHWP=IN
  • 221843 02/24/11 02:09 cdaq Compton End of Run 21011:
  • 221842 02/24/11 02:08 korkmaz CODA restarted
  • 221841 02/24/11 02:04 cdaq Run 10227: LH2 Production 150 uA, IHWP IN
  • 221840 02/24/11 01:44 wdconinc Compton: Automatic disk cleanup disabled
  • 221839 02/24/11 01:35 korkmaz plots for run 10226
  • 221838 02/24/11 01:23 korkmaz plots - BPM and MDA - run 10226
  • 221837 02/24/11 01:22 korkmaz plots - CA - run 10226
  • 221836 02/24/11 00:58 brads cdaql4 is better replacement for cdaql6 in boot scripts
  • 221835 02/24/11 00:56 korkmaz strip chart for event rate absent on the run control GUI
  • 221834 02/24/11 00:50 cdaq Compton Run 21011: 150 uA, HV=1700 V IHWP=IN
  • 221833 02/24/11 00:50 cdaq Compton End of Run 21010:
  • 221832 02/24/11 00:49 cdaq Run 10226: LH2 Production 150 uA, IHWP IN
  • 221831 02/24/11 00:48 kamyers Target: beginning of shift screen shot
  • 221830 02/24/11 00:47 cdaq End of Run 10225:
  • 221829 02/24/11 00:35 kamyers Analysis: database plots for last 100 runs: bpmdiffs, Aq wdiths
  • 221828 02/24/11 00:30 jhoskins BCM RMS and BPM differences List
  • 221827 02/24/11 00:28 jhoskins Swing Shift summary
  • 221826 02/24/11 00:24 jhlee vmec18 rebooted sucessfully now, but there are some errors in boot messages
  • 221825 02/24/11 00:09 narayan Target: vmec18 came back after Han's intervention
  • 221824 02/24/11 00:07 cdaq Beam Time Accounting
  • 221823 02/24/11 00:04 saw vmec18 won't reboot
  • 221822 02/24/11 00:02 jhoskins bpm_diffs
  • 221821 02/24/11 00:02 cdaq Compton Run 21010: 150 uA, HV=1700 V IHWP=IN
  • Wednesday

  • 221820 02/23/11 23:56 jhoskins Plots for 10224
  • 221819 02/23/11 23:49 narayan vmec18 rebooted but is not coming back
  • 221818 02/23/11 23:41 cdaq Run 10225: LH2 Production 150 uA
  • 221817 02/23/11 23:40 cdaq End of Run 10224:
  • 221816 02/23/11 23:29 paschke Large position differences, periodic noise in injector
  • 221815 02/23/11 22:56 saw Suggest reboot vmec18
  • 221814 02/23/11 22:46 narayan Target: a strange message
  • 221813 02/23/11 22:38 cdaq Run 10224: LH2 Production 150 uA
  • 221812 02/23/11 22:37 cdaq End of Run 10223:
  • 221811 02/23/11 22:30 cdaq Compton End of Run 21009:
  • 221810 02/23/11 22:28 jhoskins HV && Gen.Tools
  • 221809 02/23/11 22:05 jhlee exclude the possibility of qwparity running on cdaql6
  • 221808 02/23/11 21:59 jhoskins BPM position differences as high as 400ppm
  • 221807 02/23/11 21:56 jhoskins Plots for 10223
  • 221806 02/23/11 21:33 cdaq Run 10223: LH2 Production 150 uA
  • 221805 02/23/11 21:32 cdaq End of Run 10222:
  • 221804 02/23/11 20:59 jhoskins Plots for 10222
  • 221803 02/23/11 20:38 narayan CODA EB4 crashed
  • 221802 02/23/11 20:36 wdconinc Compton: HAPPEx timing board in vmec8
  • 221801 02/23/11 20:35 cdaq Run 10222: LH2 Production 150 uA
  • 221800 02/23/11 20:29 brads please avoid running qweak analysis on cdaql6 for now
  • 221799 02/23/11 20:26 cdaq Moller Run No msql server: Finally, DAQ running with pink screen and EPICS events!!
  • 221798 02/23/11 20:17 narayan Target: Tungsten plug temp alarm settled back
  • 221797 02/23/11 20:09 jhoskins Position differences still large
  • 221796 02/23/11 20:09 rob set up for linearity measurement on MD9, but no result tonight.
  • 221795 02/23/11 20:05 jhoskins Plots for 10221
  • 221794 02/23/11 19:40 cdaq Run 10221: LH2 Production 150 uA
  • 221793 02/23/11 19:39 cdaq End of Run 10220:
  • 221792 02/23/11 19:24 wdconinc Compton: Runs 21000 and later not going to tape
  • 221791 02/23/11 19:22 cdaq Compton Run 21009: 150 uA, HV=1700 V IHWP=IN
  • 221790 02/23/11 19:22 cdaq Compton End of Run 21008:
  • 221788 02/23/11 19:21 cdaq Compton Run 21008: 150 uA, HV=1700 V IHWP=IN
  • 221787 02/23/11 19:19 wdconinc Compton: cdaql3 (R.I.P.) was our data tracker
  • 221786 02/23/11 19:19 cdaq Compton Run 21007: 150 uA, HV=1700 V IHWP=IN
  • 221785 02/23/11 19:09 cdaq Compton Run 21006: 150 uA, HV=1700 V IHWP=IN
  • 221784 02/23/11 19:06 cdaq Compton End of Run 21005:
  • 221783 02/23/11 19:04 jhoskins Plots for 10220
  • 221782 02/23/11 19:04 cdaq Compton Run 21005: 150 uA, HV=1700 V IHWP=IN
  • 221781 02/23/11 19:04 narayan Target: Tungsten plug temp LO alarm
  • 221780 02/23/11 19:02 cdaq Compton End of Run 21004:
  • 221779 02/23/11 19:00 cdaq Compton Run 21004: 150 uA, HV=1700 V IHWP=IN
  • 221778 02/23/11 18:56 cdaq Compton Run 21003: 150 uA, HV=1700 V IHWP=IN
  • 221777 02/23/11 18:53 cdaq Compton End of Run 21002:
  • 221776 02/23/11 18:52 cdaq Compton Run 21002: 150 uA, HV=1700 V IHWP=IN
  • 221775 02/23/11 18:51 cdaq Compton End of Run 21001:
  • 221774 02/23/11 18:50 cdaq Compton Run 21001: 150 uA, HV=1700 V IHWP=IN
  • 221773 02/23/11 18:41 jhoskins Finished Large (Hall A)Charge Asymmetry
  • 221772 02/23/11 18:38 cdaq Run 10220: LH2 Production 150 uA
  • 221771 02/23/11 18:37 cdaq End of Run 10219:
  • 221770 02/23/11 18:29 narayan Target: oscillations settled
  • 221769 02/23/11 18:26 mack on closer examination, it looks like correlated noise may have decreased with BCM5,6 hardware shifts
  • 221768 02/23/11 18:26 cdaq Run 10219: LH2 Production 150 {uA;} Large Hall A Charge Asymmetry
  • 221767 02/23/11 18:21 cdaq Run 10218: LH2 Production 150 {uA;} Large Hall A Charge Asymmetry
  • 221766 02/23/11 18:11 gaskell Moller JT closed
  • 221765 02/23/11 18:06 cdaq Run 10217: LH2 Production 150 uA; Large Hall A Charge Asymmetry
  • 221764 02/23/11 18:06 jhoskins Mark starting Hall A A_charge test.
  • 221763 02/23/11 18:04 cdaq End of Run 10216:
  • 221762 02/23/11 18:03 jhoskins Rob doing MD9 tests during this run
  • 221761 02/23/11 18:00 brads cdaql3 seems to be dead
  • 221760 02/23/11 17:57 narayan Target: HPH goes down to 150W !
  • 221759 02/23/11 17:52 benesch Beam: MPS BCM < BCM1?
  • 221758 02/23/11 17:48 narayan Target: oscillations in 4k flow
  • 221757 02/23/11 17:43 jmammei summary of B-Team meeting
  • 221756 02/23/11 17:40 cdaq Compton Run 21000: DAQ test with QDC enabled
  • 221755 02/23/11 17:35 jhoskins Plots for 10216
  • 221754 02/23/11 17:24 cdaq Compton End of Run 20999:
  • 221753 02/23/11 17:13 cdaq Run 10216: LH2 Production 150 uA
  • 221752 02/23/11 17:12 cdaq End of Run 10215:
  • 221751 02/23/11 17:11 gaskell Compton: photon detector wiring changes
  • 221750 02/23/11 17:09 jhoskins 10215 is transition run
  • 221749 02/23/11 17:08 cdaq Compton Run 20999: beam current 150 uA, photon det HV 1700 V, signal chain changes
  • 221748 02/23/11 17:04 jhoskins qwfeedback test during 10215
  • 221747 02/23/11 17:03 cdaq Run 10215: LH2 Production 150 uA
  • 221746 02/23/11 17:02 jhoskins IHWP = IN
  • 221745 02/23/11 16:59 jhlee first100k is not good, because a long beam trip at the beginning of the run
  • 221744 02/23/11 16:59 cdaq End of Run 10214:
  • 221743 02/23/11 16:54 narayan Target: generic screenshot
  • 221742 02/23/11 16:50 rob I am about to begin mucking with MD9
  • 221741 02/23/11 16:48 narayan Target: vacuum reporting
  • 221740 02/23/11 16:36 cdaq Compton End of Run 20998:
  • 221739 02/23/11 16:34 cdaq Compton Run 20998: no signal
  • 221738 02/23/11 16:33 cdaq Compton End of Run 20997:
  • 221737 02/23/11 16:32 cdaq Compton Run 20997: beam current 150 uA, photon det HV 1600 V, ~7x amplify
  • 221736 02/23/11 16:31 cdaq Compton End of Run 20996:
  • 221735 02/23/11 16:23 Jiawei Target: End of day shift screenshot
  • 221734 02/23/11 16:21 mack more subtle changes to BCM1,2 environment
  • 221733 02/23/11 16:17 cdaq Compton Run 20996: beam current 150 uA, photon det HV 1600 V, ~7x amplify
  • 221732 02/23/11 16:17 wdconinc Compton: HV trip, recovered
  • 221731 02/23/11 16:15 cdaq Compton End of Run 20995:
  • 221730 02/23/11 16:14 Leckey Shift Summary: Day Shift summary
  • 221729 02/23/11 16:05 cdaq Beam Time Accounting
  • 221728 02/23/11 16:05 Jiawei Analysis: charge asym width and Beam position difference summary of day shift
  • 221727 02/23/11 16:01 cdaq Run 10214: LH2 Production 150 uA
  • 221726 02/23/11 16:00 cdaq End of Run 10213:
  • 221725 02/23/11 15:46 leacock position differences for small lumi dslumi widths and now
  • 221724 02/23/11 15:13 Jiawei Analysis: first 100k of run 10213
  • 221723 02/23/11 15:01 Leckey Injector run 2214 start
  • 221722 02/23/11 14:54 cdaq Run 10213: LH2 Production 150 uA
  • 221721 02/23/11 14:53 cdaq End of Run 10212:
  • 221720 02/23/11 14:48 covrig Target: chamber vacuum behavior with 2K-CB trips
  • 221719 02/23/11 14:31 cdaq Compton Run 20995: beam current 150 uA, photon det HV 1700 V, ~7x amplify
  • 221718 02/23/11 14:31 cdaq Compton End of Run 20994:
  • 221717 02/23/11 14:18 Jiawei Analysis: first 100k of run 10212
  • 221716 02/23/11 14:05 leacock MD bcm2 correlation before and after regression
  • 221715 02/23/11 13:53 cdaq Run 10212: LH2 Production 150 uA
  • 221714 02/23/11 13:49 cdaq End of Run 10211:
  • 221713 02/23/11 13:24 jhoskins position difference large in 3c12Y also
  • 221712 02/23/11 13:13 gaskell Moller JT open to 5%
  • 221711 02/23/11 13:08 Jiawei Analysis: first 100k of run 10211
  • 221710 02/23/11 12:40 cdaq Run 10211: LH2 Production 150 uA
  • 221709 02/23/11 12:39 cdaq End of Run 10210:
  • 221708 02/23/11 12:32 mack moved some BCM5,6 stuff. let's wait and see.
  • 221707 02/23/11 12:29 wdconinc Compton: Changed photon event trigger prescaler
  • 221706 02/23/11 12:09 Armstrong Large position differences in x
  • 221705 02/23/11 11:59 Jiawei Analysis: first 100k of run 10210
  • 221704 02/23/11 11:52 cdaq Compton Run 20994: beam current 150 uA, photon det HV 1700 V, ~7x amplify
  • 221703 02/23/11 11:47 cdaq Compton End of Run 20993:
  • 221702 02/23/11 11:40 pking Analysis: Completed switch of the devel/*/prminput directories to the svn trunk
  • 221701 02/23/11 11:39 cdaq Run 10210: LH2 Production 150 uA
  • 221700 02/23/11 11:38 cdaq End of Run 10209:
  • 221699 02/23/11 11:33 buddhini Deleted injector rootfiles from last nights injector studies.
  • 221698 02/23/11 11:29 Leckey Injector run 2213 start
  • 221697 02/23/11 11:21 leacock US and DS asym widths decrease with (because of?) the charge asymmetry width reduction
  • 221696 02/23/11 11:21 dalton Compton: strange snapshots
  • 221695 02/23/11 11:11 pking Beginning "switch" of the devel/*/prminput directories to the svn trunk
  • 221694 02/23/11 10:53 Jiawei Analysis: first 100k of run 10209
  • 221693 02/23/11 10:46 dalton Compton: scaler trigger rate change with DAQ state?
  • 221692 02/23/11 10:42 cdaq Compton Run 20993: beam current 150 uA, photon det HV 1600 V, ~7x amplify
  • 221691 02/23/11 10:37 cdaq Compton End of Run 20992:
  • 221690 02/23/11 10:36 cdaq Run 10209: LH2 Production 150 uA
  • 221689 02/23/11 10:35 cdaq End of Run 10208:
  • 221688 02/23/11 10:29 Leckey Charge Asymmetry and BPM Values Last Night
  • 221687 02/23/11 10:29 dalton Compton: Lots of pedestal data
  • 221686 02/23/11 10:27 cdaq Compton Run 20992: beam current 150 uA, photon det HV 1600 V, ~7x amplify
  • 221685 02/23/11 10:27 Leckey Charge Asymmetry and BPM Values Last Night
  • 221684 02/23/11 10:25 cdaq Compton End of Run 20991:
  • 221683 02/23/11 10:24 Jiawei Target: closed 4K JT a little bit to reduce the reserved HPH power to ~300W
  • 221682 02/23/11 10:17 cdaq Compton Run 20991: beam current 150 uA, photon det HV 1600 V, ~7x amplify
  • 221681 02/23/11 10:06 Armstrong Moller measurement and BCM1-2 DD?
  • 221680 02/23/11 10:00 saw QTor PLC reload
  • 221679 02/23/11 09:53 Jiawei Analysis: first 100k of run 10208
  • 221678 02/23/11 09:36 cdaq Run 10208: LH2 Production 150 uA
  • 221677 02/23/11 09:35 cdaq Compton End of Run 20990:
  • 221676 02/23/11 09:28 cdaq Screenshots HV + General
  • 221675 02/23/11 09:26 rajotte last 24 runs: increase do bcm1,2 dd width and other issues
  • 221674 02/23/11 09:21 jmammei RC daily summary
  • 221673 02/23/11 09:00 Jiawei Analysis: first 100k of run 10207
  • 221672 02/23/11 08:36 cdaq Compton Run 20990: beam current 150 uA, photon det HV 1600 V
  • 221671 02/23/11 08:34 cdaq Run 10207: LH2 Production 150 uA
  • 221670 02/23/11 08:32 cdaq End of Run 10206:
  • 221669 02/23/11 08:18 cdaq Run 10206: Transition HWP Flip
  • 221668 02/23/11 08:16 cdaq End of Run 10205:
  • 221667 02/23/11 08:15 cdaq Run 10205: Junk
  • 221666 02/23/11 08:14 cdaq End of Run 10204:
  • 221665 02/23/11 08:14 cdaq Run 10204: Junk
  • 221664 02/23/11 08:06 cdaq Beam Time Accounting
  • 221663 02/23/11 08:01 kamyers Target: end of shift screenshot
  • 221662 02/23/11 07:56 Korkmaz Owl Shift Summary
  • 221661 02/23/11 07:24 cdaq Compton End of Run 20989:
  • 221660 02/23/11 07:11 korkmaz BPM and MD plots - run 10203
  • 221659 02/23/11 07:09 korkmaz CS plots - run 10203
  • 221658 02/23/11 07:01 kamyers QTOR trip - likely PLC problem
  • 221657 02/23/11 06:48 jmammei charge asymmetry widths much improved
  • 221656 02/23/11 06:29 cdaq End of Run 10203:
  • 221655 02/23/11 06:14 kamyers firefox working again
  • 221654 02/23/11 06:03 cdaq Run 10203: Production: LH2, 3.5x3.5, 150 uA, QTOR 8921, BMOD ON, IHWP IN
  • 221653 02/23/11 06:02 cdaq End of Run 10202:
  • 221652 02/23/11 06:02 cdaq Compton Run 20989: beam current 150 uA, photon det HV 1600 V
  • 221651 02/23/11 06:02 cdaq Compton End of Run 20988:
  • 221650 02/23/11 05:56 korkmaz injector run 2212 ended
  • 221649 02/23/11 05:46 korkmaz HV settings and genereal tools
  • 221648 02/23/11 05:33 korkmaz injector run 2212 started
  • 221647 02/23/11 05:19 korkmaz X and Y sensitivities plots - run 10202
  • 221646 02/23/11 05:17 korkmaz BPM and MD plots - run 10202
  • 221645 02/23/11 05:16 korkmaz CA plots - run 10202
  • 221644 02/23/11 05:15 kamyers Analysis: pedestal plots run 10201
  • 221643 02/23/11 05:06 korkmaz injector run 2211 analysis completed
  • 221642 02/23/11 05:04 cdaq Compton Run 20988: beam current 150 uA, photon det HV 1600 V
  • 221641 02/23/11 05:03 cdaq Run 10202: Production: LH2, 3.5x3.5, 150 uA, QTOR 8921, BMOD ON, IHWP IN
  • 221640 02/23/11 05:01 kamyers firefox down on cdaq machines, proxy server issue
  • 221639 02/23/11 04:59 cdaq End of Run 10201:
  • 221638 02/23/11 04:59 cdaq Compton End of Run 20987:
  • 221637 02/23/11 04:55 cdaq Compton Run 20987: beam off run
  • 221636 02/23/11 04:55 cdaq Run 10201: pedestal run - beam off
  • 221635 02/23/11 04:52 cdaq Compton End of Run 20986:
  • 221634 02/23/11 04:52 cdaq End of Run 10200:
  • 221633 02/23/11 04:46 kamyers brief downstream vacuum excursion
  • 221632 02/23/11 04:09 Korkmaz BPM and MD plots - run 10200
  • 221631 02/23/11 04:08 Korkmaz CA plots - run 10200
  • 221630 02/23/11 03:49 cdaq Run 10200: Production: LH2, 3.5x3.5, 150 uA, QTOR 8921, BMOD ON, IHWP IN
  • 221629 02/23/11 03:48 cdaq End of Run 10199:
  • 221628 02/23/11 03:48 cdaq Compton Run 20986: beam current 150 uA, photon det HV 1600 V
  • 221627 02/23/11 03:47 cdaq Compton End of Run 20985:
  • 221626 02/23/11 03:28 kamyers Analysis: position sensitivity plots: first 3 segments of 10196
  • 221625 02/23/11 03:06 korkmaz BPM and MD plots -- run 10199
  • 221624 02/23/11 03:04 korkmaz BPM and MD plots -- run 10199
  • 221623 02/23/11 03:03 korkmaz CA plots - run 10199
  • 221622 02/23/11 02:44 cdaq Run 10199: Production: LH2, 3.5x3.5, 150 uA, QTOR 8921, BMOD ON, IHWP IN
  • 221621 02/23/11 02:43 cdaq End of Run 10198:
  • 221620 02/23/11 02:38 kamyers Target: tungsten plug temp yellow alarm
  • 221619 02/23/11 02:37 cdaq Compton Run 20985: beam current 150 uA, photon det HV 1600 V
  • 221618 02/23/11 02:37 cdaq Compton End of Run 20984:
  • 221617 02/23/11 02:32 kamyers Target: close 4K JT by 2%, 15K JT by 12%
  • 221616 02/23/11 01:59 kamyers Target: updated alarm limits - all good now
  • 221615 02/23/11 01:56 korkmaz injector run 2211 ended
  • 221614 02/23/11 01:51 korkmaz MD X and Y sensitivities plots for run 10198
  • 221613 02/23/11 01:46 korkmaz BPM and MD plots for run 10198
  • 221612 02/23/11 01:44 korkmaz Charge and CA plots for run 10198
  • 221611 02/23/11 01:34 kamyers Target: Some alarm set point issues
  • 221610 02/23/11 01:33 cdaq Compton Run 20984: beam current 150 uA, photon det HV 1600 V
  • 221609 02/23/11 01:32 cdaq Compton End of Run 20983:
  • 221608 02/23/11 01:30 korkmaz injector run 2211 started
  • 221607 02/23/11 01:28 cdaq Run 10198: Production: LH2, 3.5x3.5, 150 uA, QTOR 8921, BMOD ON, IHWP IN
  • 221606 02/23/11 01:28 cdaq End of Run 10197:
  • 221605 02/23/11 01:04 kamyers Target: yellow alarms scattering chamber vacuum
  • 221604 02/23/11 00:40 korkmaz BPM and MD plots for run 10197
  • 221603 02/23/11 00:39 cdaq Compton Run 20983: beam current 150 uA, photon det HV 1600 V
  • 221602 02/23/11 00:38 cdaq Compton End of Run 20982:
  • 221601 02/23/11 00:38 korkmaz CA plots for run 10197
  • 221600 02/23/11 00:34 Adesh Target: target GUI backup in case of target computer reboot/failure
  • 221599 02/23/11 00:21 cdaq Run 10197: Production: LH2, 3.5x3.5, 150 uA, QTOR 8921, BMOD ON, IHWP IN
  • 221598 02/23/11 00:19 narayan Target: target computer rebooted !
  • 221597 02/23/11 00:19 cdaq End of Run 10196:
  • 221596 02/23/11 00:17 Ramesh Shift Summary
  • 221595 02/23/11 00:17 cdaq Beam Time Accounting
  • 221594 02/23/11 00:13 Ramesh Pictures for shift checklist
  • Tuesday

  • 221593 02/22/11 23:49 Ramesh vacuum of VCG3H09DTr is good
  • 221592 02/22/11 23:43 Ramesh Plots from the first production run 10196 tonight
  • 221591 02/22/11 23:30 cdaq Compton Run 20982: beam current 150 uA, photon det HV 1600 V
  • 221590 02/22/11 23:19 jhlee [corrected] I started a moving qwinjector rootfile to stage/silo
  • 221589 02/22/11 23:17 narayan Target: transitioned to full beam
  • 221588 02/22/11 23:13 cdaq Run 10196: Production: LH2, 3.5x3.5, 150 uA, QTOR 8921, BMOD ON
  • 221587 02/22/11 23:13 jhlee start injectors root files on cdaql5 to stage/silo
  • 221586 02/22/11 23:12 cdaq End of Run 10195:
  • 221585 02/22/11 23:09 narayan Target: Moved to LH2 target
  • 221584 02/22/11 23:04 Ramesh HV of all detectors ON now
  • 221583 02/22/11 23:00 narayan Target: going to LH2
  • 221582 02/22/11 22:57 cdaq Raster Map and BPMs : Run 10195, event range 285000 - 305000
  • 221581 02/22/11 22:55 cdaq Run 10195: W-plug imaging
  • 221580 02/22/11 22:50 Ramesh vacuum status of VCG3H09Tr
  • 221579 02/22/11 22:47 narayan Target: heater at 1.9 kW power
  • 221578 02/22/11 22:45 Ramesh Tune beam in the hall
  • 221577 02/22/11 22:42 smithg Target: Recovered again. Ready for beam.
  • 221576 02/22/11 22:39 narayan Target: beam being tuned, High Power Heater back
  • 221575 02/22/11 22:00 wdconinc Compton: Run 20974 was restarted...
  • 221574 02/22/11 21:38 narayan Target: 3H09B and 3H09D closed
  • 221573 02/22/11 21:38 dalton Compton: Possible bug in auto analyser
  • 221572 02/22/11 21:33 mack updated BCM calibration run plan
  • 221571 02/22/11 21:24 narayan Target: vacumm
  • 221570 02/22/11 21:04 cdaq End of Run 10194:
  • 221569 02/22/11 20:36 Ramesh plots from pedestal run 10194
  • 221568 02/22/11 20:11 cdaq Run 10194: One hour long pedestal run
  • 221567 02/22/11 20:02 smithg Target: starting 4K flow to the target
  • 221566 02/22/11 20:01 narayan Target: target cooling started
  • 221565 02/22/11 20:00 Ramesh Target cool down started
  • 221564 02/22/11 19:30 jmammei run plan for Tuesday swing-Wednesday day
  • 221563 02/22/11 19:22 jmammei charge asymmetries
  • 221562 02/22/11 19:14 Armstrong Injector success from Buddhini and Reza
  • 221561 02/22/11 18:46 cdaq Run 10193: 1 hour long pedestal run
  • 221560 02/22/11 18:39 rob turned scanner motion controller OFF; has probably been on since Friday
  • 221559 02/22/11 18:08 rakithab updated QwAnalysis_1.07cdaq_v7 beamline channel map with hall A BCM scaler channel
  • 221558 02/22/11 18:00 cdaq End of Run 10192:
  • 221557 02/22/11 17:59 cdaq Run 10192: TEST
  • 221556 02/22/11 17:58 Ramesh Re: Cryo Status Update
  • 221555 02/22/11 17:46 buddhini Injector data anlysis on cdaql5 during injector studies
  • 221554 02/22/11 17:37 cdaq End of Run 10191:
  • 221553 02/22/11 17:35 cdaq Run 10191: TEST
  • 221551 02/22/11 17:24 Ramesh Cryo Status Update (from G. Smith)
  • 221550 02/22/11 17:16 saw Level 1 Accept to g0rate14
  • 221549 02/22/11 17:10 cdaq End of Run 10190:
  • 221548 02/22/11 16:59 cdaq Run 10190: TEST
  • 221547 02/22/11 16:34 leacock regression removes bcm2 correlation in MD, DS, US
  • 221546 02/22/11 16:22 covrig Target: target is full, for now
  • 221545 02/22/11 16:19 cdaq End of Run 10189:
  • 221544 02/22/11 16:18 paschke Beam specifications
  • 221543 02/22/11 16:10 cdaq Run 10189: pedestal run of the Shift
  • 221542 02/22/11 16:06 cdaq Beam Time Accounting
  • 221541 02/22/11 15:46 jhlee Target: CHO 2K coolbox trip again, CRYO close 4k.
  • 221540 02/22/11 15:44 covrig Target: CHL CB2 tripped again, 4K flow back to zero until CB will recover
  • 221539 02/22/11 15:25 mack DC detector nonlinearities from hclog 221533
  • 221538 02/22/11 15:17 Kowalski Shift Summary: Day Shift Summary
  • 221537 02/22/11 15:11 cdaq End of Run 10188:
  • 221536 02/22/11 14:42 jmammei horizontal wein flip
  • 221535 02/22/11 14:22 saw Vacuum mirror variables added to vmec15
  • 221534 02/22/11 14:08 buddhini Ended injector run 2200
  • 221533 02/22/11 13:55 leacock detector yield nonlinearities zoomed to the "good region"
  • 221532 02/22/11 13:34 jmammei width of charge asymmetries improved a bit
  • 221531 02/22/11 13:34 cdaq Compton End of Run 20981:
  • 221530 02/22/11 13:25 cdaq Compton Run 20981: NO BEAM, photon det HV 1600 V, fADC signal unplugged
  • 221529 02/22/11 13:11 jmammei sending beam to cold part of injector
  • 221528 02/22/11 12:57 buddhini Started injector run 2200
  • 221527 02/22/11 12:49 buddhini Took injector run 2195 current 150uA to Faraday cup 2.
  • 221526 02/22/11 12:28 cdaq Run 10188: Production: LH2, 3.5x3.5, 150 uA, HW Plate IN, QTOR 8921, BMOD ON
  • 221525 02/22/11 12:25 leacock nonlinearities another look
  • 221524 02/22/11 12:08 gaskell Moller backout
  • 221523 02/22/11 11:59 gaskell/raki Moller: summary for Tuesday, Feb. 22
  • 221522 02/22/11 11:59 buddhini took injector run 2198 current ~ 150uA in injector.
  • 221521 02/22/11 11:56 jhlee Target: Closing 4K JT supply valve requested by Silviu
  • 221520 02/22/11 11:46 gaskell Moller: no 4K to Hall C
  • 221519 02/22/11 11:40 jhlee Target: 2k coolbox is down, Cryo close all
  • 221518 02/22/11 11:34 cdaq Compton End of Run 20980:
  • 221517 02/22/11 11:31 jhlee 4K Flow Rate suddenly dropped, then recovered themselves
  • 221516 02/22/11 11:30 covrig Target: 4 K woes
  • 221515 02/22/11 11:28 Armstrong correction for TOs: 4K PID loop is re-enabled
  • 221514 02/22/11 11:27 rajotte injector run 2195 stopped
  • 221513 02/22/11 11:24 cdaq Compton Run 20980: NO BEAM, photon det HV 1600 V 3x amplify, no signal - input is terminated.
  • 221512 02/22/11 11:21 cdaq Compton End of Run 20979:
  • 221511 02/22/11 11:07 cdaq Compton Run 20979: NO BEAM, photon det HV 1600 V 3x amplify.
  • 221510 02/22/11 11:06 cdaq Compton End of Run 20978:
  • 221509 02/22/11 11:05 jmammei proceeding with Wien flip
  • 221508 02/22/11 11:00 jmammei run plan for Tuesday day- Wednesday owl
  • 221507 02/22/11 10:56 cdaq Compton Run 20978: NO BEAM, photon det HV 1600 V.
  • 221506 02/22/11 10:55 jhlee Target: Closing 4K JT supply valve, due to compressor problem of Cryo
  • 221505 02/22/11 10:47 rajotte starting injector run
  • 221504 02/22/11 10:38 gaskell Moller: cryo problem - must stop
  • 221503 02/22/11 10:31 cdaq Moller End of Run 848:
  • 221502 02/22/11 10:22 cdaq Moller Run 848: Moller IHWP=IN
  • 221501 02/22/11 10:22 cdaq Moller End of Run 847:
  • 221500 02/22/11 10:19 gaskell/raki IHWP=IN
  • 221499 02/22/11 10:13 cdaq Moller Run 847: Moller IHWP=IN
  • 221498 02/22/11 10:12 jmammei RC daily summary
  • 221497 02/22/11 10:07 cdaq Moller End of Run 846:
  • 221496 02/22/11 10:04 cdaq Moller Run 846: Moller IHWP=OUT - no beam, leakage check
  • 221495 02/22/11 10:03 cdaq Moller End of Run 845:
  • 221494 02/22/11 09:57 gaskell/raki Injector parameters during Moller run
  • 221493 02/22/11 09:56 covrig Target: re-enabled the 4K PID
  • 221492 02/22/11 09:54 cdaq Moller Run 845: Moller IHWP=OUT
  • 221491 02/22/11 09:54 cdaq Moller End of Run 844:
  • 221490 02/22/11 09:54 rajotte updating
  • 221489 02/22/11 09:46 cdaq Moller Run 844: Moller IHWP=OUT
  • 221488 02/22/11 09:46 cdaq Moller End of Run 843:
  • 221487 02/22/11 09:37 cdaq Moller Run 843: Moller IHWP=OUT
  • 221486 02/22/11 09:36 cdaq Moller End of Run 842:
  • 221485 02/22/11 09:29 gaskell Moller setup (late entry)
  • 221484 02/22/11 09:29 cdaq Moller Run 842: Moller IHWP=OUT
  • 221483 02/22/11 09:28 cdaq Moller End of Run 841:
  • 221482 02/22/11 09:26 cdaq Moller Run 841: Moller IHWP=OUT, tune test
  • 221481 02/22/11 09:26 buddhini Took injector run 2194
  • 221480 02/22/11 09:23 cdaq Moller End of Run 840:
  • 221479 02/22/11 09:21 cdaq Moller Run 840: Moller IHWP=OUT, tune test
  • 221478 02/22/11 08:51 jhlee Target GUI and strip charts screenshots
  • 221477 02/22/11 08:24 buddhini Injector position diffs and effective charge asymmetry sometime during run 2192
  • 221476 02/22/11 08:15 buddhini Started injector run 2193
  • 221475 02/22/11 08:13 jhlee Moved to out of beam position
  • 221474 02/22/11 08:09 cdaq End of Run 10187:
  • 221473 02/22/11 08:08 buddhini Ended injector run 2192
  • 221472 02/22/11 08:05 cdaq Beam Time Accounting
  • 221471 02/22/11 08:04 Owl Shift summary
  • 221470 02/22/11 07:57 kamyers Target: end of shift screenshot
  • 221469 02/22/11 07:42 korkmaz IHWP OUT at 7:25 am
  • 221468 02/22/11 07:41 buddhini Started injector run 2192
  • 221467 02/22/11 07:39 korkmaz transition run 10187 is a good production run
  • 221466 02/22/11 07:36 cdaq Moller End of Run 839:
  • 221465 02/22/11 07:35 cdaq Moller Run 839: DAQ test
  • 221464 02/22/11 07:30 cdaq Moller End of Run 838:
  • 221463 02/22/11 07:30 cdaq Moller Run 838: DAQ test
  • 221462 02/22/11 07:26 cdaq Compton Run 20977: beam current 150 uA, photon det HV 1600 V.
  • 221461 02/22/11 07:25 cdaq Run 10187: Transition run: LH2, 3.5x3.5, 150 uA, HW Plate OUT, QTOR 8921, BMOD ON
  • 221460 02/22/11 07:23 cdaq End of Run 10186:
  • 221459 02/22/11 06:57 cdaq Compton End of Run 20976:
  • 221458 02/22/11 06:55 cdaq Run 10186: Production: LH2, 3.5x3.5, 150 uA, HW Plate IN, QTOR 8921, BMOD ON
  • 221457 02/22/11 06:53 cdaq End of Run 10185:
  • 221456 02/22/11 06:36 kamyers vacuum status
  • 221455 02/22/11 06:25 kamyers Analysis: older pedestal runs that need to be checked
  • 221454 02/22/11 06:06 korkmaz BPM and MD plots for run 10185
  • 221453 02/22/11 06:05 korkmaz CS plots for run 10185
  • 221452 02/22/11 05:57 jmammei charge asymmetries
  • 221451 02/22/11 05:55 kamyers Analysis: pedestal plots: double peaking in dslumi6
  • 221450 02/22/11 05:50 cdaq Compton Run 20976: beam current 150 uA, photon det HV 1600 V.
  • 221449 02/22/11 05:48 cdaq Run 10185: Production: LH2, 3.5x3.5, 150 uA, HW Plate IN, QTOR 8921, BMOD ON
  • 221448 02/22/11 05:47 korkmaz beam off for a short while
  • 221447 02/22/11 05:44 jmammei correction:
  • 221446 02/22/11 05:38 kamyers vacuum bad, beam off and valve closed
  • 221445 02/22/11 05:35 cdaq Compton End of Run 20975:
  • 221444 02/22/11 05:35 cdaq End of Run 10184:
  • 221443 02/22/11 05:30 korkmaz BPM and MD plots for run 10184
  • 221442 02/22/11 05:28 korkmaz CS plots for run 10184
  • 221441 02/22/11 05:26 korkmaz injector run 2191 ended
  • 221440 02/22/11 05:21 cdaq Compton Run 20975: beam current 150 uA, photon det HV 1600 V.
  • 221439 02/22/11 05:06 cdaq Compton End of Run 20974:
  • 221438 02/22/11 05:05 cdaq Run 10184: Production: LH2, 3.5x3.5, 150 uA, HW Plate IN, QTOR 8921, BMOD ON
  • 221437 02/22/11 05:04 cdaq End of Run 10183:
  • 221436 02/22/11 05:03 korkmaz injector run 2191 started
  • 221435 02/22/11 04:42 korkmaz HV Settings and General Tools
  • 221434 02/22/11 04:37 kamyers Analysis: the large charge asymmetry widths
  • 221433 02/22/11 04:29 korkmaz injector run 2190 started
  • 221432 02/22/11 04:24 kamyers vacuum bad during pedestal!
  • 221431 02/22/11 04:00 cdaq Compton Run 20974: beam current 150 uA, photon det HV 1600 V.
  • 221430 02/22/11 03:59 cdaq Run 10183: Production: LH2, 3.5x3.5, 150 uA, HW Plate IN, QTOR 8921, BMOD ON
  • 221429 02/22/11 03:56 cdaq End of Run 10182:
  • 221428 02/22/11 03:53 cdaq Compton End of Run 20973:
  • 221427 02/22/11 03:53 cdaq Run 10182: pedestal run -- beam off
  • 221426 02/22/11 03:51 kamyers DS vacuum stable at 3e-5
  • 221425 02/22/11 03:50 cdaq End of Run 10181:
  • 221424 02/22/11 03:41 kamyers reset g0ioc4
  • 221423 02/22/11 03:16 korkmaz BPM and MD plots for run 10181
  • 221422 02/22/11 03:13 cdaq Compton Run 20973: beam current 150 uA, photon det HV 1600 V.
  • 221421 02/22/11 03:12 cdaq Compton End of Run 20972:
  • 221420 02/22/11 03:09 korkmaz CA plots for run 10181 -- look much better!
  • 221419 02/22/11 02:54 korkmaz bad charge asymmetry
  • 221418 02/22/11 02:49 cdaq Run 10181: Production: LH2, 3.5x3.5, 150 uA, HW Plate IN, QTOR 8921, BMOD ON
  • 221417 02/22/11 02:45 cdaq End of Run 10180:
  • 221416 02/22/11 02:09 cdaq Compton Run 20972: beam current 150 uA, photon det HV 1600 V.
  • 221415 02/22/11 02:08 cdaq Compton End of Run 20971:
  • 221414 02/22/11 01:59 korkmaz CA and BPM plots for run 10180
  • 221413 02/22/11 01:57 korkmaz MD plots for run 10180
  • 221412 02/22/11 01:38 cdaq Run 10180: Production: LH2, 3.5x3.5, 150 uA, HW Plate IN, QTOR 8921, BMOD ON
  • 221411 02/22/11 01:37 cdaq End of Run 10179:
  • 221410 02/22/11 01:10 Korkmaz More MD plots for run 10179
  • 221409 02/22/11 01:08 Korkmaz Main detector plots for run 10179
  • 221408 02/22/11 01:07 Korkmaz More plots for run 10179
  • 221407 02/22/11 01:05 korkmaz Plots for run 10179
  • 221406 02/22/11 00:59 cdaq Compton Run 20971: beam current 150 uA, photon det HV 1600 V.
  • 221405 02/22/11 00:38 kamyers Target: start of shift screen shot
  • 221404 02/22/11 00:36 kamyers vacuum status
  • 221403 02/22/11 00:34 cdaq Run 10179: Production: LH2, 3.5x3.5, 150 uA, HW Plate IN, QTOR 8921, BMOD ON
  • 221402 02/22/11 00:27 cdaq End of Run 10178:
  • 221401 02/22/11 00:25 kamyers bcm calibration updated on cdaq
  • 221400 02/22/11 00:08 cdaq Beam Time Accounting
  • Monday

  • 221399 02/21/11 23:56 jhoskins Swing Shift summary
  • 221398 02/21/11 23:54 jhoskins plots for Run 10178
  • 221397 02/21/11 23:45 cdaq Compton End of Run 20970:
  • 221396 02/21/11 23:41 jmammei shift plan for owl
  • 221395 02/21/11 23:41 jmammei shift plan for owl
  • 221394 02/21/11 23:37 jhlee Run 10170 is IHWP is OUT, keyword is wrong
  • 221393 02/21/11 23:35 jhlee Keyworn is wrong, this is the followup entry for Run #10176
  • 221392 02/21/11 23:31 Korkmaz HV Settings and General Tools
  • 221391 02/21/11 23:29 jhlee Run #10178 IHWP is IN, comment is wrong
  • 221390 02/21/11 23:29 jhlee Run #10171 IHWP is IN, comment is wrong
  • 221389 02/21/11 23:28 jhlee Run #10175 IHWP is OUT, keyword is wrong
  • 221388 02/21/11 23:28 jhlee Run #10174 IHWP is OUT, keyword is wrong
  • 221387 02/21/11 23:28 jhlee Run #10172 IHWP is OUT, keyword is wrong
  • 221386 02/21/11 23:27 jhlee Run #10171 IHWP is OUT, keyword is wrong
  • 221385 02/21/11 23:25 cdaq Compton Run 20970: beam current 150 uA, photon det HV 1600 V, IHWP IN
  • 221384 02/21/11 23:24 cdaq Compton End of Run 20969:
  • 221383 02/21/11 23:24 jhlee [ late entry ] started auto-analyzers and enabled them in cron jobs
  • 221382 02/21/11 23:15 cdaq Run 10178: Production: LH2, 3.5x3.5, 150 uA, HW Plate IN, QTOR 8921, BMOD ON
  • 221381 02/21/11 23:14 mack comment on "nonlinearities - a closer look"
  • 221380 02/21/11 23:14 cdaq End of Run 10177:
  • 221379 02/21/11 23:06 jhlee start to replay all production runs from 10127 to 10170
  • 221378 02/21/11 23:04 jhoskins plots for Run 10177
  • 221377 02/21/11 22:53 narayan vacuum stable
  • 221376 02/21/11 22:33 narayan Target: GEM enclosure rad level normal
  • 221375 02/21/11 22:31 jhoskins IHWP changed before run 10177
  • 221374 02/21/11 22:27 jhoskins Correct values are posted in below entry and on TV console
  • 221373 02/21/11 22:21 jhoskins Beam should be in the right position now.
  • 221372 02/21/11 22:18 cdaq Compton Run 20969: beam current 150 uA, photon det HV 1600 V.
  • 221371 02/21/11 22:18 cdaq Run 10177: Production: LH2, 3.5x3.5, 150 uA, HW Plate IN, QTOR 8921, BMOD ON
  • 221370 02/21/11 22:17 cdaq Compton End of Run 20968:
  • 221369 02/21/11 22:17 cdaq End of Run 10176:
  • 221368 02/21/11 22:16 cdaq Compton Run 20968: beam current 150 uA, photon det HV 1600 V.
  • 221367 02/21/11 22:04 cdaq Compton End of Run 20967:
  • 221366 02/21/11 22:02 narayan vacuum stable
  • 221365 02/21/11 22:00 narayan Target: gem enclosure rad level alarm
  • 221364 02/21/11 21:51 jhoskins When beam came back it was off as much as 1 mm or more form Golden Values
  • 221363 02/21/11 21:48 cdaq Run 10176: Transition run for Charge Feedback
  • 221362 02/21/11 21:40 cdaq End of Run 10175:
  • 221361 02/21/11 21:40 jhoskins plots for 10175 (beam not centered)
  • 221360 02/21/11 21:34 jmammei vacuum and plug temp.
  • 221359 02/21/11 21:13 narayan vacuum problem
  • 221358 02/21/11 21:11 jhoskins Beam back -- vacuum okay so far.....
  • 221357 02/21/11 21:08 cdaq Compton Run 20967: beam current 150 uA, photon det HV 1600 V.
  • 221356 02/21/11 21:02 cdaq Run 10175: Production: LH2, 3.5x3.5, 150 uA, HW Plate IN, QTOR 8921, BMOD ON
  • 221355 02/21/11 20:57 cdaq End of Run 10174:
  • 221354 02/21/11 20:25 jhoskins Closing valve at and stopping beam because of belows vacuum.
  • 221353 02/21/11 20:21 cdaq Compton End of Run 20966:
  • 221352 02/21/11 20:09 cdaq Compton Run 20966: beam current 150 uA, photon det HV 1600 V.
  • 221351 02/21/11 20:04 donjones Compton: correlation between background and photon detector rates quadratic
  • 221350 02/21/11 20:03 leacock nonlinearities -- a closer look
  • 221349 02/21/11 20:02 narayan Target: regular screenshot
  • 221348 02/21/11 19:59 cdaq Run 10174: Production: LH2, 3.5x3.5, 150 uA, HW Plate IN, QTOR 8921, BMOD ON
  • 221347 02/21/11 19:58 cdaq End of Run 10173:
  • 221346 02/21/11 19:57 jhoskins Vaccum at bellows ig getting pretty high.
  • 221345 02/21/11 19:53 cdaq Run 10173: Test of FFB/FF on using modulation system
  • 221344 02/21/11 19:49 cdaq End of Run 10172:
  • 221343 02/21/11 19:49 jhoskins Run 10173 will be FFB/FF energy modulation run
  • 221342 02/21/11 19:19 jmammei MD and bkgd det correlations
  • 221341 02/21/11 19:15 jhoskins plots for 10172
  • 221340 02/21/11 19:08 jhoskins Target: That is md3positive
  • 221339 02/21/11 18:57 jmammei MD 6 positive very strange?
  • 221338 02/21/11 18:45 cdaq Run 10172: Production: LH2, 3.5x3.5, 150 uA, HW Plate IN, QTOR 8921, BMOD ON
  • 221337 02/21/11 18:44 cdaq End of Run 10171:
  • 221336 02/21/11 18:16 jhoskins plots for 10171
  • 221334 02/21/11 17:47 cdaq Run 10171: Production: LH2, 3.5x3.5, 150 uA, HW Plate IN, QTOR 8921, BMOD ON
  • 221333 02/21/11 17:40 jhoskins Preparing to take beam
  • 221332 02/21/11 17:36 narayan Target: generic Target snapshot
  • 221331 02/21/11 17:24 rajotte Day Shift summary
  • 221330 02/21/11 17:15 donjones modified slow controls LabVIEW program
  • 221329 02/21/11 17:14 pking Analysis database records for runs 10127 and later have been removed.
  • 221328 02/21/11 17:04 pking QwAnalysis/devel has been updated and recompiled
  • 221327 02/21/11 16:51 donjones Compton: no apparent correlation between backgrounds and position drifts in IPM3H04
  • 221326 02/21/11 16:44 cdaq Beam Time Accounting
  • 221325 02/21/11 16:41 rajotte Analysed data deleted
  • 221324 02/21/11 16:26 rajotte
  • 221323 02/21/11 16:25 jhoskins Bad RF cavitites in Injector-->so we have no beam
  • 221322 02/21/11 16:22 cdaq Compton End of Run 20965:
  • 221321 02/21/11 15:57 Armstrong Target: happy target
  • 221320 02/21/11 15:55 rajotte general tools & HV
  • 221319 02/21/11 15:46 jhlee killed all autoanalyzers and all qwparity process
  • 221318 02/21/11 15:33 Armstrong when did the target mi_A sensor go MIA?
  • 221317 02/21/11 14:53 pking Starting an update and recompilation of QwAnalysis on the cdaq cluster.
  • 221316 02/21/11 14:50 wdconinc Compton: Automatic backed-up data removal when necessary
  • 221315 02/21/11 14:48 jmammei temp sensor and blinding factor
  • 221314 02/21/11 14:17 cdaq End of Run 10170:
  • 221313 02/21/11 14:05 mack We can ignore cable tempco but can't ignore PMT tempco.
  • 221312 02/21/11 13:52 paschke Analysis: yield nonlinearities compatible with pedestal error?
  • 221311 02/21/11 13:13 cdaq Run 10170: Production: LH2, 3.5x3.5, 0 uA, HW Plate IN, QTOR 8921, BMOD ON
  • 221310 02/21/11 13:11 Ramesh bcm6 gain changed, calibration ok
  • 221309 02/21/11 13:10 cdaq End of Run 10169:
  • 221307 02/21/11 12:40 cdaq Compton Run 20965: beam
  • 221305 02/21/11 12:39 leacock Analysis: yield nonlinearities in lumis and MDs -- old news???
  • 221304 02/21/11 12:30 cdaq Run 10169: Production: LH2, 3.5x3.5, 0 uA, HW Plate OUT, QTOR 8921, BMOD ON
  • 221303 02/21/11 12:21 jmammei RC daily summary
  • 221302 02/21/11 12:17 rajotte general tools & HV
  • 221301 02/21/11 12:14 jmammei Plan for beam studies this week
  • 221300 02/21/11 11:36 cdaq End of Run 10168:
  • 221299 02/21/11 11:29 cdaq Run 10168: Production: pedestal, 3.5x3.5, 0 uA, HW Plate OUT, QTOR 8921, BMOD ON
  • 221298 02/21/11 11:27 cdaq End of Run 10167:
  • 221297 02/21/11 11:25 rajotte Beam out because problem with injector cavity
  • 221296 02/21/11 11:09 rajotte first100k analysis for run 10167
  • 221295 02/21/11 10:42 cdaq Run 10167: Production: LH2, 3.5x3.5, 150 uA, HW Plate OUT, QTOR 8921, BMOD ON
  • 221294 02/21/11 10:40 cdaq End of Run 10166:
  • 221293 02/21/11 10:39 rakithab devel Feedback engine was updated to revision 2546
  • 221292 02/21/11 10:35 paschke Analysis: re: MD yields and bkgd dets yields
  • 221291 02/21/11 10:09 donjones Background rates bad again
  • 221290 02/21/11 10:02 rajotte first100k analysis for run 10166
  • 221289 02/21/11 09:52 jmammei MD yields and bkgd dets yields
  • 221288 02/21/11 09:51 cdaq Compton Run 20964: beam current 150 uA, photon det HV 1600 V.
  • 221287 02/21/11 09:48 cdaq Compton End of Run 20963:
  • 221286 02/21/11 09:44 rajotte Coda crashed
  • 221285 02/21/11 09:43 rajotte CODA does not make sounds on start and stop run
  • 221284 02/21/11 09:40 cdaq Run 10166: Production: LH2, 3.5x3.5, 150 uA, HW Plate OUT, QTOR 8921, BMOD ON
  • 221283 02/21/11 09:18 jmammei VCG3H09DTr vacuum steady at ~1e-4
  • 221282 02/21/11 09:17 rajotte first 100k run 10165
  • 221281 02/21/11 08:29 cdaq Compton Run 20963: beam current 150 uA, photon det HV 1600 V.
  • 221280 02/21/11 08:28 cdaq Compton End of Run 20962:
  • 221279 02/21/11 08:28 cdaq Run 10165: Production: LH2, 3.5x3.5, 150 uA, HW Plate OUT, QTOR 8921, BMOD ON
  • 221278 02/21/11 08:26 cdaq End of Run 10164:
  • 221277 02/21/11 08:18 Armstrong Target: Screen shot at start of shift and some notes
  • 221276 02/21/11 08:15 cdaq Beam Time Accounting
  • 221275 02/21/11 08:12 magee Shift Summary: Owl Shift summary (Feb. 21, 2011)
  • 221274 02/21/11 08:09 magee wrong IHWP coda titles
  • 221273 02/21/11 08:03 magee Charge feedback died
  • 221272 02/21/11 07:40 cdaq Compton Run 20962: beam current 150 uA, photon det HV 1600 V.
  • 221271 02/21/11 07:27 magee Analysis: Run 10164 first 100k plots
  • 221270 02/21/11 07:08 magee Analysis: Run 10162 first 100k plots
  • 221269 02/21/11 07:08 cdaq Compton End of Run 20961:
  • 221268 02/21/11 07:08 cdaq Run 10164: Production: LH2, 3.5x3.5, 150 uA, HW Plate IN, QTOR 8921, BMOD ON
  • 221267 02/21/11 07:05 cdaq End of Run 10163:
  • 221266 02/21/11 06:58 cdaq Run 10163: Production: LH2, 3.5x3.5, 150 uA, HW Plate IN, QTOR 8921, BMOD ON
  • 221265 02/21/11 06:57 cdaq End of Run 10162:
  • 221264 02/21/11 06:47 cdaq Compton Run 20961: beam current 150 uA, photon det HV 1600 V.
  • 221263 02/21/11 06:47 cdaq Run 10162: Production: LH2, 3.5x3.5, 150 uA, HW Plate IN, QTOR 8921, BMOD ON
  • 221262 02/21/11 06:46 cdaq Compton End of Run 20960:
  • 221261 02/21/11 06:46 cdaq End of Run 10161:
  • 221260 02/21/11 06:45 cdaq Compton Run 20960: beam current 150 uA, photon det HV 1600 V.
  • 221259 02/21/11 06:22 magee OWL General tools and HV
  • 221258 02/21/11 06:13 magee Analysis: Run 10161 first 100k plots
  • 221257 02/21/11 05:58 magee Analysis: Run 10160 first 100k plots - terrible
  • 221256 02/21/11 05:46 magee Analysis: Coda crashed - EB4
  • 221255 02/21/11 05:42 cdaq Compton End of Run 20959:
  • 221254 02/21/11 05:42 cdaq Run 10161: Production: LH2, 3.5x3.5, 150 uA, HW Plate IN, QTOR 8921, BMOD ON
  • 221253 02/21/11 05:07 magee Beam: Beam trips - dropping to 148 uA current
  • 221252 02/21/11 04:40 cdaq Compton Run 20959: beam current 150 uA, photon det HV 1600 V.
  • 221251 02/21/11 04:40 cdaq Run 10160: Production: LH2, 3.5x3.5, 150 uA, HW Plate IN, QTOR 8921, BMOD ON
  • 221250 02/21/11 04:39 cdaq End of Run 10159:
  • 221249 02/21/11 04:29 magee IHWP flipped to OUT.
  • 221248 02/21/11 04:27 cdaq Run 10159: Production: LH2, 3.5x3.5, 150 uA, HW Plate IN, QTOR 8921, BMOD ON
  • 221247 02/21/11 04:21 cdaq End of Run 10158:
  • 221246 02/21/11 04:21 cdaq Compton End of Run 20958:
  • 221245 02/21/11 04:20 cdaq Compton Run 20958: beam current 150 uA, photon det HV 1600 V.
  • 221244 02/21/11 04:18 M Jones Target: Target GUI and strip charts screenshots
  • 221243 02/21/11 04:17 magee Analysis: Run 10158 first 100k plots
  • 221242 02/21/11 03:32 cdaq Run 10158: Production: LH2, 3.5x3.5, 150 uA, HW Plate IN, QTOR 8921, BMOD ON
  • 221241 02/21/11 03:31 cdaq Compton End of Run 20957:
  • 221240 02/21/11 03:31 cdaq End of Run 10157:
  • 221239 02/21/11 03:31 cdaq Compton Run 20957: beam current 150 uA, photon det HV 1600 V.
  • 221238 02/21/11 02:52 magee Analysis: Run 10157 first 100k plots
  • 221236 02/21/11 02:50 magee Analysis: Correction - that was for run *10156*
  • 221235 02/21/11 02:45 magee Analysis: Run 10157 first 100k plots
  • 221234 02/21/11 02:37 cdaq Run 10157: Production: LH2, 3.5x3.5, 150 uA, HW Plate IN, QTOR 8921, BMOD ON
  • 221233 02/21/11 02:33 cdaq End of Run 10156:
  • 221232 02/21/11 02:33 cdaq Compton End of Run 20956:
  • 221231 02/21/11 02:33 cdaq Compton Run 20956: beam current 150 uA, photon det HV 1600 V.
  • 221230 02/21/11 02:08 magee Analysis: Run 10155 first 100k plots
  • 221229 02/21/11 01:34 cdaq Run 10156: Production: LH2, 3.5x3.5, 150 uA, HW Plate IN, QTOR 8921, BMOD ON
  • 221228 02/21/11 01:33 cdaq End of Run 10155:
  • 221227 02/21/11 00:48 wdconinc Compton: Removed old data files that are on silo
  • 221226 02/21/11 00:37 cdaq Run 10155: Production: LH2, 3.5x3.5, 150 uA, HW Plate IN, QTOR 8921, BMOD ON
  • 221225 02/21/11 00:36 cdaq End of Run 10154:
  • 221224 02/21/11 00:36 cdaq Compton End of Run 20955:
  • 221223 02/21/11 00:32 cdaq Beam Time Accounting
  • 221222 02/21/11 00:26 Kargiantoula Shift Summary: Swing Shift summary
  • 221221 02/21/11 00:07 Kargiantoula HV controls screenshot for swing shift
  • Sunday

  • 221220 02/20/11 23:56 Kargiantoula General tools screenshot for swing shift
  • 221219 02/20/11 23:53 Kargiantoula first100k analysis for run 10154
  • 221218 02/20/11 23:49 Kargiantoula missing MD asymmetry plots for run 10153
  • 221217 02/20/11 23:34 cdaq Compton Run 20955: beam current 150 uA, photon det HV 1600 V.
  • 221216 02/20/11 23:33 cdaq Run 10154: Production: LH2, 3.5x3.5, 150 uA, HW Plate IN, QTOR 8921, BMOD ON
  • 221215 02/20/11 23:33 cdaq Compton End of Run 20954:
  • 221214 02/20/11 23:32 cdaq End of Run 10153:
  • 221213 02/20/11 23:32 rakithab How to Reverse the IHWP setting and restart the Charge Feedback Appropriately
  • 221212 02/20/11 23:04 jhlee Target: Pump voltage alarm
  • 221211 02/20/11 23:02 mack x-like modulation apparent during run 10149 100k plots
  • 221210 02/20/11 22:56 jhlee remove first100k files +0 day ago approved by Dave G
  • 221209 02/20/11 22:56 Kargiantoula first100k analysis for run 10153
  • 221208 02/20/11 22:42 Kargiantoula Missed helicity gates
  • 221207 02/20/11 22:36 jmammei run plan for owl
  • 221206 02/20/11 22:33 cdaq Run 10153: Production: LH2, 3.5x3.5, 150 uA, HW Plate IN, QTOR 8921, BMOD ON
  • 221205 02/20/11 22:32 cdaq End of Run 10152:
  • 221204 02/20/11 22:26 Kargiantoula correction: 10150 is a pedestal run, IHWP IN
  • 221203 02/20/11 22:20 cdaq Run 10152: Production: LH2, 3.5x3.5, 150 uA, HW Plate IN, QTOR 8921, BMOD ON
  • 221202 02/20/11 22:16 mack probably seeing tempco of Hall C cable run
  • 221201 02/20/11 22:16 cdaq End of Run 10151:
  • 221200 02/20/11 22:13 cdaq Compton Run 20954: beam current 150 uA, photon det HV 1600 V.
  • 221199 02/20/11 22:12 cdaq Run 10151: Production: LH2, 3.5x3.5, 150 uA, HW Plate IN, QTOR 8921, BMOD ON
  • 221198 02/20/11 22:11 cdaq End of Run 10150:
  • 221197 02/20/11 22:03 cdaq Run 10150: Production: LH2, 3.5x3.5, 150 uA, HW Plate OUT, QTOR 8921, BMOD ON
  • 221196 02/20/11 21:59 cdaq Compton End of Run 20953:
  • 221195 02/20/11 21:59 cdaq End of Run 10149:
  • 221194 02/20/11 21:27 Kargiantoula Analysis plots for run 10149
  • 221193 02/20/11 21:18 Kargiantoula correction: IHWP is IN
  • 221192 02/20/11 21:18 jmammei updated slug numbers in DB
  • 221191 02/20/11 21:17 Kargiantoula correction: IHWP is IN
  • 221190 02/20/11 21:16 Kargiantoula correction: IHWP is IN
  • 221189 02/20/11 21:03 jmammei change default run title to match IHWP state
  • 221188 02/20/11 20:57 cdaq Run 10149: Production: LH2, 3.5x3.5, 150 uA, HW Plate OUT, QTOR 8921, BMOD ON
  • 221187 02/20/11 20:57 cdaq Compton Run 20953: beam current 150 uA, photon det HV 1600 V.
  • 221186 02/20/11 20:56 cdaq Compton End of Run 20952:
  • 221185 02/20/11 20:56 cdaq End of Run 10148:
  • 221184 02/20/11 20:33 jhlee Target: Tungsten plug water temp alarm, goes to 30.7
  • 221183 02/20/11 20:22 kargiantoula Analysis plots for run 10148
  • 221182 02/20/11 20:13 jhlee new qwfeedback results after HWP IN
  • 221181 02/20/11 19:59 cdaq Compton Run 20952: beam current 150 uA, photon det HV 1600 V.
  • 221180 02/20/11 19:59 cdaq Run 10148: Production: LH2, 3.5x3.5, 150 uA, HW Plate OUT, QTOR 8921, BMOD ON
  • 221179 02/20/11 19:58 cdaq End of Run 10147:
  • 221178 02/20/11 19:50 jmammei bpm4 X and Y values drifted in slug 52
  • 221177 02/20/11 19:50 jhlee Target: Screen shot of target at the mid of swing shift
  • 221176 02/20/11 19:48 Kargiantoula Changed IHWP to IN state
  • 221175 02/20/11 19:40 cdaq Run 10147: Production: LH2, 3.5x3.5, 150 uA, HW Plate OUT, QTOR 8921, BMOD ON
  • 221174 02/20/11 19:38 cdaq End of Run 10146:
  • 221173 02/20/11 19:29 Kargiantoula Analysis plots for run 10146
  • 221172 02/20/11 19:26 jmammei bcm 6 signals decreasing in recent slugs
  • 221171 02/20/11 19:08 tested charge feedback system
  • 221170 02/20/11 18:53 rakithab devel Feedback engine was updated to revision 2545
  • 221169 02/20/11 18:42 cdaq Run 10146: Production: LH2, 3.5x3.5, 150 uA, HW Plate OUT, QTOR 8921, BMOD ON
  • 221168 02/20/11 18:41 cdaq End of Run 10145:
  • 221167 02/20/11 18:30 cdaq Run 10145: Production: LH2, 3.5x3.5, 150 uA, HW Plate OUT, QTOR 8921, BMOD ON
  • 221166 02/20/11 18:17 cdaq Compton End of Run 20951:
  • 221165 02/20/11 17:56 cdaq End of Run 10144:
  • 221164 02/20/11 17:56 Kargiantoula PC HV off
  • 221163 02/20/11 17:48 Kargiantoula Beam back up
  • 221162 02/20/11 17:44 brads ccomptl1:/data1 disk >98% full
  • 221161 02/20/11 17:44 beaufait Tungsten plug alarm
  • 221160 02/20/11 17:41 cdaq Compton Run 20951: beam current 150 uA, photon det HV 1600 V.
  • 221159 02/20/11 17:41 cdaq Run 10144: Production: LH2, 3.5x3.5, 150 uA, HW Plate OUT, QTOR 8921, BMOD ON
  • 221158 02/20/11 17:33 Kargiantoula Beam down again
  • 221157 02/20/11 17:28 cdaq End of Run 10143:
  • 221156 02/20/11 17:27 cdaq Compton End of Run 20950:
  • 221155 02/20/11 17:02 Kargiantoula Analysis plots for run 10143
  • 221154 02/20/11 16:59 jhlee Target: Tungsten plug temp alarm, goes to 30.6
  • 221153 02/20/11 16:49 Kargiantoula Vacuum at beginning of swing shift
  • 221152 02/20/11 16:31 cdaq Compton Run 20950: beam current 150 uA, photon det HV 1600 V.
  • 221151 02/20/11 16:31 cdaq Run 10143: Production: LH2, 3.5x3.5, 150 uA, HW Plate OUT, QTOR 8921, BMOD ON
  • 221150 02/20/11 16:30 cdaq Compton End of Run 20949:
  • 221149 02/20/11 16:29 cdaq End of Run 10142:
  • 221148 02/20/11 16:22 Pitt Target: End of day shift screenshot
  • 221147 02/20/11 16:08 Fatiha Shift Summary
  • 221146 02/20/11 16:08 cdaq Beam Time Accounting
  • 221145 02/20/11 15:57 Fatiha Analysis run 10142
  • 221144 02/20/11 15:35 mack energy modulation apparent n plots for run 10,131
  • 221143 02/20/11 15:28 cdaq Compton Run 20949: beam current 150 uA, photon det HV 1600 V.
  • 221142 02/20/11 15:28 cdaq Compton End of Run 20948:
  • 221141 02/20/11 15:27 cdaq Run 10142: Production: LH2, 3.5x3.5, 150 uA, HW Plate OUT, QTOR 8921, BMOD ON
  • 221140 02/20/11 15:26 cdaq End of Run 10141:
  • 221139 02/20/11 15:05 Pitt Target: Change tungsten plug temp alarm "high" point
  • 221138 02/20/11 14:10 smithg Target: 4K PID story and short term strategy
  • 221137 02/20/11 13:53 cdaq Run 10141: Production: LH2, 3.5x3.5, 150 uA, HW Plate OUT, QTOR 8921, BMOD ON
  • 221136 02/20/11 13:51 cdaq End of Run 10140:
  • 221135 02/20/11 13:47 benesch Beam: 1E03 and partial injector data
  • 221134 02/20/11 13:46 jmammei need more multiharp scans
  • 221133 02/20/11 13:43 Pitt Target: Tungsten plug temp minor alarm
  • 221132 02/20/11 13:42 cdaq Compton Run 20948: beam current 150 uA, photon det HV 1600 V.
  • 221131 02/20/11 13:42 Fatiha General Tool screen
  • 221130 02/20/11 13:42 cdaq Compton End of Run 20947:
  • 221129 02/20/11 13:30 jmammei harp scans this morning
  • 221128 02/20/11 13:26 Fatiha Double or triple bumps in the charge asymmetry plot for run 10140
  • 221127 02/20/11 13:23 smithg Target: one more point about the vacuum
  • 221126 02/20/11 13:16 smithg Target: downstream vacuum over past 24h
  • 221125 02/20/11 12:57 cdaq Run 10140: Production: LH2, 3.5x3.5, 150 uA, HW Plate OUT, QTOR 8921, BMOD ON
  • 221124 02/20/11 12:55 cdaq End of Run 10139:
  • 221123 02/20/11 12:41 cdaq Compton Run 20947: beam current 150 uA, photon det HV 1600 V.
  • 221122 02/20/11 12:41 cdaq Compton End of Run 20946:
  • 221121 02/20/11 12:24 Fatiha Analysis of run 10139
  • 221120 02/20/11 12:18 dalton Compton: FADC yield structures
  • 221119 02/20/11 12:06 Fatiha Charge asymmetries
  • 221118 02/20/11 12:03 Fatiha Vme1 and Vme2 rebooted
  • 221117 02/20/11 11:52 cdaq Run 10139: Production: LH2, 3.5x3.5, 150 uA, HW Plate OUT, QTOR 8921, BMOD ON
  • 221116 02/20/11 11:45 rajotte slug 54 updated in database 10127-10135
  • 221115 02/20/11 11:42 Fatiha Vme1 and Vme2 messages
  • 221114 02/20/11 11:41 cdaq End of Run 10138:
  • 221113 02/20/11 11:41 cdaq Compton Run 20946: beam current 150 uA, photon det HV 1600 V.
  • 221112 02/20/11 11:37 cdaq Run 10138: Production: LH2, 3.5x3.5, 150 uA, HW Plate OUT, QTOR 8921, BMOD ON
  • 221111 02/20/11 11:25 Fatiha Beam quality for the couple of minutes it was back
  • 221110 02/20/11 11:22 Fatiha Beam down again (for a While)
  • 221109 02/20/11 11:20 cdaq Compton End of Run 20945:
  • 221108 02/20/11 11:13 cdaq End of Run 10137:
  • 221107 02/20/11 11:08 Fatiha Beam is back
  • 221106 02/20/11 11:03 cdaq Run 10137: Production: LH2, 3.5x3.5, 150 uA, HW Plate OUT, QTOR 8921, BMOD ON
  • 221105 02/20/11 11:02 cdaq Compton Run 20945: beam current 150 uA, photon det HV 1600 V.
  • 221104 02/20/11 10:56 dalton Compton: labview laser control program crash
  • 221103 02/20/11 10:31 jmammei Correction: vacuum steady less than 5e-5
  • 221102 02/20/11 10:26 jmammei RC daily summary
  • 221101 02/20/11 10:11 Fatiha Updates
  • 221100 02/20/11 09:37 Pitt Target: Beginning of day shift screenshot
  • 221099 02/20/11 09:08 cdaq End of Run 10136:
  • 221098 02/20/11 09:07 cdaq Run 10136: test
  • 221097 02/20/11 08:54 Jiawei Analysis: Late entry: Plots for production run 10134
  • 221096 02/20/11 08:51 Fatiha IHWP is changed to OUT
  • 221095 02/20/11 08:45 cdaq End of Run 10135:
  • 221094 02/20/11 08:45 cdaq Compton End of Run 20944:
  • 221093 02/20/11 08:42 cdaq Compton Run 20944: beam current 150 uA, photon det HV 1600 V.
  • 221092 02/20/11 08:41 cdaq Run 10135: Production: LH2, 3.5x3.5, 150 uA, HW Plate IN, QTOR 8921, BMOD ON
  • 221091 02/20/11 08:39 cdaq Compton End of Run 20943:
  • 221090 02/20/11 08:37 Fatiha Beam will be off for a 1/2h or so
  • 221089 02/20/11 08:36 cdaq End of Run 10134:
  • 221088 02/20/11 07:57 cdaq Beam Time Accounting
  • 221087 02/20/11 07:56 Jiawei owl shift summary
  • 221086 02/20/11 07:45 Jiawei Analysis: Plots for production run 10134
  • 221085 02/20/11 07:32 cdaq Compton Run 20943: beam current 150 uA, photon det HV 1600 V.
  • 221084 02/20/11 07:29 cdaq Run 10134: Production: LH2, 3.5x3.5, 150 uA, HW Plate IN, QTOR 8921, BMOD ON
  • 221083 02/20/11 07:28 gaskell Target 4K JT - I understand now
  • 221082 02/20/11 07:25 cdaq Compton End of Run 20942:
  • 221081 02/20/11 07:24 cdaq End of Run 10133:
  • 221080 02/20/11 07:17 cdaq Run 10133: pedestal
  • 221079 02/20/11 07:15 Jiawei halo rate plot during owl shift
  • 221078 02/20/11 07:14 gaskell Checked warm return bypass
  • 221077 02/20/11 06:58 Jiawei Beam is off and Dave G will enter the hall to check some valve.
  • 221076 02/20/11 06:56 cdaq End of Run 10132:
  • 221075 02/20/11 06:48 cdaq Compton Run 20942: beam current 150 uA, photon det HV 1600 V.
  • 221074 02/20/11 06:47 cdaq Compton End of Run 20941:
  • 221073 02/20/11 06:44 Jiawei Analysis: Plots for production run 10131
  • 221072 02/20/11 06:38 cdaq Run 10132: Production: LH2, 3.5x3.5, 150 uA, HW Plate IN, QTOR 8921, BMOD ON
  • 221071 02/20/11 06:24 gaskell Target 4K JT closed: why?
  • 221070 02/20/11 06:21 Jiawei Target 4k flow oscillates a lot. Dave G is trying to fix it.
  • 221069 02/20/11 06:21 magee General tools + HV
  • 221068 02/20/11 06:15 Jiawei QTor tripped and recovered
  • 221067 02/20/11 05:50 magee Target: 4k mass flow oscillating - HPH alarms
  • 221066 02/20/11 05:47 cdaq End of Run 10131:
  • 221065 02/20/11 05:26 cdaq Compton Run 20941: beam current 150 uA, photon det HV 1600 V.
  • 221064 02/20/11 05:26 Jiawei compton DAQ EB0 crashed and restarted the CODA
  • 221063 02/20/11 05:22 cdaq Run 10131: Production: LH2, 3.5x3.5, 150 uA, HW Plate IN, QTOR 8921, BMOD ON
  • 221062 02/20/11 05:21 cdaq End of Run 10130:
  • 221061 02/20/11 04:44 magee Target: Inlet sensor bad, 4k JT closed, HPH tanked - Fine now
  • 221060 02/20/11 04:35 cdaq Compton Run 20940: beam current 150 uA, photon det HV 1600 V.
  • 221059 02/20/11 04:22 cdaq Run 10130: Production: LH2, 3.5x3.5, 150 uA, HW Plate IN, QTOR 8921, BMOD ON
  • 221058 02/20/11 04:13 cdaq End of Run 10129:
  • 221057 02/20/11 03:41 magee Target: Cell input manifold temp alarm
  • 221056 02/20/11 03:41 magee Target: Cell input manifold temp alarm
  • 221055 02/20/11 03:38 Jiawei Analysis: Plots for production run 10129
  • 221054 02/20/11 03:38 magee Target: Cell input manifold temp alarm
  • 221053 02/20/11 03:15 cdaq Run 10129: Production: LH2, 3.5x3.5, 150 uA, HW Plate IN, QTOR 8921, BMOD ON
  • 221052 02/20/11 03:14 cdaq End of Run 10128:
  • 221051 02/20/11 03:14 cdaq Compton End of Run 20939:
  • 221050 02/20/11 02:14 cdaq Run 10128: Production: LH2, 3.5x3.5, 150 uA, HW Plate IN, QTOR 8921, BMOD ON
  • 221049 02/20/11 02:12 cdaq End of Run 10127:
  • 221048 02/20/11 01:32 Jiawei Analysis: Plots for production run 10127
  • 221047 02/20/11 01:17 Jiawei Vacuum is getting better
  • 221046 02/20/11 01:11 cdaq Run 10127: Production: LH2, 3.5x3.5, 150 uA, HW Plate IN, QTOR 8921, BMOD ON
  • 221045 02/20/11 01:10 Jiawei HWP In from Run 10127
  • 221044 02/20/11 01:07 cdaq End of Run 10126:
  • 221043 02/20/11 00:33 Jiawei Vacuum is not stable
  • 221042 02/20/11 00:30 jmammei updated slug number in DB
  • 221041 02/20/11 00:05 Ramesh Shift Summary
  • 221040 02/20/11 00:03 cdaq Beam Time Accounting
  • 221039 02/20/11 00:01 Ramesh VCG3H09DTr vacuum looks good: 1.5 * 10^-5 torr
  • Saturday

  • 221038 02/19/11 23:58 Ramesh halo rate today
  • 221037 02/19/11 23:51 cdaq Run 10126: Production: LH2, 3.5x3.5, 150 uA, HW Plate OUT, QTOR 8921, BMOD ON
  • 221036 02/19/11 23:51 cdaq End of Run 10125:
  • 221035 02/19/11 23:31 Nuruzzaman Target GUI and stripchart screenshots.
  • 221034 02/19/11 23:30 dalton Compton: Changes to the crl
  • 221033 02/19/11 23:28 Nuruzzaman Generaltool and HV GUI screenshots.
  • 221032 02/19/11 23:25 cdaq Compton Run 20939: beam current 150 uA, photon det HV 1600 V new passive splitter
  • 221031 02/19/11 23:24 cdaq Compton End of Run 20938:
  • 221030 02/19/11 23:20 cdaq Compton Run 20938: beam current 150 uA, photon det HV 1600 V new passive splitter
  • 221029 02/19/11 23:19 cdaq Compton End of Run 20937:
  • 221028 02/19/11 23:17 cdaq Compton Run 20937: beam current 150 uA, photon det HV 1600 V new passive splitter
  • 221027 02/19/11 23:00 cdaq Compton End of Run 20936:
  • 221026 02/19/11 22:55 Ramesh injector run 2181 started
  • 221025 02/19/11 22:54 cdaq Run 10125: Production: LH2, 3.5x3.5, 150 uA, HW Plate OUT, QTOR 8921, BMOD ON
  • 221024 02/19/11 22:53 cdaq End of Run 10124:
  • 221023 02/19/11 22:48 cdaq Compton Run 20936: beam current 150 uA, photon det HV 1600 V new passive splitter
  • 221022 02/19/11 22:46 cdaq Compton End of Run 20935:
  • 221021 02/19/11 22:22 jhlee moved an injector QW_ROOTFILES directory
  • 221020 02/19/11 22:20 cdaq Compton Run 20935: beam current 150 uA, photon det HV 1500 V x3 amplify
  • 221019 02/19/11 22:19 cdaq Compton End of Run 20934:
  • 221018 02/19/11 22:17 Ramesh 100k analysis plots from run 10124
  • 221017 02/19/11 21:56 cdaq Compton Run 20934: beam current 150 uA, photon det HV 1700 V x3 amplify
  • 221016 02/19/11 21:55 cdaq Compton End of Run 20933:
  • 221015 02/19/11 21:54 cdaq Run 10124: Production: LH2, 3.5x3.5, 150 uA, HW Plate OUT, QTOR 8921, BMOD ON
  • 221014 02/19/11 21:53 cdaq End of Run 10123:
  • 221013 02/19/11 21:36 dalton Added a 3x amplifier to FADC signal
  • 221012 02/19/11 21:29 cdaq Compton Run 20933: beam current 150 uA, photon det HV 1600 V x3 amplify
  • 221011 02/19/11 21:27 cdaq Compton End of Run 20932:
  • 221010 02/19/11 21:07 cdaq Compton Run 20932: beam current 150 uA, photon det HV 1500 V.
  • 221009 02/19/11 21:06 cdaq Compton End of Run 20931:
  • 221008 02/19/11 20:59 dalton Compton: Changed HV to 1700 V
  • 221007 02/19/11 20:56 cdaq Run 10123: Production: LH2, 3.5x3.5, 150 uA, HW Plate OUT, QTOR 8921, BMOD ON
  • 221006 02/19/11 20:55 cdaq End of Run 10122:
  • 221005 02/19/11 20:47 cdaq Compton Run 20931: beam current 150 uA, photon det HV 1700 V.
  • 221004 02/19/11 20:46 cdaq Compton End of Run 20930:
  • 221003 02/19/11 20:31 Ramesh 100k analysis plots from run 10122
  • 221002 02/19/11 20:25 Ramesh vacuum history for VCG3H09DTr
  • 221001 02/19/11 20:22 Ramesh worsenning vacuum in VCG3H09DTr
  • 221000 02/19/11 20:20 dalton Compton: ROC1 crash act 1, scene 3
  • 220999 02/19/11 20:19 cdaq Compton Run 20930: beam current 150 uA, photon det HV 1600 V.
  • 220998 02/19/11 20:14 jmammei vacuum approaching admin. limit
  • 220997 02/19/11 20:10 cdaq Compton Run 20929: beam current 150 uA, photon det HV 1600 V.
  • 220996 02/19/11 20:09 dalton Compton: ROC1 crash act 1, scene 2
  • 220995 02/19/11 20:05 cdaq Compton Run 20928: beam current 150 uA, photon det HV 1600 V.
  • 220994 02/19/11 20:01 dalton Compton: ROC1 crash in the act
  • 220993 02/19/11 19:56 jmammei run plan for swing/owl
  • 220992 02/19/11 19:53 cdaq Run 10122: Production: LH2, 3.5x3.5, 150 uA, HW Plate OUT, QTOR 8921, BMOD ON
  • 220991 02/19/11 19:53 cdaq Compton Run 20927: beam current 150 uA, photon det HV 1600 V.
  • 220990 02/19/11 19:52 cdaq End of Run 10121:
  • 220989 02/19/11 19:34 cdaq Moller End of Run 837:
  • 220988 02/19/11 19:33 cdaq Compton Run 20926: beam current 150 uA, photon det HV 1600 V.
  • 220987 02/19/11 19:33 cdaq Moller Run 837: DAQ test
  • 220986 02/19/11 19:23 cdaq Compton Run 20924: beam current 150 uA, photon det HV 1600 V.
  • 220985 02/19/11 19:22 dalton Compton: Restarting CODA
  • 220984 02/19/11 19:05 Nuruzzaman Tungsten plug temperature yellow alarm came back again
  • 220983 02/19/11 18:53 cdaq Compton Run 20923: beam current 150 uA, photon det HV 1600 V.
  • 220982 02/19/11 18:52 cdaq Run 10121: Production: LH2, 3.5x3.5, 150 uA, HW Plate OUT, QTOR 8921, BMOD ON
  • 220981 02/19/11 18:50 cdaq End of Run 10120:
  • 220980 02/19/11 18:47 gaskell Compton: DAQ crash screen shots
  • 220979 02/19/11 18:44 jmammei vacuum pressure goes high for a while
  • 220978 02/19/11 17:44 cdaq Compton Run 20922: beam current 150 uA, photon det HV 1600 V.
  • 220977 02/19/11 17:41 cdaq Run 10120: Production: LH2, 3.5x3.5, 150 uA, HW Plate OUT, QTOR 8921, BMOD ON
  • 220976 02/19/11 17:40 cdaq End of Run 10119:
  • 220975 02/19/11 17:34 jmammei updated slug numbers in DB
  • 220974 02/19/11 17:22 Nuruzzaman Tungsten plug water temperature gave a yellow alarm.
  • 220973 02/19/11 17:15 Ramesh Stopped injector run 2180, Hall A is about to come online
  • 220972 02/19/11 17:07 Ramesh analysis plots from run 10119 after half wave plate OUT
  • 220971 02/19/11 16:55 Ramesh start injector run 2180, Hall A still down, halfwave plate OUT now
  • 220970 02/19/11 16:53 Ramesh Half wave plate OUT
  • 220969 02/19/11 16:46 cdaq Run 10119: Production: LH2, 3.5x3.5, 150 ua, HW Plate OUT, QTOR 8921, BMOD ON
  • 220968 02/19/11 16:44 cdaq End of Run 10118:
  • 220967 02/19/11 16:33 brads Compton: DAQ ROC1 issues
  • 220966 02/19/11 16:16 Ramesh start injector run 2179 when Hall A was in controlled access
  • 220965 02/19/11 16:00 jhoskins BMod GUI
  • 220964 02/19/11 15:55 Nuruzzaman Target: Target GUI and strip charts screenshots
  • 220963 02/19/11 15:53 Nelyubin run 10118 replay plots
  • 220962 02/19/11 15:51 Nelyubin run 10118 replay plots
  • 220961 02/19/11 15:50 Nelyubin run 10118 replay plots
  • 220960 02/19/11 15:48 Nelyubin run 10118 replay plots
  • 220959 02/19/11 15:46 jmammei position diffs ~65nm
  • 220958 02/19/11 15:34 cdaq Run 10118: Production: LH2, 3.5x3.5, 150 ua, HW Plate IN, QTOR 8921, BMOD ON
  • 220957 02/19/11 15:33 cdaq End of Run 10117:
  • 220956 02/19/11 15:08 paschke slug plots config modified
  • 220955 02/19/11 14:57 Nelyubin run 10117 replay, plots
  • 220954 02/19/11 14:55 Nelyubin run 10117 replay, plots
  • 220953 02/19/11 14:51 Nelyubin run 10117 replay plots
  • 220952 02/19/11 14:49 Nelyubin run 10117 replay plot
  • 220951 02/19/11 14:34 Nelyubin CODA was rebooted
  • 220950 02/19/11 14:33 cdaq Run 10117: Production: LH2, 3.5x3.5, 150 ua, HW Plate IN, QTOR 8921, BMOD ON
  • 220949 02/19/11 14:32 cdaq End of Run 10116:
  • 220948 02/19/11 14:31 Ramesh 7 microsecond gate delay for cavity BCMs and modifications in their electronics (late entry)
  • 220947 02/19/11 14:28 cdaq Run 10116: Production: LH2, 3.5x3.5, 150 ua, HW Plate IN, QTOR 8921, BMOD ON
  • 220946 02/19/11 14:26 pking Patched the Hall A Ux3 BCM signal into Qweak DAQ
  • 220945 02/19/11 14:19 cdaq Compton End of Run 20921:
  • 220944 02/19/11 14:13 cdaq Compton Run 20921: beam current 150 uA, photon det HV 1600 V.
  • 220943 02/19/11 14:12 cdaq Compton End of Run 20920:
  • 220942 02/19/11 14:03 cdaq Beam Time Accounting
  • 220941 02/19/11 14:03 Nelyubin snapshot of general tool and HV screens
  • 220940 02/19/11 13:49 Nelyubin run 10115 replay plots
  • 220939 02/19/11 13:48 nelyubin run 10115 replay plots
  • 220938 02/19/11 13:46 Nelyubin run 10115 replay plots
  • 220937 02/19/11 13:44 Nelyubin run 10115 replay plots
  • 220936 02/19/11 13:26 Nelyubin Start run # 10115, charge feedback is fixed
  • 220935 02/19/11 13:21 cdaq Run 10115: Production: LH2, 3.5x3.5, 150 ua, HW Plate IN, QTOR 8921, BMOD ON
  • 220934 02/19/11 13:20 cdaq End of Run 10114:
  • 220933 02/19/11 13:15 Nelyubin Run #10114 Charge feed back is flashing
  • 220932 02/19/11 13:11 cdaq Compton Run 20920: beam current 150 uA, photon det HV 1600 V.
  • 220931 02/19/11 13:07 Nelyubin carge feedback is not running, stop run 10113
  • 220930 02/19/11 13:04 cdaq Run 10114: Production: LH2, 3.5x3.5, 150 ua, HW Plate IN, QTOR 8921, BMOD ON
  • 220929 02/19/11 13:03 cdaq End of Run 10113:
  • 220928 02/19/11 12:47 silwal Target: snapshot, target looks fine
  • 220927 02/19/11 12:43 Nelyubin reboot CODA and start run # 10113
  • 220926 02/19/11 12:40 cdaq Run 10113: Production: LH2, 3.5x3.5, 150 ua, HW Plate IN, QTOR 8921, BMOD ON
  • 220925 02/19/11 12:24 cdaq Run 10112: Production: LH2, 3.5x3.5, 150 ua, HW Plate IN, QTOR 8921, BMOD ON
  • 220924 02/19/11 12:22 Nelyubin Start run #10111
  • 220923 02/19/11 12:21 cdaq Run 10111: Production: LH2, 3.5x3.5, 150 ua, HW Plate IN, QTOR 8921, BMOD ON
  • 220922 02/19/11 12:20 cdaq End of Run 10110:
  • 220921 02/19/11 12:20 Nelyubin Run #10110 is completed
  • 220920 02/19/11 12:07 jmammei RC daily summary
  • 220919 02/19/11 12:06 cdaq Compton Run 20919: beam current 150 uA, photon det HV 1600 V.
  • 220918 02/19/11 12:05 cdaq Compton End of Run 20918:
  • 220917 02/19/11 11:57 Nelyubin run 10110 replay plots
  • 220916 02/19/11 11:55 Nelyubin Run 10110 replay plots
  • 220915 02/19/11 11:54 Nelyubin Run 10110 replay plots
  • 220914 02/19/11 11:52 Nelyubin Run 10110 replay plots
  • 220913 02/19/11 11:49 jmammei please submit the BTA for the owl shift
  • 220912 02/19/11 11:38 Nelyubin Start run #10110
  • 220911 02/19/11 11:36 cdaq Run 10110: Production: LH2, 3.5x3.5, 150 ua, HW Plate IN, QTOR 8921, BMOD ON
  • 220910 02/19/11 11:34 cdaq End of Run 10109:
  • 220909 02/19/11 11:34 Nelyubin Run #10109 is completed
  • 220908 02/19/11 11:11 Nelyubin run 10109 replay plots
  • 220907 02/19/11 11:09 Nelyubin run 10109 replay plot
  • 220906 02/19/11 11:07 nelyubin Run 10109 replay plots
  • 220905 02/19/11 11:06 Nelyubin Run 10109 replay plots
  • 220904 02/19/11 10:59 jmammei replay plots
  • 220903 02/19/11 10:53 Nelyubin Start run #10109
  • 220902 02/19/11 10:52 Nelyubin Run #10108 completed
  • 220901 02/19/11 10:50 cdaq Run 10109: Production: LH2, 3.5x3.5, 150 ua, HW Plate IN, QTOR 8921, BMOD ON
  • 220900 02/19/11 10:49 cdaq End of Run 10108:
  • 220899 02/19/11 10:43 cdaq Compton Run 20918: beam current 150 uA, photon det HV 1600 V.
  • 220898 02/19/11 10:38 silwal Compton: DAQ hung up again, ROC1 issues
  • 220897 02/19/11 10:37 Nelyubin run 10108 replay
  • 220896 02/19/11 10:35 Nelyubin run 10108 replay plots
  • 220895 02/19/11 10:33 Nelyubin run 10108 replay plot
  • 220894 02/19/11 10:30 Nelyubin run 10108 replay plots
  • 220893 02/19/11 10:28 Nelyubin run 10107 replay plots
  • 220892 02/19/11 10:26 Nelyubin Run 10107 replay plots
  • 220891 02/19/11 10:26 silwal Compton: compton DAQ running now
  • 220890 02/19/11 10:23 cdaq Compton Run 20917: beam current 150 uA, photon det HV 1600 V.
  • 220889 02/19/11 10:23 jmammei Compton DAQ
  • 220888 02/19/11 10:23 Nelyubin run 10107 replay plots
  • 220887 02/19/11 10:21 Ramesh Analysis: bcm correlated noise
  • 220886 02/19/11 10:21 Nelyubin run 10107 replay
  • 220885 02/19/11 10:10 Nelyubin production run #10108
  • 220884 02/19/11 10:09 Leckey Analysis: Injector Run 2178 Asym RMS compared to 2173
  • 220883 02/19/11 10:08 Nelyubin run 1107 completed, short beam trip
  • 220882 02/19/11 10:05 cdaq Run 10108: Production: LH2, 3.5x3.5, 150 ua, HW Plate IN, QTOR 8921, BMOD ON
  • 220881 02/19/11 10:04 cdaq End of Run 10107:
  • 220880 02/19/11 10:01 silwal Compton: compton DAQ issues
  • 220879 02/19/11 09:48 Nelyubin Q asym 100k events , run 10107
  • 220878 02/19/11 09:22 Nelyubin run 10107
  • 220877 02/19/11 09:20 cdaq Run 10107: Production: LH2, 3.5x3.5, 150 ua, HW Plate IN, QTOR 8921, BMOD ON
  • 220876 02/19/11 09:18 cdaq End of Run 10106:
  • 220875 02/19/11 09:18 cdaq Compton Run 20916: beam current 150 uA, photon det HV 1600 V.
  • 220874 02/19/11 09:15 Nelyubin 1st day production run
  • 220873 02/19/11 09:06 magee/gaskel Moller backing out (late entry)
  • 220872 02/19/11 09:04 cdaq Run 10106: Production: LH2, 3.5x3.5, 150 ua, HW Plate IN, QTOR 8921, BMOD ON
  • 220871 02/19/11 08:58 jmammei moller backout complete, asking for beam
  • 220870 02/19/11 08:58 jmammei target at LH2
  • 220869 02/19/11 08:55 birchall Analysis: Energy double peaking due to BMOD
  • 220868 02/19/11 08:38 gaskell/mage Moller summary
  • 220867 02/19/11 08:32 benesch Beam: scraping location - charge asymmetry
  • 220866 02/19/11 08:20 cdaq Moller End of Run 836:
  • 220865 02/19/11 08:19 cdaq Moller Run 836: Moller IHWP=IN, flipped left
  • 220864 02/19/11 08:18 cdaq Moller End of Run 835:
  • 220863 02/19/11 08:12 cdaq Moller Run 835: Moller IHWP=IN, flipped left
  • 220862 02/19/11 08:11 cdaq Moller End of Run 834:
  • 220861 02/19/11 08:06 magee Target: False current alarm
  • 220860 02/19/11 08:05 cdaq Moller Run 834: Moller IHWP=IN, flipped left
  • 220859 02/19/11 08:04 jroche Shift Summary: Owl shift summary feb 19, 2011
  • 220858 02/19/11 07:58 cdaq Moller End of Run 833:
  • 220857 02/19/11 07:58 cdaq Moller Run 833: Moller IHWP=IN, flipped left
  • 220856 02/19/11 07:57 cdaq Moller End of Run 832:
  • 220855 02/19/11 07:52 cdaq Moller Run 832: Moller IHWP=IN, flipped left
  • 220854 02/19/11 07:51 cdaq Moller End of Run 831:
  • 220853 02/19/11 07:50 magee PITA voltage change
  • 220852 02/19/11 07:49 jroche HWP is now in
  • 220851 02/19/11 07:49 cdaq Moller Run 831: Moller IHWP=IN, flipped left
  • 220850 02/19/11 07:47 cdaq Moller End of Run 830:
  • 220849 02/19/11 07:45 cdaq Moller Run 830: Moller IHWP=IN, flipped left
  • 220848 02/19/11 07:45 magee IHWP --> IN
  • 220847 02/19/11 07:41 cdaq Moller End of Run 829:
  • 220846 02/19/11 07:39 cdaq Moller Run 829: Leakage check
  • 220845 02/19/11 07:37 cdaq Moller End of Run 828:
  • 220844 02/19/11 07:32 cdaq Moller Run 828: Moller IHWP=OUT, flipped left
  • 220843 02/19/11 07:31 cdaq Moller End of Run 827:
  • 220842 02/19/11 07:27 jmammei updated slug numbers in DB
  • 220841 02/19/11 07:27 cdaq Moller Run 827: Moller IHWP=OUT, flipped left
  • 220840 02/19/11 07:26 cdaq Moller End of Run 826:
  • 220839 02/19/11 07:22 cdaq Moller Run 826: Moller IHWP=OUT, flipped left
  • 220838 02/19/11 07:20 cdaq Moller End of Run 825:
  • 220837 02/19/11 07:19 cdaq Moller Run 825: Tune check.
  • 220836 02/19/11 07:17 cdaq Moller End of Run 824:
  • 220835 02/19/11 07:16 cdaq Moller Run 824: Tune check.
  • 220834 02/19/11 07:07 birchall Analysis: Energy double-peaking in run 10099!
  • 220833 02/19/11 06:58 birchall Analysis: Rin 10099: position sensitivities and double-peaking in energy!
  • 220832 02/19/11 06:57 cdaq Moller End of Run 823:
  • 220831 02/19/11 06:55 cdaq Moller Run 823: Tune check.
  • 220830 02/19/11 06:52 cdaq Moller End of Run 822:
  • 220829 02/19/11 06:50 cdaq Moller Run 822: Tune check.
  • 220828 02/19/11 06:29 jroche general tools
  • 220827 02/19/11 06:15 saw Tungsten plug temps look fine
  • 220826 02/19/11 06:00 Armstrong no problem with charge feedback
  • 220825 02/19/11 05:18 jroche vacuum status at 3H09D (before starting the Moeller)
  • 220824 02/19/11 05:15 jroche charge asymmetry chart
  • 220823 02/19/11 05:06 magee Moller study prep
  • 220822 02/19/11 05:06 cdaq End of Run 10105:
  • 220821 02/19/11 05:04 magee Target: Moved to home
  • 220820 02/19/11 05:02 magee Moller starting: injector parameters (readable)
  • 220819 02/19/11 05:02 magee Moller starting: injector parameters
  • 220818 02/19/11 05:01 jroche interrupting production to go to Moeller data taking
  • 220817 02/19/11 04:59 cdaq Run 10105: pedestal run
  • 220816 02/19/11 04:58 cdaq End of Run 10104:
  • 220815 02/19/11 04:56 cdaq Moller End of Run 820:
  • 220814 02/19/11 04:56 jroche injector run 2178
  • 220813 02/19/11 04:55 cdaq Moller Run 820: Test to see if new daq works.
  • 220812 02/19/11 04:53 cdaq Run 10104: Production: LH2, 3.5x3.5, 150 ua, HW Plate OUT, QTOR 8921, BMOD ON
  • 220811 02/19/11 04:52 cdaq End of Run 10103:
  • 220810 02/19/11 04:35 magee Target: Shift screenshot
  • 220809 02/19/11 04:06 cdaq Run 10103: Production: LH2, 3.5x3.5, 150 ua, HW Plate OUT, QTOR 8921, BMOD ON
  • 220808 02/19/11 04:05 cdaq End of Run 10102:
  • 220807 02/19/11 04:04 magee Target: Tungsten plug alarm again, Epics Archiver plot (readable formatting)
  • 220806 02/19/11 04:03 magee Target: Tungsten plug alarm again, Epics Archiver plot
  • 220805 02/19/11 03:25 jroche strange variation of charge asymmetry versus pattern number
  • 220804 02/19/11 03:00 cdaq Run 10102: Production: LH2, 3.5x3.5, 150 ua, HW Plate OUT, QTOR 8921, BMOD ON
  • 220803 02/19/11 02:59 cdaq End of Run 10101:
  • 220802 02/19/11 01:52 cdaq Run 10101: Production: LH2, 3.5x3.5, 150 ua, HW Plate OUT, QTOR 8921, BMOD ON
  • 220801 02/19/11 01:51 cdaq End of Run 10100:
  • 220800 02/19/11 01:25 magee Target: Tungsten plug temp alarm
  • 220799 02/19/11 00:51 cdaq Run 10100: Production: LH2, 3.5x3.5, 150 ua, HW Plate OUT, QTOR 8921, BMOD ON
  • 220798 02/19/11 00:50 cdaq End of Run 10099:
  • 220797 02/19/11 00:50 cdaq End of Run 10099:
  • 220796 02/19/11 00:18 Nuruzzaman Shift Summary: Swing Shift Summary 02/18/2011
  • 220795 02/19/11 00:07 Nuruzzaman Analysis: Plots for production run 10099.
  • 220794 02/19/11 00:02 cdaq Beam Time Accounting
  • Friday

  • 220793 02/18/11 23:51 Pitt Target: End of swing shift screenshot
  • 220792 02/18/11 23:50 cdaq Run 10099: Production: LH2, 3.5x3.5, 150 ua, HW Plate OUT, QTOR 8921, BMOD ON
  • 220791 02/18/11 23:49 cdaq End of Run 10098:
  • 220790 02/18/11 23:41 Nuruzzaman Vacuum status of 3H09D valve and halo rate strip charts for swing shift.
  • 220789 02/18/11 23:12 Nuruzzaman Analysis: Plots for production run 10098.
  • 220788 02/18/11 22:52 Nuruzzaman CODA crashed one more time due to event builder error
  • 220787 02/18/11 22:50 cdaq Run 10098: Production: LH2, 3.5x3.5, 150 ua, HW Plate OUT, QTOR 8921, BMOD ON
  • 220786 02/18/11 22:43 Nuruzzaman General tools screen shot.
  • 220785 02/18/11 22:27 Nuruzzaman Analysis: Plots for production run 10097.
  • 220784 02/18/11 22:12 cdaq Compton Run 20915: beam current 150 uA, photon det HV 1600 V.
  • 220783 02/18/11 22:11 Nuruzzaman COMPTON ROC 1 crashed CODA agian.
  • 220782 02/18/11 21:51 Nuruzzaman COMPTON ROC 1 crashed CODA.
  • 220781 02/18/11 21:47 cdaq Run 10097: Production: LH2, 3.5x3.5, 150 ua, HW Plate OUT, QTOR 8921, BMOD ON
  • 220780 02/18/11 21:47 cdaq End of Run 10096:
  • 220779 02/18/11 21:43 cdaq Compton Run 20914: beam current 150 uA, photon det HV 1600 V.
  • 220778 02/18/11 21:11 Nuruzzaman Analysis: Plots for production run 10096.
  • 220777 02/18/11 21:11 jmammei updated run plan(s) in shift schedule
  • 220776 02/18/11 20:56 Nuruzzaman Hall is back to 150 uA. Started production run 10096.
  • 220775 02/18/11 20:47 cdaq Run 10096: Production: LH2, 3.5x3.5, 150 ua, HW Plate OUT, QTOR 8921, BMOD ON
  • 220774 02/18/11 20:46 cdaq End of Run 10095:
  • 220773 02/18/11 20:45 Nuruzzaman Max current is 75 uA for now.
  • 220772 02/18/11 20:29 brads X-session on cdaql4 restarted
  • 220771 02/18/11 20:28 cdaq Run 10095: Production: LH2, 3.5x3.5, 70 ua, HW Plate OUT, QTOR 8921, BMOD ON
  • 220770 02/18/11 20:21 cdaq End of Run 10094:
  • 220769 02/18/11 20:21 cdaq Run 10094: Production: LH2, 3.5x3.5, 75 ua, HW Plate OUT, QTOR 8921, BMOD ON
  • 220768 02/18/11 20:06 cdaq End of Run 10093:
  • 220767 02/18/11 20:04 brads Gigabit ethernet interface on cdaql3 is dead... switched to 100Mbit interface for now
  • 220766 02/18/11 19:49 cdaq Run 10093: Production: LH2, 3.5x3.5, 150 ua, HW Plate OUT, QTOR 8921, BMOD ON
  • 220765 02/18/11 19:47 Nuruzzaman Beam is back to hall now, starting production run.
  • 220764 02/18/11 19:45 Nuruzzaman Late entry... Turned Scanner HV OFF.
  • 220763 02/18/11 19:45 Pitt Target: Move to LH2 target
  • 220762 02/18/11 19:41 cdaq Run 10092: pedestal run
  • 220761 02/18/11 18:48 brads re: MEDM message is coming all the time
  • 220760 02/18/11 18:46 jmammei updated slug numbers in DB
  • 220759 02/18/11 18:45 Nuruzzaman General tools is not working in cdaql5. Everything slowed down.
  • 220758 02/18/11 18:26 brads Network errors on cdaql3 starting 8pm Thursday night?
  • 220757 02/18/11 18:23 Nuruzzaman MCC is changing pass for Hall-B. Will be down for 45 minutes.
  • 220756 02/18/11 18:22 Pitt Target: Move target to out of beam position
  • 220755 02/18/11 18:16 cdaq End of Run 10091:
  • 220754 02/18/11 18:03 donjones Compton rates good
  • 220753 02/18/11 18:02 cdaq Run 10091: Production: LH2, 3.5x3.5, 150 ua, HW Plate OUT, QTOR 8921, BMOD ON
  • 220752 02/18/11 18:00 Nuruzzaman A MEDM message is coming all the time. Someone should look at it.
  • 220751 02/18/11 17:59 donjones Compton: coda keeps crashing due "unresponsive component"
  • 220750 02/18/11 17:57 cdaq Compton Run 20913: beam current 150 uA, photon det HV 1600 V.
  • 220749 02/18/11 17:55 Nuruzzaman CODA crashed twice in last half an hour.
  • 220748 02/18/11 17:48 Pitt Target: Screen shot with attachment
  • 220747 02/18/11 17:47 Pitt Target: Beginning of swing shift screen shot
  • 220746 02/18/11 17:39 jhlee for next time, please post a screenshot of coda crashed
  • 220745 02/18/11 17:36 Nuruzzaman Forgot to change prescales.
  • 220744 02/18/11 17:32 cdaq Compton Run 20912: beam current 150 uA, photon det HV 1600 V.
  • 220743 02/18/11 17:31 cdaq End of Run 10089:
  • 220742 02/18/11 17:26 cdaq Run 10089: Scanner run while Hall-A is doing Large charge asymmetry run.
  • 220741 02/18/11 17:24 narayan Compton: edetector lowered @8.69 from Home
  • 220740 02/18/11 17:23 Nuruzzaman Took beam away for 4 minutes to put back compton electron detector in.
  • 220739 02/18/11 17:22 Nuruzzaman CODA crashed. Restarted ROCS. Working now.
  • 220738 02/18/11 17:18 cdaq Beam Time Accounting
  • 220737 02/18/11 17:05 rob scanner gate widths reduced from 50 ns to 7 ns
  • 220736 02/18/11 17:05 donjones Compton: lowest background rates I've seen
  • 220735 02/18/11 16:45 cdaq Compton Run 20911: beam current 150 uA, photon det HV 1600 V.
  • 220734 02/18/11 16:35 birchall Beam: Typo
  • 220733 02/18/11 16:30 Nuruzzaman Charge Asymmetry is working fine.
  • 220732 02/18/11 16:21 Nuruzzaman Analysis: Plots for production run 10088.
  • 220731 02/18/11 16:17 rob Golden beam positions: typo transpose?
  • 220730 02/18/11 16:13 Nuruzzaman Halo rates, scaler and BPM locations.
  • 220729 02/18/11 16:08 Nuruzzaman Analysis: Plots for pedestal run 10087.
  • 220728 02/18/11 16:02 jmammei vacuum responds to beam
  • 220727 02/18/11 16:00 cdaq Run 10088: Production: LH2, 3.5x3.5, 150 ua, HW Plate OUT, QTOR 8921, BMOD OFF
  • 220726 02/18/11 15:55 cdaq End of Run 10087:
  • 220725 02/18/11 15:54 rob "GEM triggers" count at ~1kHz while QTor is off
  • 220724 02/18/11 15:53 cdaq Run 10087: Pedestal Run
  • 220723 02/18/11 15:52 donjones 15K return temp increases over last hour
  • 220722 02/18/11 15:49 cdaq End of Run 10086:
  • 220721 02/18/11 15:44 jmammei checklist / temp run plan
  • 220720 02/18/11 15:41 cdaq Run 10086: LH2 production at 150 uA
  • 220719 02/18/11 15:41 donjones changed QTOR lo/hi alarm limits
  • 220718 02/18/11 15:36 Leckey QTOR 1.5 Difference
  • 220717 02/18/11 15:36 donjones Target: moved to LH2 for production running
  • 220716 02/18/11 15:31 rob target centering result: fine
  • 220715 02/18/11 15:31 donjones QTOR current readback 1.5 A lower than setpoint
  • 220714 02/18/11 15:17 donjones Target: at DS Centering Hole
  • 220713 02/18/11 15:15 cdaq Run 10085: target centering run, downstream 2x2 hole
  • 220712 02/18/11 15:12 cdaq End of Run 10084:
  • 220711 02/18/11 15:12 rob turned charlotte HV off
  • 220710 02/18/11 15:11 rob plug scan results: fine.
  • 220709 02/18/11 15:10 R. Michaels putting in downstream centering target
  • 220708 02/18/11 15:04 R. Michaels plug scan.
  • 220707 02/18/11 15:03 cdaq Run 10084: W-plug centering run
  • 220706 02/18/11 15:00 jmammei check POT settings after target move...
  • 220705 02/18/11 14:56 jmammei injector runs
  • 220704 02/18/11 14:47 jmammei vacuum in VCG3H09DTr
  • 220703 02/18/11 14:39 jmammei going to beam permit
  • 220702 02/18/11 14:38 R. Michaels going to beam permit
  • 220701 02/18/11 14:08 jmammei bellows repair update
  • 220700 02/18/11 13:35 jmammei vacuum status update
  • 220699 02/18/11 12:42 birchall Beam: Golden beam path
  • 220698 02/18/11 11:51 covrig Target: un-parked the target
  • 220697 02/18/11 11:35 jmammei vacuum work started
  • 220696 02/18/11 10:57 R. Michaels target screens during "unparking"
  • 220695 02/18/11 10:43 Leckey Analysis: Injector Run 2173 BPM Charge Asym RMS
  • 220694 02/18/11 10:43 Leckey Analysis: Injector Run 2173 BPM Charge Asym RMS
  • 220693 02/18/11 10:34 R. Michaels target to OutOfBeam
  • 220692 02/18/11 10:20 jmammei BPM golden values
  • 220691 02/18/11 09:33 jmammei vacuum status update
  • 220690 02/18/11 08:46 cdaq Beam Time Accounting
  • 220689 02/18/11 08:43 jmammei please do BTA and post target screen shots
  • 220688 02/18/11 08:41 jmammei RC daily summary
  • 220687 02/18/11 02:18 narayan Compton: e-detector parked for now
  • 220686 02/18/11 00:01 cdaq Beam Time Accounting
  • Thursday

  • 220685 02/17/11 22:26 Nuruzzaman Target: Target GUI and strip charts screen shots
  • 220684 02/17/11 21:08 gaskell/donj Compton: flipper mount replaced
  • 220683 02/17/11 18:26 Nuruzzaman Hall-C is back to controlled acess.
  • 220682 02/17/11 18:01 smithg Target: no ice visible thru beam left port
  • 220681 02/17/11 17:42 gaskell Moller cryo adventures
  • 220680 02/17/11 16:28 cdaq Beam Time Accounting
  • 220679 02/17/11 16:28 Leckey R3 Bubblers and Camera
  • 220678 02/17/11 15:17 jmammei staying in controlled access
  • 220677 02/17/11 14:53 donjones move to US 4%Al
  • 220676 02/17/11 14:49 hamlet GEM detector gas flow is OK
  • 220675 02/17/11 14:36 covrig Target: half-parked the target until tomorrow
  • 220674 02/17/11 14:29 kamyers vacuum excursion at 1408
  • 220673 02/17/11 14:25 jmammei MCC requests we go to restircted access
  • 220672 02/17/11 14:19 donjones Target: parking target
  • 220671 02/17/11 14:19 kamyers HV turned off for the night
  • 220670 02/17/11 14:14 rob TLD removed from scanner motion controller enclosure
  • 220669 02/17/11 13:41 Leckey Analysis: Injector Run 2173 Asym Effective Charge in BPMs (good)
  • 220668 02/17/11 13:41 Leckey Analysis: Injector Run 2173 Asym Effective Charge in BPMs
  • 220667 02/17/11 13:30 cdaq End of Run 10083:
  • 220666 02/17/11 13:30 cdaq Run 10083: pedestal run
  • 220665 02/17/11 13:24 jmammei beam switched to 30 Hz, no helicity delay
  • 220664 02/17/11 12:21 jmammei hall status / SL shifts canceled
  • 220663 02/17/11 12:18 kamyers R3 access from beam left side
  • 220662 02/17/11 11:12 jmammei vacuum status update
  • 220661 02/17/11 09:58 Leckey Analysis: Injector Run 2173 Effective Charge and Positions (good)
  • 220660 02/17/11 09:57 Leckey Analysis: Injector Run 2173 Effective Charge and Positions
  • 220659 02/17/11 09:22 jmammei Hall status
  • 220658 02/17/11 08:59 kamyers Updated BTA, I think
  • 220657 02/17/11 08:57 jmammei RC daily summary
  • 220656 02/17/11 08:50 donjones Target: scattering chamber vacuum since 14th
  • 220655 02/17/11 08:39 donjones vacuum hall C in leaky region getting better
  • 220654 02/17/11 07:49 Adesh Target: screenshot at the end of owl shift
  • 220653 02/17/11 02:33 cdaq Beam Time Accounting
  • 220652 02/17/11 00:49 brads Killed 4 running BTA tools, try starting the BTA software again
  • 220651 02/17/11 00:45 Jiawei screenshots of General_Tools and HV GUIs
  • 220650 02/17/11 00:43 Jiawei I was not able to submit the beam time counting results
  • 220649 02/17/11 00:01 Jiawei Target: End of swing shift screenshot
  • Wednesday

  • 220648 02/16/11 22:35 Nuruzzaman Analysis: Plots from 1st 100k events for pedestal run 10082
  • 220647 02/16/11 22:28 cdaq End of Run 10082:
  • 220646 02/16/11 22:21 cdaq Run 10082: pedestal run
  • 220645 02/16/11 21:49 wdconinc Compton: Silo copy/back-up is current again
  • 220644 02/16/11 20:26 Nuruzzaman BTA is not working.
  • 220643 02/16/11 20:11 jmammei beam time accounting
  • 220642 02/16/11 19:40 cdaq Beam Time Accounting
  • 220641 02/16/11 19:30 wdconinc Compton: DAQ tests -> does sync assert L1A?
  • 220640 02/16/11 19:30 cdaq Compton End of Run 20910:
  • 220639 02/16/11 18:46 cdaq Compton Run 20910: DAQ test
  • 220638 02/16/11 18:40 jmammei vacuum status / shifts overnight
  • 220637 02/16/11 18:36 cdaq Compton End of Run 20909:
  • 220636 02/16/11 18:29 cdaq Compton Run 20909: DAQ test
  • 220635 02/16/11 17:57 brads/wdconi Compton: Gb eth card in ccomptl1
  • 220634 02/16/11 16:04 jhoskins XXX Shift summary
  • 220633 02/16/11 16:03 jhlee added cronjob INJ DAQ and Analysis PCs
  • 220632 02/16/11 16:02 donjones Target: target stable all through day shift
  • 220631 02/16/11 16:02 covrig Target: ioc reboot and target motion test - late entry
  • 220630 02/16/11 15:49 Armstrong Link to old entry on the bellows leak
  • 220629 02/16/11 15:24 jmammei vacuum status
  • 220628 02/16/11 14:15 mack moved BCM17 oscillator PS to top of "SAW epics" blue rack
  • 220627 02/16/11 14:14 jhoskins HV && GenTools
  • 220626 02/16/11 13:40 Armstrong Cold Cathode Gauge was not the problem
  • 220625 02/16/11 13:25 jhoskins First of reasons why this is wrong
  • 220624 02/16/11 12:09 rajotte bcm DDs now steadily as low as before jump
  • 220623 02/16/11 12:07 covrig Target: 15 K supply - cause of the hph railing to zero
  • 220622 02/16/11 11:41 cdaq End of Run 10081:
  • 220621 02/16/11 11:00 cdaq Run 10081: New AFECS for only Parity DAQ, after tweaking codamaster
  • 220620 02/16/11 10:59 cdaq End of Run 10080:
  • 220619 02/16/11 10:51 cdaq Run 10080: New AFECS for only Parity DAQ, after tweaking codamaster
  • 220618 02/16/11 10:49 Ramesh Cause for high charge asymmetry widths
  • 220617 02/16/11 10:20 jhlee new AFECS with Parity DAQ
  • 220616 02/16/11 09:58 cdaq End of Run 10079:
  • 220615 02/16/11 09:56 Armstrong correction on half-life at bellows and update
  • 220614 02/16/11 09:54 cdaq Compton End of Run 20908:
  • 220613 02/16/11 09:52 cdaq Compton Run 20908: TEST
  • 220612 02/16/11 09:49 Armstrong Status update
  • 220611 02/16/11 09:46 cdaq Run 10079: New AFECS for only Parity DAQ
  • 220610 02/16/11 09:40 Armstrong RC Daily Summary
  • 220609 02/16/11 09:22 cdaq End of Run 10078:
  • 220608 02/16/11 09:02 cdaq Run 10078: New AFECS for only Parity DAQ
  • 220607 02/16/11 08:57 jhoskins Hall in Contolled access
  • 220606 02/16/11 08:56 jhoskins Turned Modulation OFF
  • 220605 02/16/11 08:41 cdaq Beam Time Accounting
  • 220604 02/16/11 07:53 Armstrong Please call for a controlled access (i.e. a survey of the hall)
  • 220603 02/16/11 07:52 Darko COMPTON CODA
  • 220602 02/16/11 07:25 Darko Shift Summary: OWL Shift summary
  • 220601 02/16/11 07:03 Darko Overnight BEAM
  • 220600 02/16/11 06:48 Armstrong Vacuum in VCG3H09DTr vs. that in scattering chamber
  • 220599 02/16/11 05:43 cdaq Compton End of Run 20907:
  • 220598 02/16/11 05:24 Darko Hall C vacuum problem. NO BEAM for a longer period of time!
  • 220597 02/16/11 05:03 Darko Hall C vakuum
  • 220596 02/16/11 04:34 Adesh Analysis: plots for pedestal run 10077
  • 220595 02/16/11 04:28 cdaq End of Run 10077:
  • 220594 02/16/11 04:26 cdaq Compton Run 20907: NO BEAM, photon det HV 1600 V.
  • 220593 02/16/11 04:20 cdaq Compton Run 20906: NO BEAM, photon det HV 1600 V.
  • 220592 02/16/11 04:15 Adesh Analysis: 100K analysis plots for run 10076
  • 220591 02/16/11 04:09 cdaq Run 10077: Pedestal run
  • 220590 02/16/11 04:08 cdaq Compton Run 20905: NO BEAM, photon det HV 1600 V.
  • 220589 02/16/11 04:06 cdaq Compton End of Run 20904:
  • 220588 02/16/11 04:05 cdaq End of Run 10076:
  • 220587 02/16/11 04:04 Darko No BEAM Hall C 16" Gate valve closure
  • 220586 02/16/11 03:53 cdaq Run 10076: Production: 150uA on LH2, 3.5x3.5, IHWP OUT, QTOR 8921 A, BMOD ON
  • 220585 02/16/11 03:52 cdaq End of Run 10075:
  • 220584 02/16/11 03:23 Adesh Target: HPH derailed to 0 Watts, recovered quickly on its own
  • 220583 02/16/11 03:19 Adesh Analysis: These plots are for run 10075 and not 10072, sorry!!
  • 220582 02/16/11 03:12 Adesh Analysis: 100K analysis plots for run 10072
  • 220581 02/16/11 03:02 cdaq Compton Run 20904: beam current 150 uA, photon det HV 1600 V.
  • 220580 02/16/11 03:01 cdaq Compton End of Run 20903:
  • 220579 02/16/11 02:52 cdaq Run 10075: Production: 150uA on LH2, 3.5x3.5, IHWP OUT, QTOR 8921 A, BMOD ON
  • 220578 02/16/11 02:51 cdaq End of Run 10074:
  • 220577 02/16/11 02:39 cdaq Run 10074: Production: 150uA on LH2, 3.5x3.5, IHWP OUT, QTOR 8921 A, BMOD ON
  • 220576 02/16/11 02:37 Darko IHWP is in position OUT now
  • 220575 02/16/11 02:35 cdaq End of Run 10073:
  • 220574 02/16/11 02:05 cdaq Compton Run 20903: beam current 150 uA, photon det HV 1600 V.
  • 220573 02/16/11 01:50 cdaq Compton Run 20902: beam current 150 uA, photon det HV 1600 V.
  • 220572 02/16/11 01:43 Darko QWfeedback program restarted
  • 220571 02/16/11 01:39 Darko QW Charge asymmetry
  • 220570 02/16/11 01:36 cdaq Run 10073: Production: 150uA on LH2, 3.5x3.5, IHWP IN, QTOR 8921 A, BMOD ON
  • 220569 02/16/11 01:34 cdaq End of Run 10072:
  • 220568 02/16/11 01:20 Darko Injector run 2174 END
  • 220567 02/16/11 01:02 Adesh Analysis: 100K analysis plots for run 10072
  • 220566 02/16/11 00:49 jhlee [late entry] detailed : revert old afecs v13 because Compton DAQ is not happy
  • 220565 02/16/11 00:46 Darko BEAM
  • 220564 02/16/11 00:37 Darko HV & GenTools
  • 220563 02/16/11 00:36 Darko Injector run 2174 START
  • 220562 02/16/11 00:35 cdaq Run 10072: Production: 150uA on LH2, 3.5x3.5, IHWP IN, QTOR 8921 A, BMOD ON
  • 220561 02/16/11 00:34 cdaq End of Run 10071:
  • 220560 02/16/11 00:21 cdaq Beam Time Accounting
  • 220559 02/16/11 00:14 rajotte DD seem to get better after daily stop (run 10061)
  • 220558 02/16/11 00:02 Nuruzzaman Shift Summary: Swing Shift Summary 02/15/2011
  • Tuesday

  • 220557 02/15/11 23:56 V. Tvaskis Target: Target GUI and strip charts screenshots
  • 220556 02/15/11 23:53 Nuruzzaman Analysis: Plots are from 1st 100k events for run 10063. Beam Mod was ON.
  • 220555 02/15/11 23:48 Nuruzzaman Analysis: Sensitivities during swing shift.
  • 220554 02/15/11 23:36 Nuruzzaman Hall-C gate valve status for swing shift.
  • 220553 02/15/11 23:35 cdaq Run 10071: Production: 150uA on LH2, 3.5x3.5, IHWP IN, QTOR 8921 A, BMOD ON
  • 220552 02/15/11 23:34 Nuruzzaman Halos, charge asym, compton scint. rate strip chart for swing shift.
  • 220551 02/15/11 23:34 cdaq End of Run 10070:
  • 220550 02/15/11 22:55 V. Tvaskis Analysis: Plots from 1st 100k events for run 10070
  • 220549 02/15/11 22:50 cdaq Compton Run 20901: beam current 150 uA, photon det HV 1600 V.
  • 220548 02/15/11 22:44 V. Tvaskis General Tools & HV
  • 220547 02/15/11 22:34 cdaq Run 10070: Production: 150uA on LH2, 3.5x3.5, IHWP IN, QTOR 8921 A, BMOD ON
  • 220546 02/15/11 22:33 cdaq End of Run 10069:
  • 220545 02/15/11 22:31 cdaq Compton Run 20900: beam current 150 uA, photon det HV 1600 V.
  • 220544 02/15/11 22:22 cdaq Compton Run 20899: beam current 150 uA, photon det HV 1600 V.
  • 220543 02/15/11 22:10 cdaq Compton Run 20898: beam current 150 uA, photon det HV 1600 V.
  • 220542 02/15/11 22:06 gaskell Compton: ROC 1 again
  • 220541 02/15/11 22:03 cdaq Compton Run 20897: beam current 150 uA, photon det HV 1600 V.
  • 220540 02/15/11 21:58 V. Tvaskis Analysis: Plots from 1st 100k events for run 10069
  • 220539 02/15/11 21:54 cdaq Compton Run 20896: beam current 150 uA, photon det HV 1600 V.
  • 220538 02/15/11 21:38 cdaq Compton Run 20895: beam current 150 uA, photon det HV 1600 V.
  • 220537 02/15/11 21:33 cdaq Run 10069: Production: 150uA on LH2, 3.5x3.5, IHWP IN, QTOR 8921 A, BMOD ON
  • 220536 02/15/11 21:33 donjones/gas Compton: cpslow replaced
  • 220535 02/15/11 21:33 cdaq End of Run 10068:
  • 220534 02/15/11 21:10 mack BCM1,2 DD looks better now.
  • 220533 02/15/11 20:54 Nuruzzaman Analysis: Plots from 1st 100k events for run 10068
  • 220532 02/15/11 20:38 Nuruzzaman Analysis: Plots for pedestal run 10066.
  • 220531 02/15/11 20:37 Armstrong more vacuum woes...
  • 220530 02/15/11 20:33 cdaq Run 10068: Production: 150uA on LH2, 3.5x3.5, IHWP IN, QTOR 8921 A, BMOD ON
  • 220529 02/15/11 20:31 Nuruzzaman Beam is back to hall. Starting production run.
  • 220528 02/15/11 20:30 jhlee RCGUI run number mismatch , fixed it.
  • 220527 02/15/11 20:28 cdaq End of Run 10067:
  • 220526 02/15/11 20:28 cdaq Run 10067: TEST after fixing runnumber mismatch
  • 220525 02/15/11 19:59 rob Please remember to use the good_for GUI
  • 220524 02/15/11 19:55 Nuruzzaman CODA crashed. Rebooted all the ROCs.
  • 220523 02/15/11 19:54 cdaq End of Run 10066:
  • 220522 02/15/11 19:49 cdaq Run 10066: Pedestal Run
  • 220521 02/15/11 19:45 Nuruzzaman Hall-C going to Escorted acess.
  • 220520 02/15/11 19:44 cdaq End of Run 10065:
  • 220519 02/15/11 19:42 cdaq Run 10065: Production: 150uA on LH2, 3.5x3.5, IHWP IN, QTOR 8921 A, BMOD ON
  • 220518 02/15/11 19:34 Analysis: BCM Double Difference Moller Correlation ??
  • 220517 02/15/11 19:32 cdaq Run 10064: Production: 150uA on LH2, 3.5x3.5, IHWP IN, QTOR 8921 A, BMOD ON
  • 220516 02/15/11 19:27 wdconinc Compton: None of the Compton data files backed up since Jan 18...
  • 220515 02/15/11 19:19 cdaq End of Run 10064:
  • 220514 02/15/11 19:02 jhlee restart charge feedback during Run 10064
  • 220513 02/15/11 19:01 jhlee revert old afecs v13 because Compton DAQ is not happy
  • 220512 02/15/11 18:59 Plots are from 1st 100k events for run 10064. Beam Mod was OFF.
  • 220511 02/15/11 18:54 Nuruzzaman Analysis: Plots from 1st 100k events for run 10063
  • 220510 02/15/11 18:39 cdaq Compton Run 20894: beam current 150 uA, photon det HV 1600 V.
  • 220509 02/15/11 18:34 cdaq Compton End of Run 20893:
  • 220508 02/15/11 18:27 cdaq Compton Run 20893: beam current 150 uA, photon det HV 1600 V.
  • 220507 02/15/11 18:26 cdaq Compton End of Run 20892:
  • 220506 02/15/11 18:17 cdaq Run 10064: Production: 150uA on LH2, 3.5x3.5, IHWP IN, QTOR 8921 A, BMOD ON
  • 220505 02/15/11 18:16 cdaq Compton Run 20892: beam current 150 uA, photon det HV 1600 V.
  • 220504 02/15/11 18:13 cdaq End of Run 10063:
  • 220503 02/15/11 18:13 cdaq Compton End of Run 20891:
  • 220502 02/15/11 18:04 cdaq Compton Run 20891: beam current 150 uA, photon det HV 1600 V.
  • 220501 02/15/11 18:03 cdaq Compton End of Run 20890:
  • 220500 02/15/11 17:56 cdaq Beam Time Accounting
  • 220499 02/15/11 17:48 cdaq Compton Run 20890: beam current 150 uA, photon det HV 1600 V.
  • 220498 02/15/11 17:47 Armstrong Valves open again - Back to production
  • 220497 02/15/11 17:32 cdaq Run 10063: Production: 150uA on LH2, 3.5x3.5, IHWP OUT, QTOR 8921 A, BMOD ON
  • 220496 02/15/11 17:32 cdaq Compton End of Run 20889:
  • 220495 02/15/11 17:31 cdaq End of Run 10062:
  • 220494 02/15/11 17:23 jhlee new afecs v131a on $CODA directory from run 10062
  • 220493 02/15/11 17:21 Nuruzzaman Hall is back to beam permit. Will see how things workout.....
  • 220492 02/15/11 17:08 cdaq Compton Run 20889: new afecs version, test
  • 220491 02/15/11 17:02 Nuruzzaman Hall-C is going to escorted acess. 3h09D valve problem. Don't know when the beam will be back !!!
  • 220490 02/15/11 17:00 cdaq Run 10062: TEST with afecs 1.3.1
  • 220489 02/15/11 16:31 rajotte DAY Shift summary
  • 220488 02/15/11 16:14 Nuruzzaman Beam is OFF due to injector problem.
  • 220487 02/15/11 16:08 cdaq End of Run 10061:
  • 220486 02/15/11 15:59 cdaq Run 10061: Production: 150uA on LH2, 3.5x3.5, IHWP OUT, QTOR 8921 A, BMOD ON
  • 220485 02/15/11 15:58 Nuruzzaman Pedestal run at the begining of the swing shift.
  • 220484 02/15/11 15:56 cdaq End of Run 10060:
  • 220483 02/15/11 15:45 cdaq Run 10060: Production: 150uA on LH2, 3.5x3.5, IHWP OUT, QTOR 8921 A, BMOD ON
  • 220482 02/15/11 15:44 cdaq Compton End of Run 20888:
  • 220481 02/15/11 15:43 birchall Target: Moved to LH2 target
  • 220480 02/15/11 15:40 rajotte Moving LH2 target in
  • 220479 02/15/11 15:11 rajotte hall camera moves only right (no left, up and down)
  • 220478 02/15/11 14:32 rajotte read_run_range plots for (10050-10056) (shift instructions)
  • 220477 02/15/11 14:02 mack BCM1,2 DD rack inspection. no gun found smoking, but one found loaded.
  • 220476 02/15/11 13:54 rajotte Beam comming soon, Ramping Qtor up
  • 220475 02/15/11 13:14 covrig Target: horizontal range of motion
  • 220473 02/15/11 13:07 Armstrong BCM1-2 double difference jump
  • 220471 02/15/11 12:06 rajotte General Tools & HV
  • 220469 02/15/11 11:38 rajotte Target taken out of beam
  • 220468 02/15/11 11:36 rob There is a scanner/copier with email on the second floor of the counting house
  • 220467 02/15/11 11:30 rajotte picture of survey results
  • 220466 02/15/11 10:48 rajotte HallC survey finished, controlled acess until 1PM
  • 220465 02/15/11 10:35 rajotte read_run_range plots for (10040-10049) (shift instructions)
  • 220464 02/15/11 10:03 rajotte REAL first 100k of run 10059 are in entry 220461 (entry 220458 is wrong)
  • 220463 02/15/11 09:49 rajotte Hall C survey begins
  • 220462 02/15/11 09:33 gaskell Compton: likely related to QDC
  • 220461 02/15/11 09:08 birchall Analysis: Run 10059, first100k
  • 220460 02/15/11 09:06 cdaq End of Run 10059:
  • 220459 02/15/11 09:02 rajotte Beam studies begin
  • 220458 02/15/11 08:56 rajotte first100k run 10059
  • 220457 02/15/11 08:48 Armstrong RC Daily Summary
  • 220456 02/15/11 08:38 cdaq Beam Time Accounting
  • 220455 02/15/11 08:34 cdaq Run 10059: Production: 150uA on LH2, 3.5x3.5, IHWP OUT, QTOR 8921 A, BMOD ON
  • 220454 02/15/11 08:33 cdaq End of Run 10058:
  • 220453 02/15/11 08:26 Armstrong RC: plan for today
  • 220452 02/15/11 08:23 cdaq Compton Run 20888: beam current 150 uA, photon det HV 1600 V.
  • 220451 02/15/11 08:20 Darko Compton: Compton problem from last evening is unsolved
  • 220450 02/15/11 08:06 Darko Shift Summary: OWL Shift summary
  • 220449 02/15/11 08:04 birchall Target: Screenshot at start of day shift
  • 220448 02/15/11 07:52 rajotte first100k run 10058
  • 220447 02/15/11 07:49 cdaq Compton Run 20887: beam current 150 uA, photon det HV 1600 V.
  • 220446 02/15/11 07:42 Adesh Target: End of owl shift screenshot
  • 220445 02/15/11 07:29 cdaq Run 10058: Production: 150uA on LH2, 3.5x3.5, IHWP OUT, QTOR 8921 A, BMOD ON
  • 220444 02/15/11 07:28 cdaq End of Run 10057:
  • 220443 02/15/11 07:27 cdaq Compton Run 20886: beam current 150 uA, photon det HV 1600 V.
  • 220442 02/15/11 07:16 cdaq Run 10057: Production: 150uA on LH2, 3.5x3.5, IHWP OUT, QTOR 8921 A, BMOD ON
  • 220441 02/15/11 07:16 Darko IHWP is IN now
  • 220440 02/15/11 07:15 cdaq End of Run 10056:
  • 220439 02/15/11 07:09 Darko Injector Run 2171 STOP
  • 220438 02/15/11 07:03 cdaq Compton Run 20885: beam current 150 uA, photon det HV 1600 V.
  • 220437 02/15/11 07:03 cdaq Compton End of Run 20884:
  • 220436 02/15/11 07:01 cdaq Compton Run 20884: beam current 150 uA, photon det HV 1600 V.
  • 220435 02/15/11 06:48 cdaq Compton Run 20883: beam current 150 uA, photon det HV 1600 V.
  • 220434 02/15/11 06:26 cdaq Compton Run 20882: beam current 150 uA, photon det HV 1600 V.
  • 220433 02/15/11 06:20 cdaq Run 10056: Production: 150uA on LH2, 3.5x3.5, IHWP OUT, QTOR 8921 A, BMOD ON
  • 220432 02/15/11 06:19 cdaq End of Run 10055:
  • 220431 02/15/11 06:06 Darko BEAM modulation
  • 220430 02/15/11 06:05 Darko Charge Asymmetry strips
  • 220429 02/15/11 06:03 Darko Overnight beam
  • 220428 02/15/11 06:02 Darko Injector Run 2171 START
  • 220427 02/15/11 06:01 Darko Injector Run 2170 START
  • 220426 02/15/11 05:55 cdaq Compton Run 20881: beam current 150 uA, photon det HV 1600 V.
  • 220425 02/15/11 05:41 cdaq Compton Run 20880: beam current 150 uA, photon det HV 1600 V.
  • 220424 02/15/11 05:33 Adesh Analysis: Plots for 100k analysis of run 10055
  • 220423 02/15/11 05:25 cdaq Compton Run 20879: beam current 150 uA, photon det HV 1600 V.
  • 220422 02/15/11 05:24 cdaq Compton End of Run 20878:
  • 220421 02/15/11 05:22 cdaq Compton Run 20878: beam current 150 uA, photon det HV 1600 V.
  • 220420 02/15/11 05:21 cdaq Compton End of Run 20877:
  • 220419 02/15/11 05:19 cdaq Run 10055: Production: 150uA on LH2, 3.5x3.5, IHWP OUT, QTOR 8921 A, BMOD ON
  • 220418 02/15/11 05:18 cdaq End of Run 10054:
  • 220417 02/15/11 05:17 cdaq Compton Run 20877: beam current 150 uA, photon det HV 1600 V.
  • 220416 02/15/11 04:57 cdaq Compton Run 20876: beam current 150 uA, photon det HV 1600 V.
  • 220415 02/15/11 04:18 cdaq Run 10054: Production: 150uA on LH2, 3.5x3.5, IHWP OUT, QTOR 8921 A, BMOD ON
  • 220414 02/15/11 04:18 cdaq End of Run 10053:
  • 220413 02/15/11 04:10 Darko ccomptl1 down
  • 220412 02/15/11 03:51 Darko HV and Gtools Screens
  • 220411 02/15/11 03:50 Darko Injector Run 2170 START
  • 220410 02/15/11 03:18 cdaq Run 10053: Production: 150uA on LH2, 3.5x3.5, IHWP OUT, QTOR 8921 A, BMOD ON
  • 220409 02/15/11 03:17 cdaq End of Run 10052:
  • 220408 02/15/11 03:04 cdaq Compton End of Run 20875:
  • 220407 02/15/11 02:54 cdaq Compton Run 20875: beam current 150 uA, photon det HV 1600 V.
  • 220406 02/15/11 02:40 Darko ROC1 error at the and of run
  • 220405 02/15/11 02:38 Darko ccomptvme1 hard reset
  • 220404 02/15/11 02:30 cdaq Compton Run 20874: beam current 150 uA, photon det HV 1600 V.
  • 220403 02/15/11 02:14 cdaq Run 10052: Production: 150uA on LH2, 3.5x3.5, IHWP OUT, QTOR 8921 A, BMOD ON
  • 220402 02/15/11 01:56 Darko NO Compton End of Run 20872 ...
  • 220401 02/15/11 01:49 Adesh Analysis: Plots for 100k analysis of run 10051
  • 220400 02/15/11 01:35 cdaq Compton Run 20873: beam current 150 uA, photon det HV 1600 V.
  • 220399 02/15/11 01:21 cdaq Run 10051: Production: 150uA on LH2, 3.5x3.5, IHWP OUT, QTOR 8921 A, BMOD ON
  • 220398 02/15/11 01:20 cdaq End of Run 10050:
  • 220397 02/15/11 01:02 Adesh Analysis: Plots for 100k analysis of run 10050
  • 220396 02/15/11 00:26 jhlee During Run 10049, there were 10752 missed helicity gates
  • 220395 02/15/11 00:24 cdaq Run 10050: Production: 150uA on LH2, 3.5x3.5, IHWP OUT, QTOR 8921 A, BMOD ON
  • 220394 02/15/11 00:21 cdaq Compton Run 20872: beam current 150 uA, photon det HV 1600 V.
  • 220393 02/15/11 00:20 cdaq Compton End of Run 20871:
  • 220392 02/15/11 00:19 cdaq End of Run 10049:
  • 220391 02/15/11 00:15 cdaq Beam Time Accounting
  • 220390 02/15/11 00:15 Nuruzzaman Shift Summary: Swing Shift Summary 02/14/2011
  • 220389 02/15/11 00:01 Nuruzzaman Analysis: Sensitivities during the swing shift
  • Monday

  • 220388 02/14/11 23:58 jhlee Compton: ROC1 is dead
  • 220387 02/14/11 23:46 Nuruzzaman Stripchart of halo rates, beam current, charge asymmetry and compton scint. rate for swing shift.
  • 220386 02/14/11 23:44 cdaq Compton Run 20871: beam current 150 uA, photon det HV 1600 V.
  • 220385 02/14/11 23:41 leacock late entry -- day shift summary
  • 220384 02/14/11 23:19 cdaq Run 10049: Production: 150uA on LH2, 3.5x3.5, IHWP OUT, QTOR 8921 A, BMOD ON
  • 220383 02/14/11 23:18 Nuruzzaman Half wave plate is OUT now.
  • 220382 02/14/11 23:18 cdaq Compton Run 20870: beam current 150 uA, photon det HV 1600 V.
  • 220381 02/14/11 23:16 jhlee Compton: DAQ crashed, restarted
  • 220380 02/14/11 23:13 cdaq End of Run 10048:
  • 220379 02/14/11 22:49 jhlee it is not surprised, because I killed these processes
  • 220378 02/14/11 22:39 cdaq Compton Run 20869: beam current 150 uA, photon det HV 1600 V.
  • 220377 02/14/11 22:38 cdaq Compton End of Run 20868:
  • 220376 02/14/11 22:38 jhlee Analysis: First 100k Analsys for Run 10048
  • 220375 02/14/11 22:29 rob auto-analyzers are doing double duty
  • 220374 02/14/11 22:16 jhlee Analysis: First100k for Run 10047 has nempty historgrams.
  • 220373 02/14/11 22:14 cdaq Run 10048: Production: 150uA on LH2, 3.5x3.5, IHWP IN, QTOR 8921 A, BMOD ON
  • 220372 02/14/11 22:13 cdaq End of Run 10047:
  • 220371 02/14/11 21:52 Nuruzzaman QTOR tripped.
  • 220370 02/14/11 21:40 cdaq Run 10047: Production: 150uA on LH2, 3.5x3.5, IHWP IN, QTOR 8921 A, BMOD ON
  • 220369 02/14/11 21:39 cdaq End of Run 10046:
  • 220368 02/14/11 21:26 cdaq Compton Run 20868: beam current 150 uA, photon det HV 1600 V.
  • 220367 02/14/11 21:26 cdaq Compton End of Run 20867:
  • 220366 02/14/11 21:22 wdconinc/dal Compton: some more pictures
  • 220365 02/14/11 21:10 dalton/wdcon Compton: FADC versus QDC
  • 220364 02/14/11 21:04 jhlee Analysis: first 100k for run 10046
  • 220363 02/14/11 20:48 jhlee Analysis: first 100k analysis for run 10045
  • 220362 02/14/11 20:39 cdaq Run 10046: Production: 150uA on LH2, 3.5x3.5, IHWP IN, QTOR 8921 A, BMOD ON
  • 220361 02/14/11 20:38 cdaq End of Run 10045:
  • 220360 02/14/11 20:34 cdaq Compton Run 20867: beam current 150 uA, photon det HV 1600 V.
  • 220359 02/14/11 20:33 cdaq Compton End of Run 20866:
  • 220358 02/14/11 20:29 cdaq Compton Run 20866: beam current 150 uA, photon det HV 1600 V.
  • 220357 02/14/11 20:28 cdaq Compton End of Run 20865:
  • 220356 02/14/11 20:25 cdaq Compton Run 20865: beam current 150 uA, photon det HV 1600 V.
  • 220355 02/14/11 20:21 cdaq Compton End of Run 20864:
  • 220354 02/14/11 20:15 jhlee HV setting and General Tools for shift checklist
  • 220353 02/14/11 20:09 cdaq Compton Run 20864: beam current 150 uA, photon det HV 1600 V.
  • 220352 02/14/11 20:04 Nuruzzaman Scanner Run Summary
  • 220351 02/14/11 19:49 Nuruzzaman Started beam modulation during the run 10045.
  • 220350 02/14/11 19:39 cdaq Run 10045: Production: 150uA on LH2, 3.5x3.5, IHWP IN, QTOR 8921 A
  • 220349 02/14/11 19:37 Nuruzzaman Done with scanner run.
  • 220348 02/14/11 19:33 cdaq End of Run 10044:
  • 220347 02/14/11 19:23 jhlee I stop chargefeedback during run 10044, because it doesn't work with scanner
  • 220346 02/14/11 19:10 cdaq Compton Run 20863: beam current 150 uA, photon det HV 1600 V.
  • 220345 02/14/11 19:10 cdaq Compton End of Run 20862:
  • 220344 02/14/11 18:52 jhoskins Check Energy FFB if ....
  • 220343 02/14/11 18:45 Nuruzzaman Missed Attachment for Charge Feedback.
  • 220342 02/14/11 18:44 Nuruzzaman Restarted charge feedback.
  • 220341 02/14/11 18:36 cdaq Run 10044: Scanner Run
  • 220340 02/14/11 18:30 Nuruzzaman CODA crashed. Restarted
  • 220339 02/14/11 18:14 cdaq Run 10043: Scanner Run
  • 220338 02/14/11 18:04 jhlee Analysis: First100k of run 10042
  • 220337 02/14/11 18:00 cdaq End of Run 10042:
  • 220336 02/14/11 18:00 cdaq Compton Run 20862: beam current 150 uA, photon det HV 1600 V.
  • 220335 02/14/11 17:56 cdaq Compton Run 20861: beam current 150 uA, photon det HV 1600 V.
  • 220334 02/14/11 17:35 cdaq Compton Run 20860: beam current 150 uA, photon det HV 1600 V.
  • 220333 02/14/11 17:13 cdaq Compton End of Run 20859:
  • 220332 02/14/11 17:08 cdaq Compton Run 20859: beam current 150 uA, photon det HV 1600 V.
  • 220331 02/14/11 17:08 cdaq Compton End of Run 20858:
  • 220330 02/14/11 17:03 cdaq Run 10042: Production: 150uA on LH2, 3.5x3.5, IHWP IN, QTOR 8921 A
  • 220329 02/14/11 17:00 cdaq End of Run 10041:
  • 220328 02/14/11 17:00 jhlee Analysis: First100k of run 10041
  • 220327 02/14/11 16:52 cdaq Compton Run 20858: beam current 150 uA, photon det HV 1600 V.
  • 220326 02/14/11 16:51 cdaq Compton End of Run 20857:
  • 220325 02/14/11 16:43 Nuruzzaman Analysis: Analysis plots for 1st 100k events of run 10041
  • 220324 02/14/11 16:43 gaskell Compton: backgrounds more stable
  • 220323 02/14/11 16:39 cdaq Beam Time Accounting
  • 220322 02/14/11 16:30 cdaq Compton Run 20857: beam current 150 uA, photon det HV 1600 V.
  • 220321 02/14/11 16:23 cdaq Compton End of Run 20856:
  • 220320 02/14/11 16:00 cdaq Run 10041: 150uA on LH2 target
  • 220319 02/14/11 15:56 birchall Analysis: Run 10040, first100k
  • 220318 02/14/11 15:54 cdaq End of Run 10040:
  • 220317 02/14/11 15:50 leacock compton screenshot
  • 220316 02/14/11 15:42 cdaq Compton Run 20856: beam current 150 uA, photon det HV 1600 V.
  • 220315 02/14/11 15:41 cdaq Run 10040: 150uA on LH2 target
  • 220314 02/14/11 15:40 cdaq End of Run 10039:
  • 220313 02/14/11 15:39 cdaq Compton End of Run 20855:
  • 220312 02/14/11 15:05 jhlee renice slug plot to 10, please use cdaql5 later
  • 220311 02/14/11 15:02 birchall Analysis: Run 10039, charge asymmetry double difference
  • 220310 02/14/11 14:57 birchall Analysis: Run 10039, first100k
  • 220309 02/14/11 14:33 cdaq Compton Run 20855: beam current 150 uA, photon det HV 1600 V.
  • 220308 02/14/11 14:31 cdaq Run 10039: 150uA on LH2 target
  • 220307 02/14/11 14:30 cdaq End of Run 10038:
  • 220306 02/14/11 14:23 cdaq Run 10038: 150uA on LH2 target
  • 220305 02/14/11 14:19 Birchall Target: Moved to LH2 target
  • 220304 02/14/11 14:04 leacock spot move complete, sending tune beam
  • 220303 02/14/11 13:28 rob slug plot generation running on cdaql7
  • 220302 02/14/11 12:48 birchall Analysis: Update to the update
  • 220301 02/14/11 12:26 leacock spot change happening now
  • 220300 02/14/11 12:23 Solvignon Moller collimators retracted
  • 220299 02/14/11 12:05 Solvignon Hall C is in controlled access
  • 220298 02/14/11 12:01 magee Hall to power permit
  • 220297 02/14/11 12:00 magee Moller backing out
  • 220296 02/14/11 11:59 birchall Analysis: Updates to sensitivity plots
  • 220295 02/14/11 11:34 cdaq Moller End of Run 819:
  • 220294 02/14/11 11:30 Solvignon Moller: result for IHWP IN
  • 220293 02/14/11 11:29 cdaq Moller Run 819: Moller IHWP=IN, flipped left, Horizontal Wien angle = -62.4
  • 220292 02/14/11 11:28 cdaq Moller End of Run 818:
  • 220291 02/14/11 11:27 cdaq Moller Run 818: Moller IHWP=IN, flipped left, Horizontal Wien angle = -62.4
  • 220290 02/14/11 11:26 cdaq Moller End of Run 817:
  • 220289 02/14/11 11:25 magee late entry: IHWP = IN
  • 220288 02/14/11 11:22 brads re: missed helicity gates
  • 220287 02/14/11 11:20 cdaq Moller Run 817: Moller IHWP=IN, flipped left, Horizontal Wien angle = -62.4
  • 220286 02/14/11 11:20 cdaq Moller End of Run 816:
  • 220285 02/14/11 11:19 Solvignon Moller: result for IHWP OUT
  • 220284 02/14/11 11:14 cdaq Moller Run 816: Moller IHWP=IN, flipped left, Horizontal Wien angle = -62.4
  • 220283 02/14/11 11:13 solvignon Moller: Pockels Cell HV changes for IHWP IN
  • 220282 02/14/11 11:13 cdaq Moller End of Run 815:
  • 220281 02/14/11 11:09 cdaq Moller Run 815: Moller IHWP=IN, flipped left, Horizontal Wien angle = -62.4
  • 220280 02/14/11 11:04 cdaq Moller End of Run 814:
  • 220279 02/14/11 11:03 cdaq Moller Run 814: Moller IHWP=IN, flipped left, Horizontal Wien angle = -62.4
  • 220278 02/14/11 11:02 wdconinc Compton: Please add some information/screenshots when CODA crashes
  • 220277 02/14/11 11:02 cdaq Moller End of Run 813:
  • 220276 02/14/11 11:01 cdaq Moller Run 813: Moller IHWP=IN, flipped left, Horizontal Wien angle = -62.4
  • 220275 02/14/11 11:00 cdaq Moller End of Run 812:
  • 220274 02/14/11 11:00 paschke Position differences over Monday owl shift
  • 220273 02/14/11 10:59 cdaq Moller Run 812: Moller IHWP=IN, flipped left, Horizontal Wien angle = -62.4
  • 220272 02/14/11 10:58 cdaq Moller End of Run 811:
  • 220271 02/14/11 10:56 cdaq Moller Run 811: Moller IHWP=IN, flipped left, Horizontal Wien angle = -62.4
  • 220270 02/14/11 10:56 cdaq Moller End of Run 810:
  • 220269 02/14/11 10:55 cdaq Moller Run 810: Moller IHWP=IN, flipped left, Horizontal Wien angle = -62.4
  • 220268 02/14/11 10:54 cdaq Moller End of Run 809:
  • 220267 02/14/11 10:54 cdaq Moller Run 809: Moller IHWP=IN, flipped left, Horizontal Wien angle = -62.4
  • 220266 02/14/11 10:51 cdaq Moller End of Run 808:
  • 220265 02/14/11 10:47 cdaq Moller Run 808: Moller IHWP=IN, flipped left, Horizontal Wien angle = -62.4
  • 220264 02/14/11 10:44 cdaq Moller End of Run 807:
  • 220263 02/14/11 10:44 cdaq Moller Run 807: Moller IHWP=OUT, flipped left, Horizontal Wien angle = -62.4
  • 220262 02/14/11 10:43 cdaq Moller End of Run 806:
  • 220261 02/14/11 10:38 cdaq Moller Run 806: Moller IHWP=OUT, flipped left, Horizontal Wien angle = -62.4
  • 220260 02/14/11 10:37 cdaq Moller End of Run 805:
  • 220259 02/14/11 10:32 cdaq Moller Run 805: Moller IHWP=OUT, flipped left, Horizontal Wien angle = -62.4
  • 220258 02/14/11 10:32 cdaq Moller End of Run 804:
  • 220257 02/14/11 10:26 cdaq Moller Run 804: Moller IHWP=OUT, flipped left, Horizontal Wien angle = -62.4
  • 220256 02/14/11 10:25 cdaq Moller End of Run 803:
  • 220255 02/14/11 10:19 cdaq Moller Run 803: Moller IHWP=OUT, flipped left, Horizontal Wien angle = -62.4
  • 220254 02/14/11 10:19 cdaq Moller End of Run 802:
  • 220253 02/14/11 10:17 cdaq Moller Run 802: Moller IHWP=OUT, flipped left, Horizontal Wien angle = -62.4
  • 220252 02/14/11 10:16 cdaq Moller End of Run 801:
  • 220251 02/14/11 10:10 cdaq Moller Run 801: Moller IHWP=OUT, flipped left, Horizontal Wien angle = -62.4
  • 220250 02/14/11 10:08 cdaq Moller End of Run 800:
  • 220249 02/14/11 10:06 cdaq Moller Run 800: Moller IHWP=OUT, flipped left, Horizontal Wien angle = -62.4
  • 220248 02/14/11 10:00 leacock pedestal for dslumi6 is now -130 mV
  • 220247 02/14/11 10:00 magee Incorrect subject - moller set-up
  • 220246 02/14/11 09:58 benesch Beam: Compton scintillator and cavity power rates perfectly model photon rate
  • 220245 02/14/11 09:38 birchall Analysis: First100k of run 10037
  • 220244 02/14/11 09:33 Armstrong Short term plan
  • 220243 02/14/11 09:32 cdaq End of Run 10037:
  • 220242 02/14/11 09:30 brads re: HV GUI silence button only silences for ~1 minute
  • 220241 02/14/11 09:22 Armstrong RC daily summary
  • 220239 02/14/11 09:15 magee Moller study prep - injector parameters
  • 220238 02/14/11 09:11 lecaock HV GUI silence button only silences for ~1 minute
  • 220237 02/14/11 09:04 birchall Analysis: Analysis, run 10036
  • 220236 02/14/11 09:04 rob plots from pedestal run 10026
  • 220235 02/14/11 09:01 birchall Target: Moved target out of beam for Moller measurement
  • 220234 02/14/11 08:55 cdaq Compton End of Run 20854:
  • 220233 02/14/11 08:41 leacock started injector run 2166
  • 220232 02/14/11 08:38 cdaq Compton Run 20854: beam current 150 uA, photon det HV 1600 V.
  • 220231 02/14/11 08:38 cdaq Compton End of Run 20853:
  • 220230 02/14/11 08:37 cdaq Run 10037: 150uA on LH2 target
  • 220229 02/14/11 08:36 magee Moller study prep - injector parameters
  • 220228 02/14/11 08:36 cdaq End of Run 10036:
  • 220227 02/14/11 08:28 cdaq Beam Time Accounting
  • 220226 02/14/11 08:24 birchall Target: Target screen shot at 8:25
  • 220225 02/14/11 07:42 Darko Shift Summary: OWL shift summary 2/13/11
  • 220224 02/14/11 07:39 cdaq Run 10036: 150uA on LH2 target
  • 220223 02/14/11 07:39 cdaq End of Run 10035:
  • 220222 02/14/11 07:38 Darko Coda engine crashed at ccomptl1
  • 220221 02/14/11 07:33 cdaq Compton Run 20853: beam current 150 uA, photon det HV 1600 V.
  • 220220 02/14/11 07:28 cdaq Compton End of Run 20852:
  • 220219 02/14/11 07:08 Darko SCL HV>
  • 220218 02/14/11 07:07 Darko Beam Screeenshots
  • 220217 02/14/11 06:48 Adesh Analysis: 100k analysis of run 10035
  • 220216 02/14/11 06:33 cdaq Compton Run 20852: beam current 150 uA, photon det HV 1600 V.
  • 220215 02/14/11 06:33 cdaq Compton End of Run 20851:
  • 220214 02/14/11 06:29 cdaq Run 10035: 150uA on LH2 target
  • 220213 02/14/11 06:28 cdaq End of Run 10034:
  • 220212 02/14/11 05:52 Darko Beam lost because vakuum problem
  • 220211 02/14/11 05:44 cdaq Run 10034: 150uA on LH2 target
  • 220210 02/14/11 05:43 cdaq Compton Run 20851: beam current 150 uA, photon det HV 1600 V.
  • 220209 02/14/11 05:43 cdaq Compton End of Run 20850:
  • 220208 02/14/11 05:42 cdaq End of Run 10033:
  • 220207 02/14/11 05:06 Darko Injector run 2165 END
  • 220206 02/14/11 05:04 Darko Compton Strips
  • 220205 02/14/11 04:53 Adesh Analysis: 100k analysis of run 10033
  • 220204 02/14/11 04:32 cdaq Run 10033: 150uA on LH2 target
  • 220203 02/14/11 04:31 cdaq Compton Run 20850: beam current 150 uA, photon det HV 1600 V.
  • 220202 02/14/11 04:31 cdaq Compton End of Run 20849:
  • 220201 02/14/11 04:30 cdaq End of Run 10032:
  • 220200 02/14/11 03:47 Adesh Analysis: 100k analysis of run 10032
  • 220199 02/14/11 03:44 cdaq Compton Run 20849: beam current 150 uA, photon det HV 1600 V.
  • 220198 02/14/11 03:32 Darko Beam quality Screenshots
  • 220197 02/14/11 03:30 Darko Injector run 2165 START
  • 220196 02/14/11 03:28 cdaq Run 10032: 150uA on LH2 target
  • 220195 02/14/11 03:28 cdaq Compton End of Run 20848:
  • 220194 02/14/11 03:27 cdaq End of Run 10031:
  • 220193 02/14/11 02:40 Adesh Analysis: 100k analysis of run 10031
  • 220192 02/14/11 02:29 cdaq Compton Run 20848: beam current 150 uA, photon det HV 1600 V.
  • 220191 02/14/11 02:27 cdaq Compton End of Run 20847:
  • 220190 02/14/11 02:23 cdaq Run 10031: 150uA on LH2 target
  • 220189 02/14/11 02:22 cdaq End of Run 10030:
  • 220188 02/14/11 02:08 Darko IHWP is in position OUT now
  • 220187 02/14/11 02:07 cdaq Run 10030: 150uA on LH2 target
  • 220186 02/14/11 02:05 cdaq End of Run 10029:
  • 220185 02/14/11 01:58 narayan Compton: e-detector positioned ~ 4 mm from beam
  • 220184 02/14/11 01:40 Adesh Analysis: 100k analysis of run 10029
  • 220183 02/14/11 01:27 Darko Compton Strips
  • 220182 02/14/11 01:23 cdaq Compton Run 20847: beam current 150 uA, photon det HV 1600 V.
  • 220181 02/14/11 01:23 cdaq Compton End of Run 20846:
  • 220180 02/14/11 01:22 Darko Injector run 2164 END
  • 220179 02/14/11 01:20 cdaq Run 10029: 150uA on LH2 target
  • 220178 02/14/11 01:19 cdaq End of Run 10028:
  • 220177 02/14/11 00:45 Jiawei Analysis: 100k analysis of run 10028
  • 220176 02/14/11 00:26 Darko Injector run 2164 START
  • 220175 02/14/11 00:24 cdaq Run 10028: 150uA on LH2 target
  • 220174 02/14/11 00:23 cdaq End of Run 10027:
  • 220173 02/14/11 00:19 cdaq Compton Run 20846: beam current 150 uA, photon det HV 1600 V.
  • 220172 02/14/11 00:16 cdaq Compton End of Run 20845:
  • 220171 02/14/11 00:01 cdaq Beam Time Accounting
  • 220170 02/14/11 00:01 Ramesh Shift Summary
  • 220169 02/14/11 00:00 V. Tvaskis Target: Target GUI and strip charts screenshots
  • Sunday

  • 220168 02/13/11 23:59 Ramesh plots from pedestal run 10026
  • 220167 02/13/11 23:57 Jiawei Analysis: 100k analysis of run 10027
  • 220166 02/13/11 23:35 Ramesh missed helicity gates
  • 220165 02/13/11 23:25 cdaq Run 10027: 150uA on LH2 target
  • 220164 02/13/11 23:25 cdaq Compton Run 20845: beam current 150 uA, photon det HV 1600 V.
  • 220163 02/13/11 23:25 cdaq Compton End of Run 20844:
  • 220162 02/13/11 23:23 cdaq End of Run 10026:
  • 220161 02/13/11 23:21 cdaq Compton Run 20844: photon det HV 1600 V.
  • 220160 02/13/11 23:17 cdaq Run 10026: pedestal run
  • 220159 02/13/11 23:16 cdaq Compton End of Run 20843:
  • 220158 02/13/11 23:15 cdaq End of Run 10025:
  • 220157 02/13/11 23:13 Jiawei General Tools and HV GUIs screenshots
  • 220156 02/13/11 22:52 cdaq Compton Run 20843: beam current 150 uA, photon det HV 1600 V.
  • 220155 02/13/11 22:47 cdaq Compton End of Run 20842:
  • 220154 02/13/11 22:33 Ramesh start of injector run 2163
  • 220153 02/13/11 22:29 Jiawei Analysis: 100k analysis of run 10024
  • 220152 02/13/11 22:26 Ramesh trippy beam
  • 220151 02/13/11 22:14 cdaq Compton Run 20842: beam current 150 uA, photon det HV 1600 V.
  • 220150 02/13/11 22:13 cdaq Compton End of Run 20841:
  • 220149 02/13/11 22:12 cdaq Run 10025: 150uA on LH2 target, Compton electron detector is also online
  • 220148 02/13/11 22:11 cdaq End of Run 10024:
  • 220147 02/13/11 21:47 Ramesh Compton stripchart
  • 220146 02/13/11 21:30 cdaq Compton Run 20841: beam current 150 uA, photon det HV 1550 V.
  • 220145 02/13/11 21:25 Ramesh injector run 2162 started
  • 220144 02/13/11 21:21 cdaq Compton End of Run 20840:
  • 220143 02/13/11 21:19 Ramesh Injector run 2161 did not go any further
  • 220142 02/13/11 21:15 cdaq Run 10024: 150uA on LH2 target, Compton electron detector is also online
  • 220141 02/13/11 21:14 cdaq End of Run 10023:
  • 220140 02/13/11 20:44 Jiawei Analysis: 100k analysis of run 10022
  • 220139 02/13/11 20:23 cdaq Run 10023: 150uA on LH2 target, Compton electron detector is also online
  • 220138 02/13/11 20:22 Ramesh Qtor is back on
  • 220137 02/13/11 20:16 Ramesh Qtor tripped
  • 220136 02/13/11 20:15 cdaq End of Run 10022:
  • 220135 02/13/11 20:13 Ramesh beam strip chart during electron det test
  • 220134 02/13/11 20:10 Ramesh start of injector run 2161
  • 220133 02/13/11 19:52 cdaq Compton Run 20840: beam current 150 uA, photon det HV 1550 V.
  • 220132 02/13/11 19:51 Ramesh Back to production
  • 220131 02/13/11 19:48 cdaq Run 10022: 150uA on LH2 target, Compton electron detector is also online
  • 220130 02/13/11 19:42 Ramesh lost coda connection, did killcoda, codamaster, etc.
  • 220129 02/13/11 19:41 cdaq Compton End of Run 20839:
  • 220128 02/13/11 19:31 cdaq Run 10021: 100uA on LH2 target while compton electron det test is ongoing
  • 220127 02/13/11 19:28 cdaq End of Run 10020:
  • 220126 02/13/11 19:26 cdaq Run 10020: 50uA on LH2 target while compton electron det test is ongoing
  • 220125 02/13/11 19:25 cdaq End of Run 10019:
  • 220124 02/13/11 19:24 cdaq Run 10019: 25 uA on LH2 target while compton electron det test is ongoing
  • 220123 02/13/11 19:22 cdaq End of Run 10018:
  • 220122 02/13/11 19:17 cdaq Run 10018: 10 uA on LH2 target while compton electron det test is ongoing
  • 220121 02/13/11 19:15 cdaq End of Run 10017:
  • 220120 02/13/11 19:14 cdaq Run 10017: junk, stopped beam for Compton electron det motion
  • 220119 02/13/11 19:04 cdaq End of Run 10016:
  • 220118 02/13/11 18:56 cdaq Run 10016: 10 uA on LH2 target while compton electron det test is ongoing
  • 220117 02/13/11 18:42 cdaq Run 10015: 10 uA on LH2 target while compton electron det test is ongoing
  • 220116 02/13/11 18:41 Jiawei Analysis: 100k analysis of run 10014
  • 220115 02/13/11 18:33 Ramesh Stopped beam to insert Compton electron detector
  • 220114 02/13/11 18:31 cdaq End of Run 10014:
  • 220113 02/13/11 18:24 narayan/tvas Compton: preparing to lower edet
  • 220112 02/13/11 17:46 cdaq Run 10014: 150 uA on LH2 target
  • 220111 02/13/11 17:45 cdaq End of Run 10013:
  • 220110 02/13/11 17:32 jhlee generaltools on cdaql4 retruns a message, and not to use ssh connetion to cdaql3 in order to run General_Tools
  • 220109 02/13/11 17:18 jhlee killed two generaltools on cdaql4
  • 220108 02/13/11 17:13 jhlee Run 9989 removed incompleted root files, and change its status to not to be analysed
  • 220107 02/13/11 17:05 Jiawei Analysis: 100k analysis of run 10012
  • 220106 02/13/11 16:59 jhlee cdaql7 uses two autoanalzyers not enough to run 3 qwparity processes
  • 220105 02/13/11 16:51 cdaq Run 10013: 150 uA on LH2 target, HWP IN
  • 220104 02/13/11 16:50 cdaq End of Run 10012:
  • 220103 02/13/11 16:48 jhlee I will kill qwparity -r 9996 -c altasym process on cdaql7 soon
  • 220102 02/13/11 16:42 cdaq Run 10012: 150 uA on LH2 target, HWP IN
  • 220101 02/13/11 16:32 cdaq End of Run 10011:
  • 220100 02/13/11 16:15 Ramesh snapshot for Day shift check-list
  • 220099 02/13/11 16:10 Ramesh start of injector run 2160
  • 220098 02/13/11 16:10 Run Analysis Plots : 10009
  • 220097 02/13/11 16:08 cdaq Beam Time Accounting
  • 220096 02/13/11 16:05 AK Opper Day Shift Summary -- continued
  • 220095 02/13/11 16:03 jhoskins Analysis Run Summary
  • 220094 02/13/11 15:59 wdconinc Compton: Autoanalyzer first pass analysis scripts re-enabled
  • 220093 02/13/11 15:57 cdaq Compton Run 20839: beam current 150 uA, photon det HV 1600 V.
  • 220092 02/13/11 15:57 cdaq Compton End of Run 20838:
  • 220091 02/13/11 15:52 Pitt Target: End of day shift screenshot - with figure this time
  • 220090 02/13/11 15:51 Pitt Target: End of day shift screenshot
  • 220089 02/13/11 15:48 cdaq Compton Run 20838: beam current 150 uA, photon det HV 1600 V.
  • 220088 02/13/11 15:37 cdaq Run 10011: 150 uA on LH2 target, HWP IN
  • 220087 02/13/11 15:33 donjones auto restart after system failure set on CPSLOW
  • 220086 02/13/11 15:27 AK Opper Power cycle cpslow
  • 220085 02/13/11 15:27 jhlee Compton e-detector AFECS issues was fixed. it was not AFECS issue
  • 220084 02/13/11 15:18 cdaq Compton End of Run 20837:
  • 220083 02/13/11 15:15 cdaq End of Run 10010:
  • 220082 02/13/11 14:55 cdaq Run 10010: 150 uA on LH2 target, HWP IN
  • 220081 02/13/11 14:53 cdaq End of Run 10009:
  • 220080 02/13/11 14:37 cdaq Run 10009: 150 uA on LH2 target, HWP IN
  • 220079 02/13/11 14:34 cdaq End of Run 10007:
  • 220078 02/13/11 14:32 AK Opper Injector run 2159 ended
  • 220077 02/13/11 14:29 cdaq Run 10007: 150 uA on LH2 target, HWP IN
  • 220076 02/13/11 14:23 cdaq End of Run 10006:
  • 220075 02/13/11 14:22 wdconinc Compton: Connected signal to QDC before run 20837
  • 220074 02/13/11 14:21 cdaq Compton Run 20837: beam current 150 uA, photon det HV 1550 V (now signal even goes into QDC)
  • 220073 02/13/11 14:19 cdaq Compton End of Run 20836:
  • 220072 02/13/11 14:13 wdconinc Compton: eDet CODA working again
  • 220071 02/13/11 14:07 cdaq Compton Run 20836: beam current 150 uA, photon det HV 1550 V.
  • 220070 02/13/11 14:03 cdaq Compton End of Run 20835:
  • 220069 02/13/11 14:01 AK Opper Injector run 2159
  • 220068 02/13/11 13:25 cdaq Run 10006: 150 uA on LH2 target, HWP IN
  • 220067 02/13/11 13:24 cdaq End of Run 10005:
  • 220066 02/13/11 13:12 AK Opper Day Shift Summary
  • 220065 02/13/11 13:06 cdaq Compton Run 20835: beam current 150 uA, photon det HV 1550 V.
  • 220064 02/13/11 13:02 cdaq Run 10005: 150 uA on LH2 target, HWP IN
  • 220063 02/13/11 12:59 Armstrong Compton signal/noise nearly 1:1!
  • 220062 02/13/11 12:56 cdaq End of Run 10004:
  • 220061 02/13/11 12:55 cdaq Run 10004: 150 uA on LH2 target, HWP out
  • 220060 02/13/11 12:55 cdaq Compton End of Run 20834:
  • 220059 02/13/11 12:53 cdaq End of Run 10003:
  • 220058 02/13/11 12:40 AK Opper Compton strip charts
  • 220057 02/13/11 12:34 jhoskins Run Analysis Plots : 10003
  • 220056 02/13/11 12:27 Gericke MD Gain matching
  • 220055 02/13/11 12:20 Gericke MD PMT Gain matching
  • 220054 02/13/11 11:52 cdaq Run 10003: 150 uA on LH2 target, HWP out
  • 220053 02/13/11 11:51 AK Opper QTOR
  • 220052 02/13/11 11:46 cdaq End of Run 10002:
  • 220051 02/13/11 11:34 cdaq Run 10002: 150 uA on LH2 target, HWP out, QTOR @ 2000 A
  • 220050 02/13/11 11:31 AK Opper QTOR
  • 220049 02/13/11 11:29 Pitt Target: QTOR trip
  • 220048 02/13/11 11:29 cdaq End of Run 10001:
  • 220047 02/13/11 11:20 cdaq Run 10001: 150 uA on LH2 target, HWP out
  • 220046 02/13/11 11:20 AK Opper QTOR
  • 220045 02/13/11 11:10 cdaq End of Run 10000:
  • 220044 02/13/11 11:10 Pitt Target: QTOR trip
  • 220043 02/13/11 11:00 AK Opper no charge feedback
  • 220042 02/13/11 10:53 cdaq Run 10000: 150 uA on LH2 target, HWP out
  • 220041 02/13/11 10:52 jhlee Revert old AFECS now
  • 220040 02/13/11 10:49 cdaq Compton Run 20834: beam current 150 uA, photon det HV 1550 V.
  • 220039 02/13/11 10:49 AK Opper Run 9999 -- test run
  • 220038 02/13/11 10:48 cdaq End of Run 9999:
  • 220037 02/13/11 10:48 AK Opper revert to earlier AFECS
  • 220036 02/13/11 10:45 cdaq Run 9999: TEST with reverted AFECS
  • 220035 02/13/11 10:36 cdaq End of Run 9998:
  • 220034 02/13/11 10:23 narayan Compton: e-detector AFECS issues
  • 220033 02/13/11 10:21 AK Opper injector run 2158 end
  • 220032 02/13/11 10:13 jhoskins Run Analysis Plots : 9998
  • 220031 02/13/11 09:51 AK Opper INJECTOR Run
  • 220030 02/13/11 09:47 AK Opper QTOR
  • 220029 02/13/11 09:47 jhoskins Run Analysis Plots : 9997
  • 220028 02/13/11 09:46 cdaq Run 9998: 150 uA on LH2 target, HWP out
  • 220027 02/13/11 09:41 Pitt Target: QTOR trip
  • 220026 02/13/11 09:40 cdaq End of Run 9997:
  • 220025 02/13/11 09:32 Amstrong please take screen shot of Compton strip tool
  • 220024 02/13/11 09:14 gaskell Compton: laser locked and cycling
  • 220023 02/13/11 09:08 cdaq Run 9997: 150 uA on LH2 target, HWP out
  • 220022 02/13/11 09:02 AK Opper reboot cpslow
  • 220021 02/13/11 08:36 cdaq End of Run 9996:
  • 220020 02/13/11 08:34 Armstrong We plan to reboot Compton slow controls (cpslow) computer
  • 220019 02/13/11 08:20 Armstrong RC daily summary
  • 220018 02/13/11 08:04 cdaq Beam Time Accounting
  • 220017 02/13/11 08:04 Pitt Target: Target screenshots at beginning of day shift
  • 220016 02/13/11 07:52 Adesh Analysis: Analysis plots for first 100k event analysis for run# 9996
  • 220015 02/13/11 07:47 Adesh Target: Target GUI and strip charts screenshot at the end of owl shift
  • 220014 02/13/11 07:47 Darko Shift Summary: OWL shift summary 2/12/11
  • 220013 02/13/11 07:34 cdaq Run 9996: 150 uA on LH2 target
  • 220012 02/13/11 07:33 cdaq End of Run 9995:
  • 220011 02/13/11 07:14 Adesh Analysis: Analysis plots for first 100k event analysis for run# 9995
  • 220010 02/13/11 07:09 Adesh Analysis: Analysis plots for first 100k event analysis for run# 9994
  • 220009 02/13/11 06:54 Darko Charge asymmetry
  • 220008 02/13/11 06:45 cdaq Run 9995: 150 uA on LH2 target
  • 220007 02/13/11 06:42 cdaq End of Run 9994:
  • 220006 02/13/11 06:42 Adesh Target: Alarm on QTOR, tripped & recovered
  • 220005 02/13/11 06:41 Darko Qtor tipes
  • 220004 02/13/11 06:20 cdaq Run 9994: 150 uA on LH2 target
  • 220003 02/13/11 06:19 cdaq End of Run 9993:
  • 220002 02/13/11 06:13 Darko HW and Qtor
  • 220001 02/13/11 06:11 Darko Owernight beam
  • 220000 02/13/11 06:05 Adesh Analysis: Analysis plots for first 100k event analysis for run# 9993
  • 219999 02/13/11 05:45 Darko End of Run 9992: Coda crashed with standard EB4 lost of communication
  • 219998 02/13/11 05:41 Darko End of Run 9991: Coda crashed with standard EB4 lost of communication
  • 219997 02/13/11 05:31 cdaq Run 9993: 150 uA on LH2 target
  • 219996 02/13/11 05:15 Darko Injector run 2157 END
  • 219995 02/13/11 04:55 Darko Beam and GT screens
  • 219994 02/13/11 04:50 Adesh Analysis: Analysis plots for first 100k event analysis for run# 9992
  • 219993 02/13/11 04:36 Darko Injector run 2157 START
  • 219992 02/13/11 04:33 cdaq Run 9992: 150 uA on LH2 target
  • 219991 02/13/11 04:32 cdaq End of Run 9991:
  • 219990 02/13/11 04:24 cdaq Run 9991: 150 uA on LH2 target
  • 219989 02/13/11 04:22 Darko IHWP is in OUT position NOW
  • 219988 02/13/11 04:22 cdaq End of Run 9990:
  • 219987 02/13/11 04:04 Adesh Analysis: Analysis plots for first 100k event analysis for run# 9990
  • 219986 02/13/11 03:42 cdaq Run 9990: 150 uA on LH2 target
  • 219985 02/13/11 03:41 cdaq End of Run 9989:
  • 219984 02/13/11 03:01 Adesh Analysis: Analysis plots for first 100k event analysis for run# 9989
  • 219983 02/13/11 02:44 cdaq Run 9989: 150 uA on LH2 target
  • 219982 02/13/11 02:44 cdaq End of Run 9988:
  • 219981 02/13/11 02:17 Darko Injector run 2156 END
  • 219980 02/13/11 02:12 Adesh Analysis: Analysis plots for first 100k event analysis for run# 9988
  • 219979 02/13/11 01:48 Darko Charge asymmetry strips
  • 219978 02/13/11 01:45 cdaq Run 9988: 150 uA on LH2 target
  • 219977 02/13/11 01:44 cdaq End of Run 9987:
  • 219976 02/13/11 01:26 Darko Analysis: first 100k event analysis for run# 9987
  • 219975 02/13/11 01:18 Darko Injector run 2156 START
  • 219974 02/13/11 01:16 Darko beam and general tools screenshots
  • 219973 02/13/11 00:58 Darko Missed helicity gates
  • 219972 02/13/11 00:49 cdaq Run 9987: 150 uA on LH2 target
  • 219971 02/13/11 00:48 cdaq End of Run 9986:
  • 219970 02/13/11 00:06 cdaq Beam Time Accounting
  • 219969 02/13/11 00:05 Ramesh Shift Summary
  • Saturday

  • 219968 02/12/11 23:57 V. Tvaskis Target: Target GUI and strip charts screenshots
  • 219967 02/12/11 23:41 Ramesh start of injector run 2155
  • 219966 02/12/11 23:40 V. Tvaskis Snapshots of General tools and HV
  • 219965 02/12/11 23:30 cdaq Run 9986: 150 uA on LH2 target
  • 219964 02/12/11 23:30 cdaq End of Run 9985:
  • 219963 02/12/11 23:01 narayan Compton: stopped this run because we found the laser was off
  • 219962 02/12/11 22:58 narayan Compton
  • 219961 02/12/11 22:23 Ramesh Start of injector run 2154
  • 219960 02/12/11 22:22 cdaq Run 9985: 150 uA on LH2 target
  • 219959 02/12/11 22:21 cdaq End of Run 9984:
  • 219958 02/12/11 22:20 Ramesh Compton computer cpslow is down
  • 219957 02/12/11 22:09 cdaq Compton End of Run 20833:
  • 219956 02/12/11 21:16 cdaq Compton Run 20833: beam current 150 uA, photon det HV 1550 V.
  • 219955 02/12/11 21:16 Ramesh Start of injector run 2153
  • 219954 02/12/11 21:15 Ramesh beam back
  • 219953 02/12/11 21:15 cdaq Run 9984: 150 uA on LH2 target
  • 219952 02/12/11 21:08 Ramesh 2T09 ILM trip problem again
  • 219951 02/12/11 21:03 cdaq Compton End of Run 20832:
  • 219950 02/12/11 21:02 Ramesh injector run 2152 stopped
  • 219949 02/12/11 21:01 cdaq End of Run 9983:
  • 219948 02/12/11 20:52 Ramesh Some plots from run 9983 [first run after half wave plate insertion]
  • 219947 02/12/11 20:35 Ramesh No short run after inserting half wave plate to check charge feedback
  • 219946 02/12/11 20:29 cdaq Compton Run 20832: beam current 150 uA, photon det HV 1550 V.
  • 219945 02/12/11 20:28 Ramesh auto stop of injector runs, start of inector run 2152
  • 219944 02/12/11 20:24 Ramesh half wave plate IN
  • 219943 02/12/11 20:21 cdaq Run 9983: 150 uA on LH2 target
  • 219942 02/12/11 20:19 cdaq Compton End of Run 20831:
  • 219941 02/12/11 20:18 cdaq End of Run 9982:
  • 219940 02/12/11 20:17 Ramesh Some plots from run 9982
  • 219939 02/12/11 20:01 jhlee removing injector coda files on qweakl3
  • 219938 02/12/11 19:38 Ramesh No beam trip for over an hour
  • 219937 02/12/11 19:24 cdaq Compton Run 20831: beam current 150 uA, photon det HV 1550 V.
  • 219936 02/12/11 19:23 cdaq Compton End of Run 20830:
  • 219935 02/12/11 19:23 cdaq Run 9982: 150 uA on LH2 target
  • 219934 02/12/11 19:22 cdaq End of Run 9981:
  • 219933 02/12/11 19:03 Ramesh injector run 2151 starts
  • 219932 02/12/11 18:29 Ramesh beam trips improved
  • 219931 02/12/11 18:21 cdaq Compton Run 20830: beam current 150 uA, photon det HV 1550 V.
  • 219930 02/12/11 18:21 cdaq Compton End of Run 20829:
  • 219929 02/12/11 17:55 Ramesh Beam is too trippy
  • 219928 02/12/11 17:51 cdaq Run 9981: 150 uA on LH2 target
  • 219927 02/12/11 17:50 cdaq End of Run 9980:
  • 219926 02/12/11 17:30 rob more MD PMTs with slowly drifting yields?
  • 219925 02/12/11 17:22 gaskell Compton: all runs taken so far with 1550 v
  • 219924 02/12/11 16:56 cdaq Compton Run 20829: beam current 150 uA, photon det HV 1550 V.
  • 219923 02/12/11 16:55 Ramesh start of injector run 2150
  • 219922 02/12/11 16:52 Ramesh beam available, back to production
  • 219921 02/12/11 16:49 cdaq Run 9980: 150 uA on LH2 target
  • 219920 02/12/11 16:48 V. Tvaskis Target: Pump voltage alarm
  • 219919 02/12/11 16:34 cdaq Beam Time Accounting
  • 219918 02/12/11 16:33 cdaq End of Run 9979:
  • 219917 02/12/11 16:23 cdaq Run 9979: pedestal run, HV of MD, CM Lumis and halo det are ON.
  • 219916 02/12/11 15:58 AK Opper Shift Summary: Day Shift Summary
  • 219915 02/12/11 15:58 AK Opper Shift Summary: Day Shift Summary
  • 219914 02/12/11 15:53 rajotte General Tools & HV
  • 219913 02/12/11 15:47 Pitt Target: End of day shift screenshot
  • 219912 02/12/11 15:41 cdaq Compton End of Run 20828:
  • 219911 02/12/11 15:40 cdaq End of Run 9978:
  • 219910 02/12/11 15:36 rajotte first100k run 9978 (MD 3X has tail)
  • 219909 02/12/11 14:55 cdaq Compton Run 20828: beam current 150 uA, photon HV 1600 V.
  • 219908 02/12/11 14:54 jhlee this is a minor bug of new afecs which we are using.
  • 219907 02/12/11 14:54 cdaq Run 9978: 150 uA on LH2 target
  • 219906 02/12/11 14:37 cdaq Compton End of Run 20827:
  • 219905 02/12/11 14:37 cdaq End of Run 9977:
  • 219904 02/12/11 14:11 rajotte first100k run 9977
  • 219903 02/12/11 14:10 Armstrong RC daily summary
  • 219902 02/12/11 14:09 smithg Target: Updated encoder table resistive pot values
  • 219901 02/12/11 14:01 jmammei updated slug numbers in DB
  • 219900 02/12/11 13:46 cdaq Run 9977: 150 uA on LH2 target
  • 219899 02/12/11 13:45 cdaq Compton Run 20827: beam current 150 uA, photon HV 1600 V.
  • 219898 02/12/11 13:45 cdaq End of Run 9976:
  • 219897 02/12/11 13:45 cdaq Compton End of Run 20826:
  • 219896 02/12/11 13:36 rajotte CODA start/stop out of sync
  • 219895 02/12/11 13:21 rajotte first100k run 9976 (unstable beam)
  • 219894 02/12/11 13:21 AK Opper late entry: Compton position lock
  • 219893 02/12/11 13:09 rajotte first100k run 9975 (double peak in bcm)
  • 219892 02/12/11 12:56 AK Opper More on run 9975
  • 219891 02/12/11 12:51 AK Opper suspect beam during 9975
  • 219890 02/12/11 12:50 cdaq Run 9976: 150 uA on LH2 target
  • 219889 02/12/11 12:48 cdaq End of Run 9975:
  • 219888 02/12/11 12:32 cdaq Run 9975: 150 uA on LH2 target
  • 219887 02/12/11 12:31 cdaq End of Run 9974:
  • 219886 02/12/11 12:30 cdaq Compton Run 20826: beam current 150 uA, photon HV 1600 V.
  • 219885 02/12/11 12:22 rajotte firsrt100k 9974
  • 219884 02/12/11 12:14 birchall Analysis: Beam parameters and contributions to false asymmetry
  • 219883 02/12/11 12:00 rajotte Halo rates
  • 219882 02/12/11 11:56 AK Opper status and Compton position lock
  • 219881 02/12/11 11:50 cdaq Run 9974: 150 uA on LH2 target
  • 219880 02/12/11 11:44 gaskell Compton: stable signal and background
  • 219879 02/12/11 11:42 rajotte General Tools and HV
  • 219878 02/12/11 11:40 Pitt Target: Move to hydrogen target cell
  • 219877 02/12/11 11:38 cdaq End of Run 9973:
  • 219876 02/12/11 11:31 cdaq Run 9973: 150 uA NO target
  • 219875 02/12/11 11:10 donjones Compton:overnight running shows no signal
  • 219874 02/12/11 10:59 rajotte Lumis and halos back on
  • 219873 02/12/11 10:15 Pitt Target: Pump frequency readback got noiser when target moved to HOME
  • 219872 02/12/11 09:44 rajotte Lumis and Halo switched off for beam tuned
  • 219871 02/12/11 09:36 Pitt Target: Move to out of beam position
  • 219870 02/12/11 09:35 Pitt Target: Screenshot at beginning of day shift - late entry
  • 219869 02/12/11 08:35 rajotte General Tools & HV
  • 219868 02/12/11 08:24 AK Opper status
  • 219867 02/12/11 08:09 cdaq Beam Time Accounting
  • 219866 02/12/11 07:54 Darko Shift Summary: 2/12/11
  • 219865 02/12/11 07:28 Darko SCL screens
  • 219864 02/12/11 07:15 Jiawei Target: scattering chamber vacuum alarm enabled
  • 219863 02/12/11 06:27 Jiawei Target: Vacuum problem seems to be fixed
  • 219862 02/12/11 06:05 cdaq Compton End of Run 20825:
  • 219861 02/12/11 05:32 cdaq Compton Run 20825: Beam is off
  • 219860 02/12/11 04:50 Jiawei Target: updated status
  • 219859 02/12/11 04:35 cdaq Compton End of Run 20824:
  • 219858 02/12/11 04:13 covrig Target: chamber vacuum recent history seems fine
  • 219857 02/12/11 03:44 Jiawei Target: Scattering Chamber vacuum should be fine
  • 219856 02/12/11 03:42 cdaq End of Run 9972:
  • 219855 02/12/11 02:59 Jiawei Target: Scattering chamber vacuum has risen dramatically
  • 219854 02/12/11 02:50 Darko Hall C to controlled access
  • 219853 02/12/11 02:44 cdaq Run 9972: NO BEAM pedestal run
  • 219852 02/12/11 02:43 Darko Hall C to restricted sccess ...
  • 219851 02/12/11 02:40 cdaq End of Run 9971:
  • 219850 02/12/11 02:33 Darko CODA Crashed...
  • 219849 02/12/11 02:25 cdaq Run 9971: 150 uA on LH2 target
  • 219848 02/12/11 02:24 cdaq End of Run 9970:
  • 219847 02/12/11 02:13 cdaq Run 9970: NO BEAM Pedestal run
  • 219846 02/12/11 02:06 cdaq End of Run 9969:
  • 219845 02/12/11 02:05 Jiawei Analysis: 100k-analysis-plots for Run9969
  • 219844 02/12/11 01:52 cdaq Compton Run 20824: beam current 150 uA, photon HV 1600 V.
  • 219843 02/12/11 01:51 cdaq Compton End of Run 20823:
  • 219842 02/12/11 01:51 Darko Injector run 2149 STOP
  • 219841 02/12/11 01:49 Darko IHWP is OUT now
  • 219840 02/12/11 01:47 cdaq Run 9969: 150 uA on LH2 target
  • 219839 02/12/11 01:45 cdaq End of Run 9968:
  • 219838 02/12/11 01:11 Jiawei Analysis: 100k-analysis-plots for Run9968
  • 219837 02/12/11 01:09 cdaq Compton Run 20823: beam current 150 uA, photon HV 1600 V.
  • 219836 02/12/11 01:09 cdaq Compton End of Run 20822:
  • 219835 02/12/11 01:07 Darko Injector run 2149 START
  • 219834 02/12/11 00:52 cdaq Run 9968: 150 uA on LH2
  • 219833 02/12/11 00:43 cdaq Run 9967: 150 uA on LH2
  • 219832 02/12/11 00:41 cdaq End of Run 9966:
  • 219831 02/12/11 00:21 jhlee thanks to someone to fix my mistake on GeneralTools
  • 219830 02/12/11 00:14 Jiawei Target: screenshot at the start of owl shift
  • 219829 02/12/11 00:11 Ramesh Shift Summary
  • 219828 02/12/11 00:10 cdaq Beam Time Accounting
  • 219827 02/12/11 00:08 Ramesh some funny histograms with MD, beam trips?
  • Friday

  • 219826 02/11/11 23:57 leacock screenshots
  • 219825 02/11/11 23:57 cdaq Compton Run 20822: beam current 150 uA, photon HV 1600 V.
  • 219824 02/11/11 23:49 Ramesh start of injector run 2148
  • 219823 02/11/11 23:49 cdaq Run 9966: 150 uA on LH2
  • 219822 02/11/11 23:48 Ramesh Re: Hall C beam stops for Hall A work -- we got beam
  • 219821 02/11/11 23:42 Pitt Target: End of shift scrrenshot
  • 219820 02/11/11 23:25 Ramesh injector run 2147 stopped
  • 219819 02/11/11 23:23 Ramesh Hall C beam stops for Hall A work
  • 219818 02/11/11 23:21 cdaq End of Run 9965:
  • 219817 02/11/11 23:20 donjones results of compton work
  • 219816 02/11/11 23:01 Ramesh Start of injector run 2147
  • 219815 02/11/11 22:50 rob scanner parked; a useful task for the weekend enclosed.
  • 219814 02/11/11 22:40 Ramesh run start/stop time stamp again
  • 219813 02/11/11 22:15 rob scanner tripped right limit switch; recovered.
  • 219812 02/11/11 22:11 gaskell Compton: large loss at A2 was good for Compton
  • 219811 02/11/11 22:07 cdaq Run 9965: 150 uA on LH2
  • 219810 02/11/11 22:03 cdaq End of Run 9964:
  • 219809 02/11/11 21:59 gaskell Compton: photon detector discriminator
  • 219808 02/11/11 21:34 cdaq Run 9964: 150 uA on LH2
  • 219807 02/11/11 21:34 cdaq End of Run 9963:
  • 219806 02/11/11 21:33 rob Communication issues with scanner motion controller
  • 219805 02/11/11 21:30 gaskell Compton: good rate follow up
  • 219804 02/11/11 21:28 donjones correlation plot shows need rates below 125 Hz/uA
  • 219803 02/11/11 21:24 donjones correlation plot shows we need cComptScintRateNorm<125hz/uA
  • 219802 02/11/11 21:22 cdaq Run 9963: 150 uA on LH2
  • 219801 02/11/11 21:21 cdaq End of Run 9962:
  • 219800 02/11/11 21:20 gaskell Compton: rates good ever so briefly
  • 219799 02/11/11 20:42 Ramesh injector run 2146 starts
  • 219798 02/11/11 20:41 cdaq Run 9962: 150 uA on LH2
  • 219797 02/11/11 20:28 Ramesh Beam permit
  • 219796 02/11/11 20:25 gaskell Compton: removed some photon detector shielding
  • 219795 02/11/11 19:33 cdaq End of Run 9961:
  • 219794 02/11/11 19:33 Ramesh Short access for Compton, injector run stops
  • 219793 02/11/11 19:20 Ramesh run start/stop time stamp
  • 219792 02/11/11 19:16 jhoskins Single Coil Polarity QwBMod test finished.
  • 219791 02/11/11 19:15 jhoskins Single Coil Polarity QwBMod test finished.
  • 219790 02/11/11 19:14 gaskell threshold = 60 mV for this run
  • 219789 02/11/11 19:11 cdaq Compton End of Run 20821:
  • 219788 02/11/11 19:10 cdaq Compton Run 20821: Comptun run: test for Don - are we seeing collisions?
  • 219787 02/11/11 19:04 cdaq Run 9961: 150 uA on LH2
  • 219786 02/11/11 19:03 cdaq End of Run 9960:
  • 219785 02/11/11 18:51 cdaq Run 9960: 150 uA on LH2 {[QwBmod]} polarity test
  • 219784 02/11/11 18:49 cdaq End of Run 9959:
  • 219783 02/11/11 18:43 cdaq Run 9959: 150 uA on LH2 {[QwBmod]} polarity test
  • 219782 02/11/11 18:42 cdaq End of Run 9958:
  • 219781 02/11/11 18:40 Ramesh Start of injector run 2145
  • 219780 02/11/11 18:34 cdaq Run 9958: 150 uA on LH2 {[QwBmod]} polarity test
  • 219779 02/11/11 18:30 cdaq End of Run 9957:
  • 219778 02/11/11 18:16 leacock ideal KREST setpoints remove double peaking
  • 219777 02/11/11 18:10 Armstrong Run plan for weekend
  • 219776 02/11/11 17:55 cdaq Run 9957: 150 uA on LH2 w/ QwBmod Polarity test
  • 219775 02/11/11 17:51 cdaq End of Run 9956:
  • 219774 02/11/11 17:50 cdaq Run 9956: 150 uA on LH2 [QwBmod] polarity test
  • 219773 02/11/11 17:46 cdaq End of Run 9955:
  • 219772 02/11/11 17:44 cdaq Compton End of Run 20820:
  • 219771 02/11/11 17:35 jhlee modified General_Tools in order not to monitor beam modulation status
  • 219770 02/11/11 17:25 Ramesh Comment on run 9952 for Scot
  • 219769 02/11/11 17:20 cdaq Compton Run 20820: Integrating mode DAQ test after AFECS upgrade (no QDC r/o)
  • 219768 02/11/11 17:19 cdaq Compton End of Run 20819:
  • 219767 02/11/11 17:18 cdaq Compton Run 20819: Integrating mode DAQ test after AFECS upgrade
  • 219766 02/11/11 16:55 cdaq Run 9955: 150 uA on LH2
  • 219765 02/11/11 16:54 Ramesh VMCC15 rebooted, ibcm1,2 back
  • 219764 02/11/11 16:53 cdaq End of Run 9954:
  • 219763 02/11/11 16:51 cdaq Run 9954: 150 uA on LH2
  • 219762 02/11/11 16:48 cdaq End of Run 9953:
  • 219761 02/11/11 16:38 Ramesh ibcm1,2 epics are ok, but ...
  • 219760 02/11/11 16:26 jmammei run starts have no bcm epics info?
  • 219759 02/11/11 16:24 Ramesh Start of injector run 2143
  • 219758 02/11/11 16:21 Pitt Target: Screenshot at start of Shift
  • 219757 02/11/11 16:21 cdaq Run 9953: 150 uA on LH2
  • 219756 02/11/11 16:20 cdaq End of Run 9952:
  • 219755 02/11/11 16:09 mack double peaking at 3C12X
  • 219754 02/11/11 16:05 cdaq Beam Time Accounting
  • 219753 02/11/11 15:49 wdconinc Compton: Switched to a different afecs version
  • 219752 02/11/11 15:47 AK Opper Day Shift summary
  • 219751 02/11/11 15:42 beaufait bpmdiff9952
  • 219750 02/11/11 15:34 jhlee from run 9945, we are using afecs v 1.3.1
  • 219749 02/11/11 15:30 pking Recompiled QwAnalysis to include the hack for "flip-left" Wien configuration.
  • 219748 02/11/11 15:29 cdaq Run 9952: 150 uA on LH2
  • 219747 02/11/11 15:24 cdaq End of Run 9951:
  • 219746 02/11/11 15:23 cdaq Run 9951: oops, short useless run
  • 219745 02/11/11 15:20 pking Analysis: Killed analysis of run 9939
  • 219744 02/11/11 15:14 cdaq End of Run 9950:
  • 219743 02/11/11 15:12 beaufait target training
  • 219742 02/11/11 15:11 cdaq Run 9950: Beam on LH2 3.5x3.5 mm, QTOR 8921A
  • 219741 02/11/11 15:11 hamlet Analysis plots for 1st 100k events of run 9949
  • 219740 02/11/11 15:09 cdaq End of Run 9949:
  • 219739 02/11/11 15:03 Armstrong Good Compton rates -> double peaking in 3C12x
  • 219738 02/11/11 14:55 beaufait Target operator question
  • 219737 02/11/11 14:55 jhlee a screenshot for Compton tuning
  • 219736 02/11/11 14:47 cdaq Run 9949: LH2 target in, MCC changed something, RC requested
  • 219735 02/11/11 14:45 cdaq End of Run 9948:
  • 219734 02/11/11 14:38 cdaq Run 9948: LH2 target in
  • 219733 02/11/11 14:31 hamlet BPM Differences for Run 9947
  • 219732 02/11/11 14:27 R. Michaels target screens
  • 219731 02/11/11 14:24 R. Michaels move in LH2 target
  • 219730 02/11/11 14:23 Armstrong progress on Compton rates?
  • 219729 02/11/11 14:23 cdaq End of Run 9947:
  • 219728 02/11/11 14:22 jhlee Interesting error message on generaltools and MEDM message window
  • 219727 02/11/11 14:11 cdaq Run 9947: RC requests this run
  • 219726 02/11/11 13:55 jhlee there is a new error message which I saw in Trigger Supervisior ROC
  • 219725 02/11/11 13:39 jhlee fixed the pink screen, after I restart all of components
  • 219724 02/11/11 13:38 cdaq Run 9946: Hello, Pink screen!
  • 219723 02/11/11 13:07 cdaq Run 9945: Test new AFECS v1.3.1 and Hello, Pink screen!
  • 219722 02/11/11 13:01 jhlee a short test new afecs during Compton tuning.
  • 219721 02/11/11 13:00 jhlee vmec15 has trouble?
  • 219720 02/11/11 12:56 rob pink screen still not appearing.
  • 219719 02/11/11 12:56 AK Opper Halos on
  • 219718 02/11/11 12:54 cdaq End of Run 9944:
  • 219717 02/11/11 12:53 cdaq Run 9944: peds
  • 219716 02/11/11 12:51 cdaq End of Run 9943:
  • 219715 02/11/11 12:51 cdaq Run 9943: peds
  • 219714 02/11/11 12:46 rob run 9942: try to find the scanner location
  • 219713 02/11/11 12:40 rob pink screen did not appear for run 9941.
  • 219712 02/11/11 12:40 rob pink screen did not appear for run 9940.
  • 219711 02/11/11 12:39 cdaq End of Run 9942:
  • 219710 02/11/11 12:37 cdaq Run 9942: peds
  • 219709 02/11/11 12:33 cdaq Run 9941: peds
  • 219708 02/11/11 12:31 cdaq End of Run 9940:
  • 219707 02/11/11 12:29 pking Analysis: Analyzer needs a hack if we stay with "flip-left" configuration
  • 219706 02/11/11 12:26 cdaq Run 9940: peds
  • 219705 02/11/11 12:16 Armstrong update on Compton background issue
  • 219704 02/11/11 11:51 AK Opper injector run
  • 219703 02/11/11 10:58 covrig Target: last centering may spell trouble for getting to DS4% Al again
  • 219702 02/11/11 10:52 cdaq End of Run 9939:
  • 219701 02/11/11 10:34 Armstrong Compton background issue plan
  • 219700 02/11/11 10:02 Armstrong RC daily summary
  • 219699 02/11/11 09:54 pking End of "25% measurement" is run 9938; run 9939 begins the second measurement block.
  • 219698 02/11/11 09:43 cdaq Run 9939: peds
  • 219697 02/11/11 09:42 cdaq End of Run 9938:
  • 219696 02/11/11 09:41 AK Opper MCC working to tune through Compton chicane
  • 219695 02/11/11 09:39 cdaq Run 9938: Ped run -- tgt home, lumis halos and beam off.
  • 219694 02/11/11 09:34 cdaq Run 9937: No beam - just a test to see if coda is ok
  • 219693 02/11/11 09:33 hamlet Analysis plots for 1st 100k events of run 9936. All looks OK, but Upstream Lumi Asymmetries higher
  • 219692 02/11/11 09:32 R. Michaels Target moved to Out-of-beam
  • 219691 02/11/11 09:30 cdaq End of Run 9936:
  • 219690 02/11/11 09:26 cdaq Moller Run 799: Compton test - no beam in chicane
  • 219689 02/11/11 08:44 Darko Run 9916: Beam on LH2 3.5x3.5 mm, QTOR @8000
  • 219688 02/11/11 08:28 cdaq Run 9936: Beam on LH2 3.5x3.5 mm, QTOR 8921A
  • 219687 02/11/11 08:26 cdaq End of Run 9935:
  • 219686 02/11/11 08:25 R. Michaels qwplot bugfix: close window (X) to not seg fault
  • 219685 02/11/11 08:21 Darko Shift Summary: OWL shift summary 2/11/11
  • 219684 02/11/11 08:18 cdaq Run 9935: Beam on LH2 3.5x3.5 mm, QTOR @7300 additional
  • 219683 02/11/11 08:17 cdaq End of Run 9934:
  • 219682 02/11/11 08:16 birchall Analysis: Position sensitivity in run 9902
  • 219681 02/11/11 08:13 V. Tvaskis Target: Target GUI and strip charts screenshots
  • 219680 02/11/11 08:11 cdaq Run 9934: Beam on LH2 3.5x3.5 mm, QTOR @4500 additional
  • 219679 02/11/11 08:10 cdaq End of Run 9933:
  • 219678 02/11/11 08:07 cdaq Beam Time Accounting
  • 219677 02/11/11 07:58 cdaq Run 9933: Beam on LH2 3.5x3.5 mm, QTOR @1000
  • 219676 02/11/11 07:57 cdaq End of Run 9932:
  • 219675 02/11/11 07:46 cdaq Run 9932: Beam on LH2 3.5x3.5 mm, QTOR @1500
  • 219674 02/11/11 07:45 cdaq End of Run 9931:
  • 219673 02/11/11 07:33 cdaq Run 9931: Beam on LH2 3.5x3.5 mm, QTOR @2000
  • 219672 02/11/11 07:32 cdaq End of Run 9930:
  • 219671 02/11/11 07:32 Darko Beam $ EPICS
  • 219670 02/11/11 07:30 Darko Shift Checklist Screens
  • 219669 02/11/11 07:28 Darko Overnight beam
  • 219668 02/11/11 07:21 cdaq Run 9930: Beam on LH2 3.5x3.5 mm, QTOR @2500
  • 219667 02/11/11 07:20 cdaq End of Run 9929:
  • 219666 02/11/11 07:19 Darko qwfeedback graph
  • 219665 02/11/11 07:08 cdaq Run 9929: Beam on LH2 3.5x3.5 mm, QTOR @3000
  • 219664 02/11/11 07:07 cdaq End of Run 9928:
  • 219663 02/11/11 06:55 cdaq Run 9928: Beam on LH2 3.5x3.5 mm, QTOR @3500
  • 219662 02/11/11 06:49 Darko EB4 error
  • 219661 02/11/11 06:32 cdaq Run 9927: Beam on LH2 3.5x3.5 mm, QTOR @4000
  • 219660 02/11/11 06:29 cdaq End of Run 9926:
  • 219659 02/11/11 06:17 cdaq Run 9926: Beam on LH2 3.5x3.5 mm, QTOR @4500
  • 219658 02/11/11 06:16 cdaq End of Run 9925:
  • 219657 02/11/11 06:02 cdaq Run 9925: Beam on LH2 3.5x3.5 mm, QTOR @5000
  • 219656 02/11/11 06:00 cdaq End of Run 9924:
  • 219655 02/11/11 05:49 cdaq Run 9924: Beam on LH2 3.5x3.5 mm, QTOR @5500
  • 219654 02/11/11 05:47 cdaq End of Run 9923:
  • 219653 02/11/11 05:35 cdaq Run 9923: Beam on LH2 3.5x3.5 mm, QTOR @6000
  • 219652 02/11/11 05:34 cdaq End of Run 9922:
  • 219651 02/11/11 05:23 cdaq Run 9922: Beam on LH2 3.5x3.5 mm, QTOR @6500
  • 219650 02/11/11 05:22 cdaq End of Run 9921:
  • 219649 02/11/11 05:06 cdaq Run 9921: Beam on LH2 3.5x3.5 mm, QTOR @6700
  • 219648 02/11/11 05:05 cdaq End of Run 9920:
  • 219647 02/11/11 04:53 cdaq Run 9920: Beam on LH2 3.5x3.5 mm, QTOR @7000 2nd time
  • 219646 02/11/11 04:52 cdaq End of Run 9919:
  • 219645 02/11/11 04:27 cdaq Run 9919: Beam on LH2 3.5x3.5 mm, QTOR @7000
  • 219644 02/11/11 04:26 cdaq End of Run 9918:
  • 219643 02/11/11 04:14 cdaq Run 9918: Beam on LH2 3.5x3.5 mm, QTOR @7300
  • 219642 02/11/11 04:12 cdaq End of Run 9917:
  • 219641 02/11/11 04:10 Darko Analysis: Coda lost connection to platform
  • 219640 02/11/11 03:55 cdaq Run 9917: Beam on LH2 3.5x3.5 mm, QTOR @7600
  • 219639 02/11/11 03:54 cdaq End of Run 9916:
  • 219638 02/11/11 03:43 cdaq Run 9916: Beam on LH2 3.5x3.5 mm, QTOR @8000 2nd time
  • 219637 02/11/11 03:41 cdaq End of Run 9915:
  • 219636 02/11/11 03:30 cdaq Run 9915: Beam on LH2 3.5x3.5 mm, QTOR @8300 2nd time
  • 219635 02/11/11 03:27 Darko Qtor trips at the end of run 9914
  • 219634 02/11/11 03:25 cdaq End of Run 9914:
  • 219633 02/11/11 03:09 cdaq Run 9914: Beam on LH2 3.5x3.5 mm, QTOR @8300
  • 219632 02/11/11 03:08 cdaq End of Run 9913:
  • 219631 02/11/11 02:56 cdaq Run 9913: Beam on LH2 3.5x3.5 mm, QTOR @8500
  • 219630 02/11/11 02:55 cdaq End of Run 9912:
  • 219629 02/11/11 02:42 cdaq Run 9912: Beam on LH2 3.5x3.5 mm, QTOR @8700
  • 219628 02/11/11 02:41 cdaq End of Run 9911:
  • 219627 02/11/11 02:29 cdaq Run 9911: Beam on LH2 3.5x3.5 mm, QTOR @9000
  • 219626 02/11/11 02:28 cdaq End of Run 9910:
  • 219625 02/11/11 02:18 cdaq Run 9910: Beam on LH2 3.5x3.5 mm, QTOR @9200
  • 219624 02/11/11 02:16 cdaq End of Run 9909:
  • 219623 02/11/11 02:10 Darko IHWP is IN from run#: 9909
  • 219622 02/11/11 02:06 cdaq Run 9909: Beam on LH2 3.5x3.5 mm, QTOR ramping up
  • 219621 02/11/11 02:05 cdaq End of Run 9908:
  • 219620 02/11/11 02:01 Darko Analysis: Plots for 1st 100k events of run 9908
  • 219619 02/11/11 01:33 Darko IHWP is OUT for Run# 9908 & 9907
  • 219618 02/11/11 01:26 Darko QW Charge Asymmetry screenshot
  • 219617 02/11/11 01:02 cdaq Run 9908: Beam on LH2 3.5x3.5 mm, QTOR 6700A
  • 219616 02/11/11 01:00 cdaq End of Run 9907:
  • 219615 02/11/11 00:51 cdaq Run 9907: Beam on LH2 3.5x3.5 mm, QTOR 6700A
  • 219614 02/11/11 00:48 cdaq End of Run 9906:
  • 219613 02/11/11 00:33 saw Runaway CGIExport.cgi
  • 219612 02/11/11 00:30 leacock updated QTOR scan run plan
  • 219611 02/11/11 00:30 cdaq Run 9906: Beam on LH2 3.5x3.5 mm, QTOR 6700A
  • 219610 02/11/11 00:26 kamyers scanner motion controller turned off
  • 219609 02/11/11 00:24 cdaq End of Run 9905:
  • 219608 02/11/11 00:08 kamyers Shift Summary: Swing Shift summary
  • 219607 02/11/11 00:06 jhoskins Analysis Shift
  • 219606 02/11/11 00:03 cdaq Beam Time Accounting
  • Thursday

  • 219605 02/10/11 23:51 Armstrong notes for owl shift
  • 219604 02/10/11 23:46 smithg Target: late entry: moved to LH2
  • 219603 02/10/11 23:38 cdaq Run 9905: Beam on LH2 3.5x3.5 mm, QTOR 6700A
  • 219602 02/10/11 23:38 jhoskins Analysis : 9903 : qwplot
  • 219601 02/10/11 23:34 jhlee 4 CGIExport.cgi are using 400% CPU power on cdaql6
  • 219600 02/10/11 23:34 cdaq End of Run 9904:
  • 219599 02/10/11 23:31 jhoskins Analysis : 9902 : qwplot
  • 219598 02/10/11 23:30 cdaq Run 9904: pedestal
  • 219597 02/10/11 23:29 smithg power cycled scanner
  • 219596 02/10/11 23:28 cdaq End of Run 9903:
  • 219595 02/10/11 23:21 jhoskins Analysis : 9901 : qwplot
  • 219594 02/10/11 23:16 smithg Target: target screenshot
  • 219593 02/10/11 23:12 cdaq Run 9903: Beam on LH2 3.5x3.5 mm, QTOR 6700. scanner homing
  • 219592 02/10/11 23:11 kamyers QTOR ramped to 6700V
  • 219591 02/10/11 23:09 kamyers scanner at 0,-90 during run 9902
  • 219590 02/10/11 23:09 Armstrong can't print to counting house printer
  • 219589 02/10/11 23:09 smithg scanner position
  • 219588 02/10/11 23:07 cdaq End of Run 9902:
  • 219587 02/10/11 23:02 kamyers Scanner HV on, rate ~ 2MHz
  • 219586 02/10/11 22:50 cdaq Run 9902: Beam on LH2 3.5x3.5 mm
  • 219585 02/10/11 22:47 kamyers current beam positions and halo rates
  • 219584 02/10/11 22:47 cdaq End of Run 9901:
  • 219583 02/10/11 22:42 cdaq Run 9901: Beam on LH2 3.5x3.5 mm, !FFB OFF!
  • 219582 02/10/11 22:28 jhoskins HV && GeneralTools
  • 219581 02/10/11 22:18 Armstrong Compton rates: tried laser phase adjust
  • 219580 02/10/11 22:00 kamyers Compton background rates too high: going to back out of chicane
  • 219579 02/10/11 21:33 smithg Target: Shifted all encoder table horizontal steps 800 higher
  • 219578 02/10/11 21:01 cdaq End of Run 9900:
  • 219577 02/10/11 21:01 cdaq Raster Map and BPMs : Run 9900, event range 40000 - 60000
  • 219576 02/10/11 20:59 cdaq Run 9900: Raster map on downstream centering target after shift
  • 219575 02/10/11 20:53 leacock added an additional qwplot visualizer
  • 219574 02/10/11 19:38 gaskell/solv Moller: measurement at -62.4 degrees
  • 219573 02/10/11 19:11 kamyers Beam: Beam down for a while: RF separator issue
  • 219572 02/10/11 19:01 cdaq Raster Map and BPMs : Run 9899, event range 55000 - 75000
  • 219571 02/10/11 18:57 cdaq End of Run 9899:
  • 219570 02/10/11 18:52 cdaq Run 9899: Raster map on downstream centering target
  • 219569 02/10/11 18:31 smithg Target: moved to DS centering tgt.
  • 219568 02/10/11 18:26 smithg Target: late entry: moved to LH2
  • 219567 02/10/11 18:21 cdaq End of Run 9898:
  • 219566 02/10/11 18:17 cdaq Run 9898: Beam on LH2 3.5x3.5 mm
  • 219565 02/10/11 18:15 kamyers charge asymmetry during run 9897
  • 219564 02/10/11 18:14 cdaq End of Run 9897:
  • 219563 02/10/11 18:13 kamyers Beam: Beam back, but Compton rates high
  • 219562 02/10/11 18:01 kamyers pedestal plots...for real this time
  • 219561 02/10/11 17:58 cdaq Run 9897: Beam on LH2 3.5x3.5 mm, 150 uA
  • 219560 02/10/11 17:55 cdaq End of Run 9896:
  • 219559 02/10/11 17:48 cdaq Run 9896: Ramping up to 150 uA on LH2
  • 219558 02/10/11 17:42 cdaq End of Run 9895:
  • 219557 02/10/11 17:38 cdaq Run 9895: pedestal run
  • 219556 02/10/11 17:32 cdaq End of Run 9894:
  • 219555 02/10/11 17:29 cdaq Run 9894: pedestal run
  • 219554 02/10/11 17:22 leacock followup: HV was off for this pedestal run
  • 219553 02/10/11 17:15 kamyers pedestal plots
  • 219552 02/10/11 17:07 cdaq End of Run 9893:
  • 219551 02/10/11 16:57 cdaq Beam Time Accounting
  • 219550 02/10/11 16:53 cdaq Run 9893: Long pedestal run
  • 219548 02/10/11 16:06 cdaq End of Run 9892:
  • 219547 02/10/11 15:59 AK Opper Shift Summary: Shift summary
  • 219546 02/10/11 15:51 cdaq Run 9892: No Beam :: Test of QwBmod sym linking
  • 219545 02/10/11 15:50 Jiawei Target: Screenshot of target at the end of the shift
  • 219544 02/10/11 15:47 rob Use the scanner to make beam profiles during QTor scan
  • 219543 02/10/11 15:38 jhlee Shift Checklist Snapshots
  • 219542 02/10/11 15:35 cdaq Run 9891: No Beam :: Test of QwBmod sym linking
  • 219541 02/10/11 15:21 gaskell Compton: rebooted cpslow
  • 219540 02/10/11 15:20 gaskell Compton: bypassed photon detector amplifier
  • 219539 02/10/11 15:13 Solvignon/Ga Moller: Back out
  • 219538 02/10/11 15:10 jhlee change the path of platform in codamaster
  • 219537 02/10/11 15:02 cdaq End of Run 9890:
  • 219536 02/10/11 15:01 cdaq Run 9890: TEST
  • 219535 02/10/11 15:00 jhlee short test of new afecs v131 is finished
  • 219534 02/10/11 14:55 beaufait plc change out
  • 219533 02/10/11 14:45 jhlee a short CODA test with a new afecs
  • 219532 02/10/11 14:16 jhlee Hall is controlled access
  • 219531 02/10/11 13:38 gaskell/solv Moller: spin dance results
  • 219530 02/10/11 13:09 Solvignon Moller solenoid ramping down for Hall C work
  • 219529 02/10/11 13:04 cdaq Moller End of Run 798:
  • 219528 02/10/11 12:58 cdaq Moller Run 798: Moller IHWP=IN, flipped left, Horizontal Wien angle = -62.4
  • 219527 02/10/11 12:57 cdaq Moller End of Run 797:
  • 219526 02/10/11 12:51 cdaq Moller Run 797: Moller IHWP=IN, flipped left, Horizontal Wien angle = -62.4
  • 219525 02/10/11 12:51 cdaq Moller End of Run 796:
  • 219524 02/10/11 12:50 Solvignon Moller: adjusted Pockels Cell HV
  • 219523 02/10/11 12:45 cdaq Moller Run 796: Moller IHWP=IN, flipped left, Horizontal Wien angle = -62.4
  • 219522 02/10/11 12:42 cdaq Moller End of Run 795:
  • 219521 02/10/11 12:42 cdaq Moller Run 795: Moller IHWP=IN, flipped left, Horizontal Wien angle = -62.4
  • 219520 02/10/11 12:41 cdaq Moller End of Run 794:
  • 219519 02/10/11 12:37 Solvignon Moller: BPM at Wien =-62.4 and BHWP IN
  • 219518 02/10/11 12:36 Solvignon BHWP in
  • 219517 02/10/11 12:35 cdaq Moller Run 794: Moller IHWP=IN, flipped left, Horizontal Wien angle = -62.4
  • 219516 02/10/11 12:30 cdaq Moller End of Run 793:
  • 219515 02/10/11 12:24 cdaq Moller Run 793: Moller IHWP=OUT, flipped left, Horizontal Wien angle = -62.4
  • 219514 02/10/11 12:23 cdaq Moller End of Run 792:
  • 219513 02/10/11 12:18 cdaq Moller Run 792: Moller IHWP=OUT, flipped left, Horizontal Wien angle = -62.4
  • 219512 02/10/11 12:18 cdaq Moller End of Run 791:
  • 219511 02/10/11 12:13 Solvignon Moller: BPM at Wien=-62.4
  • 219510 02/10/11 12:12 cdaq Moller Run 791: Moller IHWP=OUT, flipped left, Horizontal Wien angle = -62.4
  • 219509 02/10/11 11:54 cdaq Moller End of Run 790:
  • 219508 02/10/11 11:49 cdaq Moller Run 790: Moller IHWP=OUT, flipped left, Horizontal Wien angle = -90
  • 219507 02/10/11 11:45 cdaq Moller End of Run 789:
  • 219506 02/10/11 11:43 Armstrong Run plan for inelastic measurement and QTor scan
  • 219505 02/10/11 11:43 cdaq Moller Run 789: Moller IHWP=OUT, flipped left, Horizontal Wien angle = -90
  • 219504 02/10/11 11:42 cdaq Moller End of Run 788:
  • 219503 02/10/11 11:37 cdaq Moller Run 788: Moller IHWP=OUT, flipped left, Horizontal Wien angle = -90
  • 219502 02/10/11 11:37 cdaq Moller End of Run 787:
  • 219501 02/10/11 11:33 covrig Target: target motion issue
  • 219500 02/10/11 11:32 cdaq Moller Run 787: Moller IHWP=OUT, flipped left, Horizontal Wien angle = -90
  • 219499 02/10/11 11:31 Solvignon Moller: BMP position at wien = -90
  • 219498 02/10/11 11:25 jmammei transverse slug numbers updated in DB
  • 219497 02/10/11 11:17 cdaq Moller End of Run 786:
  • 219496 02/10/11 11:12 cdaq Moller Run 786: Moller IHWP=OUT, flipped left, Horizontal Wien angle = -1
  • 219495 02/10/11 11:12 cdaq Moller End of Run 785:
  • 219494 02/10/11 11:07 cdaq Moller Run 785: Moller IHWP=OUT, flipped left, Horizontal Wien angle = -1
  • 219493 02/10/11 11:06 cdaq Moller End of Run 784:
  • 219492 02/10/11 11:06 cdaq Moller Run 784: Moller IHWP=OUT, flipped left, Horizontal Wien angle = -1
  • 219491 02/10/11 11:05 cdaq Moller End of Run 783:
  • 219490 02/10/11 11:01 Solvignon Moller: BPM position for Wien=-1
  • 219489 02/10/11 11:00 cdaq Moller Run 783: Moller IHWP=OUT, flipped left, Horizontal Wien angle = -1
  • 219488 02/10/11 10:51 cdaq Moller End of Run 782:
  • 219487 02/10/11 10:46 cdaq Moller Run 782: Moller IHWP=OUT, flipped left, Horizontal Wien angle = -30
  • 219486 02/10/11 10:46 cdaq Moller End of Run 781:
  • 219485 02/10/11 10:41 cdaq Moller Run 781: Moller IHWP=OUT, flipped left, Horizontal Wien angle = -30
  • 219484 02/10/11 10:40 cdaq Moller End of Run 780:
  • 219483 02/10/11 10:37 cdaq Moller Run 780: Moller IHWP=OUT, flipped left, Horizontal Wien angle = -30
  • 219482 02/10/11 10:35 cdaq Moller End of Run 779:
  • 219481 02/10/11 10:30 cdaq Moller Run 779: Moller IHWP=OUT, flipped left, Horizontal Wien angle = -30
  • 219480 02/10/11 10:29 cdaq Moller End of Run 778:
  • 219479 02/10/11 10:28 Armstrong RC daily summary
  • 219478 02/10/11 10:24 cdaq Moller Run 778: Moller IHWP=OUT, flipped left, Horizontal Wien angle = -30
  • 219477 02/10/11 10:24 cdaq Moller End of Run 777:
  • 219476 02/10/11 10:19 cdaq Moller Run 777: Moller IHWP=OUT, flipped left, Horizontal Wien angle = -30
  • 219475 02/10/11 10:19 cdaq Moller End of Run 776:
  • 219474 02/10/11 10:14 Solvignon Moller: BPM
  • 219473 02/10/11 10:14 cdaq Moller Run 776: Moller IHWP=OUT, flipped left, Horizontal Wien angle = -30
  • 219472 02/10/11 10:10 gaskell/solv Moller: leakage check
  • 219471 02/10/11 10:09 cdaq End of Run 9889:
  • 219470 02/10/11 10:09 cdaq Moller End of Run 775:
  • 219469 02/10/11 10:08 cdaq Run 9889: Junk run as marker for start of new blinding
  • 219468 02/10/11 10:08 cdaq Moller Run 775: Moller IHWP=OUT, flipped left, Horizontal Wien angle = -30
  • 219467 02/10/11 09:58 cdaq Moller End of Run 774:
  • 219466 02/10/11 09:56 cdaq Moller Run 774: Moller IHWP=OUT flipped left.
  • 219465 02/10/11 09:54 cdaq Moller End of Run 773:
  • 219464 02/10/11 09:49 cdaq Moller Run 773: Moller IHWP=OUT flipped left
  • 219463 02/10/11 09:48 cdaq Moller End of Run 772:
  • 219462 02/10/11 09:42 cdaq Moller Run 772: Moller IHWP=OUT flipped left
  • 219461 02/10/11 09:41 cdaq Moller End of Run 771:
  • 219460 02/10/11 09:41 cdaq Moller Run 771: Moller IHWP=OUT flipped left
  • 219459 02/10/11 09:40 cdaq Moller End of Run 770:
  • 219458 02/10/11 09:38 cdaq Moller Run 770: Moller IHWP=OUT flipped left
  • 219457 02/10/11 09:35 cdaq Moller End of Run 769:
  • 219456 02/10/11 09:33 cdaq Moller Run 769: Moller IHWP=OUT flipped left
  • 219455 02/10/11 09:33 cdaq Moller End of Run 768:
  • 219454 02/10/11 09:27 cdaq Moller Run 768: Moller IHWP=OUT flipped left
  • 219453 02/10/11 09:25 cdaq Moller End of Run 767:
  • 219452 02/10/11 09:23 cdaq Moller Run 767: Moller IHWP=IN
  • 219451 02/10/11 08:25 gaskell Moller setup
  • 219450 02/10/11 08:21 gaskell Moller: epics stuff before Moller
  • 219449 02/10/11 08:21 cdaq End of Run 9888:
  • 219448 02/10/11 08:20 Jiawei Target: Screenshot of target at beginning of the shift
  • 219447 02/10/11 08:18 AK Opper Status
  • 219446 02/10/11 08:13 cdaq Beam Time Accounting
  • 219445 02/10/11 08:13 cdaq Moller End of Run 766:
  • 219444 02/10/11 08:13 cdaq Moller Run 766: Moller DAQ test
  • 219443 02/10/11 08:10 cdaq Run 9888: Ped run while tuning to longitudinal spin
  • 219442 02/10/11 08:05 cdaq End of Run 9887:
  • 219441 02/10/11 07:54 V. Tvaskis Target GUI and strip charts screenshots
  • 219440 02/10/11 07:46 Darko Shift Summary: OWL shift summary 2/10/11
  • 219439 02/10/11 07:46 Darko Injector RUN 2141: STOP
  • 219438 02/10/11 07:39 cdaq Run 9887: Beam on LH2 3.5x3.5 mm, QTOR 8921A, transverse polarization
  • 219437 02/10/11 07:35 Darko ReBoot qwvme1 hctsv2 2008
  • 219436 02/10/11 07:30 Darko DAQ crashed again
  • 219435 02/10/11 07:29 cdaq End of Run 9886:
  • 219434 02/10/11 07:19 Darko General Tools and HV screenshots
  • 219433 02/10/11 07:17 Darko Beam and Halo Screenshots
  • 219432 02/10/11 07:14 Darko Analysis: plots for 1st 100k events of run 9886 (transverse polarization IHWP is OUT)
  • 219431 02/10/11 07:09 Darko IHWP exchange Charge Asymmetry screenshots
  • 219430 02/10/11 07:07 Darko Injector RUN 2141: START
  • 219429 02/10/11 06:56 Darko Analysis: plots for 1st 100k events of run 9885 (transverse polarization IHWP is OUT)
  • 219428 02/10/11 06:48 cdaq Run 9886: Beam on LH2 3.5x3.5 mm, QTOR 8921A, transverse polarization
  • 219427 02/10/11 06:47 cdaq End of Run 9885:
  • 219426 02/10/11 06:27 cdaq Run 9885: Beam on LH2 3.5x3.5 mm, QTOR 8921A, transverse polarization
  • 219425 02/10/11 06:26 cdaq End of Run 9884:
  • 219424 02/10/11 06:25 Darko Injector Run 2140: STOP
  • 219423 02/10/11 06:06 Darko Analysis: plots for 1st 100k events of run 9884 (transverse polarization IHWP is IN)
  • 219422 02/10/11 05:57 Darko qwfeedback
  • 219421 02/10/11 05:56 Darko Beam & INFO
  • 219420 02/10/11 05:45 cdaq Run 9884: Beam on LH2 3.5x3.5 mm, QTOR 8921A, transverse polarization
  • 219419 02/10/11 05:44 cdaq End of Run 9883:
  • 219418 02/10/11 05:40 Darko Injector run 2140: START
  • 219417 02/10/11 05:32 Darko Analysis: plots for 1st 100k events of run 9883 (transverse polarization IHWP is IN)
  • 219416 02/10/11 05:03 cdaq Run 9883: Beam on LH2 3.5x3.5 mm, QTOR 8921A, transverse polarization
  • 219415 02/10/11 05:03 Darko Qtor ramping up
  • 219414 02/10/11 05:00 Darko Qtor trips
  • 219413 02/10/11 04:59 cdaq End of Run 9882:
  • 219412 02/10/11 04:38 Darko Analysis: plots for 1st 100k events of run 9882 (transverse polarization IHWP is IN)
  • 219411 02/10/11 04:22 Darko Injector run 2139: STOPED
  • 219410 02/10/11 04:18 Darko qwfeedback restarted
  • 219409 02/10/11 04:10 cdaq Run 9882: Beam on LH2 3.5x3.5 mm, QTOR 8921A, transverse polarization
  • 219408 02/10/11 04:05 Darko No soft recovery from this problem
  • 219407 02/10/11 04:01 EB4 ERROR EB4 ERROR at closing of run 9881
  • 219406 02/10/11 04:00 cdaq End of Run 9881:
  • 219405 02/10/11 03:39 Darko Analysis: plots for 1st 100k events of run 9881 (transverse polarization IHWP is IN)
  • 219404 02/10/11 03:26 Darko Analysis: plots for 1st 100k events of run 9880 (transverse polarization IHWP is IN)
  • 219403 02/10/11 03:23 Darko Last 4 hours of beam
  • 219402 02/10/11 03:19 Darko Injector run 2139: START
  • 219401 02/10/11 03:17 Darko IHWP is in BEAM Screens
  • 219400 02/10/11 03:06 cdaq Run 9881: Beam on LH2 3.5x3.5 mm, QTOR 8921A, transverse polarization
  • 219399 02/10/11 03:05 cdaq End of Run 9880:
  • 219398 02/10/11 03:00 Darko charege feedback plot
  • 219397 02/10/11 02:53 Darko IHWP is IN NOW
  • 219396 02/10/11 02:42 cdaq Run 9880: Beam on LH2 3.5x3.5 mm, QTOR 8921A, transverse polarization
  • 219395 02/10/11 02:41 cdaq End of Run 9879:
  • 219394 02/10/11 02:26 cdaq Run 9879: Beam on LH2 3.5x3.5 mm, QTOR 8921A, transverse polarization
  • 219393 02/10/11 02:14 Darko Analysis: plots for 1st 100k events of run 9878 (transverse polarization IHWP is OUT)
  • 219392 02/10/11 02:11 Darko Analysis: plots for 1st 100k events of run 9877 (transverse polarization IHWP is OUT)
  • 219391 02/10/11 02:00 Darko Analysis: plots for 1st 100k events of run 9876 (transverse polarization IHWP is OUT)
  • 219390 02/10/11 01:56 Darko Analysis: plots for 1st 100k events of run 9875 (transverse polarization IHWP is OUT)
  • 219389 02/10/11 01:42 Darko Last 150 min CharegeAsymmetry plot
  • 219388 02/10/11 01:41 cdaq Run 9878: Beam on LH2 3.5x3.5 mm, QTOR 8921A, transverse polarization
  • 219387 02/10/11 01:40 cdaq End of Run 9877:
  • 219386 02/10/11 01:40 Darko Injector run 2138 END
  • 219385 02/10/11 01:31 Darko Analysis: plots for 1st 100k events of run 9874 (Beam on LH2, 3.5x3.5 mm, QTOR 8921A, transverse polarization)
  • 219384 02/10/11 01:24 Darko Analysis: plots for 1st 100k events of run 9872 (Beam on LH2, 3.5x3.5 mm, QTOR 8921A, transverse polarization)
  • 219383 02/10/11 01:01 Darko Injector run 2138: START
  • 219382 02/10/11 00:58 cdaq Run 9877: Beam on LH2 3.5x3.5 mm, QTOR 8921A, transverse polarization
  • 219381 02/10/11 00:57 cdaq End of Run 9876:
  • 219380 02/10/11 00:17 cdaq Beam Time Accounting
  • 219379 02/10/11 00:15 cdaq Run 9876: Beam on LH2 3.5x3.5 mm, QTOR 8921A, transverse polarization
  • 219378 02/10/11 00:14 cdaq End of Run 9875:
  • 219377 02/10/11 00:11 A Micherdzin Shift summary
  • Wednesday

  • 219376 02/09/11 23:53 A Micherdzin screen shot of the BPM positions
  • 219375 02/09/11 23:44 Jiawei Analysis: Analysis plots for 1st 100k events of run 9871 (Beam on LH2, 3.5x3.5 mm, QTOR 8921A, transverse polarization)
  • 219374 02/09/11 23:34 Jiawei Analysis: Analysis plots for 1st 100k events of run 9870 (Beam on LH2, 3.5x3.5 mm, QTOR 8921A, transverse polarization)
  • 219373 02/09/11 23:29 Jiawei General Tools GUI and HV Tools screenshots
  • 219372 02/09/11 23:28 Armstrong which way is left?
  • 219371 02/09/11 23:24 cdaq Run 9875: Beam on LH2 3.5x3.5 mm, QTOR 8921A, transverse polarization
  • 219370 02/09/11 23:18 cdaq End of Run 9874:
  • 219369 02/09/11 23:15 cdaq Run 9874: Beam on LH2 3.5x3.5 mm, QTOR 8921A, transverse polarization
  • 219368 02/09/11 23:01 jhlee This is not TS0 error, but CODA or limited network resources
  • 219367 02/09/11 22:52 cdaq Run 9872: Beam on LH2 3.5x3.5 mm, QTOR 8921A, transverse polarization
  • 219366 02/09/11 22:50 mack Yield transient probably temperature induced
  • 219365 02/09/11 22:50 cdaq End of Run 9871:
  • 219364 02/09/11 22:38 cdaq Run 9871: Beam on LH2 3.5x3.5 mm, QTOR 8921A, transverse polarization
  • 219363 02/09/11 22:36 A Micherdzin Qtor trip, we are recovering. Ramping up now.
  • 219362 02/09/11 22:34 cdaq End of Run 9870:
  • 219361 02/09/11 22:20 cdaq Run 9870: Beam on LH2 3.5x3.5 mm, QTOR 8921A, transverse polarization
  • 219360 02/09/11 22:00 cdaq Run 9868: Beam on LH2 3.5x3.5 mm, QTOR 8921A, transverse polarization
  • 219359 02/09/11 21:48 jmammei updated transverse slug numbers in DB
  • 219358 02/09/11 21:23 cdaq Run 9867: Beam on LH2 3.5x3.5 mm, QTOR 8921A, transverse polarization
  • 219357 02/09/11 21:17 jhoskins CODA died hard
  • 219356 02/09/11 21:14 A Micherdzin Stop run 2136
  • 219355 02/09/11 21:12 Leckey Target: Target GUI and strip charts screenshots
  • 219354 02/09/11 21:09 cdaq Run 9866: Beam on LH2 3.5x3.5 mm, QTOR 8921A, transverse polarization
  • 219353 02/09/11 21:08 jmammei normalized MD yields, strange behavior
  • 219352 02/09/11 21:06 cdaq End of Run 9865:
  • 219351 02/09/11 21:03 cdaq Run 9865: Beam on LH2 3.5x3.5 mm, QTOR 8921A, transverse polarization
  • 219350 02/09/11 20:57 cdaq End of Run 9864:
  • 219349 02/09/11 20:52 Jiawei Analysis: Analysis plots for 1st 100k events of run 9864 (Beam on LH2, 3.5x3.5 mm, QTOR 8921A, transverse polarization)
  • 219348 02/09/11 20:45 Jiawei Analysis: Analysis plots for 1st 100k events of run 9863 (Beam on LH2, 3.5x3.5 mm, QTOR 8921A, transverse polarization)
  • 219347 02/09/11 20:45 Armstrong BMod studies along with production
  • 219346 02/09/11 20:40 benesch Beam: links related to Compton scintillator puzzle
  • 219345 02/09/11 20:21 A Micherdzin Start injector run 2136
  • 219344 02/09/11 20:09 covrig Target: h-motion power stage error
  • 219343 02/09/11 20:07 cdaq Run 9864: Beam on LH2 3.5x3.5 mm, QTOR 8921A, transverse polarization
  • 219342 02/09/11 20:04 cdaq End of Run 9863:
  • 219341 02/09/11 19:54 cdaq Run 9863: Beam on LH2 3.5x3.5 mm, QTOR 8921A, transverse polarization
  • 219340 02/09/11 19:51 cdaq End of Run 9862:
  • 219339 02/09/11 19:44 cdaq Raster Map and BPMs : Run 9862, event range 2255000 - 2275000
  • 219338 02/09/11 19:17 Armstrong Target motion issues
  • 219337 02/09/11 19:02 cdaq Raster Map and BPMs : Run 9862, event range 25000 - 45000
  • 219336 02/09/11 19:01 cdaq Run 9862: 1uA beam, raster map, 5x5 mm, QTOR 8921A, transverse polarization
  • 219335 02/09/11 19:00 cdaq End of Run 9861:
  • 219334 02/09/11 18:53 cdaq Raster Map and BPMs : Run 9861, event range 75000 - 95000
  • 219333 02/09/11 18:38 cdaq Run 9861: 1uA beam, raster map, 5x5 mm, QTOR 8921A, transverse polarization
  • 219332 02/09/11 18:37 cdaq Raster Map and BPMs : Run 9860, event range 1090000 - 1110000
  • 219331 02/09/11 18:36 cdaq End of Run 9860:
  • 219330 02/09/11 18:23 Jiawei Analysis: more plots 1st 100k events of run 9858
  • 219329 02/09/11 18:22 cdaq Raster Map and BPMs : Run 9860, event range 25000 - 45000
  • 219328 02/09/11 18:20 Jiawei Analysis: Analysis plots for 1st 100k events of run 9858 (Beam on 4% DS Al, 3.5x3.5 mm, QTOR 8921A, transverse polarization)
  • 219327 02/09/11 18:19 cdaq Run 9860: 1uA beam, raster map, 5x5 mm, QTOR 8921A, transverse polarization
  • 219326 02/09/11 18:18 cdaq End of Run 9859:
  • 219325 02/09/11 18:16 cdaq Run 9859: 1uA beam, raster map, 5x5 mm, QTOR 8921A, transverse polarization
  • 219324 02/09/11 18:15 wdconinc Compton: Fast counting photon DAQ with helicity
  • 219323 02/09/11 18:04 cdaq Compton End of Run 20818:
  • 219322 02/09/11 18:00 cdaq Compton Run 20818: Photon triggered, 25 uA, incl scaler and helicity readout
  • 219321 02/09/11 17:52 A Micherdzin going to H2 runs
  • 219320 02/09/11 17:50 A Micherdzin stop of injector run 2135 at 17:41
  • 219319 02/09/11 17:45 cdaq End of Run 9858:
  • 219318 02/09/11 17:40 Armstrong RC update and run plan
  • 219317 02/09/11 17:29 A Micherdzin Start injector run 2135
  • 219316 02/09/11 17:14 Jiawei Analysis: Analysis plots for 1st 100k events of run 9857 (Beam on 4% DS Al, 3.5x3.5 mm, QTOR 8921A, transverse polarization)
  • 219315 02/09/11 16:59 cdaq Compton End of Run 20817:
  • 219314 02/09/11 16:55 cdaq Run 9858: Beam on 4% DS Al, 3.5x3.5 mm, QTOR 8921A, transverse polarization
  • 219313 02/09/11 16:54 cdaq End of Run 9857:
  • 219312 02/09/11 16:44 Jiawei Analysis: Analysis plots for 1st 100k events of run 9856 (Beam on 4% DS Al, 3.5x3.5 mm, QTOR 8921A, transverse polarization)
  • 219311 02/09/11 16:19 cdaq Compton Run 20817: Photon triggered, 25 uA, incl scaler readout
  • 219310 02/09/11 16:17 leacock shift summary day9feb2011
  • 219309 02/09/11 16:14 cdaq Beam Time Accounting
  • 219308 02/09/11 16:12 cdaq Run 9857: Beam on 4% DS Al, 3.5x3.5 mm, QTOR 8921A, transverse polarization
  • 219307 02/09/11 16:10 cdaq End of Run 9856:
  • 219306 02/09/11 16:08 cdaq Compton End of Run 20816:
  • 219305 02/09/11 16:07 cdaq Compton Run 20816: Photon triggered, 25 uA, incl scaler readout
  • 219304 02/09/11 15:58 cdaq Compton End of Run 20815:
  • 219303 02/09/11 15:55 cdaq Compton Run 20815: Photon triggered, 25 uA, incl scaler readout
  • 219302 02/09/11 15:34 cdaq Compton End of Run 20814:
  • 219301 02/09/11 15:34 cdaq Compton Run 20814: Photon triggered, 25 uA, incl scaler readout (once more, with feeling)
  • 219300 02/09/11 15:33 cdaq Compton End of Run 20813:
  • 219299 02/09/11 15:32 cdaq Compton Run 20813: Photon triggered, 25 uA, incl scaler readout
  • 219298 02/09/11 15:14 John Leacock injector run
  • 219297 02/09/11 15:12 cdaq Compton End of Run 20812:
  • 219296 02/09/11 15:09 wdconinc Target screens
  • 219295 02/09/11 15:08 cdaq Run 9856: Beam on 4% DS Al, 3.5x3.5 mm, QTOR 8921A, transverse polarization
  • 219294 02/09/11 15:05 cdaq End of Run 9855:
  • 219293 02/09/11 14:59 leacock general tools and hv screenshot
  • 219292 02/09/11 14:50 cdaq Compton Run 20812: Photon triggered, 25 uA
  • 219291 02/09/11 14:49 cdaq Compton End of Run 20811:
  • 219290 02/09/11 14:48 cdaq Compton Run 20811: Photon triggered, 25 uA
  • 219289 02/09/11 14:32 cdaq Run 9855: Beam on 4% DS Al, 3.5x3.5 mm, QTOR 8921A, transverse polarization
  • 219288 02/09/11 14:28 cdaq End of Run 9854:
  • 219287 02/09/11 14:02 cdaq Run 9854: Beam on 4% DS Al, 3.5x3.5 mm, QTOR 8921A, transverse polarization
  • 219286 02/09/11 14:01 leacock charge feedback screen shot after flipping HWP from in to out
  • 219285 02/09/11 14:00 cdaq End of Run 9853:
  • 219284 02/09/11 13:49 cdaq Run 9853: Beam on 4% DS Al, 3.5x3.5 mm, QTOR 8921A, transverse polarization
  • 219283 02/09/11 13:49 leacock IHWP is OUT
  • 219282 02/09/11 13:45 cdaq End of Run 9852:
  • 219281 02/09/11 13:23 cdaq Run 9852: Beam on 4% DS Al, 3.5x3.5 mm, QTOR 8921A, transverse polarization
  • 219280 02/09/11 13:22 cdaq End of Run 9851:
  • 219279 02/09/11 12:52 wdconinc Analysis: good_for_GUI: marked runs of 9812--9830 properly
  • 219278 02/09/11 12:31 cdaq Run 9851: Beam on 4% DS Al, 3.5x3.5 mm, QTOR 8921A, transverse polarization
  • 219277 02/09/11 12:29 cdaq End of Run 9850:
  • 219276 02/09/11 11:49 jhlee transferring rootfiles to silo, make a room for tonight on cdaql5, cdaql8, and qweakl3
  • 219275 02/09/11 11:40 jan balewski online regression restarted
  • 219274 02/09/11 11:40 cdaq Run 9850: Beam on 4% DS Al, 3.5x3.5 mm, QTOR 8921A, transverse polarization
  • 219273 02/09/11 11:37 cdaq End of Run 9849:
  • 219272 02/09/11 11:36 leacock coda lost connection to platorm
  • 219271 02/09/11 11:24 jmammei octant-by-octant plots of the first 100k events for Al
  • 219270 02/09/11 11:19 cdaq Run 9849: Beam on 4% DS Al, 3.5x3.5 mm, QTOR 8921A, transverse polarization
  • 219269 02/09/11 11:18 cdaq End of Run 9848:
  • 219268 02/09/11 10:50 leacock Analysis: detector widths on 4% Al 25uA
  • 219267 02/09/11 10:41 donjones HV scan shows little correlation between HV ans photon scaler rate
  • 219266 02/09/11 10:37 leacock pedestal plots -- normal
  • 219265 02/09/11 10:36 cdaq Run 9848: Beam on 4% Al, 3.5x3.5 mm, QTOR 8921A, transverse polarization
  • 219264 02/09/11 10:32 cdaq End of Run 9847:
  • 219263 02/09/11 10:32 cdaq Compton End of Run 20810:
  • 219262 02/09/11 10:28 cdaq Compton Run 20810: beam trip HV 1600 25uA
  • 219261 02/09/11 10:26 cdaq Compton End of Run 20809:
  • 219260 02/09/11 10:13 donjones run 20808 junk -- coda crashed
  • 219259 02/09/11 10:12 cdaq Compton Run 20809: HV scan from 1400 to 1600V...Beam not hitting laser. 25uA
  • 219258 02/09/11 09:55 donjones Compton: run 20807 junk -- coda crashed
  • 219257 02/09/11 09:54 cdaq Compton Run 20808: HV scan from 1400 to 1600V...Beam not hitting laser. 25uA
  • 219256 02/09/11 09:52 wdconinc Target: temperature DSdmB leveled off at 90K for 25uA
  • 219255 02/09/11 09:46 cdaq Run 9847: Beam on 4% Al, 3.5x3.5 mm, QTOR 8921A, transverse polarization
  • 219254 02/09/11 09:45 cdaq End of Run 9846:
  • 219253 02/09/11 09:36 cdaq Beam Time Accounting
  • 219252 02/09/11 09:34 cdaq Compton Run 20807: HV scan from 1400 to 1550V...Beam not hitting laser. 35uA
  • 219251 02/09/11 09:26 cdaq Run 9846: pedestal
  • 219250 02/09/11 09:25 Darko first 100k analysis of run 9832
  • 219249 02/09/11 09:20 wdconinc Target: Moved to DS 4% Al target
  • 219248 02/09/11 09:20 cdaq End of Run 9845:
  • 219247 02/09/11 09:16 cdaq Run 9845: pedestal
  • 219246 02/09/11 09:15 cdaq End of Run 9844:
  • 219245 02/09/11 09:13 cdaq Compton End of Run 20806:
  • 219244 02/09/11 09:13 cdaq Run 9844: pedestal
  • 219243 02/09/11 09:12 cdaq End of Run 9843:
  • 219242 02/09/11 09:08 cdaq Compton Run 20806: HV scan from 1400 to 1550V...Beam not hitting laser.
  • 219241 02/09/11 08:59 cdaq Run 9843: Beam on LH2, 3.5x3.5 mm, QTOR 8921A, transverse polarization
  • 219240 02/09/11 08:58 cdaq End of Run 9842:
  • 219239 02/09/11 08:26 leacock charge asymmetry width ~700 ppm
  • 219238 02/09/11 08:11 cdaq Run 9842: Beam on LH2, 3.5x3.5 mm, QTOR 8921A, transverse polarization
  • 219237 02/09/11 08:07 cdaq End of Run 9841:
  • 219236 02/09/11 08:06 Darko Shift Summary: OWL shift summary 2/9/11
  • 219235 02/09/11 08:03 Darko Analysis: first 100k analysis of run 9841
  • 219234 02/09/11 08:03 cdaq Compton Run 20805: Integrating mode, photon trigger prescaler 1e3, QDC enabled
  • 219233 02/09/11 07:48 V. Tvaskis Target: Target GUI and strip charts screenshots
  • 219232 02/09/11 07:45 V. Tvaskis Snapshots of "General tools" and HV settings.
  • 219231 02/09/11 07:40 Darko Compton Scint Overnight beam screenshots
  • 219230 02/09/11 07:37 Page Analysis: Awesome work QwAC-ers!
  • 219229 02/09/11 07:22 cdaq Run 9841: Beam on LH2, 3.5x3.5 mm, QTOR 8921A, transverse polarization
  • 219228 02/09/11 07:21 cdaq End of Run 9840:
  • 219227 02/09/11 07:11 Darko Charege feedback screen
  • 219226 02/09/11 07:02 Darko Analysis: first 100k analysis of run 9840
  • 219225 02/09/11 06:51 Darko Overnight beam screenshots
  • 219224 02/09/11 06:41 cdaq Run 9840: Beam on LH2, 3.5x3.5 mm, QTOR 8921A, transverse polarization
  • 219223 02/09/11 06:40 cdaq End of Run 9839:
  • 219222 02/09/11 06:39 Darko End of Injector run 2132
  • 219221 02/09/11 06:36 Darko Analysis: first 100k analysis of run 9839
  • 219220 02/09/11 06:34 jmammei transverse plots with partial slugs
  • 219219 02/09/11 06:19 Armstrong Large charge asymmetry widths
  • 219218 02/09/11 06:01 cdaq Run 9839: Beam on LH2, 3.5x3.5 mm, QTOR 8921A, transverse polarization
  • 219217 02/09/11 06:00 cdaq End of Run 9838:
  • 219216 02/09/11 05:48 Darko Analysis: first 100k analysis of run 9838
  • 219215 02/09/11 05:40 Da Analysis: first 100k analysis of run 9837
  • 219214 02/09/11 05:26 Darko Charge asymmetry screenhots
  • 219213 02/09/11 05:20 cdaq Run 9838: Beam on LH2, 3.5x3.5 mm, QTOR 8921A, transverse polarization
  • 219212 02/09/11 05:19 cdaq End of Run 9837:
  • 219211 02/09/11 05:09 Darko End of Injector run 2131
  • 219210 02/09/11 05:06 cdaq Run 9837: Beam on LH2, 3.5x3.5 mm, QTOR 8921A, transverse polarization
  • 219209 02/09/11 05:05 Darko IHWP is IN now
  • 219208 02/09/11 05:02 cdaq End of Run 9836:
  • 219207 02/09/11 04:50 Darko Analysis: first 100k analysis of run 9836
  • 219206 02/09/11 04:29 Darko Start of Injector run 2131
  • 219205 02/09/11 04:26 cdaq Run 9836: Beam on LH2, 3.5x3.5 mm, QTOR 8921A, transverse polarization
  • 219204 02/09/11 04:25 cdaq End of Run 9835:
  • 219203 02/09/11 04:19 Darko Analysis: 100k analysis of run 9835
  • 219202 02/09/11 04:02 Darko Charge feedback for last 2.5 hours
  • 219201 02/09/11 03:52 cdaq Run 9835: Beam on LH2, 3.5x3.5 mm, QTOR 8921A, transverse polarization
  • 219200 02/09/11 03:51 cdaq End of Run 9834:
  • 219199 02/09/11 03:32 Darko Analysis: 100k analysis of run 9834
  • 219198 02/09/11 03:10 cdaq Run 9834: Beam on LH2, 3.5x3.5 mm, QTOR 8921A, transverse polarization
  • 219197 02/09/11 03:07 cdaq End of Run 9833:
  • 219196 02/09/11 02:54 Darko Beam Intensity Reduction 150->148
  • 219195 02/09/11 02:44 Darko Analysis: first 100k analysis of run 9833
  • 219194 02/09/11 02:26 Darko Charge asymmetry screenshots
  • 219193 02/09/11 02:21 cdaq Run 9833: Beam on LH2, 3.5x3.5 mm, QTOR 8921A, transverse polarization
  • 219192 02/09/11 02:20 cdaq End of Run 9832:
  • 219191 02/09/11 02:19 Darko End of Injector run 2130
  • 219190 02/09/11 01:56 Darko first 100k analysis of run 9832
  • 219189 02/09/11 01:46 Darko Qweak Beam and EPICS
  • 219188 02/09/11 01:43 Darko Start injector run 2130
  • 219187 02/09/11 01:40 Darko Analysis: first 100k analysis of run 9831
  • 219186 02/09/11 01:32 cdaq Run 9832: Beam on LH2, 3.5x3.5 mm, QTOR 8921A, transverse polarization
  • 219185 02/09/11 01:29 cdaq End of Run 9831:
  • 219184 02/09/11 01:26 Darko Analysis: first 100k analysis of run 9830
  • 219183 02/09/11 01:15 cdaq Run 9831: Beam on LH2, 3.5x3.5 mm, QTOR 8921A, transverse polarization
  • 219182 02/09/11 01:14 Darko IHWP is OUT NOW
  • 219181 02/09/11 01:12 cdaq End of Run 9830:
  • 219180 02/09/11 00:27 cdaq Run 9830: Beam on LH2, 3.5x3.5 mm, QTOR 8921A, transverse polarization
  • 219179 02/09/11 00:26 cdaq End of Run 9829:
  • 219178 02/09/11 00:20 A Micherdzin Shift Summary: Shift summary
  • 219177 02/09/11 00:17 Anna End of injector run 2129
  • 219176 02/09/11 00:15 cdaq Beam Time Accounting
  • 219175 02/09/11 00:11 narayan Analysis: first 100k analysis of run 9829
  • Tuesday

  • 219174 02/08/11 23:47 mack BPM differences are, well, different, but still nice
  • 219173 02/08/11 23:38 narayan Compton: No need to run compton DAQ during upcoming Owl
  • 219172 02/08/11 23:36 jmammei octant-by-octant plots
  • 219171 02/08/11 23:30 narayan Analysis: first 100k analysis of run 9828
  • 219170 02/08/11 23:29 narayan coda run control crash ... recovered
  • 219169 02/08/11 23:28 cdaq Run 9829: Beam on LH2, 3.5x3.5 mm, QTOR 8921A, transverse polarization
  • 219168 02/08/11 23:14 narayan Analysis: first 100k analysis of run 9827
  • 219167 02/08/11 23:12 jhlee It takes times than what we think
  • 219166 02/08/11 23:07 narayan Analysis: first 100k analysis of run # 9826
  • 219165 02/08/11 23:03 jmammei first look at transverse data
  • 219164 02/08/11 22:56 narayan beam position and halo rates
  • 219163 02/08/11 22:56 birchall Analysis: Replacement for attachment 1
  • 219162 02/08/11 22:54 narayan snapshot of general tools and HV
  • 219161 02/08/11 22:49 birchall Analysis: Transverse polarization seen?
  • 219160 02/08/11 22:44 A Micherdzin Start injector run 2128
  • 219159 02/08/11 22:37 cdaq Run 9828: Beam on LH2, 3.5x3.5 mm, QTOR 8921A, transverse polarization
  • 219158 02/08/11 22:36 jmammei transverse pass1 rootfiles
  • 219157 02/08/11 22:35 cdaq End of Run 9827:
  • 219156 02/08/11 22:28 cdaq Run 9827: Beam on LH2, 3.5x3.5 mm, QTOR 8921A, pedestal run
  • 219155 02/08/11 22:26 cdaq End of Run 9826:
  • 219154 02/08/11 22:19 narayan Analysis: first 100k analysis of Run 9825
  • 219153 02/08/11 22:17 cdaq Compton End of Run 20804:
  • 219152 02/08/11 22:12 cdaq Compton Run 20804: Integrating mode, photon trigger prescaler 1e3, QDC enabled
  • 219151 02/08/11 22:12 cdaq Compton End of Run 20803:
  • 219150 02/08/11 22:10 cdaq Run 9826: Beam on LH2, 3.5x3.5 mm, QTOR 8921A, transverse polarization
  • 219149 02/08/11 22:10 cdaq End of Run 9825:
  • 219148 02/08/11 22:09 donjones failed to find laser in Compton
  • 219147 02/08/11 22:02 cdaq Compton Run 20803: Integrating mode, photon trigger prescaler 1e3
  • 219146 02/08/11 22:01 cdaq Compton End of Run 20802:
  • 219145 02/08/11 21:58 narayan Analysis: first 100k run 9824
  • 219144 02/08/11 21:30 a Micherdzin Screenshots for general tools & halo monitors
  • 219143 02/08/11 21:28 A Micherdzin We are running through the Compton chicane!
  • 219142 02/08/11 21:26 cdaq Run 9825: Beam on LH2, 3.5x3.5 mm, QTOR 8921A, transverse polarization
  • 219141 02/08/11 21:25 cdaq End of Run 9824:
  • 219140 02/08/11 21:12 cdaq Compton Run 20802: going through a chicane! beam with transverse polarization
  • 219139 02/08/11 21:10 cdaq Run 9824: Beam on LH2, 3.5x3.5 mm, QTOR 8921A, transverse polarization
  • 219138 02/08/11 21:03 smithg Target: Moved LH2 target in
  • 219137 02/08/11 21:01 narayan status: Compton tuning
  • 219136 02/08/11 20:19 pking New blinding seed for transverse mode; added "transverse" to good_for list.
  • 219135 02/08/11 20:07 narayan Status: Compton tuning going on
  • 219133 02/08/11 19:35 jhlee update QwGUI with revision 2513
  • 219132 02/08/11 19:20 rob re: transverse in good_for
  • 219131 02/08/11 18:58 gaskell Moller backout
  • 219130 02/08/11 18:55 gaskell Moller: vertical summary
  • 219129 02/08/11 18:39 Ramesh Analysis: cavity bcm asymmetry double difference after Feb 03 electronics change
  • 219128 02/08/11 18:35 cdaq Moller End of Run 765:
  • 219127 02/08/11 18:28 cdaq Moller Run 765: Moller IHWP=IN Vertical pol.
  • 219126 02/08/11 18:25 cdaq Moller End of Run 764:
  • 219125 02/08/11 18:20 cdaq Moller Run 764: Moller IHWP=IN Vertical pol.
  • 219124 02/08/11 18:20 cdaq Moller End of Run 763:
  • 219123 02/08/11 18:11 cdaq Moller Run 763: Moller IHWP=IN Vertical pol.
  • 219122 02/08/11 18:11 jmammei transverse in good_for
  • 219121 02/08/11 18:08 cdaq Moller End of Run 762:
  • 219120 02/08/11 17:58 cdaq Moller Run 762: Moller IHWP=IN Vertical pol.
  • 219119 02/08/11 17:55 cdaq Moller End of Run 761:
  • 219118 02/08/11 17:53 cdaq Moller Run 761: Moller IHWP=IN Vertical pol.
  • 219117 02/08/11 17:51 Page Revised Transverse Run Plan
  • 219116 02/08/11 17:49 cdaq Moller End of Run 760:
  • 219115 02/08/11 17:48 cdaq Moller Run 760: Moller IHWP=IN Vertical pol. Tune check
  • 219114 02/08/11 17:48 cdaq Moller End of Run 759:
  • 219113 02/08/11 17:46 cdaq Moller Run 759: Moller IHWP=IN Vertical pol. Tune check
  • 219112 02/08/11 17:45 smithg Target: pump tripped. Recovered fine.
  • 219111 02/08/11 17:39 Page RC meeting and plan for the next 24 hr
  • 219110 02/08/11 17:37 cdaq Moller End of Run 758:
  • 219109 02/08/11 17:33 cdaq Moller Run 758: Moller IHWP=IN Vertical pol. Tune check
  • 219108 02/08/11 17:25 gaskell Moller: epics stuff before vertical Moller run
  • 219107 02/08/11 17:08 cdaq Moller End of Run 757:
  • 219106 02/08/11 17:07 cdaq Moller Run 757: Moller DAQ test
  • 219105 02/08/11 16:59 smithg Target: screenshot
  • 219104 02/08/11 16:45 mack interpretation of Katherine's plots of A_md(bcm1norm) vs A_qbcm2, after some algebra
  • 219103 02/08/11 16:37 Arthur re: R3 fan is on
  • 219102 02/08/11 16:14 leacock new pedestal plots, dslumi2 seems to be fixed
  • 219101 02/08/11 16:07 Leckey Shift Summary: Day Shift summary
  • 219100 02/08/11 16:03 cdaq Beam Time Accounting
  • 219099 02/08/11 16:00 cdaq End of Run 9823:
  • 219098 02/08/11 15:49 jhlee R3 fan is on
  • 219097 02/08/11 15:48 cdaq Run 9823: longer pedestal
  • 219096 02/08/11 15:47 cdaq End of Run 9822:
  • 219095 02/08/11 15:46 cdaq Run 9822: pedestal
  • 219094 02/08/11 15:34 brads re: GEM flowmeter added / bottle changed
  • 219093 02/08/11 15:22 brads re: cdaql5 (really cdaql6) has stale NFS file handle -- fixed
  • 219092 02/08/11 15:09 gaskell Compton: changed discriminator threshold to 100 mV
  • 219091 02/08/11 15:01 jhlee restarted autoanalyzers on cdaql5, cdaql7, and cdaql8
  • 219090 02/08/11 14:55 cdaq Compton End of Run 20801:
  • 219089 02/08/11 14:52 jhlee Still stale NFS file handle
  • 219088 02/08/11 14:51 Page Hall re-entry due to DS lumi problem
  • 219087 02/08/11 14:49 cdaq Compton Run 20801: No signal...input terminated (DJ test)
  • 219086 02/08/11 14:48 cdaq Compton End of Run 20800:
  • 219085 02/08/11 14:42 birchall Analysis: Position and direction sensitivities in recent runs
  • 219084 02/08/11 14:38 leacock pedestal plots
  • 219083 02/08/11 14:37 jhlee cdaql5 has stale NFS file handle
  • 219082 02/08/11 14:24 Arthur GEM flowmeter added / bottle changed
  • 219081 02/08/11 14:13 donjones Compton: no signal plugged in for run 20799
  • 219080 02/08/11 14:11 cdaq Compton Run 20800: Pulser test run DJ
  • 219079 02/08/11 14:10 cdaq Compton End of Run 20799:
  • 219078 02/08/11 14:10 birchall Analysis: Corrections to asymmetry due to beam motion in run 9802
  • 219077 02/08/11 14:04 kamyers Analysis: followup: large charge asymmetry check of 75-170 uA BCM calibration
  • 219076 02/08/11 13:59 cdaq End of Run 9821:
  • 219075 02/08/11 13:55 cdaq Run 9821: pedestal
  • 219074 02/08/11 13:53 cdaq End of Run 9820:
  • 219073 02/08/11 13:46 cdaq Run 9820: pedestal
  • 219072 02/08/11 13:40 cdaq End of Run 9819:
  • 219071 02/08/11 13:39 cdaq Run 9819: test
  • 219070 02/08/11 13:39 pking The cdaql6 MySQL DB can be used again
  • 219069 02/08/11 13:38 cdaq Moller End of Run 756:
  • 219068 02/08/11 13:38 cdaq End of Run 9818:
  • 219067 02/08/11 13:37 kenyon Gas shed flow meter
  • 219066 02/08/11 13:37 cdaq Run 9818: test
  • 219065 02/08/11 13:37 cdaq Moller Run 756: Moller DAQ test
  • 219064 02/08/11 13:36 cdaq End of Run 9817:
  • 219063 02/08/11 13:35 cdaq Run 9817: test
  • 219062 02/08/11 13:35 kenyon N2 pressure corrections
  • 219061 02/08/11 13:33 cdaq Compton Run 20799: Pulser test run DJ
  • 219060 02/08/11 13:31 Page Beam: north linac water leak - no beam till 3 pm
  • 219059 02/08/11 13:03 jhlee Screen snapshots for the shift checklist (general tools screen and the HV GUI)
  • 219058 02/08/11 13:00 kamyers Analysis: large charge asymmetry check of 75-170 uA BCM calibration
  • 219057 02/08/11 12:35 brads re: cdaql5 freezes after we lost g0ioc4 scalers
  • 219056 02/08/11 12:22 gaskell Compton: reboot cpslow
  • 219055 02/08/11 12:21 gaskell Compton: amplifier for photon detector
  • 219054 02/08/11 12:18 Page Beam: Polarization studies at injector
  • 219053 02/08/11 12:08 Darko cdaql5 freezes after we lost g0ioc4 scalers!
  • 219052 02/08/11 11:47 beaufait Qtor plc change out
  • 219051 02/08/11 11:24 cdaq End of Run 9816:
  • 219050 02/08/11 11:23 Leckey BPM Effective Charge in Injector
  • 219049 02/08/11 11:23 cdaq Run 9816: junk
  • 219048 02/08/11 11:22 Leckey Hall in Controlled Access
  • 219047 02/08/11 11:13 leacock updated pedestal script and wiki instructions
  • 219046 02/08/11 11:11 pking Shutdown of MySQL on cdaql6 is beginning.
  • 219045 02/08/11 10:57 cdaq End of Run 9815:
  • 219044 02/08/11 10:55 gaskell/rob Moller summary
  • 219043 02/08/11 10:33 pking The cdaql6 MySQL server will be taken down in about 20 minutes
  • 219042 02/08/11 10:30 jhlee fixed the compile errors of Transverse programs
  • 219041 02/08/11 10:28 cdaq Run 9815: Pedestal
  • 219040 02/08/11 10:23 gaskell Changed PITA again
  • 219039 02/08/11 10:21 Leckey BPM Positions in Injector (good spacing)
  • 219038 02/08/11 10:18 Leckey BPM Positions in Injector
  • 219037 02/08/11 10:09 cdaq Moller End of Run 755:
  • 219036 02/08/11 10:07 cdaq Moller Run 755: Moller IHWP=IN
  • 219035 02/08/11 10:06 cdaq Moller End of Run 754:
  • 219034 02/08/11 10:04 jhlee updated QwGUI and checkout Transverse
  • 219033 02/08/11 10:00 cdaq Moller Run 754: Moller IHWP=IN
  • 219032 02/08/11 09:59 cdaq Moller End of Run 753:
  • 219031 02/08/11 09:53 cdaq Moller Run 753: Moller IHWP=IN
  • 219030 02/08/11 09:52 cdaq Moller End of Run 752:
  • 219029 02/08/11 09:47 cdaq Moller Run 752: Moller IHWP=IN
  • 219028 02/08/11 09:46 gaskell change PITA junk
  • 219027 02/08/11 09:45 brads cdaql5 was rebooted around 5am
  • 219026 02/08/11 09:44 cdaq Moller End of Run 751:
  • 219025 02/08/11 09:37 cdaq Moller Run 751: Moller IHWP=IN
  • 219024 02/08/11 09:34 cdaq Moller End of Run 750:
  • 219023 02/08/11 09:28 cdaq Moller Run 750: Moller IHWP=OUT
  • 219022 02/08/11 09:27 cdaq Moller End of Run 749:
  • 219021 02/08/11 09:26 Armstrong Charge asymmetry width and losses in injector
  • 219020 02/08/11 09:24 jmammei slug plots for slugs 38, 39 appearing
  • 219019 02/08/11 09:21 cdaq Moller Run 749: Moller IHWP=OUT
  • 219018 02/08/11 09:20 cdaq Moller End of Run 748:
  • 219017 02/08/11 09:15 cdaq Moller Run 748: Moller IHWP=OUT
  • 219016 02/08/11 09:14 cdaq Moller End of Run 747:
  • 219015 02/08/11 09:09 cdaq Moller Run 747: Moller IHWP=OUT
  • 219014 02/08/11 09:08 cdaq Moller End of Run 746:
  • 219013 02/08/11 09:03 cdaq Moller Run 746: Moller Tune Check
  • 219012 02/08/11 08:57 brads re: runs have stale NFS file handle -- fixed
  • 219011 02/08/11 08:53 Page Report from 7:45 meeting - day shift activities etc
  • 219010 02/08/11 08:32 Darko Shift Summary: OWL shift summary 2/8/11
  • 219009 02/08/11 08:28 birchall Analysis: Contributions to MD asymmetries from motion of beam
  • 219008 02/08/11 08:17 leacock Target: target out of beam for moller measurement
  • 219007 02/08/11 08:16 gaskell Moller: setup
  • 219006 02/08/11 08:15 Darko Analysis: Plots for 1st 100k events of run 9812 (Beam on LH2, 3.5x3.5 mm, QTOR 8921A)
  • 219005 02/08/11 08:13 Armstrong Charge asymmetry widths increasing
  • 219004 02/08/11 08:06 cdaq Beam Time Accounting
  • 219003 02/08/11 08:03 cdaq End of Run 9814:
  • 219002 02/08/11 07:59 gaskell Moller: rebooted iochc10
  • 219001 02/08/11 07:57 cdaq Beam Time Accounting
  • 219000 02/08/11 07:49 cdaq Run 9814: Qtor is off NOW!
  • 218999 02/08/11 07:48 cdaq End of Run 9813:
  • 218998 02/08/11 07:47 cdaq Moller End of Run 745:
  • 218997 02/08/11 07:47 cdaq Moller Run 745: Moller DAQ test
  • 218996 02/08/11 07:42 cdaq Run 9813: Ramping Qtor down LUMI test
  • 218995 02/08/11 07:42 gaskell Moller: epics before Moller
  • 218994 02/08/11 07:41 cdaq End of Run 9812:
  • 218993 02/08/11 07:40 V. Tvaskis Target: Target GUI and strip charts screenshots
  • 218992 02/08/11 07:28 V. Tvaskis Shift check list HV
  • 218991 02/08/11 07:19 cdaq Run 9812: Beam on LH2, 3.5x3.5 mm, QTOR 8921A
  • 218990 02/08/11 07:18 cdaq End of Run 9811:
  • 218989 02/08/11 06:56 Darko Analysis: Plots for 1st 100k events of run 9811 (Beam on LH2, 3.5x3.5 mm, QTOR 8921A)
  • 218988 02/08/11 06:54 Darko Analysis: Plots for 1st 100k events of run 9810 (Beam on LH2, 3.5x3.5 mm, QTOR 8921A)
  • 218987 02/08/11 06:30 jmammei runs have stale NFS file handle
  • 218986 02/08/11 06:28 Darko History od qweak scaler problem (g0ioc4)
  • 218985 02/08/11 06:13 cdaq Run 9811: Beam on LH2, 3.5x3.5 mm, QTOR 8921A
  • 218984 02/08/11 06:04 cdaq End of Run 9810:
  • 218983 02/08/11 04:34 Darko Charge asimetry screenshots
  • 218982 02/08/11 04:30 Darko Injector run 2126 END
  • 218981 02/08/11 04:30 cdaq Run 9810: Beam on LH2, 3.5x3.5 mm, QTOR 8921A
  • 218980 02/08/11 04:29 cdaq End of Run 9809:
  • 218979 02/08/11 04:28 Darko Last 8 hours of beam
  • 218978 02/08/11 03:55 Darko Injector Run 2126 Started
  • 218977 02/08/11 03:52 Darko Analysis: Plots for 1st 100k events of run 9809 (Beam on LH2, 3.5x3.5 mm, QTOR 8921A)
  • 218976 02/08/11 03:26 cdaq Run 9809: Beam on LH2, 3.5x3.5 mm, QTOR 8921A
  • 218975 02/08/11 03:25 cdaq End of Run 9808:
  • 218974 02/08/11 03:09 adrko Analysis: Plots for 1st 100k events of run 9808 (Beam on LH2, 3.5x3.5 mm, QTOR 8921A)
  • 218973 02/08/11 02:29 Darko Analysis: Plots for 1st 100k events of run 9806 (Beam on LH2, 3.5x3.5 mm, QTOR 8921A)
  • 218972 02/08/11 02:18 cdaq Run 9808: Beam on LH2, 3.5x3.5 mm, QTOR 8921A
  • 218971 02/08/11 02:17 cdaq End of Run 9807:
  • 218970 02/08/11 02:00 cdaq Run 9807: NO Beam on LH2, 3.5x3.5 mm, QTOR 8921A
  • 218969 02/08/11 01:58 cdaq End of Run 9806:
  • 218968 02/08/11 01:47 Darko Beam restored for Hall C at 1:30
  • 218967 02/08/11 01:34 cdaq Run 9806: Beam on LH2, 3.5x3.5 mm, QTOR 8921A
  • 218966 02/08/11 01:30 Darko MCC: Beam tune
  • 218965 02/08/11 01:12 cdaq End of Run 9805:
  • 218964 02/08/11 00:49 cdaq Run 9805: NO Beam on LH2, 3.5x3.5 mm, QTOR 8921A
  • 218963 02/08/11 00:48 cdaq End of Run 9804:
  • 218962 02/08/11 00:23 cdaq Beam Time Accounting
  • 218961 02/08/11 00:17 A Micherdzin Shift summary
  • 218960 02/08/11 00:13 Sarah Analysis: Swing Shift Analysis Summary
  • 218959 02/08/11 00:01 Sarah Analysis: Analysis plots for 1st 100k events of run 9803 (Beam on LH2, 3.5x3.5 mm, QTOR 8921A)
  • Monday

  • 218958 02/07/11 23:53 cdaq Run 9804: Beam on LH2, 3.5x3.5 mm, QTOR 8921A
  • 218957 02/07/11 23:53 cdaq End of Run 9803:
  • 218956 02/07/11 23:38 A Micherdzin injector runs 2118 (HWPlane IN) and 2119 (HWPlane OUT) analyzed by qwparity analyzer
  • 218955 02/07/11 23:31 A Micherdzin Start injector run 2125
  • 218954 02/07/11 23:30 cdaq Run 9803: Beam on LH2, 3.5x3.5 mm, QTOR 8921A
  • 218953 02/07/11 23:29 A Micherdzin HW plane is OUT now
  • 218952 02/07/11 23:14 A Micherdzin MCC called - beam will be back ~20 minutes.
  • 218951 02/07/11 23:14 Sarah Analysis: Analysis plots for 1st 100k events of run 9802 (Beam on LH2, 3.5x3.5 mm, QTOR 8921A)
  • 218950 02/07/11 23:07 cdaq End of Run 9802:
  • 218949 02/07/11 22:47 cdaq Run 9802: Beam on LH2, 3.5x3.5 mm, QTOR 8921A
  • 218948 02/07/11 22:47 cdaq End of Run 9801:
  • 218947 02/07/11 22:36 Sarah Analysis: Analysis plots for 1st 100k events of run 9801 (Beam on LH2, 3.5x3.5 mm, QTOR 8921A)
  • 218946 02/07/11 21:46 A Micherdzin Start injector run 2123
  • 218945 02/07/11 21:45 A Micherdzin stop injector run 2122
  • 218944 02/07/11 21:41 cdaq Run 9801: Beam on LH2, 3.5x3.5 mm, QTOR 8921A
  • 218943 02/07/11 21:40 cdaq End of Run 9800:
  • 218942 02/07/11 21:22 magee Target: target screenshot, stable running at 150uA
  • 218941 02/07/11 21:12 brads /net/cdaqfs/scratch is ~95% full -- needs cleanup
  • 218940 02/07/11 21:00 A Micherdzin Snapshot of halo monitor & beam position
  • 218939 02/07/11 20:50 cdaq Compton End of Run 20798:
  • 218938 02/07/11 20:47 Sarah Analysis: Analysis plots for 1st 100k events of run 9800 (Beam on LH2, 3.5x3.5 mm, QTOR 8921A)
  • 218937 02/07/11 20:46 cdaq Compton Run 20798: Integrating mode DAQ test (is that logic module borked?)
  • 218936 02/07/11 20:29 cdaq Compton End of Run 20797:
  • 218935 02/07/11 20:26 cdaq Compton Run 20797: Integrating mode DAQ test (dammit, lost sync again)
  • 218934 02/07/11 20:26 cdaq Compton End of Run 20796:
  • 218933 02/07/11 20:19 cdaq Compton Run 20796: Integrating mode DAQ test
  • 218932 02/07/11 20:06 wdconinc Compton: Compton: event mode DAQ now working
  • 218931 02/07/11 19:52 cdaq Compton End of Run 20795:
  • 218930 02/07/11 19:43 A Micherdzin Start injector run 2122
  • 218929 02/07/11 19:43 A Micherdzin stop injector run 2121
  • 218928 02/07/11 19:40 cdaq Compton Run 20795: Cosmics in event mode
  • 218927 02/07/11 19:37 cdaq Run 9800: Beam on LH2, 3.5x3.5 mm, QTOR 8921A
  • 218926 02/07/11 19:36 cdaq End of Run 9799:
  • 218925 02/07/11 19:28 cdaq Compton End of Run 20794:
  • 218924 02/07/11 19:28 donjones Compton: pulser closer to 100kHz
  • 218923 02/07/11 19:22 jmammei charge asym and IHWP change
  • 218922 02/07/11 19:20 cdaq Compton Run 20794: Cosmics in event mode
  • 218921 02/07/11 19:12 cdaq Compton End of Run 20793:
  • 218920 02/07/11 19:11 Sarah Analysis: Analysis plots for 1st 100k events of run 9799 (Beam on LH2, 3.5x3.5 mm, QTOR 8921A)
  • 218919 02/07/11 19:09 cdaq Compton Run 20793: Pulser test in event mode
  • 218918 02/07/11 19:06 cdaq Compton End of Run 20792:
  • 218917 02/07/11 19:05 cdaq Compton Run 20792: Pulser test in event mode
  • 218916 02/07/11 19:04 cdaq Compton End of Run 20791:
  • 218915 02/07/11 19:04 cdaq Compton Run 20791: Pulser test in event mode
  • 218914 02/07/11 19:02 cdaq Compton End of Run 20790:
  • 218913 02/07/11 18:55 cdaq Compton Run 20790: Pulser test in event mode
  • 218912 02/07/11 18:52 cdaq Compton End of Run 20789:
  • 218911 02/07/11 18:42 cdaq Compton Run 20789: Pulser test in event mode
  • 218910 02/07/11 18:41 cdaq Compton End of Run 20788:
  • 218909 02/07/11 18:40 cdaq Compton Run 20788: Pulser test in event mode
  • 218908 02/07/11 18:34 Sarah Analysis: Analysis plots for 1st 100k events of run 9798 (Beam on LH2, 3.5x3.5 mm, QTOR 8921A)
  • 218907 02/07/11 18:33 Page Owl Shift Crew - 07:45 am test please!
  • 218906 02/07/11 18:30 mack/JiaWei BCM1,2 calibration for high current production, 75-170 muA
  • 218905 02/07/11 18:29 Armstrong No obvious IHWP effect
  • 218904 02/07/11 18:28 A Micherdzin Start injector run 2121
  • 218903 02/07/11 18:27 A Micherdzin stop injector run 2120
  • 218902 02/07/11 18:27 cdaq Compton Run 20787: Pulser test in event mode
  • 218901 02/07/11 18:27 cdaq Run 9799: Beam on LH2, 3.5x3.5 mm, QTOR 8921A
  • 218900 02/07/11 18:26 cdaq End of Run 9798:
  • 218899 02/07/11 18:17 Page Transverse Run plan for Tuesday Swing - Thursday Owl
  • 218898 02/07/11 17:55 Page Tuesday program - beam studies and hall access
  • 218897 02/07/11 17:51 Page RC Meeting Notes, plan for tonight, tomorrow....
  • 218896 02/07/11 17:50 cdaq Compton End of Run 20786:
  • 218895 02/07/11 17:47 Sarah Analysis: Analysis plots for 1st 100k events of run 9797 (Beam on LH2, 3.5x3.5 mm, QTOR 8921A) -- Charge feedback off, IHWP out
  • 218894 02/07/11 17:45 cdaq Compton Run 20786: Pulser test in event mode
  • 218893 02/07/11 17:38 A Micherdzin Injector run 2120 started at 17:26
  • 218892 02/07/11 17:27 Sarah Analysis: Analysis plots for 1st 100k events of run 9796 (Beam on LH2, 3.5x3.5 mm, QTOR 8921A) -- Charge feedback off, IHWP in
  • 218891 02/07/11 17:26 cdaq Run 9798: Beam on LH2, 3.5x3.5 mm, QTOR 8921A
  • 218890 02/07/11 17:25 cdaq End of Run 9797:
  • 218889 02/07/11 17:15 A Micherdzin Diagnostic runs with charge feedback off
  • 218888 02/07/11 17:13 cdaq Run 9797: Beam on LH2, 3.5x3.5 mm, QTOR 8921A, charge feedback off
  • 218887 02/07/11 17:11 Sarah Analysis: Analysis plots for 1st 100k events of run 9795 (Beam on LH2, 3.5x3.5 mm, QTOR 8921A)
  • 218886 02/07/11 17:10 cdaq End of Run 9796:
  • 218885 02/07/11 17:08 cdaq Compton End of Run 20785:
  • 218884 02/07/11 17:01 cdaq Compton Run 20785: Pedestal with fake triggers
  • 218883 02/07/11 17:00 cdaq Run 9796: Beam on LH2, 3.5x3.5 mm, QTOR 8921A, charge feedback OFF
  • 218882 02/07/11 16:59 cdaq End of Run 9795:
  • 218881 02/07/11 16:58 cdaq Compton End of Run 20784:
  • 218880 02/07/11 16:42 cdaq Compton Run 20784: Pedestal run in integrating mode
  • 218879 02/07/11 16:41 cdaq Compton End of Run 20783:
  • 218878 02/07/11 16:41 cdaq Compton Run 20783: Pulser in event mode
  • 218877 02/07/11 16:41 cdaq Compton End of Run 20782:
  • 218876 02/07/11 16:31 cdaq Compton Run 20782: Pedestal...input terminated
  • 218875 02/07/11 16:15 cdaq Beam Time Accounting
  • 218874 02/07/11 16:10 Leckey Shift Summary: Shift summary Day
  • 218873 02/07/11 15:49 cdaq Run 9795: Beam on LH2, 3.5x3.5 mm, QTOR 8921A
  • 218872 02/07/11 15:39 cdaq Compton End of Run 20781:
  • 218871 02/07/11 15:27 cdaq Compton Run 20781: 10 kHz pulser run
  • 218870 02/07/11 15:26 cdaq Compton End of Run 20780:
  • 218869 02/07/11 15:16 Armstrong Present value for false asymmetry from charge asymmetry
  • 218868 02/07/11 15:11 cdaq Compton Run 20780: 960kHz pulser run
  • 218867 02/07/11 15:10 cdaq Compton End of Run 20779:
  • 218866 02/07/11 14:54 leacock Target: target screenshot, stable running at 150uA
  • 218865 02/07/11 14:54 cdaq Compton Run 20779: 10kHz pulser run
  • 218864 02/07/11 14:53 cdaq Run 9794: Beam on LH2, 3.5x3.5 mm, QTOR 8921A
  • 218863 02/07/11 14:52 cdaq End of Run 9793:
  • 218862 02/07/11 14:40 leacock added reference plots to the WIKI...not to the GUI
  • 218861 02/07/11 14:38 brads re: cdaql4 froze for 10s
  • 218860 02/07/11 14:32 leacock added reference plots to the GUI
  • 218859 02/07/11 14:25 Leckey New Beam Positions with 0.2 mm Shift
  • 218858 02/07/11 14:16 Leckey cdaql4 froze for 10s
  • 218857 02/07/11 14:13 Leckey Analysis: Analysis of Run 9793
  • 218856 02/07/11 13:47 cdaq Run 9793: Beam on LH2, 3.5x3.5 mm, QTOR 8921A
  • 218855 02/07/11 13:47 cdaq End of Run 9792:
  • 218854 02/07/11 13:24 jhlee remove old root files on cdaql5
  • 218853 02/07/11 12:55 cdaq Injector run 2117 started
  • 218852 02/07/11 12:51 cdaq Run 9792: Beam on LH2, 3.5x3.5 mm, QTOR 8921A
  • 218851 02/07/11 12:50 cdaq End of Run 9791:
  • 218850 02/07/11 12:44 cdaq Run 9791: Beam on LH2, 3.5x3.5 mm, QTOR 8921A
  • 218849 02/07/11 12:42 cdaq End of Run 9790:
  • 218848 02/07/11 12:37 cdaq Run 9790: Beam on LH2, 3.5x3.5 mm, QTOR 8921A
  • 218847 02/07/11 12:36 cdaq End of Run 9789:
  • 218846 02/07/11 12:35 cdaq Run 9789: Beam on LH2, 3.5x3.5 mm, QTOR 8921A
  • 218845 02/07/11 12:33 leacock shifted beam "left"
  • 218844 02/07/11 12:07 magee Moller summary
  • 218843 02/07/11 11:52 rakithab CODA mysql DB access?
  • 218842 02/07/11 11:40 Leckey HWP IN
  • 218841 02/07/11 11:39 brads Compton connections to cdaql4?
  • 218840 02/07/11 11:35 Page Beam: Beam position shift for this afternoon
  • 218839 02/07/11 11:34 leacock killed three qwplot processes that were started Feb 5
  • 218838 02/07/11 11:31 cdaq Run 9788: Beam on LH2, 3.5x3.5 mm, QTOR 8921A
  • 218837 02/07/11 11:30 cdaq Moller End of Run 744:
  • 218836 02/07/11 11:28 cdaq Moller Run 744: Moller run: IHWP=IN
  • 218835 02/07/11 11:23 cdaq Moller End of Run 743:
  • 218834 02/07/11 11:16 cdaq Moller Run 743: Moller run: IHWP=IN
  • 218833 02/07/11 11:16 cdaq Moller End of Run 742:
  • 218832 02/07/11 11:13 birchall Neutral axis in x
  • 218830 02/07/11 11:09 cdaq Moller Run 742: Moller run: IHWP=IN
  • 218829 02/07/11 11:08 cdaq Moller End of Run 741:
  • 218828 02/07/11 11:02 brads beeping got disabled on cvideo1, fixed now
  • 218827 02/07/11 11:01 cdaq Moller Run 741: Moller run: IHWP=OUT
  • 218826 02/07/11 11:01 cdaq Moller End of Run 740:
  • 218825 02/07/11 10:54 cdaq Moller Run 740: Moller run: IHWP=IN
  • 218824 02/07/11 10:50 cdaq Moller End of Run 739:
  • 218823 02/07/11 10:43 cdaq Moller Run 739: Moller run: IHWP=OUT
  • 218822 02/07/11 10:42 cdaq Moller End of Run 738:
  • 218821 02/07/11 10:36 cdaq Moller Run 738: Moller run: IHWP=OUT
  • 218820 02/07/11 10:36 cdaq Moller End of Run 737:
  • 218819 02/07/11 10:29 cdaq Moller Run 737: Moller run: IHWP=OUT
  • 218818 02/07/11 10:29 cdaq Moller End of Run 736:
  • 218817 02/07/11 10:27 cdaq Moller Run 736: Moller run: IHWP=OUT
  • 218816 02/07/11 10:25 cdaq Moller End of Run 735:
  • 218815 02/07/11 10:19 cdaq Moller Run 735: Moller run: IHWP=OUT
  • 218814 02/07/11 10:17 R. Michaels qwplot fix: exit button no longer crashes
  • 218813 02/07/11 10:15 leacock reference plots for lumis
  • 218812 02/07/11 09:57 cdaq General Tools
  • 218811 02/07/11 09:26 Leckey Analysis: Alalysis: Run 9786
  • 218810 02/07/11 09:21 magee Moller set-up
  • 218809 02/07/11 09:05 birchall Analysis: Position and angle sensitivities run 9600 - 9757
  • 218808 02/07/11 09:04 cdaq End of Run 9788:
  • 218807 02/07/11 08:59 Solvignon Moller cryo > 90%
  • 218806 02/07/11 08:56 Solvignon Moller preparation: Injector parameters
  • 218805 02/07/11 08:31 cdaq End of Run 9787:
  • 218804 02/07/11 08:29 cdaq Beam Time Accounting
  • 218803 02/07/11 08:28 cdaq Run 9787: pedestal
  • 218802 02/07/11 08:27 cdaq End of Run 9786:
  • 218801 02/07/11 07:54 Darko Shift Summary: OWL shift summary 2/7/11
  • 218800 02/07/11 07:49 Adesh Analysis: Analysis plots for 1st 100k events of run 9786 (Beam on LH2, 3.5x3.5 mm, QTOR 8921A)
  • 218799 02/07/11 07:45 Darko Charge Asymmetry Graph
  • 218798 02/07/11 07:41 Darko End of injector run 2116
  • 218797 02/07/11 07:29 cdaq Run 9786: Beam on LH2, 3.5x3.5 mm, QTOR 8921A
  • 218796 02/07/11 07:28 cdaq End of Run 9785:
  • 218795 02/07/11 07:07 Darko Injector Run# 2116 started
  • 218794 02/07/11 06:53 Armstrong Be careful of statistics on first 100K runs
  • 218793 02/07/11 06:48 Adesh Analysis: Analysis plots for 1st 100k events of run 9785 (Beam on LH2, 3.5x3.5 mm, QTOR 8921A)
  • 218792 02/07/11 06:32 cdaq Run 9785: Beam on LH2, 3.5x3.5 mm, QTOR 8921A
  • 218791 02/07/11 06:31 cdaq End of Run 9784:
  • 218790 02/07/11 06:16 Page Target: TO for Swing Today is Josh Magee
  • 218789 02/07/11 05:50 Adesh Analysis: Analysis plots for 1st 100k events of run 9784 (Beam on LH2, 3.5x3.5 mm, QTOR 8921A)
  • 218788 02/07/11 05:46 Darko Improved HALO 3 and charge asymetry
  • 218787 02/07/11 05:34 cdaq Run 9784: Beam on LH2, 3.5x3.5 mm, QTOR 8921A
  • 218786 02/07/11 05:33 cdaq End of Run 9783:
  • 218785 02/07/11 05:15 Adesh Analysis: Analysis plots for 1st 100k events of run 9783 (Beam on LH2, 3.5x3.5 mm, QTOR 8921A)
  • 218784 02/07/11 04:38 Darko End of Injector run# 2115
  • 218783 02/07/11 04:35 cdaq Run 9783: Beam on LH2, 3.5x3.5 mm, QTOR 8921A
  • 218782 02/07/11 04:34 cdaq End of Run 9782:
  • 218781 02/07/11 04:12 Adesh Analysis: Analysis plots for 1st 100k events of run 9782 (Beam on LH2, 3.5x3.5 mm, QTOR 8921A)
  • 218780 02/07/11 03:36 Darko QWeak EPICS
  • 218779 02/07/11 03:32 Darko Injector Run# 2115 started
  • 218778 02/07/11 03:31 cdaq Run 9782: Beam on LH2, 3.5x3.5 mm, QTOR 8921A
  • 218777 02/07/11 03:30 cdaq End of Run 9781:
  • 218776 02/07/11 03:29 Darko Beam character in last 4 hours
  • 218775 02/07/11 02:46 Adesh Analysis: Analysis plots for 1st 100k events of run 9781 (Beam on LH2, 3.5x3.5 mm, QTOR 8921A)
  • 218774 02/07/11 02:37 wdconinc Compton: event mode DAQ prospects
  • 218773 02/07/11 02:31 Adesh Analysis: Analysis plots for 1st 100k events of run 9780 (Beam on LH2, 3.5x3.5 mm, QTOR 8921A)
  • 218772 02/07/11 02:28 cdaq Run 9781: Beam on LH2, 3.5x3.5 mm, QTOR 8921A
  • 218771 02/07/11 02:27 cdaq End of Run 9780:
  • 218770 02/07/11 02:11 Adesh Analysis: Analysis plots for 1st 100k events of run 9779 (Beam on LH2, 3.5x3.5 mm, QTOR 8921A)
  • 218769 02/07/11 02:07 cdaq Run 9780: Beam on LH2, 3.5x3.5 mm, QTOR 8921A
  • 218768 02/07/11 02:06 cdaq End of Run 9779:
  • 218767 02/07/11 01:40 cdaq Compton End of Run 20778:
  • 218766 02/07/11 01:26 cdaq Run 9779: Beam on LH2, 3.5x3.5 mm, QTOR 8921A
  • 218765 02/07/11 01:26 jhlee delete first100k on cdaql5 for one more autoanalyzer on cdaql5
  • 218764 02/07/11 01:25 cdaq End of Run 9778:
  • 218763 02/07/11 01:18 cdaq Run 9778: Beam on LH2, 3.5x3.5 mm, QTOR 8921A
  • 218762 02/07/11 01:17 cdaq End of Run 9777:
  • 218761 02/07/11 01:16 cdaq Compton Run 20778: Pulser in event mode
  • 218760 02/07/11 01:16 wdconinc Compton: ext trig FADC timed in, up to 3 kHz
  • 218759 02/07/11 01:14 cdaq Run 9777: Tune Beam on LH2, 3.5x3.5 mm, QTOR 8921A
  • 218758 02/07/11 01:12 cdaq End of Run 9776:
  • 218757 02/07/11 01:08 cdaq Compton End of Run 20777:
  • 218756 02/07/11 01:07 cdaq Compton Run 20777: Pulser in event mode
  • 218755 02/07/11 01:02 cdaq Compton End of Run 20776:
  • 218754 02/07/11 01:00 cdaq Compton Run 20776: Pulser in event mode
  • 218753 02/07/11 00:50 Adesh Analysis: Analysis plots for 1st 100k events of run 9776 (Beam on LH2, 3.5x3.5 mm, QTOR 8921A)
  • 218752 02/07/11 00:50 cdaq Compton End of Run 20775:
  • 218751 02/07/11 00:46 cdaq Compton Run 20775: Pulser in event mode
  • 218750 02/07/11 00:45 cdaq Compton End of Run 20774:
  • 218749 02/07/11 00:40 cdaq Compton Run 20774: Pulser in event mode
  • 218748 02/07/11 00:40 cdaq Compton End of Run 20773:
  • 218747 02/07/11 00:39 cdaq Compton Run 20773: Pulser in event mode
  • 218746 02/07/11 00:38 cdaq Compton End of Run 20772:
  • 218745 02/07/11 00:35 cdaq Compton Run 20772: Pulser in event mode
  • 218744 02/07/11 00:34 cdaq Compton End of Run 20771:
  • 218743 02/07/11 00:32 cdaq Compton Run 20771: Pulser in event mode
  • 218742 02/07/11 00:32 cdaq Compton End of Run 20770:
  • 218741 02/07/11 00:27 cdaq Run 9776: Beam on LH2, 3.5x3.5 mm, QTOR 8921A
  • 218740 02/07/11 00:26 cdaq Compton Run 20770: Pulser in event mode
  • 218739 02/07/11 00:26 cdaq End of Run 9775:
  • 218738 02/07/11 00:24 cdaq Compton End of Run 20769:
  • 218737 02/07/11 00:24 cdaq Compton Run 20769: Pulser in event mode
  • 218736 02/07/11 00:23 cdaq Compton End of Run 20768:
  • 218735 02/07/11 00:19 page/pking Shift summary: Swing 6 Feb
  • 218734 02/07/11 00:16 cdaq Beam Time Accounting
  • 218733 02/07/11 00:16 cdaq Compton Run 20768: Pulser in event mode
  • 218732 02/07/11 00:14 cdaq Compton End of Run 20767:
  • 218731 02/07/11 00:14 Sarah Analysis: Swing Shift Analysis Summary
  • 218730 02/07/11 00:08 cdaq Compton Run 20767: Pulser in event mode
  • 218729 02/07/11 00:07 Sarah Analysis: Analysis plots for 1st 100k events of run 9775 (Beam on LH2, 3.5x3.5 mm, QTOR 8921A)
  • 218728 02/07/11 00:04 cdaq Compton End of Run 20766:
  • 218727 02/07/11 00:04 cdaq Compton Run 20766: Pulser in event mode
  • 218726 02/07/11 00:03 cdaq Compton End of Run 20765:
  • 218725 02/07/11 00:01 cdaq Compton Run 20765: Pulser in event mode
  • 218724 02/07/11 00:01 cdaq Compton Run 20765: Pulser in event mode
  • Sunday

  • 218723 02/06/11 23:51 cdaq Compton End of Run 20764:
  • 218722 02/06/11 23:50 cdaq Compton Run 20764: Pulser in event mode
  • 218721 02/06/11 23:24 cdaq Run 9775: Beam on LH2, 3.5x3.5 mm, QTOR 8921A
  • 218720 02/06/11 23:23 cdaq End of Run 9774:
  • 218719 02/06/11 23:21 cdaq Compton Run 20763: Pulser in event mode
  • 218718 02/06/11 23:20 cdaq Compton End of Run 20762:
  • 218717 02/06/11 23:19 cdaq Compton Run 20762: Pulser in event mode
  • 218716 02/06/11 23:18 cdaq Compton End of Run 20761:
  • 218715 02/06/11 23:15 cdaq Compton End of Run 20760:
  • 218714 02/06/11 23:15 cdaq Compton Run 20760: Pulser in event mode
  • 218713 02/06/11 23:14 cdaq Compton End of Run 20759:
  • 218712 02/06/11 23:12 cdaq Compton Run 20759: Pulser in event mode
  • 218711 02/06/11 23:09 cdaq Compton Run 20758: Pulser in event mode
  • 218710 02/06/11 23:08 cdaq Compton End of Run 20757:
  • 218709 02/06/11 23:07 cdaq Compton Run 20757: Pulser in event mode
  • 218708 02/06/11 23:01 cdaq Compton End of Run 20756:
  • 218707 02/06/11 22:59 cdaq Compton Run 20756: Pulser in event mode
  • 218706 02/06/11 22:57 Sarah Analysis: Analysis plots for 1st 100k events of run 9774 (Beam on LH2, 3.5x3.5 mm, QTOR 8921A)
  • 218705 02/06/11 22:56 cdaq Compton Run 20755: Pulser in event mode
  • 218704 02/06/11 22:55 mack,JiaWei preliminary assessment plots from high current bcm calibration run 9739
  • 218703 02/06/11 22:44 Sarah Analysis: Analysis plots for 1st 100k events of run 9773 (Beam on LH2, 3.5x3.5 mm, QTOR 8921A)
  • 218702 02/06/11 22:36 cdaq Compton Run 20754: Pulser in event mode
  • 218701 02/06/11 22:30 cdaq Compton Run 20753: Pulser in event mode
  • 218700 02/06/11 22:27 cdaq Run 9774: Beam on LH2, 3.5x3.5 mm, QTOR 8921A
  • 218699 02/06/11 22:26 cdaq End of Run 9773:
  • 218698 02/06/11 22:25 cdaq Compton End of Run 20752:
  • 218697 02/06/11 22:23 cdaq Compton Run 20752: Pulser in event mode
  • 218696 02/06/11 22:22 cdaq Compton End of Run 20751:
  • 218695 02/06/11 22:18 cdaq Compton Run 20751: Pulser in event mode
  • 218694 02/06/11 22:17 cdaq Compton End of Run 20750:
  • 218693 02/06/11 22:15 cdaq Compton Run 20750: Pulser in event mode
  • 218692 02/06/11 22:15 cdaq Run 9773: Beam on LH2, 3.5x3.5 mm, QTOR 8921A
  • 218691 02/06/11 22:12 pking Requested the IHWP to be taken OUT
  • 218690 02/06/11 22:11 Sarah Analysis: Analysis plots for 1st 100k events of run 9772 (Beam on LH2, 3.5x3.5 mm, QTOR 8921A)
  • 218689 02/06/11 22:10 cdaq End of Run 9772:
  • 218688 02/06/11 22:04 jmammei we've broken the "50% barrier"
  • 218687 02/06/11 21:59 cdaq Compton Run 20748: Pulser in event mode
  • 218686 02/06/11 21:58 cdaq Compton End of Run 20747:
  • 218685 02/06/11 21:56 cdaq Compton Run 20747: Pulser in event mode
  • 218684 02/06/11 21:53 cdaq Compton Run 20746: Pulser in event mode
  • 218683 02/06/11 21:48 cdaq Compton End of Run 20745:
  • 218682 02/06/11 21:45 cdaq Compton Run 20745: Pulser in event mode
  • 218681 02/06/11 21:33 cdaq Compton Run 20744: Pulser in event mode
  • 218680 02/06/11 21:28 cdaq Compton Run 20743: Pulser in event mode
  • 218679 02/06/11 21:27 cdaq Compton End of Run 20742:
  • 218678 02/06/11 21:23 cdaq Compton Run 20742: Pulser in event mode
  • 218677 02/06/11 21:17 Sarah Analysis: Analysis plots for 1st 100k events of run 9771 (Pedestal Run).
  • 218676 02/06/11 21:03 cdaq Run 9772: Beam on LH2, 3.5x3.5 mm, QTOR 8921A
  • 218675 02/06/11 21:00 cdaq End of Run 9771:
  • 218674 02/06/11 20:51 cdaq Compton End of Run 20741:
  • 218673 02/06/11 20:51 cdaq Run 9771: pedestal run
  • 218672 02/06/11 20:49 cdaq End of Run 9770:
  • 218671 02/06/11 20:49 Sarah Analysis: Analysis plots for 1st 100k events of run 9770 (Beam on LH2, 3.5x3.5 mm, QTOR 8921A)
  • 218670 02/06/11 20:47 birchall Analysis: Position and angle sensitivities run 9600 - 9757
  • 218669 02/06/11 20:41 cdaq Compton Run 20741: Pulser in event mode
  • 218668 02/06/11 20:29 cdaq Compton End of Run 20740:
  • 218667 02/06/11 20:23 cdaq Compton Run 20740: Pulser in event mode
  • 218666 02/06/11 20:23 cdaq Compton End of Run 20739:
  • 218665 02/06/11 20:22 cdaq Compton Run 20739: Pulser in event mode
  • 218664 02/06/11 20:17 cdaq Compton End of Run 20738:
  • 218663 02/06/11 20:14 cdaq Compton Run 20738: Pulser in event mode
  • 218662 02/06/11 20:12 Sarah Screen snapshots for the shift checklist (general tools screen and the HV GUI)
  • 218661 02/06/11 20:08 cdaq Compton End of Run 20737:
  • 218660 02/06/11 20:07 cdaq Compton Run 20737: Pulser in event mode
  • 218659 02/06/11 20:06 cdaq Compton End of Run 20736:
  • 218658 02/06/11 20:04 Page Injector DAQ run 2113
  • 218657 02/06/11 19:59 cdaq Compton Run 20736: Pulser in event mode
  • 218656 02/06/11 19:58 cdaq Compton End of Run 20735:
  • 218655 02/06/11 19:56 cdaq Compton Run 20735: Pulser in event mode
  • 218654 02/06/11 19:55 cdaq Compton End of Run 20734:
  • 218653 02/06/11 19:51 cdaq Compton Run 20734: Pulser in event mode
  • 218652 02/06/11 19:44 cdaq Compton Run 20733: Pulser in event mode
  • 218651 02/06/11 19:42 cdaq Compton End of Run 20732:
  • 218650 02/06/11 19:41 cdaq Run 9770: Beam on LH2, 3.5x3.5 mm, QTOR 8921A
  • 218649 02/06/11 19:40 cdaq End of Run 9769:
  • 218648 02/06/11 19:34 cdaq Compton Run 20732: Pulser in event mode
  • 218647 02/06/11 19:34 cdaq Compton End of Run 20731:
  • 218646 02/06/11 19:32 cdaq Compton Run 20731: Pulser in event mode
  • 218645 02/06/11 19:29 cdaq Compton End of Run 20730:
  • 218644 02/06/11 19:26 cdaq Compton Run 20730: Pulser in event mode
  • 218643 02/06/11 19:12 pking Analysis: Updated the QwAnalysis/devel to use the new blinding routines; changed seed value for runs 9762 and beyond
  • 218642 02/06/11 19:09 cdaq Compton Run 20729: Pulser in event mode
  • 218641 02/06/11 19:02 cdaq Compton Run 20728: Pulser in event mode
  • 218640 02/06/11 19:01 cdaq Compton End of Run 20727:
  • 218639 02/06/11 18:59 cdaq Compton Run 20727: Pulser in event mode
  • 218638 02/06/11 18:56 cdaq Compton End of Run 20726:
  • 218637 02/06/11 18:55 Sarah Analysis: Analysis plots for 1st 100k events of run 9769 (Beam on LH2, 3.5x3.5 mm, QTOR 8921A)
  • 218636 02/06/11 18:47 cdaq Compton Run 20726: Pulser in event mode
  • 218635 02/06/11 18:47 cdaq Compton End of Run 20725:
  • 218634 02/06/11 18:45 cdaq Compton Run 20725: Pulser in event mode
  • 218633 02/06/11 18:38 cdaq Compton End of Run 20724:
  • 218632 02/06/11 18:38 cdaq Compton Run 20724: Pulser in event mode
  • 218631 02/06/11 18:34 cdaq Beam Time Accounting
  • 218630 02/06/11 18:29 cdaq Compton End of Run 20723:
  • 218629 02/06/11 18:28 cdaq Compton Run 20723: Pulser in event mode
  • 218628 02/06/11 18:16 cdaq Compton End of Run 20722:
  • 218627 02/06/11 18:16 cdaq Run 9769: Beam on LH2, 3.5x3.5 mm, QTOR 8921A
  • 218626 02/06/11 18:15 cdaq Compton Run 20722: Pulser in event mode
  • 218625 02/06/11 18:14 cdaq End of Run 9768:
  • 218624 02/06/11 18:10 cdaq Compton End of Run 20721:
  • 218623 02/06/11 18:01 cdaq Compton Run 20721: Pulser in event mode
  • 218622 02/06/11 17:34 Sarah Analysis: Analysis plots for 1st 100k events of run 9768 (Beam on LH2, 3.5x3.5 mm, QTOR 8921A)
  • 218621 02/06/11 17:19 cdaq Compton End of Run 20720:
  • 218620 02/06/11 17:12 cdaq Compton Run 20720: Pulser in event mode
  • 218619 02/06/11 17:08 cdaq Run 9768: Beam on LH2, 3.5x3.5 mm, QTOR 8921A
  • 218618 02/06/11 17:07 cdaq End of Run 9767:
  • 218617 02/06/11 16:46 Sarah Analysis: Analysis plots for 1st 100k events of run 9767 (Beam on LH2, 3.5x3.5 mm, QTOR 8921A)
  • 218616 02/06/11 16:21 birchall Target: Target screen shot at beginning of swing shift
  • 218615 02/06/11 16:19 gaskell BMOD behavior in Compton not known
  • 218614 02/06/11 15:59 A Micherdzin Shift Summary: Shift Day summary
  • 218613 02/06/11 15:45 rajotte first 100k run 9766
  • 218612 02/06/11 15:44 cdaq Run 9767: Beam on LH2, 3.5x3.5 mm, QTOR 8921A
  • 218611 02/06/11 15:43 cdaq End of Run 9766:
  • 218610 02/06/11 15:18 Armstrong Are sensitivities half-wave plate dependent?
  • 218609 02/06/11 14:56 rajotte General Tools and HV
  • 218608 02/06/11 14:35 cdaq Run 9766: Beam on LH2, 3.5x3.5 mm, QTOR 8921A
  • 218607 02/06/11 14:34 cdaq End of Run 9765:
  • 218606 02/06/11 14:30 rajotte first 100k run 9765
  • 218605 02/06/11 13:43 birchall Analysis: Replacement plots
  • 218603 02/06/11 13:38 birchall Analysis: Position sensitivities Feb 3 - 6
  • 218602 02/06/11 13:31 cdaq Run 9765: Beam on LH2, 3.5x3.5 mm, QTOR 8921A
  • 218601 02/06/11 13:30 cdaq End of Run 9764:
  • 218600 02/06/11 12:57 rajotte first 100k run 9764
  • 218599 02/06/11 12:24 cdaq Run 9764: Beam on LH2, 3.5x3.5 mm, QTOR 8921A
  • 218598 02/06/11 12:23 cdaq End of Run 9763:
  • 218597 02/06/11 11:58 rajotte first 100k run 9763
  • 218595 02/06/11 11:19 A Micherdzin stop injector run 2112
  • 218594 02/06/11 11:18 cdaq Run 9763: Beam on LH2, 3.5x3.5 mm, QTOR 8921A
  • 218593 02/06/11 11:17 cdaq End of Run 9762:
  • 218592 02/06/11 11:00 rajotte first 100k run 9762 (first run after HWP)
  • 218591 02/06/11 10:53 pking Temporarily mark runs from 9762 onward as not to be analyzed.
  • 218590 02/06/11 10:39 A Micherdzin Charge Asymmetry stripchart
  • 218589 02/06/11 10:14 A Micherdzin Start injector run 2112
  • 218588 02/06/11 10:13 A Micherdzin HW plane IN
  • 218587 02/06/11 10:13 rajotte General Tools and HV
  • 218585 02/06/11 10:13 A Micherdzin stop injector run 2111
  • 218584 02/06/11 10:11 cdaq Run 9762: Beam on LH2, 3.5x3.5 mm, QTOR 8921A HW Plane IN
  • 218583 02/06/11 10:10 cdaq End of Run 9761:
  • 218582 02/06/11 09:56 jmammei good_for gui use better format; so sorry!
  • 218581 02/06/11 09:55 birchall Analysis: Position sensitivities in run 9756 (runlets 0 - 6)
  • 218580 02/06/11 09:55 jmammei good_for gui use
  • 218579 02/06/11 09:51 rajotte first 100k run 9761
  • 218578 02/06/11 09:26 A Micherdzin Halo rates and beam position
  • 218577 02/06/11 09:08 A Micherdzin Start injector run 2111
  • 218576 02/06/11 09:04 rajotte first 100k run 9760
  • 218575 02/06/11 09:04 cdaq Run 9761: Beam on LH2, 3.5x3.5 mm, QTOR 8921A
  • 218574 02/06/11 09:03 cdaq End of Run 9760:
  • 218573 02/06/11 08:05 rajotte General Tools and HV
  • 218572 02/06/11 08:02 cdaq Beam Time Accounting
  • 218571 02/06/11 08:02 cdaq Run 9760: Beam on LH2, 3.5x3.5 mm, QTOR 8921A
  • 218570 02/06/11 08:01 cdaq End of Run 9759:
  • 218569 02/06/11 07:52 Adesh Target: Target GUI and strip charts screenshot at the end of owl shift
  • 218568 02/06/11 07:51 Darko Shift Summary: OWL shift summary 2/6/11
  • 218567 02/06/11 07:43 Darko Graphycs SCL
  • 218566 02/06/11 07:26 Adesh QwFeedback and Charge asymmetry screenshots
  • 218565 02/06/11 07:24 Adesh Analysis: Analysis plots for 1st 100k events of run 9759 (Beam on LH2, 3.5x3.5 mm, QTOR 8921A)
  • 218564 02/06/11 07:02 cdaq Run 9759: Beam on LH2, 3.5x3.5 mm, QTOR 8921A
  • 218563 02/06/11 07:01 cdaq End of Run 9758:
  • 218562 02/06/11 06:18 Adesh Analysis: Analysis plots for 1st 100k events of run 9758 (Beam on LH2, 3.5x3.5 mm, QTOR 8921A)
  • 218561 02/06/11 06:03 Darko Last 8 hours of beam
  • 218560 02/06/11 06:01 cdaq Run 9758: Beam on LH2, 3.5x3.5 mm, QTOR 8921A
  • 218559 02/06/11 06:00 cdaq End of Run 9757:
  • 218558 02/06/11 05:59 Darko End of Injector Run 2110
  • 218557 02/06/11 05:20 Adesh Analysis: Analysis plots for 1st 100k events of run 9757 (Beam on LH2, 3.5x3.5 mm, QTOR 8921A)
  • 218556 02/06/11 05:01 Darko Start Injector RUN 2110
  • 218555 02/06/11 04:59 cdaq Run 9757: Beam on LH2, 3.5x3.5 mm, QTOR 8921A
  • 218554 02/06/11 04:59 cdaq End of Run 9756:
  • 218553 02/06/11 04:21 Adesh Analysis: Analysis plots for 1st 100k events of run 9756 (Beam on LH2, 3.5x3.5 mm, QTOR 8921A)
  • 218552 02/06/11 04:00 cdaq Run 9756: Beam on LH2, 3.5x3.5 mm, QTOR 8921A
  • 218551 02/06/11 03:59 cdaq End of Run 9755:
  • 218550 02/06/11 03:28 Adesh Analysis: Analysis plots for 1st 100k events of run 9755(Beam on LH2, 3.5x3.5 mm, QTOR 8921A)
  • 218549 02/06/11 02:59 cdaq Run 9755: Beam on LH2, 3.5x3.5 mm, QTOR 8921A
  • 218548 02/06/11 02:58 cdaq End of Run 9754:
  • 218547 02/06/11 02:58 Darko Beam Screenshots
  • 218546 02/06/11 02:56 Darko End of Injector Run 2109
  • 218545 02/06/11 02:23 Adesh Analysis: Analysis plots for 1st 100k events of run 9754 (Beam on LH2, 3.5x3.5 mm, QTOR 8921A)
  • 218544 02/06/11 02:16 Adesh Analysis: Analysis plots for 1st 100k events of run 9753 (Pedestal Run)
  • 218543 02/06/11 02:01 Darko Start Injector RUN 2109
  • 218542 02/06/11 02:00 cdaq Run 9754: Beam on LH2, 3.5x3.5 mm, QTOR 8921A
  • 218541 02/06/11 01:58 cdaq End of Run 9753:
  • 218540 02/06/11 01:53 Darko Request no BEWM for short pedestal run
  • 218539 02/06/11 01:51 cdaq Run 9753: Pedestal RUN!! NO Beam on LH2, 3.5x3.5 mm, QTOR 8921A
  • 218538 02/06/11 01:50 cdaq End of Run 9752:
  • 218537 02/06/11 01:22 Adesh Analysis: Analysis plots for 1st 100k events of run 9752(Beam on LH2, 3.5x3.5 mm, QTOR 8921A)
  • 218536 02/06/11 00:55 cdaq Run 9752: Beam on LH2, 3.5x3.5 mm, QTOR 8921A
  • 218535 02/06/11 00:54 cdaq End of Run 9751:
  • 218534 02/06/11 00:32 Adesh Analysis: Analysis plots for 1st 100k events of run 9751 (Beam on LH2, 3.5x3.5 mm, QTOR 8921A)
  • 218533 02/06/11 00:12 cdaq Beam Time Accounting
  • 218532 02/06/11 00:12 pking Shift summary: Swing 5 Feb
  • 218531 02/06/11 00:04 Sarah Analysis: Swing Shift Analysis Summary
  • Saturday

  • 218530 02/05/11 23:52 cdaq Run 9751: Beam on LH2, 3.5x3.5 mm, QTOR 8921A
  • 218529 02/05/11 23:51 cdaq End of Run 9750:
  • 218528 02/05/11 23:24 Sarah Analysis: Analysis plots for 1st 100k events of run 9750 (Beam on LH2, 3.5x3.5 mm, QTOR 8921A)
  • 218527 02/05/11 23:10 Sarah Analysis: Analysis plots for 1st 100k events of run 9749 (Beam on LH2, 3.5x3.5 mm, QTOR 8921A)
  • 218526 02/05/11 22:56 jan balewski regression: fix of table + oryginal names in aliases
  • 218525 02/05/11 22:45 cdaq Run 9750: Beam on LH2, 3.5x3.5 mm, QTOR 8921A
  • 218524 02/05/11 22:43 cdaq End of Run 9749:
  • 218523 02/05/11 22:25 cdaq Run 9749: Beam on LH2, 3.5x3.5 mm, QTOR 8921A
  • 218522 02/05/11 22:24 pking Requested IHWP to be retracted.
  • 218521 02/05/11 22:22 cdaq End of Run 9748:
  • 218520 02/05/11 22:09 birchall Beam: Strip chart of beam current and halo rates during 5 Feb 2011
  • 218519 02/05/11 22:04 Sarah Analysis: Analysis plots for 1st 100k events of run 9748 (Beam on LH2, 3.5x3.5 mm, QTOR 8921A)
  • 218518 02/05/11 21:53 Sarah Analysis: New Reference Histograms Available in Counting House
  • 218517 02/05/11 21:29 cdaq Run 9748: Beam on LH2, 3.5x3.5 mm, QTOR 8921A
  • 218516 02/05/11 21:28 cdaq End of Run 9747:
  • 218515 02/05/11 21:26 birchall Analysis: Position sensitivities for runs 9737, 9738, 9341, 9742
  • 218514 02/05/11 21:16 birchall Target: Wild Saturday night on target duty
  • 218513 02/05/11 21:04 Sarah Analysis: Analysis plots for 1st 100k events of run 9747 (Beam on LH2, 3.5x3.5 mm, QTOR 8921A)
  • 218511 02/05/11 20:47 Sarah Analysis: Analysis plots for 1st 100k events of run 9746 (Beam on LH2, 3.5x3.5 mm, QTOR 8921A)
  • 218510 02/05/11 20:44 A. Micherdzi Charge recalculation for Day shift: # x 60.
  • 218509 02/05/11 20:13 Sarah Screen snapshots for the shift checklist (General tools and HV GUI)
  • 218508 02/05/11 20:02 Sarah Analysis: Analysis plots for 1st 100k events of run 9745 (Beam on LH2, 3.5x3.5 mm, QTOR 8921A)
  • 218507 02/05/11 20:00 cdaq Run 9747: Beam on LH2, 3.5x3.5 mm, QTOR 8921A
  • 218506 02/05/11 19:51 cdaq End of Run 9746:
  • 218505 02/05/11 19:48 pking ER problems at end of run 9743 and run 9744 is junk
  • 218504 02/05/11 19:29 cdaq Run 9746: Beam on LH2, 3.5x3.5 mm, QTOR 8921A
  • 218503 02/05/11 19:28 cdaq End of Run 9745:
  • 218502 02/05/11 19:12 cdaq Run 9745: Beam on LH2, 3.5x3.5 mm, QTOR 8921A
  • 218501 02/05/11 19:09 cdaq Run 9744: Beam on LH2, 3.5x3.5 mm, QTOR 8921A
  • 218500 02/05/11 19:08 birchall Analysis: Position sensitivities in runs 9734, 9735 and 9736 (full runs)
  • 218499 02/05/11 19:07 cdaq Compton End of Run 20719:
  • 218498 02/05/11 19:04 cdaq End of Run 9743:
  • 218497 02/05/11 18:59 cdaq Compton Run 20719: Pulser in event mode
  • 218496 02/05/11 18:42 cdaq Compton Run 20718: Pulser in event mode
  • 218495 02/05/11 18:19 jmammei starting slug plots on cdaql5
  • 218494 02/05/11 18:07 Sarah Analysis: Analysis plots for 1st 100k events of run 9743 (Beam on LH2, 3.5x3.5 mm, QTOR 8921A)
  • 218493 02/05/11 17:50 jhlee make a room for tonight, and add autoanalyzer to cronjob
  • 218492 02/05/11 17:35 cdaq Run 9743: Beam on LH2, 3.5x3.5 mm, QTOR 8921A
  • 218491 02/05/11 17:34 cdaq End of Run 9742:
  • 218490 02/05/11 17:30 birchall Target: Screen shot of target at 17:30
  • 218489 02/05/11 17:28 birchall Analysis: Position sensitivities for LH2 running, Jan 31 - Feb 5
  • 218488 02/05/11 17:17 Page Shift Summary: run charge recalculation
  • 218487 02/05/11 17:08 Sarah Analysis: Analysis plots for 1st 100k events of run 9742 (Beam on LH2, 3.5x3.5 mm, QTOR 8921A)
  • 218486 02/05/11 16:54 Sarah Analysis: Analysis plots for 1st 100k events of run 9741 (Beam on LH2, 3.5x3.5 mm, QTOR 8921A)
  • 218485 02/05/11 16:47 pking Stopped injector run 2108
  • 218484 02/05/11 16:41 cdaq Beam Time Accounting
  • 218483 02/05/11 16:12 cdaq Run 9742: Beam on LH2, 3.5x3.5 mm, QTOR 8921A
  • 218482 02/05/11 16:07 jhlee EB is crashed, just for reference
  • 218481 02/05/11 16:04 rajotte General Tools and HV
  • 218480 02/05/11 16:01 A. Micherdzi Shift Summary: Shift summary
  • 218479 02/05/11 15:40 A Micherdzin start injector run (at 15:28) 2108
  • 218478 02/05/11 15:29 A Micherdzin start injector run 2108
  • 218477 02/05/11 15:26 A Micherdzin Charge Asymmetry stripchart
  • 218476 02/05/11 14:48 cdaq Run 9741: Beam on LH2, 3.5x3.5 mm, QTOR 8921A
  • 218475 02/05/11 14:45 cdaq End of Run 9740:
  • 218474 02/05/11 14:34 cdaq Run 9740: NO Beam on LH2, 3.5x3.5 mm, QTOR 8921A, pedestal run
  • 218473 02/05/11 14:31 cdaq End of Run 9739:
  • 218472 02/05/11 14:31 cdaq Moller End of Run 732:
  • 218471 02/05/11 13:54 Jiawei Target: maximum current is 170 muA for current coolant flow rate
  • 218470 02/05/11 13:53 benesch Beam: valve after scattering chamber closed
  • 218469 02/05/11 13:17 cdaq Run 9739: Beam on LH2, 3.5x3.5 mm, QTOR 8921A 170uA - BCM calibration
  • 218468 02/05/11 13:10 Jiawei Start a moller run for high current bcm calibration
  • 218467 02/05/11 13:09 cdaq Moller Run 732: Moller run: IHWP=IN
  • 218466 02/05/11 13:06 cdaq End of Run 9738:
  • 218465 02/05/11 13:01 A Micherdzin Charge Asymmetry strip chart
  • 218464 02/05/11 12:59 rajotte first 100k plots for run 9738
  • 218463 02/05/11 12:55 brads re: does anyone kill autoanlayzer on cdaql7
  • 218461 02/05/11 12:51 A Micherdzin good_for_GUI crashes
  • 218460 02/05/11 12:40 rajotte REAL first 100k plots from run 9737 (entry 218459 is wrong)
  • 218459 02/05/11 12:22 rajotte first 100k plots for run 9737
  • 218458 02/05/11 12:19 A Micherdzin stop injector run 2107
  • 218457 02/05/11 12:09 cdaq Run 9738: Beam on LH2, 3.5x3.5 mm, QTOR 8921A
  • 218456 02/05/11 12:08 cdaq End of Run 9737:
  • 218455 02/05/11 11:31 jmammei lost root job
  • 218454 02/05/11 11:28 Page Beam: Permission to exceed admin. current limit for BCM calibration at 1 pm
  • 218453 02/05/11 11:24 jhlee does anyone kill autoanlayzer on cdaql7
  • 218452 02/05/11 11:18 rajotte improvement of charge asymmetry later in the run
  • 218451 02/05/11 11:00 rajotte General Tools and HV
  • 218449 02/05/11 10:58 A Micherdzin Start injector run 2107
  • 218448 02/05/11 10:52 A Micherdzin Reboot event builder
  • 218447 02/05/11 10:49 cdaq Run 9737: Beam on LH2, 3.5x3.5 mm, QTOR 8921A
  • 218446 02/05/11 10:28 rajotte first 100k plots for run 9736
  • 218444 02/05/11 10:04 birchall Analysis: Position sensitivities in runs 9729 and 9731 (full runs)
  • 218443 02/05/11 09:43 cdaq Run 9736: Beam on LH2, 3.5x3.5 mm, QTOR 8921A
  • 218442 02/05/11 09:43 rajotte bad first 100k plots run 9735
  • 218441 02/05/11 09:42 cdaq End of Run 9735:
  • 218440 02/05/11 09:35 cdaq Beam Time Accounting
  • 218439 02/05/11 09:12 A Micherdzin Halo monitors
  • 218438 02/05/11 09:04 cdaq Moller End of Run 731:
  • 218437 02/05/11 09:03 cdaq Moller Run 731: DAQ test before BCM calibration
  • 218436 02/05/11 08:52 A Micherdzin Beam: Half Wave Plate is IN starting from run 9735
  • 218435 02/05/11 08:42 cdaq Run 9735: Beam on LH2, 3.5x3.5 mm, QTOR 8921A
  • 218434 02/05/11 08:31 cdaq End of Run 9734:
  • 218433 02/05/11 08:20 Jiawei Target: Screen shot of target at beginning of shift
  • 218432 02/05/11 07:59 rakithab Analysis: Runs Summary for Feb, 05 Owl Shift
  • 218431 02/05/11 07:58 Darko Injector RUN
  • 218430 02/05/11 07:57 Darko Beam graphycs
  • 218429 02/05/11 07:52 Darko Shift Summary: OWL shift summary 2/5/11
  • 218428 02/05/11 07:51 rakithab Analysis: Analysis plots for 1st 100k events of run 9734
  • 218427 02/05/11 07:30 cdaq Run 9734: Beam on LH2, 3.5x3.5 mm, QTOR 8921A
  • 218426 02/05/11 07:26 saw Rebooted Compton PC
  • 218425 02/05/11 07:25 saw Qtor recovery (reloaded PLC)
  • 218424 02/05/11 07:21 rakithab Target: Alarm hi limit for qw:qt_mps_i_diff set 1.2
  • 218423 02/05/11 07:21 cdaq End of Run 9733:
  • 218422 02/05/11 06:51 cdaq Run 9733: pedestal run
  • 218421 02/05/11 06:44 rakithab Qweak General screens and Qweak HV controls screen snapshots
  • 218420 02/05/11 05:51 rakithab QTOR Tripped not responding to any troubleshoot procedure
  • 218419 02/05/11 05:40 cdaq End of Run 9732:
  • 218418 02/05/11 04:58 rakithab Analysis: Analysis plots for 1st 100k events of run 9732
  • 218417 02/05/11 04:37 Darko Qweak EPICS
  • 218416 02/05/11 04:34 Darko Beam parameters
  • 218415 02/05/11 04:28 cdaq Run 9732: Beam on LH2, 3.5x3.5 mm, QTOR 8921A
  • 218414 02/05/11 04:25 cdaq End of Run 9731:
  • 218413 02/05/11 04:22 Darko beam tune during run 9731
  • 218412 02/05/11 04:22 rakithab Analysis: Analysis plots for 1st 100k events of run 9731
  • 218411 02/05/11 04:03 cdaq Run 9731: Beam on LH2, 3.5x3.5 mm, QTOR 8921A
  • 218410 02/05/11 04:02 cdaq End of Run 9730:
  • 218409 02/05/11 03:50 rakithab Analysis: Analysis plots for 1st 100k events of run 9730
  • 218408 02/05/11 03:03 cdaq Run 9730: Beam on LH2, 3.5x3.5 mm, QTOR 8921A
  • 218407 02/05/11 03:03 cdaq End of Run 9729:
  • 218406 02/05/11 02:27 rakithab Analysis: Analysis plots for 1st 100k events of run 9729
  • 218405 02/05/11 02:10 cdaq Run 9729: Beam on LH2, 3.5x3.5 mm, QTOR 8921A
  • 218404 02/05/11 02:06 cdaq End of Run 9728:
  • 218403 02/05/11 01:41 Darko Beam status
  • 218402 02/05/11 01:39 rakithab Analysis: Analysis plots for 1st 100k events of run 9728
  • 218401 02/05/11 01:08 cdaq Run 9728: Beam on LH2, 3.5x3.5 mm, QTOR 8921A
  • 218400 02/05/11 01:07 cdaq End of Run 9727:
  • 218399 02/05/11 01:06 Darko Stopped injector run 2101
  • 218398 02/05/11 00:50 pking Late entry: Changes in the "FFB pause" and Hall A BCM cabling, and Qweak 2nd floor BCM patch panel.
  • 218397 02/05/11 00:47 jhlee killed autoanalyzer on cdaql8
  • 218396 02/05/11 00:40 rakithab Analysis: Analysis plots for 1st 100k events of run 9727
  • 218395 02/05/11 00:25 pking Shift summary: Swing 4 Feb
  • 218394 02/05/11 00:07 cdaq Run 9727: Beam on LH2, 3.5x3.5 mm, QTOR 8921A
  • 218393 02/05/11 00:05 Sarah Analysis: Swing Shift Analysis Summary
  • 218392 02/05/11 00:05 cdaq Beam Time Accounting
  • 218391 02/05/11 00:04 pking QTor back to full current; requesting beam
  • 218390 02/05/11 00:03 rakithab Target: Target GUI and strip charts screenshots
  • 218389 02/05/11 00:01 pking QTor tripped, reset and ramping back up
  • 218388 02/05/11 00:00 Sarah Analysis: Analysis plots for 1st 100k events of run 9726 (Beam on LH2, 3.5x3.5 mm, QTOR 8921A)
  • Friday

  • 218387 02/04/11 23:57 cdaq End of Run 9726:
  • 218386 02/04/11 23:53 birchall QTOR tripped
  • 218385 02/04/11 23:50 Sarah Analysis: Analysis plots for 1st 100k events of run 9725 (Pedestal Run)
  • 218384 02/04/11 23:34 cdaq Run 9726: Beam on LH2, 3.5x3.5 mm, QTOR 8921A
  • 218383 02/04/11 23:30 cdaq End of Run 9725:
  • 218382 02/04/11 23:24 cdaq Run 9725: Pedestal run
  • 218381 02/04/11 23:22 cdaq End of Run 9724:
  • 218380 02/04/11 23:21 pking Stopped injector run 2100
  • 218379 02/04/11 23:02 Sarah Analysis: Analysis plots for 1st 100k events of run 9724 (Beam on LH2, 3.5x3.5 mm, QTOR 8921A)
  • 218378 02/04/11 22:50 pking Start injector run 2100
  • 218377 02/04/11 22:39 kamyers Analysis: DS C asymmetry, full run
  • 218376 02/04/11 22:27 birchall Analysis: Run 9718, missing text re-entered!
  • 218375 02/04/11 22:21 cdaq Run 9724: Beam on LH2, 3.5x3.5 mm, QTOR 8921A
  • 218374 02/04/11 22:20 cdaq End of Run 9723:
  • 218373 02/04/11 22:18 birchall Analysis: Position sensitivities for run 9718 on C (full rain)
  • 218372 02/04/11 22:17 kamyers Analysis: beam ramp in first 100k of carbon run, DS Carbon width
  • 218371 02/04/11 22:03 mack cuts effi on Carbon appears to be only 4%.
  • 218370 02/04/11 21:54 birchall Analysis: Position sensitivities in run 9720 (full run)
  • 218369 02/04/11 21:42 birchall Analysis: Position sensitivities in run 9713 (full run)
  • 218368 02/04/11 21:40 Sarah Analysis: Analysis plots for 1st 100k events of run 9723 (Beam on LH2, 3.5x3.5 mm, QTOR 8921A)
  • 218367 02/04/11 21:36 Page Shift Crew Experiment Minding Instructions for this weekend, link to golden histograms
  • 218366 02/04/11 21:29 pking Changed the feedback slope to 1.145 early in run 9723
  • 218365 02/04/11 21:09 cdaq Run 9723: Beam on LH2, 3.5x3.5 mm, QTOR 8921A
  • 218364 02/04/11 21:07 cdaq End of Run 9722:
  • 218363 02/04/11 21:01 birchall Analysis: Run 9700 position sensitivities as png files this time...
  • 218362 02/04/11 20:54 Sarah Analysis: Analysis plots for 1st 100k events of run 9722 (Beam on LH2, 3.5x3.5 mm, QTOR 8921A)
  • 218361 02/04/11 20:45 pking Intermittant missed helicity gates during run 9721 and 9722
  • 218360 02/04/11 20:44 birchall Analysis: X and Y position sensitivities in run 9700 from qwplot
  • 218359 02/04/11 20:42 Sarah Analysis: Analysis plots for 1st 100k events of run 9721 (Beam on LH2, 3.5x3.5 mm, QTOR 8921A)
  • 218358 02/04/11 20:22 Sarah Screen Snapshots of the General Tools Screen and the HV Screen for the Shift Checklist
  • 218357 02/04/11 20:07 brads re: dmesg tail results
  • 218356 02/04/11 20:02 leacock dslumi_sum asym width with hall A reg code
  • 218355 02/04/11 19:53 leacock dmesg tail results
  • 218354 02/04/11 19:53 cdaq Run 9722: Beam on LH2, 3.5x3.5 mm, QTOR 8921A
  • 218353 02/04/11 19:52 cdaq End of Run 9721:
  • 218352 02/04/11 19:47 Page Analysis: Asymmetry widths ok !
  • 218351 02/04/11 19:46 leacock followup: one other very important change for lumi widths -- bcm calibration is better than normal
  • 218350 02/04/11 19:42 cdaq Run 9721: Beam on LH2, 3.5x3.5 mm, QTOR 8921A
  • 218349 02/04/11 19:42 cdaq End of Run 9720:
  • 218348 02/04/11 19:18 rakithab QwChargeFeedback: PITA slope from large asymmetry runs
  • 218347 02/04/11 19:17 pking Analysis: Comparison of larget crage asymmetry test in Qweak and Moller DAQs.
  • 218346 02/04/11 19:14 Sarah Analysis: Analysis plots for 1st 100k events of run 9720 (Beam on LH2, 3.5x3.5 mm, QTOR 8921A)
  • 218345 02/04/11 19:13 brads Flowmeter on nitrogen bottles at gas shed seems broken/invalid
  • 218344 02/04/11 18:58 birchall Target: Target shot just after pump glitch
  • 218343 02/04/11 18:56 birchall Analysis: Run 9713
  • 218342 02/04/11 18:55 Sarah Analysis: Analysis plots for 1st 100k events of run 9719 (Beam on LH2, 3.5x3.5 mm, QTOR 8921A)
  • 218341 02/04/11 18:49 birchall Target: Pump glitch
  • 218340 02/04/11 18:45 cdaq Run 9720: Beam on LH2, 3.5x3.5 mm, QTOR 8921A
  • 218339 02/04/11 18:44 cdaq End of Run 9719:
  • 218338 02/04/11 18:41 pking Asked for 155 uA, but we can only have 150 uA.
  • 218337 02/04/11 18:33 Sarah Analysis: Analysis plots for 1st 100k events of run 9718 (Thin carbon target, 3.5x3.5 mm, QTOR 8921A)
  • 218336 02/04/11 18:27 cdaq Run 9719: Beam on LH2, 3.5x3.5 mm, QTOR 8921A
  • 218335 02/04/11 18:25 birchall Target: Moved to LH2 target
  • 218334 02/04/11 18:23 cdaq End of Run 9718:
  • 218333 02/04/11 18:20 leacock asym widths for run 9703 -- typical for recent runs -- unregressed dslumi_sum asym width smaller than md
  • 218332 02/04/11 18:16 Sarah Analysis: Analysis plots for 1st 100k events of run 9717 (Beam on LH2, 3.5x3.5 mm, QTOR 8921A)
  • 218331 02/04/11 18:04 kamyers Analysis: first 100k position sensitivity plots for run 9713
  • 218330 02/04/11 18:04 Sarah Analysis: Analysis plots for 1st 100k events of run 9716 (Large charge asymmetry test run, PITA back to nominal)
  • 218329 02/04/11 18:02 kamyers another plot of md yields during first100k run 9713
  • 218328 02/04/11 17:59 rob scanner exercised at 150 uA
  • 218327 02/04/11 17:58 cdaq Run 9718: Thin carbon target, 3.5x3.5 mm, QTOR 8921A
  • 218326 02/04/11 17:56 Page RC meeting notes and plan for weekend
  • 218325 02/04/11 17:55 birchall Target: Moved to DS 0.5% C target
  • 218324 02/04/11 17:53 birchall Target: Moved to DS 0.5% C target
  • 218323 02/04/11 17:52 Sarah Analysis: Analysis plots for 1st 100k events of run 9715 ( Large charge asymmetry run, PITA of -2500)
  • 218322 02/04/11 17:50 cdaq End of Run 9717:
  • 218321 02/04/11 17:41 pking Intermittant missed helicity gates during run 9716
  • 218320 02/04/11 17:41 gaskell Large Q_asy Moller results
  • 218319 02/04/11 17:41 cdaq Run 9717: Beam on LH2, 3.5x3.5 mm, QTOR 8921A
  • 218318 02/04/11 17:39 cdaq End of Run 9716:
  • 218317 02/04/11 17:38 Sarah Analysis: Analysis plots for 1st 100k events of run 9714 ( Large charge asymmetry run, PITA of +2500)
  • 218316 02/04/11 17:37 cdaq Moller End of Run 730:
  • 218315 02/04/11 17:33 jpan Scanner single rate @ ~ 140 uA
  • 218314 02/04/11 17:32 cdaq Moller Run 730: Large Charge Asymmetry Run 3 (nominally zero)
  • 218313 02/04/11 17:32 cdaq Run 9716: Large charge asymmetry run, PITA back to nominal
  • 218312 02/04/11 17:31 pking Reset the PITA voltages for small charge asymmetry
  • 218311 02/04/11 17:29 cdaq End of Run 9715:
  • 218310 02/04/11 17:28 cdaq Moller End of Run 729:
  • 218309 02/04/11 17:25 cdaq Run 9715: Large charge asymmetry run, PITA of -2500
  • 218308 02/04/11 17:24 cdaq Moller Run 729: Large Charge Asymmetry Run 2
  • 218307 02/04/11 17:24 pking Changing to opposite large charge asymmetry
  • 218306 02/04/11 17:21 cdaq End of Run 9714:
  • 218305 02/04/11 17:21 cdaq Moller End of Run 728:
  • 218304 02/04/11 17:20 pking Changing to large charge asymmetry
  • 218303 02/04/11 17:15 cdaq Run 9714: Large charge asymmetry run, PITA of +2500
  • 218302 02/04/11 17:15 cdaq Moller Run 728: Large Charge Asymmetry Run 1
  • 218301 02/04/11 17:13 saw Reset panel button to reset QTor WinCE
  • 218300 02/04/11 17:07 Sarah Analysis: Followup plot of md3pos for Run 9713
  • 218299 02/04/11 17:07 cdaq End of Run 9713:
  • 218298 02/04/11 16:58 birchall Analysis: Position sensitivities for runs 9697, 9698, 9699, 9700, 9702, 9703 (full runs)
  • 218297 02/04/11 16:44 Sarah Analysis: Analysis plots for 1st 100k events of run 9713
  • 218296 02/04/11 16:38 cdaq Moller End of Run 727:
  • 218295 02/04/11 16:38 cdaq Moller Run 727: Moller DAQ test
  • 218294 02/04/11 16:19 jhlee updated BCM5/6 calibrations into analyzer on cdaq cluster
  • 218293 02/04/11 16:13 jhoskins Shift Summary
  • 218292 02/04/11 16:13 pking Started INJ run 2096
  • 218291 02/04/11 16:11 cdaq Beam Time Accounting
  • 218290 02/04/11 16:08 cdaq Run 9713: Beam on LH2, 3.5x3.5 mm, QTOR 8921A
  • 218289 02/04/11 16:06 cdaq End of Run 9712:
  • 218288 02/04/11 16:05 birchall Target: Target screens at start of swing shift
  • 218287 02/04/11 16:02 jhoskins QTOR tripped
  • 218286 02/04/11 15:46 brads re: gas-flow-problems
  • 218285 02/04/11 15:38 hamlet gas-flow-problems
  • 218284 02/04/11 15:24 rob started injector run 2095
  • 218283 02/04/11 15:22 rob bursts of missed helicity gates during run 9712
  • 218282 02/04/11 15:15 rob daq recovered
  • 218281 02/04/11 15:13 cdaq Run 9712: Beam on LH2, 3.5x3.5 mm, QTOR 8921A
  • 218280 02/04/11 15:10 rob daq crash
  • 218279 02/04/11 15:00 cdaq Run 9711: Beam on LH2, 3.5x3.5 mm, QTOR 8921A
  • 218278 02/04/11 14:59 jhlee a short and naive estimate for disk space which we need during 24 hours of production run
  • 218277 02/04/11 14:58 jhoskins 150uA but....
  • 218276 02/04/11 14:51 cdaq End of Run 9710:
  • 218275 02/04/11 14:48 Ramesh Analysis: Cavity bcm calibration using run 9695
  • 218274 02/04/11 14:44 birchall Analysis: Plots for run 9703 contd
  • 218273 02/04/11 14:39 birchall Analysis: Position sensitivities for run 9703 (whole run)
  • 218272 02/04/11 14:18 jhoskins Beam @ 150uA
  • 218271 02/04/11 14:16 cdaq Run 9710: Scanner running, beam on LH2, 3.5x3.5 mm, QTOR 8921A
  • 218270 02/04/11 14:15 cdaq End of Run 9709:
  • 218269 02/04/11 14:14 jhoskins Beam coming back high as possible
  • 218268 02/04/11 13:55 cdaq Run 9709: background run during beam off; scanner triggers accepted
  • 218267 02/04/11 13:52 cdaq End of Run 9708:
  • 218266 02/04/11 13:51 jhoskins MCC taking beam to "snoop around" in the injector. ETA >= 30 minutes
  • 218265 02/04/11 13:41 cdaq Run 9708: Scanner running, beam on LH2, 3.5x3.5 mm, 50uA, QTOR 8921A
  • 218264 02/04/11 13:31 hamlet 100k-analysis-plots for Run 9705
  • 218263 02/04/11 13:24 cdaq End of Run 9707:
  • 218262 02/04/11 13:13 cdaq Run 9707: Scanner running, beam on LH2, 3.5x3.5 mm, 50uA, QTOR 8921A
  • 218261 02/04/11 13:11 cdaq End of Run 9706:
  • 218260 02/04/11 13:09 rob Beam off 10 minutes for injector work
  • 218258 02/04/11 13:00 R. Michaels general tools and HV screens
  • 218257 02/04/11 12:59 cdaq Run 9706: Scanner running, beam on LH2, 3.5x3.5 mm, 50uA, QTOR 8921A
  • 218256 02/04/11 12:57 rob ended injector run 2094
  • 218255 02/04/11 12:57 cdaq End of Run 9705:
  • 218254 02/04/11 12:52 jhoskins 50uA for a while.
  • 218253 02/04/11 12:39 rakithab QwChargeFeedback: Updated Instructions for the charge feedback
  • 218252 02/04/11 12:35 cdaq Run 9705: Production RUN LH2, 3.5x3.5 mm, 56uA, QTOR 8921A
  • 218251 02/04/11 12:35 jhoskins starting injector run 2094
  • 218250 02/04/11 12:31 cdaq End of Run 9704:
  • 218249 02/04/11 12:29 jhoskins Beam going straight through, no Compton. Max beam ~55uA
  • 218248 02/04/11 12:08 R. Michaels LH2 target in (slightly late entry). raster on
  • 218247 02/04/11 12:08 cdaq Run 9704: DAQ test
  • 218246 02/04/11 12:02 jhoskins Nevermind on beam: Compton tuning in progress.
  • 218245 02/04/11 11:47 jhoskins lH2 target in && HV back up.
  • 218244 02/04/11 11:46 magee Moller summary
  • 218243 02/04/11 11:38 jhoskins Starting transistion back to production
  • 218242 02/04/11 11:31 R. Michaels qwplot improvement: option to highlight a page
  • 218241 02/04/11 11:23 Solvignon Moller done. Back out
  • 218240 02/04/11 11:17 Page Shift Schedule - hard copy as of 11:13am
  • 218239 02/04/11 11:16 rakithab/mag Moller: Polarization for IHWP OUT
  • 218238 02/04/11 11:09 cdaq Moller End of Run 726:
  • 218237 02/04/11 11:02 cdaq Moller Run 726: Moller run: IHWP=OUT
  • 218236 02/04/11 11:02 cdaq Moller End of Run 725:
  • 218235 02/04/11 10:57 rakithab/mag Moller: Polarization for IHWP IN
  • 218234 02/04/11 10:56 cdaq Moller Run 725: Moller run: IHWP=OUT
  • 218233 02/04/11 10:55 cdaq Moller End of Run 724:
  • 218232 02/04/11 10:49 cdaq Moller Run 724: Moller run: IHWP=OUT
  • 218231 02/04/11 10:46 Solvignon BHWP out
  • 218230 02/04/11 10:43 cdaq Moller End of Run 723:
  • 218229 02/04/11 10:36 cdaq Moller Run 723: Moller run: IHWP=IN
  • 218228 02/04/11 10:36 cdaq Moller End of Run 722:
  • 218227 02/04/11 10:29 cdaq Moller Run 722: Moller run: IHWP=IN
  • 218226 02/04/11 10:28 Solvignon Moller Q3 current adjusted
  • 218225 02/04/11 10:26 cdaq Moller End of Run 721:
  • 218224 02/04/11 10:20 cdaq Moller Run 721: Moller run: IHWP=IN HV
  • 218223 02/04/11 10:19 cdaq Moller End of Run 720:
  • 218222 02/04/11 10:17 cdaq Moller Run 720: Moller run: IHWP=IN HV
  • 218221 02/04/11 10:15 cdaq Moller End of Run 719:
  • 218220 02/04/11 10:11 cdaq Moller Run 719: Moller run: IHWP=IN HV
  • 218219 02/04/11 10:11 cdaq Moller End of Run 718:
  • 218218 02/04/11 10:10 cdaq Compton End of Run 20717:
  • 218217 02/04/11 10:07 cdaq Moller Run 718: Moller run: IHWP=IN HV
  • 218216 02/04/11 10:02 Solvignon BPM tune for Moller with the picture
  • 218215 02/04/11 09:56 Solvignon BPM tune for Moller
  • 218214 02/04/11 09:14 R. Michaels qwplot improvement: shows run number
  • 218213 02/04/11 09:05 Solvignon Moller setup
  • 218212 02/04/11 09:00 R. Michaels move target position to OUT of beam
  • 218211 02/04/11 08:58 jhoskins HV off for Moller Measurement
  • 218210 02/04/11 08:56 jhoskins Starting Moller Measurement
  • 218209 02/04/11 08:56 Page 7:45 meeting and today / weekend plan
  • 218208 02/04/11 08:56 cdaq End of Run 9703:
  • 218207 02/04/11 08:55 jhoskins BLM trips MCC taking beam down 10uA
  • 218206 02/04/11 08:48 cdaq Beam Time Accounting
  • 218205 02/04/11 08:38 Solvignon Qweak injector parameters before Moller
  • 218204 02/04/11 08:36 kenyon Nitrogen supply pressure
  • 218203 02/04/11 08:02 cdaq Compton Run 20717: Pulser in event mode
  • 218202 02/04/11 08:01 cdaq Compton End of Run 20716:
  • 218201 02/04/11 08:01 cdaq Run 9703: Production RUN LH2, 3.5x3.5 mm, 130uA, QTOR 8921A
  • 218200 02/04/11 08:01 jhoskins Starting injector run 2093
  • 218199 02/04/11 08:01 Anna Analysis: Analysis: Analysis of misc plots for 1st 100k events of run 9702
  • 218198 02/04/11 08:00 cdaq End of Run 9702:
  • 218197 02/04/11 07:52 Adesh Target: screenshot at the end of owl shift
  • 218196 02/04/11 07:31 Darko Shift Summary: OWL shift summary 2/4/11
  • 218195 02/04/11 07:15 Darko Overnight beam
  • 218194 02/04/11 07:08 cdaq Compton Run 20716: Pulser in event mode
  • 218193 02/04/11 07:02 cdaq Run 9702: Production RUN LH2, 3.5x3.5 mm, 130uA, QTOR 8921A
  • 218192 02/04/11 07:01 cdaq Compton End of Run 20715:
  • 218191 02/04/11 07:01 cdaq End of Run 9701:
  • 218190 02/04/11 06:54 Anna Analysis: Analysis of misc plots for 1st 100k events of run 9701
  • 218189 02/04/11 06:35 Page LH2 efficiency overnight - good news
  • 218188 02/04/11 06:11 A. Micherdzi Snapshot of CAEN HV settings & general tools
  • 218187 02/04/11 06:03 cdaq Compton Run 20715: Pulser in event mode
  • 218186 02/04/11 06:02 cdaq Run 9701: Production RUN LH2, 3.5x3.5 mm, 130uA, QTOR 8921A
  • 218185 02/04/11 06:02 cdaq Compton End of Run 20714:
  • 218184 02/04/11 06:01 cdaq End of Run 9700:
  • 218183 02/04/11 05:47 Darko 130uA beam EPICS Scalers
  • 218182 02/04/11 05:44 Anna Analysis: Analysis of misc plots for run 9700
  • 218181 02/04/11 05:35 Darko Overnight Compton
  • 218180 02/04/11 05:32 Darko Compton Strip tools
  • 218179 02/04/11 05:19 Darko Beam changed from 150uA -> 130uA
  • 218178 02/04/11 05:15 cdaq Compton Run 20714: Pulser in event mode
  • 218177 02/04/11 05:14 cdaq Compton End of Run 20713:
  • 218176 02/04/11 05:11 cdaq Run 9700: Production RUN LH2, 3.5x3.5 mm, 130uA, QTOR 8921A
  • 218175 02/04/11 05:09 Anna Analysis: Analysis of misc plots for 1st 100k events of run 9699
  • 218174 02/04/11 05:05 cdaq End of Run 9699:
  • 218173 02/04/11 04:56 cdaq Compton Run 20713: Pulser in event mode
  • 218172 02/04/11 04:15 cdaq Run 9699: Production RUN LH2, 3.5x3.5 mm, 150uA, QTOR 8921A
  • 218171 02/04/11 04:12 cdaq End of Run 9698:
  • 218170 02/04/11 03:50 Anna Analysis: Analysis: Analysis: misc plots for 1st 100k events of run 9698
  • 218169 02/04/11 03:40 Darko Hall C Compton
  • 218168 02/04/11 03:20 Darko Nice piece of 150uA Beam
  • 218167 02/04/11 03:10 Anna Analysis: Analysis: misc plots for 1st 100k events of run 9697
  • 218166 02/04/11 03:05 cdaq Compton Run 20712: Pulser in event mode
  • 218165 02/04/11 03:05 cdaq Compton End of Run 20712:
  • 218164 02/04/11 03:04 cdaq Run 9698: Production RUN LH2, 3.5x3.5 mm, 150uA, QTOR 8921A
  • 218163 02/04/11 03:03 cdaq End of Run 9697:
  • 218161 02/04/11 02:02 cdaq Compton Run 20712: 150 uA beam current
  • 218160 02/04/11 02:01 cdaq Run 9697: Production RUN LH2, 3.5x3.5 mm, 150uA, QTOR 8921A
  • 218159 02/04/11 02:00 cdaq Compton End of Run 20711:
  • 218158 02/04/11 02:00 cdaq End of Run 9696:
  • 218157 02/04/11 01:28 Adesh/Anna Analysis: misc plots for 1st 100k events of run 9696
  • 218156 02/04/11 01:28 Darko Qweak EPICS
  • 218155 02/04/11 01:26 Darko Screen shots, Beam current 150uA, Beam possition
  • 218154 02/04/11 00:59 cdaq Run 9696: Production RUN LH2, 3.5x3.5 mm, 150uA, QTOR 8921A
  • 218153 02/04/11 00:58 cdaq End of Run 9695:
  • 218152 02/04/11 00:49 cdaq Compton Run 20711: Pulser in event mode
  • 218151 02/04/11 00:33 cdaq Run 9695: Production RUN LH2, 3.5x3.5 mm, 150uA, QTOR 8921A
  • 218150 02/04/11 00:21 Adesh Target: moved to LH2 target
  • 218149 02/04/11 00:05 cdaq Beam Time Accounting
  • Thursday

  • 218148 02/03/11 23:56 Sarah Analysis: Analysis Summary for Swing Shift
  • 218147 02/03/11 23:40 kamyers Target: end of shift screen shot
  • 218146 02/03/11 23:25 cdaq End of Run 9694:
  • 218145 02/03/11 23:20 Nuruzzaman Shift Summary: Swing Shift Summary 02/03/2011
  • 218144 02/03/11 23:09 cdaq Run 9694: CODA, charge feed back test.
  • 218143 02/03/11 23:08 cdaq End of Run 9693:
  • 218142 02/03/11 22:43 Page Run Priorities overnight and start of Friday
  • 218141 02/03/11 22:06 cdaq Run 9693: CODA, charge feed back test.
  • 218140 02/03/11 22:05 cdaq End of Run 9692:
  • 218139 02/03/11 21:20 Sarah Nitrogen bottle starting to get low
  • 218138 02/03/11 20:54 cdaq Run 9692: CODA, charge feed back test.
  • 218137 02/03/11 20:53 cdaq End of Run 9691:
  • 218136 02/03/11 20:33 Sarah Screen snapshots of the general tools and HV screens for the shift checklist
  • 218135 02/03/11 20:07 cdaq Run 9691: CODA, charge feed back test.
  • 218134 02/03/11 20:02 cdaq End of Run 9690:
  • 218133 02/03/11 19:56 Nuruzzaman Beam may back within next couple of hours.
  • 218132 02/03/11 19:50 Page Beam: status update and run plan to morning
  • 218131 02/03/11 19:01 cdaq Run 9690: CODA, charge feed back test.
  • 218130 02/03/11 18:52 Sarah Labels for the histograms!
  • 218129 02/03/11 18:49 Sarah Analysis: Histograms from pedestal run 9689
  • 218128 02/03/11 18:31 cdaq End of Run 9689:
  • 218127 02/03/11 18:27 cdaq Run 9689: Pedestal
  • 218126 02/03/11 18:25 cdaq End of Run 9688:
  • 218125 02/03/11 18:05 rakithab QwFeedback:Updated the devel version to revision 2490
  • 218124 02/03/11 17:48 Nuruzzaman Beam will not be avilable for multiple hours
  • 218123 02/03/11 17:45 Darko Shift Summary: OWL shift summary 2/3/10 (2nd and I hope readable copy)
  • 218122 02/03/11 17:31 cdaq Run 9688: DAQ + Feedback test
  • 218121 02/03/11 17:15 allison BCM 5&6 Electronics
  • 218120 02/03/11 17:12 Page RC Meeting, Beam status, Run Plan
  • 218119 02/03/11 16:57 jhlee Three runs (9678, 9677, 9651) use an update map files
  • 218118 02/03/11 16:40 jhlee Shift Summary: Shift summary
  • 218117 02/03/11 16:15 kamyers Target: beginning of shift screen shots
  • 218116 02/03/11 16:10 cdaq Beam Time Accounting
  • 218115 02/03/11 16:04 jhlee start autoanalyzers on cdaql5/7/8
  • 218114 02/03/11 15:49 jhlee remove old rootfiles on cdaql5 local disk, because disk is almost full
  • 218113 02/03/11 15:48 mack/JiaWei results for low current BCM calibration in runs 9571,9573
  • 218112 02/03/11 15:34 jhlee update map files and QwGUI
  • 218111 02/03/11 15:32 Jiawei General Tools and HV GUIs screenshots
  • 218110 02/03/11 15:22 cdaq End of Run 9687:
  • 218109 02/03/11 15:18 cdaq Run 9687: first100k test
  • 218108 02/03/11 14:32 jhlee MCC is carefully doing harp scan, tune beam, and move phasing beam
  • 218107 02/03/11 14:24 smithg Target: Moved to out of beam position
  • 218106 02/03/11 14:08 smithg Target: LH2 back in beam
  • 218105 02/03/11 13:53 narayan Compton: HV status
  • 218104 02/03/11 13:49 jhlee MCC is ready to send CW beam
  • 218103 02/03/11 13:37 narayan Compton: all scintillators turned Off
  • 218102 02/03/11 13:36 smithg Target: Moved to out of beam position
  • 218101 02/03/11 13:35 jhlee Hall is now power permit
  • 218099 02/03/11 12:54 brads cdaql5 reboot for memory upgrade is complete
  • 218098 02/03/11 12:46 jhlee MCC will be ready to send an electron beam after 30~60 mins later
  • 218097 02/03/11 12:34 cdaq End of Run 9686:
  • 218096 02/03/11 12:24 cdaq Run 9686: DAQ test run
  • 218095 02/03/11 12:13 cdaq End of Run 9685:
  • 218094 02/03/11 12:12 cdaq Run 9685: test
  • 218093 02/03/11 11:59 Armstrong note on starting runs in CODA
  • 218092 02/03/11 11:46 jhlee fixed discrepancy between run numbers : Coda2 db and Cool db
  • 218091 02/03/11 11:41 Jiawei The fast feedback was off from run9663 to run9666
  • 218090 02/03/11 11:17 cdaq End of Run 9684:
  • 218089 02/03/11 11:08 cdaq Run 9684: qwfeedback test
  • 218088 02/03/11 11:03 cdaq End of Run 9683:
  • 218087 02/03/11 10:55 cdaq Run 9683: qwfeedback test
  • 218086 02/03/11 10:55 Page Notes from M. Pitt on C target tests for tonight
  • 218085 02/03/11 10:53 cdaq End of Run 9682:
  • 218084 02/03/11 10:52 cdaq Run 9682: CODA test
  • 218083 02/03/11 10:47 cdaq End of Run 9681:
  • 218082 02/03/11 10:47 cdaq Run 9681: CODA test
  • 218081 02/03/11 10:43 cdaq End of Run 9680:
  • 218080 02/03/11 10:43 cdaq Run 9680: CODA test
  • 218079 02/03/11 10:34 cdaq End of Run 9679:
  • 218078 02/03/11 10:34 cdaq Run 9679: CODA test
  • 218077 02/03/11 10:32 jhlee Qtor is raming down and RADCON guys enter hall to do full survery
  • 218076 02/03/11 10:29 smithg Target: pump tripped. Recovered fine.
  • 218075 02/03/11 10:14 Page Beam: Status update on beam, injector set up etc for today
  • 218074 02/03/11 09:52 Page Quick status update - day shift plan
  • 218073 02/03/11 09:51 pking Changed data disk for INJ DAQ; started backup to silo
  • 218072 02/03/11 09:31 gaskell Compton: quit all processes on cpslow
  • 218071 02/03/11 09:17 jhlee Beam off, due to MCC's beam study
  • 218070 02/03/11 09:07 Jiawei Analysis: run9677 MD, BCM plots
  • 218069 02/03/11 09:05 cdaq End of Run 9678:
  • 218068 02/03/11 08:06 Darko Shift Summary: OWL shift summary 2/3/10
  • 218067 02/03/11 08:04 cdaq Run 9678: Production run LH2, 3.5x3.5 mm, 130uA, QTOR 8921A
  • 218066 02/03/11 08:03 cdaq End of Run 9677:
  • 218065 02/03/11 08:03 cdaq Beam Time Accounting
  • 218064 02/03/11 07:51 Adesh Target: target screenshot at the end of owl shift
  • 218063 02/03/11 07:06 Luwani Snapshots of HV GUI and General Tools
  • 218062 02/03/11 07:05 cdaq Run 9677: Production run LH2, 3.5x3.5 mm, 130uA, QTOR 8921A
  • 218061 02/03/11 07:04 cdaq End of Run 9676:
  • 218060 02/03/11 06:04 cdaq Run 9676: Production run LH2, 3.5x3.5 mm, 130uA, QTOR 8921A
  • 218059 02/03/11 06:03 cdaq End of Run 9675:
  • 218058 02/03/11 05:27 Darko Owl shift screenshots: Compton, HALO3,4
  • 218057 02/03/11 05:20 Darko OWL shift screenshots
  • 218056 02/03/11 05:05 cdaq Run 9675: Production run LH2, 3.5x3.5 mm, 130uA, QTOR 8921A
  • 218055 02/03/11 05:04 cdaq End of Run 9674:
  • 218054 02/03/11 04:05 cdaq Run 9674: Production run LH2, 3.5x3.5 mm, 130uA, QTOR 8921A
  • 218053 02/03/11 04:04 cdaq End of Run 9673:
  • 218052 02/03/11 03:06 cdaq Run 9673: Production run LH2, 3.5x3.5 mm , 130uA, QTOR 8921A
  • 218051 02/03/11 03:03 cdaq End of Run 9672:
  • 218050 02/03/11 02:07 cdaq Run 9672: Production run LH2, 3.5x3.5 mm , 130uA, QTOR 8921A
  • 218049 02/03/11 02:05 cdaq End of Run 9671:
  • 218048 02/03/11 01:49 michaelm Compton: Hall C laser phase adjusted +2.6 degrees
  • 218047 02/03/11 01:48 Hall C laser phase adjusted +2.6 degrees
  • 218046 02/03/11 01:30 Nuruzzaman Incorrect RUN numbers with CODA
  • 218045 02/03/11 01:25 Nuruzzaman Analysis: Plots for run 9671. Deciding to run on LH2 @ 130 uA for Owl shift with a stable beam.
  • 218044 02/03/11 01:18 Nuruzzaman Feedback event cut minimum current changed for 130 uA beam current.
  • 218043 02/03/11 01:08 cdaq Run 9671: Production run LH2, 3.5x3.5 mm , 130uA, QTOR 8921A
  • 218042 02/03/11 01:06 cdaq End of Run 9670:
  • 218041 02/03/11 01:01 cdaq Beam Time Accounting
  • 218040 02/03/11 00:58 Nuruzzaman This is a Production run for LH2.
  • 218039 02/03/11 00:57 Nuruzzaman Shift Summary: Swing Shift Summary 02/02/2011
  • 218038 02/03/11 00:53 cdaq Run 9670: Pre Production run: DS 4% AL, 3.5x3.5 mm , 25uA, QTOR 8921A
  • 218037 02/03/11 00:52 Nuruzzaman Beam is back to hall @ 130 uA.
  • 218036 02/03/11 00:44 Adesh Target: Moved to LH2 target
  • 218035 02/03/11 00:44 Nuruzzaman Beam Current, Halo rate, Compton Scint. Rates for swing shift
  • 218034 02/03/11 00:43 Nuruzzaman Beam Current, Halo rate, Compton Scint. Rates for swing shift.
  • 218033 02/03/11 00:37 Adesh Target: Target moved to HOME=Out-of-Beam position
  • 218032 02/03/11 00:36 cdaq End of Run 9669:
  • 218031 02/03/11 00:27 cdaq Run 9669: Pre Production run: DS 4% AL, 3.5x3.5 mm , 25uA, QTOR 8921A
  • 218030 02/03/11 00:24 cdaq End of Run 9668:
  • 218029 02/03/11 00:09 Nuruzzaman Analysis: I did used DeviceErrorCode cut.
  • 218028 02/03/11 00:01 kamyers Analysis: suppression in Nur's 9668 plot not real
  • 218027 02/03/11 00:01 Sarah Analysis: Analysis Summary for Swing Shift
  • Wednesday

  • 218026 02/02/11 23:41 Nuruzzaman Plots for run 9667 and 9668 with 4% DS Al.
  • 218025 02/02/11 23:26 cdaq Run 9668: Pre Production run: DS 4% AL, 3.5x3.5 mm , 25uA, QTOR 8921A
  • 218024 02/02/11 23:24 cdaq End of Run 9667:
  • 218023 02/02/11 23:21 jhlee cdaql5 will be turned off tomorrow
  • 218022 02/02/11 23:13 Page Thank you Katherine!!!
  • 218021 02/02/11 23:12 Page morning plots request
  • 218020 02/02/11 23:03 kamyers settings for possible Aluminum running
  • 218019 02/02/11 23:01 cdaq Run 9667: Pre Production run: DS 4% AL, 3.5x3.5 mm , 50uA, QTOR 8921A
  • 218018 02/02/11 22:59 Nuruzzaman BPM locations before 4% DS Al production.
  • 218017 02/02/11 22:51 cdaq End of Run 9666:
  • 218016 02/02/11 22:51 leacock removed charge de-normalization from qwplot to avoid confusion
  • 218015 02/02/11 22:34 Nuruzzaman Beam Current during Swing shift
  • 218014 02/02/11 22:33 cdaq Compton End of Run 20710:
  • 218013 02/02/11 22:33 smacewan qwplot plots md SIGNALS, not yields.
  • 218012 02/02/11 22:32 cdaq Compton Run 20710: Integrating mode test (did I revert everything properly?)
  • 218011 02/02/11 22:31 cdaq Run 9666: Production run. LH2, 3.5x3.5 mm , 60uA, QTOR 8921A
  • 218010 02/02/11 22:28 cdaq End of Run 9665:
  • 218009 02/02/11 22:28 wdconinc Compton: Events timed in for QDC and FADC
  • 218008 02/02/11 22:27 Page Status, beam, and change of plan
  • 218007 02/02/11 22:27 cdaq Compton Run 20709: Pulser in event mode
  • 218006 02/02/11 22:26 Nuruzzaman Restarted CODA. TS error.
  • 218005 02/02/11 22:24 cdaq Run 9665: Production run. LH2, 3.5x3.5 mm , 50uA, QTOR 8921A
  • 218004 02/02/11 22:19 cdaq Run 9664: Production run. LH2, 3.5x3.5 mm , 50uA, QTOR 8921A
  • 218003 02/02/11 22:18 cdaq End of Run 9664:
  • 218002 02/02/11 22:17 Nuruzzaman Thats true I was restarting charge feedback @ begining of the run.
  • 218001 02/02/11 22:14 cdaq Compton Run 20708: Pulser in event mode
  • 218000 02/02/11 22:08 mack yield variations
  • 217999 02/02/11 22:06 cdaq Compton Run 20707: Pulser in event mode
  • 217998 02/02/11 22:06 Sarah Analysis: Charge Asymmetry Large for Run 9664
  • 217997 02/02/11 22:04 cdaq Compton End of Run 20706:
  • 217996 02/02/11 22:00 cdaq Compton Run 20706: Pulser in event mode
  • 217995 02/02/11 22:00 cdaq Compton End of Run 20705:
  • 217994 02/02/11 21:59 cdaq Compton Run 20705: Pulser in event mode
  • 217993 02/02/11 21:56 cdaq Compton End of Run 20704:
  • 217992 02/02/11 21:54 cdaq Compton Run 20704: Pulser in event mode
  • 217991 02/02/11 21:52 Nuruzzaman We are decreasing in current.
  • 217990 02/02/11 21:51 cdaq Compton End of Run 20703:
  • 217989 02/02/11 21:49 cdaq Run 9664: Production run. LH2, 3.5x3.5 mm , 50uA, QTOR 8921A
  • 217988 02/02/11 21:49 cdaq Compton Run 20703: Pulser in event mode
  • 217987 02/02/11 21:48 cdaq End of Run 9663:
  • 217986 02/02/11 21:48 Sarah Analysis: Yields in Run 9662 have jumps because of unstable beam
  • 217985 02/02/11 21:48 cdaq Compton End of Run 20702:
  • 217984 02/02/11 21:42 cdaq Compton Run 20702: Pulser in event mode
  • 217983 02/02/11 21:38 cdaq Compton Run 20701: Pulser in event mode
  • 217982 02/02/11 21:31 cdaq Compton Run 20700: Pulser in event mode
  • 217981 02/02/11 21:30 cdaq Run 9663: Production run. LH2, 3.5x3.5 mm , 80uA, QTOR 8921A
  • 217980 02/02/11 21:29 cdaq End of Run 9662:
  • 217979 02/02/11 21:24 cdaq Compton Run 20699: Pulser in event mode
  • 217978 02/02/11 21:22 cdaq End of Run 9662:
  • 217977 02/02/11 21:17 cdaq Compton End of Run 20698:
  • 217976 02/02/11 21:15 Sarah Analysis: Charge Asymmetry for Run 9662 Larger
  • 217975 02/02/11 21:14 cdaq Compton Run 20698: Pulser in event mode
  • 217974 02/02/11 21:13 cdaq Compton End of Run 20697:
  • 217973 02/02/11 21:11 cdaq Compton Run 20697: Pulser in event mode
  • 217972 02/02/11 21:11 cdaq Compton End of Run 20696:
  • 217971 02/02/11 21:09 cdaq Compton Run 20696: Pulser in event mode
  • 217970 02/02/11 21:08 cdaq Compton End of Run 20695:
  • 217969 02/02/11 21:06 cdaq Compton Run 20695: Pulser in event mode
  • 217968 02/02/11 21:06 cdaq Compton End of Run 20694:
  • 217967 02/02/11 21:06 cdaq Compton Run 20694: Pulser in event mode
  • 217966 02/02/11 21:02 cdaq Compton End of Run 20694:
  • 217965 02/02/11 21:00 cdaq Run 9662: Production run. LH2, 3.5x3.5 mm , 80uA, QTOR 8921A
  • 217964 02/02/11 20:59 cdaq Compton Run 20694: Pulser in event mode
  • 217963 02/02/11 20:57 Sarah Analysis: Charge Asymmetry Larger for Run 9661
  • 217962 02/02/11 20:52 cdaq Compton Run 20693: Pulser in event mode
  • 217961 02/02/11 20:50 rakithab ChargeFeedback: Make sure correct current setting for the feedback
  • 217960 02/02/11 20:46 Nuruzzaman MCC is trying to tune the beam and increase back to 150 uA.
  • 217959 02/02/11 20:44 cdaq End of Run 9661:
  • 217958 02/02/11 20:43 cdaq Compton End of Run 20692:
  • 217957 02/02/11 20:43 cdaq Compton Run 20692: Pulser in event mode
  • 217956 02/02/11 20:41 cdaq Compton End of Run 20691:
  • 217955 02/02/11 20:40 cdaq Compton Run 20691: Pulser in event mode
  • 217954 02/02/11 20:40 cdaq Compton End of Run 20690:
  • 217953 02/02/11 20:38 cdaq Compton Run 20690: Pulser in event mode
  • 217952 02/02/11 20:29 cdaq Compton End of Run 20689:
  • 217951 02/02/11 20:28 Sarah Screen snapshots for the shift checklist
  • 217950 02/02/11 20:28 cdaq Compton Run 20689: Pulser in event mode
  • 217949 02/02/11 20:15 cdaq Compton End of Run 20688:
  • 217948 02/02/11 20:07 cdaq Compton Run 20688: Pulser in event mode
  • 217947 02/02/11 20:02 cdaq Compton End of Run 20687:
  • 217946 02/02/11 20:02 cdaq Run 9661: Production run. LH2, 3.5x3.5 mm , 80uA, QTOR 8921A
  • 217945 02/02/11 20:01 cdaq Compton Run 20687: Pulser in event mode
  • 217944 02/02/11 19:58 cdaq Compton End of Run 20686:
  • 217943 02/02/11 19:57 cdaq End of Run 9660:
  • 217942 02/02/11 19:55 cdaq Compton Run 20686: Pulser in event mode
  • 217941 02/02/11 19:47 cdaq Compton End of Run 20685:
  • 217940 02/02/11 19:46 cdaq Compton Run 20685: Pulser in event mode
  • 217939 02/02/11 19:39 cdaq Compton End of Run 20684:
  • 217938 02/02/11 19:38 cdaq Compton Run 20684: Pulser in event mode
  • 217937 02/02/11 19:35 cdaq Compton End of Run 20683:
  • 217936 02/02/11 19:32 cdaq Compton Run 20683: Pulser in event mode
  • 217935 02/02/11 19:32 Page Notes from today's RC meeting and shift plan
  • 217934 02/02/11 19:21 cdaq Compton Run 20682: Pulser in event mode
  • 217933 02/02/11 19:15 cdaq Compton End of Run 20681:
  • 217932 02/02/11 19:15 Nuruzzaman Analysis: MD yields looks fine for run 9660.
  • 217931 02/02/11 19:14 cdaq Compton Run 20681: Pulser in event mode
  • 217930 02/02/11 19:14 cdaq Compton End of Run 20680:
  • 217929 02/02/11 19:13 cdaq Compton Run 20680: Pulser in event mode
  • 217928 02/02/11 19:10 cdaq Compton End of Run 20679:
  • 217927 02/02/11 19:09 cdaq Compton Run 20679: Pulser in event mode
  • 217926 02/02/11 19:02 Armstrong promising data...
  • 217925 02/02/11 18:59 Sarah Analysis: Plots of the Yield for md3pos versus the mps_counter for Run 9659
  • 217924 02/02/11 18:58 cdaq Run 9660: Production run. LH2, 3.5x3.5 mm , 150uA, QTOR 8921A
  • 217923 02/02/11 18:57 cdaq Compton End of Run 20678:
  • 217922 02/02/11 18:56 cdaq End of Run 9659:
  • 217921 02/02/11 18:56 cdaq Compton Run 20678: Pulser in event mode
  • 217920 02/02/11 18:32 cdaq Compton End of Run 20677:
  • 217919 02/02/11 18:29 cdaq Compton Run 20677: Pulser in event mode
  • 217918 02/02/11 18:25 Sarah Strange Shape in Yield for md3pos in Run 9659
  • 217917 02/02/11 18:14 brads runmonticello script modified slightly to fix the "where's my striptool" problem
  • 217916 02/02/11 18:12 Nuruzzaman Analysis: Plots for run 9659.
  • 217915 02/02/11 18:02 Nuruzzaman Beam is back to hall @ 150 uA.
  • 217914 02/02/11 17:56 cdaq Run 9659: Production run. LH2, 3.5x3.5 mm , 150uA, QTOR 8921A
  • 217913 02/02/11 17:38 gaskell 4K oscillations again
  • 217912 02/02/11 17:28 Page Quick run plan for tonight until I get it typed in elsewhere
  • 217911 02/02/11 17:25 jhlee remaining qwinjector root files on cdaql8 to silo
  • 217910 02/02/11 17:23 Page Beam: Problems with beam ... not restored yet since 15:30
  • 217909 02/02/11 17:13 cdaq Compton End of Run 20676:
  • 217908 02/02/11 17:01 cdaq Compton Run 20676: Pulser in event mode
  • 217907 02/02/11 16:57 leacock Target: LH2 pump tripped, recovered
  • 217906 02/02/11 16:57 cdaq End of Run 9658:
  • 217905 02/02/11 16:53 cdaq Run 9658: may be Production run. LH2, 3.5x3.5 mm , 110uA, QTOR 8921A
  • 217904 02/02/11 16:46 cdaq End of Run 9657:
  • 217903 02/02/11 16:44 Nuruzzaman Run 9657 is during when MCC is trying to reestablish the beam back to hall.
  • 217902 02/02/11 16:25 cdaq Beam Time Accounting
  • 217901 02/02/11 16:24 cdaq Run 9657: Production run. LH2, 3.5x3.5 mm , 110uA, QTOR 8921A
  • 217900 02/02/11 16:14 Nuruzzaman MCC informed one of the large dipole tripped
  • 217899 02/02/11 16:13 cdaq End of Run 9656:
  • 217898 02/02/11 16:05 magee Analysis: Run 9656 plots - 115uA, 3.5x3.5mm raster, IHWP IN
  • 217897 02/02/11 16:02 smacewan Day Shift Summary
  • 217896 02/02/11 15:47 cdaq Run 9656: Production run. LH2, 3.5x3.5 mm , 110uA, QTOR 8921A
  • 217895 02/02/11 15:46 cdaq End of Run 9655:
  • 217894 02/02/11 15:32 cdaq Run 9655: MCC attempting to send higher current
  • 217893 02/02/11 15:22 cdaq End of Run 9654:
  • 217892 02/02/11 15:21 cdaq Run 9654: Production run. LH2, 3.5x3.5 mm , 110uA, QTOR 8921A
  • 217891 02/02/11 15:08 smacewan IHWP in
  • 217890 02/02/11 15:02 cdaq End of Run 9653:
  • 217889 02/02/11 15:01 cdaq Run 9653: daq test
  • 217888 02/02/11 14:54 cdaq Moller End of Run 717:
  • 217887 02/02/11 14:46 magee Analysis: Myriad plots from run 9651
  • 217886 02/02/11 14:41 cdaq Run 9652: Production run. LH2, 3.5x3.5 mm , 110uA, QTOR 8921A
  • 217885 02/02/11 14:41 cdaq End of Run 9651:
  • 217884 02/02/11 14:18 cdaq Moller Run 717: DAQ test: IHWP readout check
  • 217883 02/02/11 13:57 smacewan Injector run 2069 analyzed.
  • 217882 02/02/11 13:57 magee General tools and HV screenshots
  • 217881 02/02/11 13:40 Leckey Target: Raster Changed from 3.5 to 3.0 ???
  • 217880 02/02/11 13:35 Leckey Target: Target GUI and strip charts screenshots
  • 217879 02/02/11 13:34 smacewan Noticed raster was down to 3x3...Requested we return to 3.5x3.5
  • 217878 02/02/11 13:28 cdaq Run 9651: Production run. LH2, 3.5x3.5 mm , 110uA, QTOR 8921A
  • 217877 02/02/11 13:23 magee Beam: Beam spikiness solved (somewhat)
  • 217876 02/02/11 13:07 birchall Analysis: Beam parameters
  • 217875 02/02/11 12:59 cdaq End of Run 9650:
  • 217874 02/02/11 12:24 cdaq Run 9650: Production run. LH2, 3.5x3.5 mm , 110uA, QTOR 8921A
  • 217873 02/02/11 12:23 cdaq End of Run 9649:
  • 217872 02/02/11 11:17 Cleared disk space on qweakl3 data2 for more injector data
  • 217871 02/02/11 11:16 cdaq Run 9649: Production run. LH2, 3.5x3.5 mm , 110uA, QTOR 8921A
  • 217870 02/02/11 11:04 cdaq End of Run 9648:
  • 217869 02/02/11 11:02 birchall Analysis: Position sensitivities for LH2 running, Feb 1 - 2
  • 217868 02/02/11 11:01 smacewan Still limited to 110 uA.
  • 217867 02/02/11 10:58 cdaq Run 9648: Production run. LH2, 3.5x3.5 mm , 110uA, QTOR 8921A
  • 217866 02/02/11 10:58 Mack/Jiawei high current bcm calibration run plan
  • 217865 02/02/11 10:56 cdaq End of Run 9647:
  • 217864 02/02/11 10:49 smacewan Back is back. Ramping up to 150uA. No BCM Calib/Moller today
  • 217863 02/02/11 10:37 cdaq Run 9647: MCC Starting beam: ramping from 80->150
  • 217862 02/02/11 09:05 cdaq End of Run 9646:
  • 217861 02/02/11 08:59 gaskell late entry: Cryo work yesterday
  • 217860 02/02/11 08:55 smacewan Beam off for injector work
  • 217859 02/02/11 08:33 smacewan started injector run 2068
  • 217858 02/02/11 08:33 cdaq Run 9646: Production run. LH2, 3.5x3.5 mm , 110uA, QTOR 8921A
  • 217857 02/02/11 08:32 cdaq End of Run 9645:
  • 217856 02/02/11 07:54 Luwani Analysis: summary of runs taken during owl shift
  • 217855 02/02/11 07:49 Darko Shift Summary: OWL shift summary 2/2/10
  • 217854 02/02/11 07:49 Adesh Target: screenshot at the end of owl shift
  • 217853 02/02/11 07:31 cdaq Run 9645: Production run. LH2, 3.5x3.5 mm , 110uA, QTOR 8921A
  • 217852 02/02/11 07:30 cdaq End of Run 9644:
  • 217851 02/02/11 06:52 rakithab QwChargeFeedback: Test run Summary
  • 217850 02/02/11 06:43 Luwani Snapshots of HCLog
  • 217849 02/02/11 06:35 cdaq Run 9644: Production run. LH2, 3.5x3.5 mm , 110uA, QTOR 8921A
  • 217848 02/02/11 06:34 cdaq End of Run 9643:
  • 217847 02/02/11 05:37 cdaq Run 9643: Production run. LH2, 3.5x3.5 mm , 110uA, QTOR 8921A
  • 217846 02/02/11 05:33 cdaq End of Run 9642:
  • 217845 02/02/11 04:34 cdaq Run 9642: Production run. LH2, 3.5x3.5 mm , 110uA, QTOR 8921A
  • 217844 02/02/11 04:32 cdaq End of Run 9641:
  • 217843 02/02/11 04:28 Luwani ignore my comment of previous log entry
  • 217842 02/02/11 04:11 Luwani Analysis: Position sensitivities for run 9640 production run. LH2, 3.5x3.5 mm , 110uA
  • 217841 02/02/11 03:32 cdaq Run 9641: Production run. LH2, 3.5x3.5 mm , 110uA, QTOR 8921A
  • 217840 02/02/11 03:31 cdaq End of Run 9640:
  • 217839 02/02/11 02:51 jhoskins Summary of Beam Modulation
  • 217838 02/02/11 02:29 cdaq Run 9640: Production run. LH2, 3.5x3.5 mm , 110uA, QTOR 8921A
  • 217837 02/02/11 02:27 cdaq End of Run 9639:
  • 217836 02/02/11 02:21 rakithab Injector run 2061 ended
  • 217835 02/02/11 02:20 jhoskins Going back to "production" after handily beaten by beam trips[attachment]
  • 217834 02/02/11 02:17 cdaq Run 9639: Production run. LH2, 3.5x3.5 mm , 110uA, QTOR 8921A
  • 217833 02/02/11 02:12 cdaq End of Run 9638:
  • 217832 02/02/11 01:47 cdaq Run 9638: Long Modulation Run
  • 217831 02/02/11 01:42 jhoskins ELOG entry on injector problem
  • 217830 02/02/11 01:38 jhoskins Beam still tripping -- MCC may not be able to keep 110uA for a while.
  • 217828 02/02/11 01:32 jhoskins MCC giving beam back now--lets hope it is good.
  • 217827 02/02/11 01:21 jhoskins MCC taking beam to tune up beam.
  • 217826 02/02/11 01:19 cdaq End of Run 9637:
  • 217825 02/02/11 00:53 Nuruzzaman Turned OFF scanner high voltages.
  • 217824 02/02/11 00:52 cdaq Run 9637: Long Modulation Run
  • 217823 02/02/11 00:47 cdaq End of Run 9636:
  • 217822 02/02/11 00:40 cdaq Run 9636: Beam Modulation Test
  • 217821 02/02/11 00:39 jhoskins Beam Modulation Tests started
  • 217820 02/02/11 00:35 cdaq End of Run 9635:
  • 217819 02/02/11 00:34 cdaq Run 9635: Beam Modulation Test
  • 217818 02/02/11 00:28 Nuruzzaman Analysis: Ended Production Run 9633. Josh started working on Modulation.
  • 217817 02/02/11 00:27 Nuruzzaman Analysis: Correction: The run No will be 9632.
  • 217816 02/02/11 00:26 cdaq End of Run 9633:
  • 217815 02/02/11 00:20 Nuruzzaman Shift Summary: Swing Shift summary 02/01/2011
  • 217814 02/02/11 00:11 cdaq Beam Time Accounting
  • 217813 02/02/11 00:05 Sarah Run list for swing shift (analysis)
  • 217812 02/02/11 00:04 Sarah Position Sensitivities
  • 217811 02/02/11 00:01 Nuruzzaman Analysis: Plots for run 5632.
  • Tuesday

  • 217810 02/01/11 23:53 cdaq Run 9633: Production run. LH2, 3.5x3.5 mm, 110 uA, QTOR 8921 A.
  • 217809 02/01/11 23:50 cdaq End of Run 9632:
  • 217808 02/01/11 23:34 Nuruzzaman BPM locations and halo rates for run 9632.
  • 217807 02/01/11 23:33 cdaq Run 9632: Pre Production run. LH2, 3.5x3.5 mm, 110 uA, QTOR 8921 A, Synchronized with Injector run 2062.
  • 217806 02/01/11 23:31 leacock Target: pump current went to zero, readout glitch
  • 217805 02/01/11 23:27 leacock Target: moved to LH2
  • 217804 02/01/11 23:25 donjones Compton: pull beam out of chicane if cComptScintRateNorm>5000Hz/uA
  • 217803 02/01/11 23:21 cdaq End of Run 9631:
  • 217802 02/01/11 23:18 cdaq Run 9631: Target centering ,US centering hole, 5 uA, 4x4
  • 217801 02/01/11 23:17 leacock Target: moved to upstream centering hole
  • 217800 02/01/11 23:17 leacock Target: moved to ds centering hole -- late entry
  • 217799 02/01/11 23:14 cdaq End of Run 9630:
  • 217798 02/01/11 23:14 Nuruzzaman DS centering hole, 5uA, 4x4 raster plot.
  • 217797 02/01/11 23:07 cdaq Run 9630: Target centering ,DS centering hole, 5 uA, 4x4
  • 217796 02/01/11 23:06 Nuruzzaman Event Builder crashed. Restarted CODA.
  • 217795 02/01/11 23:00 cdaq Run 9629: Target centering ,DS centering hole, 5 uA, 4x4
  • 217794 02/01/11 22:57 jhlee fixed plot_raster issue and potential problems
  • 217793 02/01/11 22:46 Nuruzzaman Max current avilable is 110 uA for tonight. Sory for subject for last entry.
  • 217792 02/01/11 22:41 cdaq End of Run 9628:
  • 217791 02/01/11 22:40 cdaq Raster Map and BPMs : Run 9628, event range 255000 - 275000
  • 217790 02/01/11 22:38 cdaq Run 9628: W-plug scan
  • 217789 02/01/11 22:35 leacock raster map at bpm positions from owl shift last night
  • 217788 02/01/11 22:20 Nuruzzaman,,,
  • 217787 02/01/11 22:09 cdaq End of Run 9627:
  • 217786 02/01/11 22:04 cdaq Run 9627: W-plug scan
  • 217785 02/01/11 22:03 cdaq End of Run 9626:
  • 217784 02/01/11 22:00 cdaq Run 9626: W-plug scan
  • 217783 02/01/11 21:59 cdaq End of Run 9625:
  • 217782 02/01/11 21:58 cdaq Run 9625: W-plug scan
  • 217781 02/01/11 21:48 cdaq End of Run 9624:
  • 217780 02/01/11 21:08 cdaq Run 9624: Target out run
  • 217779 02/01/11 21:06 cdaq End of Run 9623:
  • 217778 02/01/11 20:12 buddhini Cleared out data1 directory in qweakl3 for injector data
  • 217777 02/01/11 19:54 brads re: MyaViewer window madness
  • 217776 02/01/11 19:53 Sarah Snapshots of the HV and General Tools Screen
  • 217775 02/01/11 19:48 cdaq Run 9623: Target out run
  • 217774 02/01/11 19:37 Nuruzzaman MCC sending tuned beam.
  • 217773 02/01/11 19:27 leacock Target: opening 15K JT to get heater to 2000W cooling
  • 217772 02/01/11 19:26 leacock Target: moved target out of beam
  • 217771 02/01/11 19:09 cdaq Beam Time Accounting
  • 217770 02/01/11 19:06 cdaq End of Run 9622:
  • 217769 02/01/11 19:02 kamyers Analysis: updated first-pass Aluminum asymmetry slug plot
  • 217768 02/01/11 18:39 cdaq Run 9622: DAQ test
  • 217767 02/01/11 18:35 brads R1 gas bottle swapped out
  • 217766 02/01/11 18:31 rob RC notes from Tuesday 2011-02-01
  • 217765 02/01/11 18:24 Sarah Hall C In Controlled Access
  • 217764 02/01/11 18:23 mack assessment plots from BCM calibration run 9571
  • 217763 02/01/11 17:20 leacock updated qwplot
  • 217762 02/01/11 16:53 kamyers updated md asym vs bcm asym plots
  • 217761 02/01/11 15:57 Leckey Shift Summary: Shift summary: Day
  • 217760 02/01/11 15:56 cdaq Injector run 2060 Started
  • 217759 02/01/11 15:51 smacewan Outdated GeneralTools screens still running
  • 217758 02/01/11 15:27 Jiawei General Tool and HV GUIs screenshots
  • 217757 02/01/11 15:16 kamyers nonlinearity with Mack's 9273 bcm calibration
  • 217756 02/01/11 14:51 cdaq End of Run 9621:
  • 217755 02/01/11 14:47 Jiawei injector run on cdaql5 2059 has been started
  • 217754 02/01/11 14:39 cdaq Run 9621: DAQ test
  • 217753 02/01/11 14:29 buddhini Started copying injector rootfiles on qweakl1 to silo
  • 217751 02/01/11 13:56 Ramesh Analysis: Cavity bcm calibration using run 9616
  • 217750 02/01/11 13:29 rob Sorry if I stole your MyaViewer windows
  • 217749 02/01/11 13:27 covrig Target: hph behavior last night
  • 217748 02/01/11 13:14 pking Data file cleanup for INJ DAQ
  • 217747 02/01/11 12:52 smithg Target: 4K oscillations: cured by unstinging Moller 5K bayonet?
  • 217745 02/01/11 09:57 rakithab Analysis: Charge asymmetry vs Runlet for runs from 9594 to 9612
  • 217744 02/01/11 09:22 Leckey Hall in Restricted Access for the Day Shift
  • 217743 02/01/11 09:07 Leckey QTOR ramped to 0A
  • 217742 02/01/11 08:36 cdaq End of Run 9620:
  • 217741 02/01/11 08:34 cdaq Run 9620: pedistal
  • 217740 02/01/11 08:32 cdaq End of Run 9619:
  • 217739 02/01/11 08:13 cdaq Run 9619: Production run. LH2, 3.5x3.5 mm, 150 uA, QTOR 8921 A
  • 217738 02/01/11 08:12 cdaq End of Run 9618:
  • 217737 02/01/11 08:11 cdaq Beam Time Accounting
  • 217736 02/01/11 08:07 donjones Shift Summary: Owl shift summary
  • 217735 02/01/11 07:56 Adesh Target: end of owl shift screenshot
  • 217734 02/01/11 07:35 Luwani Analysis: Run # 9618 qwplot results (first 100k events)
  • 217733 02/01/11 07:34 birchall Analysis: Elusive neutral axis, contd
  • 217732 02/01/11 07:17 cdaq Run 9618: Production run. LH2, 3.5x3.5 mm, 150 uA, QTOR 8921 A
  • 217731 02/01/11 07:16 cdaq End of Run 9617:
  • 217730 02/01/11 07:10 Luwani Snapshots of HCLog
  • 217729 02/01/11 07:06 birchall Analysis: Plot with corrected axis labels
  • 217728 02/01/11 07:01 birchall Analysis: Elusive neutral axis for LH2
  • 217727 02/01/11 06:41 Luwani Run # 9617 qwplot results (first 100k events)
  • 217726 02/01/11 06:28 Luwani Run # 9616 qwplot results (first 100k events)
  • 217725 02/01/11 06:17 cdaq Run 9617: Production run. LH2, 3.5x3.5 mm, 150 uA, QTOR 8921 A
  • 217724 02/01/11 06:15 cdaq End of Run 9616:
  • 217723 02/01/11 06:14 donjones charge feedback off for past 20 min
  • 217722 02/01/11 06:07 donjones had to restart CODA. run 9615 junk
  • 217721 02/01/11 06:06 cdaq Run 9616: Production run. LH2, 3.5x3.5 mm, 150 uA, QTOR 8921 A, Synchronized with Injector run 2050.
  • 217720 02/01/11 05:59 cdaq Run 9615: Production run. LH2, 3.5x3.5 mm, 150 uA, QTOR 8921 A, Synchronized with Injector run 2050.
  • 217719 02/01/11 05:06 Luwani Analysis: Run # 9615 qwplot results (first 100k events)
  • 217718 02/01/11 04:52 Adesh g0ioc4 reset
  • 217717 02/01/11 04:50 cdaq Run 9615: Production run. LH2, 3.5x3.5 mm, 150 uA, QTOR 8921 A, Synchronized with Injector run 2050.
  • 217716 02/01/11 04:49 cdaq End of Run 9614:
  • 217715 02/01/11 04:37 Run # 9614 qwplot results (first 100k events)
  • 217714 02/01/11 04:12 donjones run 9612 not synchronised with injector run 2050
  • 217713 02/01/11 04:09 cdaq Run 9614: Production run. LH2, 3.5x3.5 mm, 150 uA, QTOR 8921 A, Synchronized with Injector run 2050.
  • 217712 02/01/11 04:09 Adesh Target: Alarm on IOC 4 (Halo Rates)
  • 217711 02/01/11 04:07 cdaq End of Run 9613:
  • 217710 02/01/11 03:44 Luwani Charge asy of Run # 9613
  • 217709 02/01/11 03:33 Luwani Run # 9613 qwplot results (first 100k events)
  • 217708 02/01/11 03:33 donjones ending injector runs---storage @ 90%
  • 217707 02/01/11 03:29 donjones Injector End of Run 2058
  • 217706 02/01/11 03:13 cdaq Run 9613: Production run. LH2, 3.5x3.5 mm, 150 uA, QTOR 8921 A, Synchronized with Injector run 2050.
  • 217705 02/01/11 03:12 cdaq End of Run 9612:
  • 217704 02/01/11 02:49 donjones Beam: BPM screenshot
  • 217703 02/01/11 02:43 donjones Injector End of Run 2057
  • 217702 02/01/11 02:43 Adesh Target: Temporary solution to HPH issue
  • 217701 02/01/11 02:27 Nuruzzaman Shift Summary: Swing Shift Summary 01/31/2011
  • 217700 02/01/11 02:23 Nuruzzaman Analysis: Main Det. X & Y sensitivities
  • 217699 02/01/11 02:22 Adesh Target: HPH current dropped to zero again
  • 217698 02/01/11 02:13 Adesh Target: 4K suuply/pressure, HPH issues
  • 217697 02/01/11 02:08 cdaq Run 9612: Production run. LH2, 3.5x3.5 mm, 150 uA, QTOR 8921 A, Trying new bpm positions.
  • 217696 02/01/11 02:06 cdaq End of Run 9611:
  • 217695 02/01/11 02:00 cdaq Run 9611: Production run. LH2, 3.5x3.5 mm, 150 uA, QTOR 8921 A, Trying new bpm positions.
  • 217694 02/01/11 01:59 cdaq End of Run 9610:
  • 217693 02/01/11 01:58 cdaq Run 9610: Production run. LH2, 3.5x3.5 mm, 150 uA, QTOR 8921 A, Trying new bpm positions.
  • 217692 02/01/11 01:53 cdaq End of Run 9609:
  • 217691 02/01/11 01:49 cdaq Run 9609: Production run. LH2, 3.5x3.5 mm, 150 uA, QTOR 8921 A, Trying new bpm positions.
  • 217690 02/01/11 01:47 cdaq End of Run 9608:
  • 217689 02/01/11 01:44 Adesh Target: yet another HPH derailment, recovered
  • 217688 02/01/11 01:42 buddhini Started analysis of injector runs 2051:2055 on qweakl1
  • 217687 02/01/11 01:41 Nuruzzaman Started Injector run 2057.
  • 217686 02/01/11 01:40 cdaq Run 9608: Production run. LH2, 3.5x3.5 mm, 150 uA, QTOR 8921 A, Trying new bpm positions.
  • 217685 02/01/11 01:40 Nuruzzaman MD barsum for run 9602,9603,9604,9605,9606,9607.
  • 217684 02/01/11 01:32 cdaq End of Run 9607:
  • 217683 02/01/11 01:24 Adesh Target: HPH derailed, recovered
  • 217682 02/01/11 01:22 Nuruzzaman Started Injector run 2056.
  • 217681 02/01/11 01:20 cdaq Run 9607: Production run. LH2, 3.5x3.5 mm, 150 uA, QTOR 8921 A, Trying new bpm positions.
  • 217680 02/01/11 01:16 cdaq End of Run 9606:
  • 217679 02/01/11 01:03 cdaq Run 9606: Production run. LH2, 3.5x3.5 mm, 150 uA, QTOR 8921 A, Trying new bpm positions.
  • 217678 02/01/11 00:58 cdaq End of Run 9605:
  • 217677 02/01/11 00:49 donjones injector run:2054
  • 217676 02/01/11 00:48 cdaq Run 9605: Sensitivity was bad so moving beam to up by 0.25 mm.
  • 217675 02/01/11 00:47 cdaq End of Run 9604:
  • 217674 02/01/11 00:42 cdaq Run 9604: Sensitivity was bad so moving beam to down by 0.25 mm.
  • 217673 02/01/11 00:40 cdaq End of Run 9603:
  • 217672 02/01/11 00:34 cdaq Run 9603: Sensitivity was bad so moving beam to rleft by 0.25 mm.
  • 217671 02/01/11 00:32 cdaq End of Run 9602:
  • 217670 02/01/11 00:29 cdaq Beam Time Accounting
  • 217669 02/01/11 00:20 cdaq Run 9602: Sensitivity was bad so moving beam to right by 0.25 mm.
  • 217668 02/01/11 00:18 cdaq End of Run 9601:
  • 217667 02/01/11 00:10 leacock Target: main hph current dropped to zero again
  • 217666 02/01/11 00:05 Nuruzzaman Sensitivities and MD barsum for run 9601.
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