Make New Entry, Make Followup Entry

User name gaskell

Log entry time 08:21:57 on February 10, 2011

Entry number 219450

keyword=Moller: epics stuff before Moller

Beam already gone for spin change. Note that we are set back to nominal longitudinal polarization.

[cdaq@cdaql1 moller_fortran]$ ./
Beam energy           1159.61 
Half Wave Plate       OUT 
Hall A Photocurrent   0 
Hall A Slit pos       8 
Hall A atten          100 
Hall A current        0 
Hall B Photocurrent   5.01425 
Hall B Slit pos       17.1 
Hall B atten          249 
Hall B current        104.68 
Hall C Laser att.     105 
Hall C Photocurrent   0 
Hall C Slit pos       8 
Hall C current        -0.00318367 
Helicity Mode         8 
Laser Phase measured  -86 
Laser Phase setpoint  -86 
Negative PITA Voltage 3.79243 
Photocathode QE       0.2868 
Positive PITA Voltage 4.00977 
Pre-Buncher Phase     174.007 
Pre-Buncher Voltage   1.04982 
Rotatable hwp         3950 
Wien Angle:horizontal -63.2192 
Wien Angle:spin rot.  -88.5584 
Wien Angle:vertical   87.104 
X spot position       800 
Y spot position       775