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User name dalton

Log entry time 09:32:23 on February 25, 2011

Entry number 222044

This entry is a followup to: 221995

keyword=Beam: Hall A IA back

I've corrected this.

I take full responsibility for the problem. I couldn't complete the large Hall A charge asymmetry test due to time constraints and asked someone to end the run and set the values back for me. Clearly I didn't explain the backout procedure properly.

The plot shows the Hall A IA value with the Hall A and C beam currents. The bad value lasts for about 40 hours during which time we took about 12 hours of data with Hall A at ~5 uA beam current. This corresponds to runs 10220 to 10250.

PS. Sorry Buddhini, you showed me a realtime plot of only the A beam position differences - which should have made me realise that something was up, but didn't.

A copy of this log entry has been emailed to: paschke, smithg, buddhini

Figure 1