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User name rob

Log entry time 18:37:07 on December 16, 2011

Entry number 244730

keyword=correlation between compton scintillator rate and md9 ?

Roger & Allena asked whether there was correlation between high rate in the Compton scintillator rate and the signal in background detector MD9. A little tricky since one is an EPICS variable and the other is in our DAQ. The answer last week was "maybe": both of the first two plots, running approximately from 12/5 to 12/12, show reduced background beginning late on Thursday 12/8 (see that day's shift summary). MD9 yield has been constant around 12.2 mV/uA since Dec. 12, at least as presented in the database GUI.

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Normalized Compton Scintillator rates, 12/5 through 12/12

Normalized MD9 yield, 12/5 through 12/12