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User name magee

Log entry time 16:19:57 on December 08, 2011

Entry number 243197

keyword=Shift Summary: Day Shift summary

Day Shift Summary 08/12/2011

Shift Crew:

SL: J. Magee
TO: M. Shabestari
Others: JF Rajotte, Ramesh

Priorities for shift:

C100 cyromodule studies and tuning

Summary of events:

MCC took beam away at 8:20AM to insert and study two c100 cryomodules. The rest of the day was spent with us taking short, 10 minute runs to provide diagnostic information on beam quality. Several of the runs were with the pockel cell off, but they never told us when they turned it back on.

Also, Trent came in and installed the bcm5 box. Details can be found in hclog 243159 .

Typical operating parameters

The typical operating conditions were pretty poor, largely in part to three things:

Run list:


Possibly important info: