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User name rajotte

Log entry time 23:27:14 on April 19, 2012

Entry number 265585

This entry is a followup to: 265572

keyword=Plots from the pion detector cosmic run 17933

The run lasted about 50 minutes and the trigger scintillators (Wilbur and Templeton) triggered 60 times.  Figure 1 shows the adc spectrum.  The lead-glass detector (Zuckerman) triggered about 9000 times.  Figure 2 shows Zuckerman adc spectrum.


Most importantly, the timing does not seem to be too far appart.  Assuming 0.116ns per channel we have:

I don't understand the difference in trigger for Zuckerman but it is ~10 ns and the statistics are low.


A copy of this log entry has been emailed to: rob, rajotte, fangguo, dalton, pking

Figure 1

Figure 2

Figure 3

Figure 4

Figure 5

Figure 6