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User name Pitt

Log entry time 23:32:54 on April 19, 2012

Entry number 265586

keyword=Procedure for establishing beam at 3 uA (with locks off)

This is a listing of our usual procedure for establishing low current beam without locks (so I can refer to it from other run plans).
  1. Have MCC establish 3 uA of beam (with LH2 target is fine assuming raster is 4x4 mm^2) with the locks on.
  2. Take a snapshot of the beam positions (GUI obtainable from the general tools screen).
  3. Ask MCC to turn the locks off (that is the slow orbit lock "HallCOrb" lock and the fast feeback "SYS OFF" while maintaining 3 uA.
  4. Look at the beam positions, and see if they still are within ~ 0.3 mm of set positions. Take a snapshot of them.
  5. Make sure MCC keeps the locks off when you ask them to lower the current to the 100 nA range or less.