Jefferson Lab Hall C Logbook for June 12 - runstarts omitted

  • Main INDEX


  • 271860 06/29/12 18:09 rob main detector decabling done
  • 271858 06/29/12 14:41 Pitt/Lee/Duv Downstream lumis removed
  • 271857 06/29/12 08:43 gaskell Compton: laser repaired
  • 271856 06/29/12 06:39 Paschke Mano Injector study Notes
  • Thursday

  • 271752 06/28/12 18:31 magee Region III de-cabling DONE
  • 271748 06/28/12 17:07 Pitt/Lee/Duv Region 2: HDCs removed; all cables removed
  • 271747 06/28/12 16:57 cornejo Compton: Meant to say Delta plugged in Variable Masked
  • 271746 06/28/12 16:56 cornejo Compton: LED Runlist June 27, 2012
  • 271740 06/28/12 14:36 cornejo Compton: LED mps delay set back to 690 uA, real MPS signal
  • 271739 06/28/12 10:48 magee Rotator power supply
  • 271738 06/28/12 10:42 magee Camera quad splitter alarm
  • 271737 06/28/12 06:01 dalton/pasch Notes from injector studies
  • 271728 06/28/12 04:42 dalton PC translation beam steering
  • Wednesday

  • 271686 06/27/12 20:39 paschke injector bpm spikes during injector studies
  • 271676 06/27/12 19:53 paschke QE scans from end of run
  • 271669 06/27/12 17:48 Pitt HDCs de-cabled and ready for removal
  • Tuesday

  • 271664 06/26/12 16:36 Pitt Region 2 - Day 2 of survey done
  • 271663 06/26/12 11:43 manos Injector DAQ working fine
  • Monday

  • 271660 06/25/12 17:48 rob all MD PMT pins covered in bubble wrap; event-mode rack decabled
  • 271659 06/25/12 17:23 rajotte pion detector cables removed
  • 271658 06/25/12 15:54 magee Region III de-calbing progress
  • 271657 06/25/12 14:46 Pitt Region 2 - day 1 of survey done
  • 271656 06/25/12 11:35 Pitt Late, late entry - lead block in Octant 7
  • Friday

  • 271654 06/22/12 11:22 smithg Target: moved to US 2% spare in preparation for tgt removal
  • Thursday

  • 271653 06/21/12 23:22 rajotte pion detector removed from region3
  • 271652 06/21/12 17:44 magee Region III de-cabling progress
  • 271651 06/21/12 16:21 smithg Target: Post-run target survey completed. Tape measure checks made. Pictures taken of exit window spot.
  • 271650 06/21/12 11:17 wsduvall Lumi checkout
  • 271649 06/21/12 11:01 wsduvall/ale Region 2 decableing update
  • Wednesday

  • 271643 06/20/12 16:56 wsduvall/ale Region 2 decableing update
  • 271642 06/20/12 16:12 rajotte zuckerman HV off...forever
  • 271641 06/20/12 16:12 rob hall C PSS display shows only an incorrect time
  • 271640 06/20/12 16:02 rob, smacewa main detectors ready to remove from ferris wheel
  • Tuesday

  • 271639 06/19/12 16:55 smithg Target: exercised tgt motion to prepare for post-run survey
  • 271638 06/19/12 12:48 wsduvall/ale Region 2 decableing update
  • Monday

  • 271636 06/18/12 18:06 magee Region III chambers decabled
  • 271632 06/18/12 17:36 rajotte switching zuckerman HV ON
  • Friday

  • 271630 06/15/12 18:19 pking Status of the cage DAQ
  • 271629 06/15/12 18:13 pking Removed input cables from the VQWK in TS0
  • 271628 06/15/12 17:50 rajotte switching zuckerman HV off
  • 271627 06/15/12 17:43 brads R3 chambers decabling update
  • 271623 06/15/12 12:11 buddhini Uncabled ROC1 and ROC2 VQWK modules.
  • 271613 06/15/12 09:16 cornejo Compton: Changed LED mps signal delay from 692us to 468us
  • Thursday

  • 271611 06/14/12 19:29 pking Changed the fake MPS stable window to 971 us
  • 271606 06/14/12 17:57 rajotte zuckerman HV back ON
  • 271582 06/14/12 13:41 rajotte zuckerman HV off
  • 271581 06/14/12 08:06 pking There was not an indication on the scope of events that were due to retriggering during run 19189
  • Wednesday

  • 271579 06/13/12 21:37 pking Run 19189 is a long zuckerman multiple trigger test run
  • 271577 06/13/12 21:32 pking Changed to the long QDC gate
  • 271576 06/13/12 21:32 pking Run 19188 was actually setting up the zuckerman multiple trigger type test again
  • 271573 06/13/12 21:19 rob md HV off
  • 271524 06/13/12 18:33 rob fake MPS delay from 971 us to 100_000 us
  • 271523 06/13/12 18:18 pking Discovered the V792 copy of scanner "power" was not connected to the V792
  • 271522 06/13/12 16:39 rob md bases swapped; led cables to + tubes
  • 271521 06/13/12 15:47 pking ROC branch cable to 2nd floor cage
  • 271520 06/13/12 13:59 wsduvall/ale Region 2 decableing update
  • 271512 06/13/12 08:55 pking Changed fake MPS back to 971 us during run 19160
  • 271510 06/13/12 08:43 pking Overnight scope showed some hint of events defined by retrigger
  • 271507 06/13/12 08:05 pking Sometime around 03:30 PS1 input started behaving badly
  • Tuesday

  • 271505 06/12/12 22:51 pking/rajott Changed fake MPS to 200971 us
  • 271500 06/12/12 22:28 pking Looking at the "pulser zuckerman"
  • 271495 06/12/12 21:59 pking/rajott Saw three timing relationships between wilbur and QDC gate; dropped to one after touching PS3 input cable
  • 271482 06/12/12 19:28 rajotte Pulser in wilbur and templeton
  • 271480 06/12/12 19:26 rajotte zuckerman HV back on
  • 271471 06/12/12 18:17 pking R1 F1TDC channel assignment
  • 271464 06/12/12 17:58 rajotte switching zuckerman HV off
  • 271463 06/12/12 17:42 pking Removed some dangling cables in the 2nd floor cage
  • 271459 06/12/12 16:04 Ramesh bcm7, bcm8 noise floor
  • 271450 06/12/12 14:25 rob 19134 is junk
  • 271449 06/12/12 14:24 rob 19133 has wrong title
  • 271443 06/12/12 13:11 wsduvall/ale Region 2 decableing update
  • 271442 06/12/12 11:39 Ramesh bcm digital box noise floor
  • 271440 06/12/12 10:04 Ramesh ground loop test setup (run 19132)
  • Monday

  • 271433 06/11/12 18:47 Ramesh Ground loop ch1 & ch2 direct RF input
  • 271429 06/11/12 15:20 wsduvall/ale Region 2 decableing update
  • Saturday

  • 271421 06/09/12 13:12 cornejo Compton: PhDet did trip, decided to turn it off completely
  • 271419 06/09/12 13:02 Pitt Compton photon detector tripped?
  • Friday

  • 271416 06/08/12 17:19 magee Region 3 cables removed from doghouse
  • 271415 06/08/12 16:11 Ramesh Loss in ground loop cables is 41 dB
  • 271414 06/08/12 15:58 brads Gas system to R2/R3 shut down
  • Thursday

  • 271401 06/07/12 17:31 rob summary of md runs for today
  • 271383 06/07/12 11:17 rob changed fake MPS delay time from 100000us to 971us
  • Wednesday

  • 271372 06/06/12 14:23 cornejo Compton: Compton Fake MPS now working
  • 271366 06/06/12 09:51 cornejo Compton: Disconnected PhDet signal, and replaced with 50 ohm terminator
  • 271361 06/06/12 09:35 cornejo Compton: Turned on PhDet to 1750 V
  • 271358 06/06/12 09:26 gaskell Everything in the Dog House is off
  • Tuesday

  • 271356 06/05/12 19:08 rajotte Both Fern and Avery HV are ON
  • 271353 06/05/12 14:14 alee Map of Doghouse patch panel (USLumis and Region2)
  • Monday



  • 271342 06/03/12 13:10 rajotte Fern ON, Avery OFF
  • Saturday

  • 271338 06/02/12 19:21 donjones Compton: More attempts to get DAQ working
  • 271329 06/02/12 15:07 rajotte Silencing compton HV alarm for ComptPhoton
  • 271328 06/02/12 15:04 rajotte Switch Avery ON and Fern Off
  • Friday

  • 271325 06/01/12 22:15 rajotte switched Fern ON and Avery Off
  • 271322 06/01/12 18:59 rajotte avery is on
  • 271319 06/01/12 18:29 rajotte Change fake helicity rate to 10Hz
  • 271317 06/01/12 18:19 rajotte Switching Fern or Avery HV ON
  • 271314 06/01/12 18:00 donjones Compton: Took fake MPS and QRT from upstairs to Compton
  • 271300 06/01/12 15:58 rob done with linearity daq usage for today
  • 271297 06/01/12 15:42 rob setup for higher-frequency 2.5-LED linearity measurement
  • 271295 06/01/12 15:38 rob setup for higher-frequency 2.5-LED linearity measurement
  • 271292 06/01/12 14:34 rajotte Fern&Avery HV switched off
  • 271291 06/01/12 11:42 Armstrong late entry - Region 3 decabling
  • 271290 06/01/12 11:10 rajotte was actually ended at about 6AM