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* [http://hallcweb.jlab.org/polwiki/images/0/08/MeanResponseQWADv3.pdf ''characterize all v3 QWADs by giving calibration input signal'']
* [http://hallcweb.jlab.org/polwiki/images/0/08/MeanResponseQWADv3.pdf ''characterize all v3 QWADs by giving calibration input signal'']
* ''Verify each program step of the motion mechanism''
* ''Verify each program step of the motion mechanism''
* install QWADs for all detector planes:  
* ''install QWADs for all detector planes:''
  Beam Left    :  
  Beam Left    : QWAD10  QWAD04  QWAD02  QWAD03
  Detector plane:  p1      p2      p3      p4
  Detector plane:  p1      p2      p3      p4
  Beam Right    : QWAD05  QWAD06  QWAD08  QWAD09
  Beam Right    : QWAD05  QWAD06  QWAD08  QWAD09
* clamp ribbon cable's ground-shield to the euro-card cage
* ''clamp ribbon cable's ground-shield to the vacuum-can''
* prepare DAQ for data taking (reinstating to the run-1 status)
* ''prepare DAQ for data taking (reinstating to the run-1 status)''
* cross-check the cable-labels  
* ''cross-check the cable-labels''
* DAQ tests
* DAQ tests
** check chip-scope view of the LVDS response
** check chip-scope view of the LVDS response

Revision as of 23:50, 6 November 2011

Qweak Run 2 preparation

Beam Left     : QWAD10  QWAD04  QWAD02  QWAD03
Detector plane:   p1      p2      p3      p4
Beam Right    : QWAD05  QWAD06  QWAD08  QWAD09
  • clamp ribbon cable's ground-shield to the vacuum-can
  • prepare DAQ for data taking (reinstating to the run-1 status)
  • cross-check the cable-labels
  • DAQ tests
    • check chip-scope view of the LVDS response
    • reason for appearance of 255's
    • check for 'missing events' in the overlap region
    • vary involved parameter and check responses.
  • update the wiki page
    • for emergency response
    • for information related to the subsystem

Italics: represents completed General Font: still to be done

Standard Running Procedure

  • from any cdaq machine, from the directory ~/compton/ execute StripTool edetectorEpics.stp . This pulls up the strip chart of some relevant epics variables for e-detector. If we are unable to locate this file, the following epics variables should be explicitly opened.
    • 4 Hall-C Chicane BPMs
      • 3P01A (IPM3P01A.XPOS , IPM3PO1A.YPOS)
      • 3P02A (IPM3P02A.XPOS , IPM3PO2A.YPOS)
      • 3P02B (IPM3P02B.XPOS , IPM3PO2B.YPOS)
      • 3P03A (IPM3P03A.XPOS , IPM3PO3A.YPOS)
    • Rates on Scintillator (cComptScintRateNorm) on the Compton laser table, along with Photon detector Rates (cComptPhotonRateNorm)
  • Turn on the HV on the e-detector planes. (Current operating voltage: plane-2: -260V, plane-3: -360V, plane-4: -360V)

Request beam to be set through the chicane, with FFB turned ON

  • Check Chicane view: on any cdaq machine type edmmonticello, from the Monticello screen
    • open Magnets -> Magnet Commander
      • 3C -> Compton Combo
      • In this Hall C Compton Control screen, the REQUESTED and ACTUAL current readbacks should be ~104 A
    • open BPM -> BPM Overview
      • open Absolute -> on the Hall C column from the left bottom of this screen
      • BPM 3P01A, 3P02A, 3P02B and 3P03A should have finite non-zero read back
  • Check compton rates from the photon detector (typically 600 per uA per second ?)
    • If the Scintillator rates are too high (> 2000 Hz/uA), DO NOT proceed without talking to the Compton-on-call
    • The Fast feedback has been observed to give lower background rate, the status of FFB can be checked on the HALL-C general tools screen on the main-monitor of HALL-C

Backout Procedure


Diamond strip electron detector

The electron detector in use is a 21mm x 21mm CVD diamond microstrip. We are using 4 planes of the above detector for coincidence measurement. Each of the 4 planes are separated by ~ 1cm with the strips of each plane aligned to ~ 20 µm. Each plane contains 96 horizontal diamond strips (polycrystalline CVD diamond). Each strip is 180 µm wide and they are separated by a 20 µm gap. Metalization was done on each plane with Titanium-Platinum-Gold (TiPtAu). The carrier boards are in Ceramic (alumina).

 El det diamond.png

The way we had to connect the flex cables to the QWAD boards, we lose the first 4 strips of the detector to the QWAD and Flex grounds. Hence the strip # 5 reaches that QWAD pin which should have received strip # 1, hence the Data acquisition treats the 5th strip as strip # 1. In order to avoid confusion and repetative explanation, in all plots generated, we just treat as if the detector has strips starting from position of 5th strip and the position of the compton-edge as spotted in the spectrum is appropriately corrected.

Technical Diagram

Following is the design layout of the diamond micro-strip detectors:

EDet front schematic.JPG

Shielded Flex Cables

Q-Weak Amplifier Discriminator

The Q-Weak Amplifier Discriminator, termed as QWAD has 48 channels on each electronic board. We would be using 2 QWAD boards per plane. One QWAD will process the signal from all odd strips of the detector, while another processing the signals from all even strips.

Though functionally the board is capable of operation in both positive as well as negative polarity. We shall be using it in negative polarity with the jumpers on the inner side of each channel ( diagram elaborating jumper placement)

Qweak RUN-1 scenario The QWAD (version-2) being used requires +5,-5 and two GND connections for its power supply. We are using two Agilent E3633A LV [power supply] to provide the same. The QWAD boards would be attached to the vacuum - can in the tunnel whereas the power supply needs to be behind the Green Wall (2nd rack allocated), which adds a long cable of ~120 feet between the power supply and the consumer QWAD boards. We are using a 5 conductor 12 AWG cable for carrying 8 x 1.6A (~13A) from one power supply unit delivering +5V and 8 x 0.37A (~3A) from another unit delivering -5V. We use a 22 AWG cable for sensing the voltage at the load. A terminal block is used to send out this voltage to all of the 8 QWAD boards. Noise measurements after installation of QWADs with HV turned ON to -250V on the detector planes 2, 3 and 4 can be seen on the current noise rates

Qweak RUN-2 scenario We have received 11 QWAD boards (version-3) at JLab. All of these boards were checked for expected functionality on each channel along with a quick noise check (at TRIUMF).

  • QWAD07 has some problem in channel-17
  • QWAD10: still have the threshold values as found from TRIUMF
  • QWAD11: still have the threshold values as found from TRIUMF

Low Voltage Power supply for QWAD

e-Detector Motion System

e-Detector Assembly

e-Detector High Voltage