E-Detector High Voltage

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Currently we operating the plane 2 detector at -260V while plane 3 and 4 are at -360V.

We use a NHQ202L module in the Compton rack to supply HV to the detector from where the voltage is cabled all the way to the Compton patch panel in the tunnel.

This module can run in local or remote mode based on the position of switch "DAC" on the module on each channel A and B respectively. Currently we run in Local mode. Hence the voltage can be set only locally, though it can be remotely read back using the port server.

This module is connected to port server hctsv4 at port 3. In order to connect to the device once has to execute frm any cdaql* terminal.

 telnet hctsv4 2003

This can be followed by following commands as found in the NHQ202L manual.