Compton Polarimeter

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Revision as of 14:27, 8 January 2010 by Solvigno (talk | contribs)
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Layout 2009.gif


1. Laser and Cavity

2. Electron Detector

3. Photon Detector

4. Chicane


1. on-line analysis

2. off-line analysis

3. Simulation

Working Group Meetings

  • November 8, 2009:
    9:00  Project Overview and Status (D. Gaskell) -->(pptx)
    9:20  Dipole and Chicane (DG for E. Ihloff)
    9:40  Laser Status (M. Dalton) --> (pdf)
  10:10  Electron Detector Overview (D. Dutta) --> (pdf)
  10:40  Electron detector readout (A. Narayan) --> (pptx, pdf)
  11:00  Photon Detector, readout, and analysis (W. Deconinck) --> (pdf)
  11:30  Polarimeter commissioning (All)