Compton Polarimeter

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Layout 2009.gif


  1. Laser and Cavity
  2. Electron Detector
  3. Photon Detector
  4. Chicane

Data Acquisition

  1. Compton Data Acquisition Overview
  2. Electron Detector DAQ
  3. Photon Detector DAQ


1. on-line analysis

2. off-line analysis

3. Simulation

Working Group Meetings

  • November 8, 2009:
   9:00  Project Overview and Status (D. Gaskell) -->(pptx)
   9:20  Dipole and Chicane (DG for E. Ihloff)
   9:40  Laser Status (M. Dalton) --> (pdf)
  10:10  Electron Detector Overview (D. Dutta) --> (pdf)
  10:40  Electron detector readout (A. Narayan) --> (pptx, pdf)
  11:00  Photon Detector, readout, and analysis (W. Deconinck) --> (pdf)
  11:30  Polarimeter commissioning (All)