12 GeV Physics Data Summary

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This page tabulates all of the physics production data taken in the 12 GeV era. If anything is missing, please add it!

Due to the sheer amount of data, this page is mainly intended to give a broad idea of the kinematics available

Physics Data Summary Table

Ebeam (GeV) Targets Trigger Type Current Range (uA) P_HMS (GeV/c) Theta_HMS (Deg) P_SHMS GeV/c Theta_SHMS (Deg) Run Numbers /mss location Experiment Links Comments
3.8-10.6 LH2 Coincidence, HMS e', SHMS Had 7.5-70 0.888 - 6.590 11.159 - 49.308 2.583 - 6.842 6.01 - 21.19 4865 - 8356 /hallc/spring17/raw/ KaonLT (2018-2019) Experiment info 10cm empty aluminium target data taken too
2.758 - 4.562 LH2 Coincidence, HMS e', SHMS Had 10-70 0.421 - 2.553 10.965 - 33.640 2.3 - 2.792 5.70 - 17.135 8493 - 8813 /hallc/spring17/raw/ PionLT (Summer 2019) Experiment info Period 1 status 10cm empty aluminium target data taken too
6.0 - 10.549 LH2, LD2 Coincidence, HMS e', SHMS Had 2.5 - 80 0.96 - 6.792 11.015 - 58.535 2.412 - 8.035 5.50 - 23.645 11883 - 16915 /hallc/c-pionlt/raw PionLT (2021/2022) Period 2 status Period 3 status Experiment info LD2+ and LD2- data, 10cm empty aluminium target data taken too