Checklist before starting Target Work inside the Enclosure

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Please fill up this check list every time before starting starting work inside the target enclosure.

  • If it is not laser alignment mode, turn off all lasers. Lockout the long fibers (or put your lock on if already LO/TO) in the laser room before going to the hall.
  • Have RADCON survey and be present if beam has been on
    1. If it is after a cell rupture, RADCON should have an RWP for this situation, please follow RADCON instruction
  • Turn off cooling jets to the target cell windows
    1. Do not turn off cooling jets to the beam line windows after initial beam to the hall
  • Remove enclosure panels
    1. Put on Hearing protection, Safety Glass and Face Shield
    2. Either assists RADCON to remove the enclosure panels or with RADCON permission, you can remove the panels.
  • Cover both upstream and downstream beamline (Be) windows
  • Check the glass cells and solid targets (take picture if convenient)
  • Check the target ladder frame (take picture if convenient)