Hall C Weekly Meeting - August 12, 2013
From HallCWiki
- Walter Kellner
- Jerry finished engraving work for Steve Lassiter (12GeV)
- Jessica is fine tuning HMS LVDT calibration with Lassiter
- Installation of SHMS drive motor is in progress
- Leak checking individual stinger lines on Anaconda transfer line
- Assisting Regina group with SHMS Heavy Gas Cerenkov detector in ESB.
- Joe Beaufait
- Finished cleanup from replacement of rack power strips (replaced because of flood)
- Gave walkthrough training
- Clean power is back on in Hall
- Paul Brindza
- 12 GeV
- Prototype full size dipole coil wind started July 29, 20 turns prior to August recess.
- Prototype coil wind complete by Sept 13 and VPI by Sept 27
- Production Dipole coil winding start Sep 30th
- Second winding line at SigmaPhi delivery Set 15/commission Sept 30
- Quad (2&3) Final Design Review will be Oct 1-3
- Horizontal Bend cryostat Helium vessel about 50 % welded
- Q1 cold mass assembly proceeding, cryostat Fab proceeding and will be done before cold mass
- Ward Marine making excellent progress welding the SHMS carriage- nominal finish Aug 21
- Shield House awarded to Hylton Construction- start Sept 2nd
- HMS cool down delayed until October- DC supply tests ~ November or later
- SHMS controls electronics “half rack “ added on top to keep “five rack footprint” in shield house
- Design Projects
- SHMS sieve slit
- SHMS vacuum
- SHMS lead glass shield and access platform
- Moller upgrade
- Moller quad coil best and final underway
- 12 GeV
- Other
- Brad Sawatzky - a pump down test of the heave gas cerenkov is in progress
- Narbe Kalantarians reports that Hampton is finishing the last wire chamber plane