Hall C Weekly Meeting - December 2, 2013
From HallCWiki
- Andy Kenyon
- Will start on gas system plumbing for shrink-off on Tuesday for controller and regulator
- Cleaning up the hall and physics storage to better utilize space
- Anaconda is being pumped until the gauge doesn't read anymore and installing the caps on the ends
- Leak checks are being completed
- Vacuum on the U-tubes are not looking good
- Walter Kellner
- Making 4 gas panels for Brad
- Mike Fowler for Engineering
- pouring on Tuesday, has poured 5 yards already which is a little past half way and takes 14 days to cure
- Working on the doors and roof beams will be completed later
- Contract for the the platform should be awarded this week
- Paulo is working on the Compton polarimeter.
- Bert Metzger is working on installation drawings for the lead walls in the shield huts
- Dan is working on LAD support design and crane
- Steve Furches: target design work for Silviu
- Gary is assisting with SOTR work for the concrete contract
- Eric is preparing for the dipole finite element analysis review, FEA magnets
- Steve Lassiter is working on controls, and the Q1 and HB contracts
- Joe Beaufait
- Light bulbs are all installed int he HMS
- Tray order and cable tray SHMS are awaiting quotes to be received back
- Helping Accelerator with consulting on the power supply
- G0 cable move has been postponed due to congested area in the hall
- Has organized the cables are working on putting everything into the cabinet