Hall C Weekly Meeting - January 7, 2013
From HallCWiki
- Walter Kellner
- About 90 degrees worth of SOS rail plates have been removed. The floor will be made level where the rail plates are removed.
- The contractors that will cut the SOS shield house are in training.
- In prepation for shield house cutting, several holes have been cut in the shield house roof. Supports have been installed in the shield house to support roof sections as they are cut.
- Techs are working with ODU to receive and store more Hall B scintillators in the ESB.
- Lockwood should start cutting the SOS base frame by the end of January.
- Mike Fowler
- About 90% of the survey work needed to support SHMS rail installation is done.
- The contractors that will install the SHMS rails have started prepping the base plates in the CMSA. They will start working in the hall next week.
- Several bids have been received for the welding of the SHMS structure.
- Joe Beaufait
- Three more underground cables submerged in the flood were blown out with N2 gas
- Some water hose in the Compton power supply were found to be leaking. The water supply was shut off pending repair of the leaks.
- Work on HMS cable rerouting.
- Paul Brindza
- Staff worked on:
- Moller and Compton design
- Noble gas Cerenkov and the vacuum pipe
- EMC experiment detector (TAU/ODU)
- G0 gas line modifications for the SHMS
- The shield house design was turned over to procurement
- Some SHMS cryo parts arrived
- B4C powder/grit for use in the SHMS hut arrived
- A sample of the plastic to use in light weight concrete arrived
- The first SHMS power supplies were shipped from Danfizik
- Paul visited SMI. SMI is cutting laminations
- Steel to replace the steel missing/stolen in England was ordered from the factory in China (Ningbo) that made the Q2/Q3/D yokes.
- Staff worked on: