Hall C Weekly Meeting - March 31, 2014

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  • Paul Brindza
    • HB magnet
      • MSU continues to weld up the LHE vessel.
      • MSU expects this to be complete in early May.
    • Q1 Magnet
      • SMI is welding the ends on the LHE vessel.
      • One fits very well , the other has a slight bow.
      • SMI expects to finish up the Q1 LHE vessel this week.
    • Dipole
      • SigmaPhi resumed winding alst week after a brief hiatus to allow an end intermediate spacer to get re-machined slightly to create some clearance between the intermediate end spacer and the coil. Ther are at about 45 turns total out of 105 in the second layer. They expect to finish winding this week.
      • Assemble the mold and test next week.
      • Dipole cold mass assembly tooling in design now at SigmaPhi.
      • VPI week April14-18
      • Jlab staff will be at SigmaPhi during the entire process and after.
    • Q2/Q3
      • Q2Q3 winding mandrel's and second winding line on hold pending successful VPI fo first production coil double pancake.
    • Design projects
      • Finishing off and ordering lead glass shield wall and support
      • Moller /Compton upgrade- New Moller coil fit OK. Coil 4 is being wound now at Everson. Next delivery is end of next week.
      • Designing SHMS air conditioner stand
  • Joe Beaufait (via email)
    • SHMS LCW manufold design is done and handed over to Gary V. to draw up.
    • Requisition for Harris power to do the remainder of the electrical install on the SHMS is in.
    • Working with the Power tools software trying to get the Flash hazard analysis figured out for the new panel.
    • Putting together a materials list for the rest of the electrical install on the SHMS.