NPS Significant Events
February 24-25: Temperature issues in the SHMS hut due to loss of AC combined with NPS fan issues probably results in bad data from noon Saturday to Noon Sunday, will need to check this later
February 20-21: many problems with the spectrometer angle reading and
February 21: large asymmetry overnight.
February 13 owl shift: VTP stuck from run 4374 to 4384.
February 12 day (around 2 pm): the base for pmt 620 goes bad.
Jan 29 to January 31: FADC for channel 592 was stuck:
Dec 10, 2023: 11:19, run 3510 HMS Dipole & Q3 tripped. Magnet recovery did not take magnets to MOL. Runs 3511, 3512 possibly affected (optics) before magnets re-ramped to MOL
Dec 9: 4-Pass Separation failure
Dec 8, 15:00 - 17:10 NPS Sweep off for access. Failed to turn back on until 17:10. Run # 3463, 3464 had Sweep Off (LD2 production KinC_x50_2)
December 4 to December 6, 2023: No gas in the HMS drift chambers.Tracking efficiency plot
November 1, 2023: Install Poly shielding on the side of the calorimeter