November 3, 2023

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RC Daily Meetings are at 11:00 (am) via Zoom and in person in the counting-house meeting room (2nd floor)

  • Zoom remote connection information:
 Join ZoomGov Meeting
 Meeting ID: 161 701 5555
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Instruction for RCs

Past 24 hours

  • Very smooth running with high ABU numbers, nice job!


  • We had a couple of DAQ issues, fairly minor, the shift crew resolved them with some resetting/power cycling -
  • When on shift, please be vigilant with the DAQ and keep an eye on rates!
  • Bryan pushed a DAQ update on swing.
  • The EDTM was acting a bit weirdly during swing, this is now resolved, see the post below and the follow-up posts/comments linked within.
  • Owl shift reported that someone remotely connected to the DAQ was moving the mouse around as they were setting the PS values.
    • If you remotely connect to the DAQ to do something, please let the shift crew know!

RC Summary

Today's update is here.

Current Status

  • Running production on KinC_x50_4'.

Near Future Plan

In the near term future:

  • Sometime in the future, we will invite Vlad to give an insight into the high radiation test results.
  • Paul King is running some IA scans this afternoon (~15:00), should be done in 15-30 minutes.
  • Keep running the current setting.
  • Avoid filling the Hall with gunpowder in advance of the 5th.

Special Studies

  • Moeller run on Monday (06/11/23) unless there are any objections.

Standing Issues

Planned Accesses to the Hall Today

  • None

Planned Accelerator Configuration Changes

  • Pass change on the 13th of November (13/11/23).

Special Requests

  • Stable beam and mercy from the DAQ gods over the weekend.
  • No gunpowder related treason activities on Sunday.