Pol He-3 Rotation Stages

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Pol He-3 Rotation Stages

Rotation Stage Controls

Rotation Stage Controls
  • Bring up the rotation stage controls:
Camera (Counting House Only) : Rotation Stage Camera


  • The control screen must show HOMED to the right of each setpoint field for the values to be valid.
  • If it reads NOT HOMED then the system has most likely been power cycled.
    • The rotation stages should NOT move on a power cycle. Do NOT try to fix anything unless you know something is wrong.
    • If you need to rotate the stages, and the system is not in the HOMED state, the you must click on the Home button first.
  • Note that the camera is quite sensitive to the laser light as well!
    • Try turning off all but one laser and adjusting the power until you can clearly see the marks noted on the images in the snapshots.
  • If the camera image is blue, then you must turn the camera + lamp ON: Pol_He-3_Rotation_Stages#Power_to_camera_and_lamp_in_Optics_Box
  • Leave the Camera + Lamp OFF when you are done!
You must make an HCLOG entry if you re-home or modify any of these settings!

Reset Instructions

Occasionally, the controllers will hang and no longer respond to controls. Reset instructions can be found here: Maxnet_reset_instructions

Power to camera and lamp in Optics Box

  • If the image is all blue then it is because the camera and lamp have been turned OFF.
  • Turn the OFF when you are done!
Make an HCLOG entry!


The camera snapshots are to roughly verify that the rotation stages are where we think they are.
This is done by looking at the relative location of the marks outlined in red.  One mark is on 
the rotating portion, the second on a fixed part of the rotation stage.

Feb 17 2020 snapshots before fine tuning

  • These snapshots were taken after the rotation stages were installed in the longitudinal laser path and re-aligned in the Hall
Feb 17, 2020 Settings
Stage Position Name Angle Setting
Upper-left Longitundinal left 2 325.5
Bottom-left longitudinal left 263.0
Upper-right longitudinal right 2 8.80
Bottom-right longitudinal right 0.00

Rotation stage 17Feb2020-1.png Rotation stage 17Feb2020-2.png Rotation stage 17Feb2020-3.png

Feb 18, 2020 Optimization

Feb 18, 2020 Settings
Stage Position Name Angle Setting
Upper-left Longitundinal left 2 327.5
Bottom-left longitudinal left 263.0
Upper-right longitudinal right 2 1.80
Bottom-right longitudinal right 345

Feb 21-22, 2020 Optimization