Polarized TCS
From HallCWiki
Transversely polarized TCS in Hall C with NPS and CPS - Proposal C12-18-005
- Meetings are every other Tuesday, 9:00-10:00 US EAST time, open to everyone who wants to join
- Zoom:
Join Zoom Meeting https://virginiatech.zoom.us/j/89531337751?pwd=KzBYQ1VycWlnR0w1MnJUL1pKTUl0dz09
Meeting ID: 895 3133 7751 Passcode: 928591 One tap mobile +13863475053,,89531337751# US +15642172000,,89531337751# US
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Join by Skype for Business https://virginiatech.zoom.us/skype/89531337751
Next meeting: TBD end of January - 9:00 AM US EAST
Meeting Summaries
To do list
- Full Geant4 simulations
- Improved Background simulations
- High rates (GEM performances with 4 planes...)
- Calibrations
- False asymmetries (magnetic field...) have more realistic simulations and systematics / see other experiments
PAC 50 submission
- PAC 50 proposal (text) (May 2022)
- PAC 50 presentation (July 2022)
Figures for presentations
- Setup
- Physics case
- Feynman diagrams: BH 1, BH 2
- Angles and other diagrams: Angles, diagrams (multipage)
- Theoretical projections: Max asymmetries vs phi and phiS; CFF_1; Ju Jd evolution sketch
- Monte Carlo
- Event generator