RC Meeting, Tuesday, February 1 2022

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RC Meeting Information

RC Daily Meetings are at 10 AM, remote

  • Zoom remote connection information:
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Accelerator Status

Beam has been rather stable even with Hall's A & B switching pass. Hall B is already back up and running. Hall A will be coming up late today. There is a potential issue with the 2nd pass separator that is being investigated.

Hall C Status

Hall C has switched to our "extra physics" which is going back and getting better statistics for some data points where we are low.

Last night we went to LD Q2=3.85, W=3.07 and SHMS angle of 8.39 degrees and we can discuss at today's meeting how long we stay in this kinematics.

Beam is scheduled to end at 7am on Feb. 8th.


  • Social distancing requirements back in place. Please maintain a separation of 6 feet during shifts.
  • See updated guidance on JLab COVID-19 isolation and quarantine protocols: https://www.jlab.org/memo/jlab-covid-19-isolation-and-quarantine-requirements
    • Communicate with Occupational Medicine if you have COVID-19 symptoms, have tested positive for COVID-19, or have been exposed to someone who has tested positive for COVID-19: (jnewman@jlab.org or jbanks@jlab.org).
    • In accordance with updated CDC masking guidelines and DOE mandate, cloth masks are no longer permitted or accepted as approved face coverings on-site. Only KF94, KN95, surgical masks and N95s* may be used.
    • N95 masks may be obtained from Industrial Hygiene and worn under voluntary use while on-site as long as social distancing is followed and you have current MED13 (respirator medical approval). To obtain a N95, contact Jennifer Williams from Industrial Hygiene.
    • When your work REQUIRES you to be within 6 feet of others, then a N95 (or better respirator) is required. To use a N95 for close proximity work, a MED13, SAF200 and fit test are also required. Fit tests may be coordinated by reaching out to Jennifer Williams.

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