RC Update and Run Plan for Aug 16, 2020

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RC Meeting Information

RC Daily Meetings are at 4:15 PM, remote

Wednesday Aug 16 2020.

General updates

  • Continued with production during SWING
  • Several PVs in Target alarm handler disconnected. Brad was able to fix it remotely Target_Alarm_Handler
  • QWP drivers and controllers needed to rebooted as well (likely same cause?). Followed Ethan's procedure: Controls_reboot
  • Pumping chamber RTD-1 died (more on that below)
  • Nitrogen (~1 hour) and Hydrogen (~3 hours) reference cell runs during OWL
  • CHL1 2K trip at 08:30 this morning: CHL1_Trip
  • QWP Transverse Right optimization during the CHL down: Transverse_Right

Pending problem(s) / Things to track

  • Target related studies at 90deg
    • Complete a temperature curve study (~1 hour process; ~4 NMR measurements at different temps)
      • Should plan for a 4--6 hour spin-up after this test (ie. do this before Moller or beam studies)
    • Pulse NMR tests (will impact polarization, so need to plan correctly)
  • Schedule a Moller for mid week (Thurs?)
    • Can take remaining ref cell data after Moller during spin-up if needed
  • HMS Q1 insulating vacuum excursions are getting worse [1]

Recent polarization measurements

Transverse @ 90 degrees: 41.9% NMR OWL

Analysis Update

SHMS update from Murchhana: SHMS_Update

Current Run Plan

Normal Production running

  • Prerequisites
    • Make sure the raster size is correct (4--4.5mm)
    • Monitor beam parameters/configuration very often and post an entry like this at the beginning of your shift and when run conditions have changed
    • Running on cell targets: raster always ON (4--4.5mm, size will be determined by the scraping checks), orbit locks ON, current ramp rate 1 muA/sec
    • Always take 120Hz of EDTM
    • Fill the BTA with realistic numbers. If the desired beam current is not delivered prorate your ABUs!
    • Change the IHWP at least every 8 hours when running on glass cells. If Hall A hasn't changed in 8 hours, call the RC
  • Run plan

Notes for tomorrow's 9:00 am meeting

  • Beam stability / trip rate? ---- Has been somewhat better the past few days
  • Accel Maintenance RF-recovery day. Still nothing planned as of yet...
  • Steve Suhring was going to check on the voltage to Hall C when he could (as a follow-up from the Hall A issues) -- might need to wait until Monday, but can ask


  • Please sign up for shifts next week (when the link works...) --- https://misportal.jlab.org/mis/physics/shiftSchedule/?experimentRunId=HALLC-POL3HE
  • There are several owl shifts starting the end of next week
  • We are on the schedule to switch to 1st pass on Monday (Aug 24) and switch back to 5th pass on Thursday (Aug 27).
  • Check the SAD calender for schedule updates (MCC white board isn't currently being updated)
  • Jay still has no set day for maintenance/beam studies for this upcoming week (or the following week): maybe a short Ray Trace beam studies (~ 1 hour)
  • The EPR diode was checked again on 08/15, and still appears fine. Continue periodic checks---- https://logbooks.jlab.org/entry/3827793

Hall Access

When there is a Down

  • If Hall will have opening for 1+ hours, let Simona know as there is work to do on the SOLID cerenkov.