RC Update and Run Plan for Aug 8, 2020
From HallCWiki
RC Meeting Information
RC Daily Meetings are at 4:15 PM, remote
Saturday Aug 8 2020.
General updates
- Received tune beam and then CW on late owl shift. Max current was only about 10 uA, but we took beam and checked the raster on the 3He target. Opted to stay with 4mmx4mm for production running.
- Accelerator pushed up to about 40 uA today while tuning up the other Halls, but the beam was not convincingly stable. [1]
- Jay is working with ops to get us to a STABLE 30 uA and what we can over that so we can plan for the BCM calibration (this weekend is ideal since Hall A not pushing current yet).
Pending problem
- Need higher current beam.
- HMS Q1 vacuum [2]
Recent polarization measurements
- 47.9% at 12:30pm [3]
Current Run Plan
Normal Production running
- Prerequisites
- Make sure operational restrictions are followed.
- Make sure the raster size is correct (4-4.5)
- Monitor beam parameters/configuration very often and post an entry like this at the beginning of your shift and when run conditions have changed
- Running on cell targets: raster always ON (4-4.5, size will be determined by the scraping checks), orbit locks ON, current ramp rate 1 muA/sec
- Always take 120Hz of EDTM
- Fill the BTA with realistic numbers. If the desired beam current is not delivered prorate your ABUs!
- Change the IHWP every 4 hours when running on glass cells
- Run plan
- If MCC can deliver up to 42 muA we will do a BCM calibration [4]
- Notify RC so we can start Moller run (poc: Bill Henry and Dave G.)
- Production on 3He; if not able to reach 30 uA, pro-rate the ABUs
Notes for tomorrow's 7:45 meeting
- Not half way through the BCM calibration, Ops called to complain that it takes too long to bring Hall D down so they don't want to finish it. The instructions indicated that it would take about an hour.
- Opportunistic target polarization calibration and studies on Tuesday-Wednesday during beam off and Moller measurement (priority is beam)
- Moller measurement on Wednesday
- After ~ 10 days of running Hall C will go to 1 pass for ~3 days
Hall Access
- Planning for Simona's SoLID Cerenkov access on Tuesday, will need to coordinate to rotate HMS to 29 deg (Steve L), crane work, etc. ~4-5 hours work. Walter, Jay, Steve notified. Working with RADCON to be swept first thing Tuesday.
- Tgt people: swap EPR photodiode on Tuesday?
When there is a down:
Notices in Effect for Shift Crew
- Beam positions: [5]
- Policy for CANS-related hall status change: Make a logbook entry when the hall goes in, or comes out of laser-controlled access.
- Magnet policies
- Spectrometer GUI (
) should always be visible on Shift Leader computer, hcdesk3 - HMS Q1 must be ramped down in 50A steps in all cases
- Do not ramp HMS Q2 to zero, only go to 10A and then switch off power.
- If any of the Spectrometers magnets trip, take a screenshot of the PSU window and check the hall for smoke or water with the camera before resetting the interlock and post it to hclog.
- Spectrometer GUI (
- Inform the RC of any access that the Target Team requires. The RC will coordinate with RadCon to make everything run smoothly.
- Please make sure that the orbit locks are enabled and the beam does not drift from its nominal position.
- Ramp rate lock instructions are here and added to checklist[6]
Planned Accelerator Configuration Changes
- Bluejeans remote connection information:
To join the Meeting: https://bluejeans.com/861439920 To join via Room System: Video Conferencing System: bjn.vc -or- Meeting ID : 861439920 To join via phone : 1) Dial: +1.408.740.7256 (US (San Jose)) +1.888.240.2560 (US Toll Free)) +1.408.317.9253 (US (Primary, San Jose)) (see all numbers - http://bluejeans.com/numbers) 2) Enter Conference ID : 861439920